Digitized by tiie Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/babyloniantalmu04rodk NEW EDITION OF THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD ©riglnal Ucjt, EMte5, Corrected, jformulateb, an^ XTranslate^ into Bngltsb BY MICHAEL L. RODKINSON SECOND EDITION— REVISED AND ENLARGED SECTION MOED (FESTIVALS) TRACTS SHEKALIM AND ROSH HASHANA HEBREW AND ENGLISH Volume IV. NEW YORK NEW TALMUD PUBLISHING COMPANY 54 East io6th Street EXPLANATORY REMARKS. In our translation we adopted these principles: 1. Tenan of the original — We have learned in a Mishna; Tania — We have learned in a Boraitha; Itemar — It was taught. 2. Questions are indicated by the interrogation point, and are immediately followed by the answers, without being so marked. 3. When in the original there occur two statements separated by the phrase, Lishna achrena or Wa'ibayith Aema or Ikha d'amri (literally, "otherwise interpreted "), we translate only the second. 4. As fhe pages of the original are indicated in our new Hebrew edition, it is not deemed necessary to mark them in the English edition, this being only a translation from the latter. 5. Words or passages enclosed in round parentheses ( ) denote the explanation rendered by Rashi to the foregoing sentence or word. Square parentheses [ ] contain commentaries by authorities of the last period of construction of the Gemara. Copyright, 1901, by MICHAEL L. RODKINSON. SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS OP^ VOLUME IV.— TRACT SHEKALIM.* CHAPTER I. MiSHNA a treats of: What were the duties of the Beth Din in the month of Adar in the time of the second Temple. When the Megillah (Book of Esther) was to be read in the fortified cities. For what purpose messengers were sent out, and what were the things to be heralded. MiSHNA b treats of : What was the punishment for not obeying the com- mandments of Kelayim in the former times and later. MiSHNA c deals with: When the money-changers, with their tables, began their work in the countries of Judea and in Jerusalem. The time for pledges which were taken for not paying the Shekalim. From what persons the pledges were to be taken. If a father might pay the Shekalim for his children. MiSHNA ^treats of: What ordinance Ben Buchri proclaimed in Jamnia in behalf of the priests, and what R. Johanan b. Zakkai rejoined. The defence of the priests, with their interpretation of biblical passages, which was accepted only for the sake of peace. MiSHNA e treats of: The voluntary payment of Shekalim from women, slaves, and minors being accepted, but not from the heathens or Samaritans. Bird-offerings not accepted from persons affected with venereal diseases or from women after confinement. Sin and vow offerings, however, were accepted from the Samaritans. The vow-offerings were also accepted from heathens. The general rule concerning this. MiSHNA / deals with : The premium one had to pay in addition to the half-shekel. Who was obliged to do so? The different opinions of the sages and R. Meir. How much one had to pay if given one Selah and taking a shekel in exchange. * See introduction to synopsis in Tract Sabbath, Vol. I,, p. xxix. This tract has no Gemara. The synopsis contains the Mishnas, with their commentaries. xiii xiv SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS. MiSHNA ^ treats of: The law concerning one who pays for a poor man, for a neighbor, and for a countryman. Law concerning brothers and part- ners paying together ; also, law regarding cattle-tithe. How much was the premium. CHAPTER II. MiSHNA a. One may put together the Shekalim and exchange them for a gold coin called Darkon. Concerning the chests which were given to the collectors in the country and at Jerusalem, What is the law if money were stolen or lost by the messengers of a city, when a portion of the Shekalim was already expended ; what is the law if not expended. MiSHNA b. Concerning the law when one gives his shekels to another to pay his head-taxes for him ; if he pays his shekels from the money of the second tithes or from the money of the fruit of the Sabbatical year. Con- cerning how he shall replace it and use it for the same purpose. MiSHNA c. The law concerning one who gathered single coins little by little and said ; "With this money I shall pay my shekels." The different opinions of the schools of Hillel and Shamai in this matter. Concerning the same case when one gathers money for sin-offerings. What shall be done with the eventual remains of such money. MiSHNA d. Concerning the explanation of R. Simeon of the teachings of the school of Hillel. The discussion of the former with R. Jehudah. The claims of the latter that the coins of the Shekalim were also changed in times and places. The rejoinder of R. Simeon to this, MiSHNA e. The law concerning the remainder of money intended for Shekalim when considered to be ordinary. Regarding the remainder of the tenth part of an ephah, bird-offerings, and guilt-offerings : what shall be done with it. A rule concerning this matter. Also, regulations concerning the remainder of Passover sacrifices, Nazarite offerings, the remainder of moneys for the poor in general and individuals, of money for prisoners, for burial of the dead, and R. Meir and R. Nathan's opinions regarding this matter. CHAPTER HI. MiSHNA a. Regarding the appointed periods of the year when the money was drawn from the treasury. The different opinions, concerning this matter, of R. Aqiba b. Asai, R. Eliezer, and R. Simeon. The same time appointed for cattle-tithes. MiSHNA b. Concerning the ceremony of drawing the money at all periods of the year. The law regarding measures of the boxes in which the coins of the Shekalim were filled, and the numbers of the chests in which the money was drawn from the boxes for the expenses of the Temple. Which box must be opened first, and which last. What garments the person drawing the money must wear. How a man must stand unblemished before his fellow-man and before his God. MiSHNA c. Concerning tlie custom of the house of Rabban Gamaliel, when the members of the house had paid their Shekalim, The law regarding TRACT SHEKALIM. CONTENTS OF VOLUME IV. HEBREW AND ENGLISH ENGLISH. TRACT SHEKALIM. PAGE Preface, xi-xii Synopsis of Subjects, . . ... . . . xiii-xviii CHAPTER I. Of the Duties of Court in the Month of Adar — Payment of Poll Duties in the Whole Region of Israel, i-6 CHAPTER n. The Exchange of Coins for Shekalim — The Provisions FOR THE Saving of Money for Different Offerings AND THE Use of THE REMAINDERS, . . . . 7- II CHAPTER HI. Periods at which Moneys were Drawn from the Treasury, and the Ceremonies Thereat, . . 12-15 CHAPTER IV. Purposes for which Moneys were Drawn, and What WAS Done with their Remainders and That of Other Offerings, 16-19 CHAPTER V. The Main Offices, their Officers, their Duties, Seals, and Chambers, 20-24 vii viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE The Thirteen Covered Chests and Other Parapher- nalia, AND Religious Ceremonies adopted with the Number Thirteen, 25-28 CHAPTER Vn. Moneys found between the Chests, and Cattle for Offerings found in the Vicinity of the City of Jerusalem, 29-32 CHAPTER Vni. Spittle, Utensils, and Submerging of the Defiled Sacrifices, 33-36 TRACT ROSH HASHANA. Opinions of Scholars of this Entire Work, . . v-xi Partial List of Subscribers, ...... xi-xii A Few Words to the English Reader, . . xiii-xviii Introduction to this Tract, .... xix-xxii Synopsis of Subjects of this Tract, . . . xxiii-xxviii CHAPTER I. Of the Four New Year's Days as kept during the Period of the Second Temple, .... 1-36 CHAPTER II. The Observers of the New Moon before the High Court in the City of Jerusalem, .... 37-44 CHAPTER III. Observing the Moon by the High Court Itself — The Blowing of the Cornet on the New Year's and Jubilee Days, 45-52 CHAPTER IV. When New Year's Day Fell on Sabbath — The Order OF Benediction and Prayers on the Same, . . 53-66 CONTENTS. ix THE HEBREW PART. {Order of pages, from rig /it to left.) TRACT SHEKALIM. ]r€^'^ pnc ,n-i^^3 n^^^3-THE first of adar, chap. TER I., 1-3 ^T€ pic fU^boZ^ rD*^^i2— '^^^^ Coins of Shekalim MAY BE Exchanged for Darkons, Chapter H., . 4-5 ^^^^bZ" p"lC ^D^'p'nC rCslhz^^ — ^^ Three Periods, Chapter HI., 6-7 ''y^Di p-ic ,?n3 ptinj; vn nc ncnnn-THE Severed (Shekalim) : What was Done with It?, Chapter IV., . . 8-10 ^^^r:r] pnc ,pir::2n p i^>^— the following are the Names of the Officers, Chapter V., . . 11-13 ^^^ pic ,miD1Ci^ l^y n^^ti^— Thirteen Chests, Chapter VI., 14-16 ^)!^^Z' pID fV^ l^^lJiDJt^' mj;;;^— Moneys found Be- tween, Chapter VII., 17-18 ^J''u'^* pic ^rplin ^2— All the Spittle, Chapter VIII., 19-20 TRACT ROSH HASHANA. (D^nnc '3 121) j^^pic:':^ Djrn^ ininc-A cor- RiDOR Leading to the Palace (containing Three Entrances).* P^»^*| nnC — First Entrance, i-vii * By these three entrances the editor illustrates his reasons for this enterprise and his method of correcting and translating the original. This has not been trans- lated into English, for the reason that it would be of but little interest to the English reader who does not understand the Hebrew ; it is, however, hoped that the reader of Hebrew will find great interest in the matter. X CONTENTS. *»JJ^» nn© — Second Entrance, . . vii-xiv i^i'^^ nnC — "I'hird Entrance, .... xiv-xix l^^j^J^ "^^nr^iO — Letters of Approval, . . . xix-xxii l^p ^^l^iD — Brief Introduction, .... xxiii-xxvi ]W^^ pns ,Dn d^:\l; ^i^i<^ nym^^-FouR new • Year's Days, Chapter I., 4-24 ^W pne ,in\S p^^D p\S D4<-lF They did not Know Him, Chapter II., 24-28 "^^^b^ p*lD fp r\^2 im^^*) — If the Beth Din Saw It, Chapter III., ....... 28-32 •'rS^ p^S rHJC^^n \^i<^ b\^ 21CD D^-The Festival OF the New Year, Chapter IV., .... 33-39 PREFACE TO TRACT SHEKALIM. Among the treatises contained in the Section Moed of the Babylonian Talmud is to be found that of Shekalim, which con- sists, however, only of Mishnas, the Babylonian Talmud having no Gemara. The Palestinian Talmud contains a Gemara for this tract also, and there is an additional commentary by Maimonides. While we are translating only the Babylonian Talmud, we would not care to omit Shekalim, which is of peculiar histori- cal value and may prove quite interesting to the reader. But the Mishna, without any explanation whatever, would naturally seem obscure, and in some instances would be absolutely incom- prehensible; and, the Gemara of the Palestinian Talmud, as well as the commentary of Maimonides, consisting of very com- plicated and intricate series of arguments, inferences, and expla- nations, which would be not only difficult of translation but also immaterial to the subject, the insertion of which would be a deviation from our method, and unnecessary, as would explana- tions of Barthanora, Tosphath-yomtabh, etc., we were forced to provide the text with a commentary of our own, drawn from the most authentic sources. This, we trust, will serve to eluci- date any obscure passages not quite comprehensible to the gen- eral reader. Accordingly, every sentence or word in the Mishna requiring an explanation is distinguished by a number or an asterisk, and has a corresponding reference in the commentary printed below the text. We may add that, for our personal satisfaction and to guard against any possible errors, we have given this tract for revision to some noted Russian scholars who are competent to judge upon it, and they find it very intelligible. As stated above, we have taken our commentary from the most authentic sources we could find. We do not, therefore, solicit leniency on the part of worthy critics, but ask them to restrain their criticisms until they shall have carefully studied the commentaries mentioned, as well as ., should be. applied only for the use of the corpse; hence the heirs have no share in it. R. Nathan, however, says, that the set- ting up of a gravestone is for the use of the corpse, it being in his honor and not of any benefit to the heirs. CHAPTER III. MISHNA: (a) At three periods of the year money is drawn from the treasury (of the Shekalim) ; viz. : Half a month before Passover, half a month before Pentecost, and half a month be- fore the Feast of Booths. The same dates are also the terms for the obligation of cattle-tithing, so says R. Aqiba. Ben Azai says: " The dates for the latter terms are the twenty-ninth of Adar, the first of Sivan, and the twenty-ninth of Abh." R. Eliezer and R. Simeon both say: " The first of Nissan, the first of Sivan, and the twenty-ninth of Elul." But why do they say the twenty-ninth of Elul, why not the first of Tishri ? Because that is a feast-day, and it is not allowed to tithe on a feast-day; therefore they ordained it for the preceding day, the twenty- ninth of Elul.* (d) The money drawn from the treasury was brought in three chests, each of three Saahs' capacity. On these chests was written: Aleph, Beth, Gimmel. R. Ishmael says: " They were marked in Greek: Alpha, Beta, Gamma." — The one that drew the money was not allowed to enter (the treasury) with a turned-up garment, nor with shoes nor sandals, nor with Tephil- lin, nor with an amulet, in order that, in the event of his becom- ing impoverished, it should not be said that he was thus pun- ished on account of transgression against the treasury ; or if he became rich, that he enriched himself by means of money drawn from the treasury. For a man must stand as unblemished before his fellowman as before his God, as it is written [Numbers CHAPTER in. MiSHNA a. * The dates of the time for cattle-tithing have nothing to do with the time for drawing the money; for as to that time, all agree upon the dates stated in the Mishna, and the difference of opinion concerning the time of cattle-tithing is explained in the Palestinian Talmud and in Tract Rosh Hashana of the Babylonian Talmud. TRACT SHEKALIM. 13 xxxii. 22] : " And ye be thus guiltless before the Lord and before Israel"; and [Proverbs iii. 4J : "So shalt thou find grace and good favor in the eyes of God and man." '^ (c) The members of the family of R. Gamaliel used to enter, each one with his shekel between his fingers, and throw it before the one who drew the money from the treasury, and the latter immediately placed it into the chest (which he took out). — The •one who came in to draw the money did not proceed before he had said to the bystanders: " I will now proceed to draw," and they had answered: " Draw, draw, draw," three times. * MiSHNA ^. * In this jMishna the manner of drawing the money from the treasury is described: how it was accomplished, that the Shekalim for which communal sacrifices were bought should be taken from the treasury in such a manner that all the contributors should have a share in them. The mode of procedure, was as follows: About the middle of the month of Nissan, when the money from all Israel had been collected, the treasurers, amid great ceremony, would open the rooms where the boxes in which the money had been deposited by the collectors were situated, and bring out all the boxes contained in the rooms. These boxes were in turn opened, and their contents thrown into three cases, each of which had nine Saahs' capacity, and were covered with a cover. The remainder, after filling the three •cases, was called the remainder of the room (and what was done with this will be told later). After the performance of this ceremony •one man was selected, while the others withdrew, and he was to transfer the money to be expended, from the cases into three small chests, each having three Saahs' capacity and marked with three letters: Aleph, Beth, Gimmel; or, Alpha, Beta, Gamma. MiSHNA c. * After this ceremony, the man, being almost nude — for he had no garments on in which he could conceal a coin, no shoes, no sandals, no hat, no hose; in fact, nothing that would afford a hiding-place for money — would take the chest marked Aleph and bring it up to the first case, and fill it up, after which he would cover the case. Then he would take the chest marked Beth, fill it from the second case, cover the case, and proceed in the same man- ner with the chest marked Gimmel, from the third box, which con- tained nine Saahs' capacity; but in the last instance he would leave the case uncovered, as a sign whence to commence filling the chests at the second drawing of money in the same order as before, using the third case first, then the second, and lastly the first. This was •done in order that the money should be thoroughly intermingled 14 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. {d) After the man had completed the first drawing, he cov- ered the balance with a cover (of fur) ; the same was done after the second drawing; after the third drawing the balance remained uncovered; for (the covering in the first two instances) was done only in order not to draw by mistake again what had already been drawn from. The first drawing was performed in the name of the whole land of Israel, the second in the name of the cities near the boundaries, and the third in the name of the inhabi- tants of Babylon, Media, and all distant lands in general. and everybody have a share in the sacrifices bought with it. The first drawing took place on the fifteenth of Nissan, and sacrifices were purchased for the Passover. The next drawing was held fifteen days before Pentecost; and Pentecost only lasting one day, not so many sacrifices were needed, and the money lasted until fifteen days before the Feast of Booths, when the last lot of money was with- drawn from the cases and placed in the chests. The expenditure of the money was also made in the order of chests, chest Aleph being emptied first, etc. ; and the intention was to place Jerusalem first, the surrounding territory next, and all the other places where Israel- ites dwelt last. CHAPTER IV. MISHNA: {a) What was done with this money drawn? The daily sacrifices, the additional sacrifices, and the drink- offerings belonging to them were bought therewith ; also the Omers ^ (sheaves), the two loaves, the showbreads, and communal sacrifices in general. The watchmen who had to guard the after- growth on the Sabbatical year were paid out of this money. R. Jose says: " One who so desired could undertake the guard- ing (of the after-growth on Sabbatical years) without pay. ""-^ The sages answered him: " Thou wilt admit thyself, that the sacrifices (from the after-growth on Sabbatical years) must be brought only from communal property."^ CHAPTER IV. MisHNA a. ^ The Omers and the two loaves, which had to be made of Palestinian grain and of the new crop only, were bought out of the Shekalim during the six ordinary years, but in the Sabbatical year, where neither sowing nor reaping was done, where were they obtained ? Men were sent out to discover where grain was growing as an after-growth, that had not been sown, and then watchmen were placed there to see that no one disturbed the crop; for it being public property, the possessor of the soil where the grain grew could not prevent its being taken. The men who discovered the grain and the watchmen were paid for their services out of the Shekalim, and such payment was regarded as the price of the grain, so that tiie grain again became communal property. ' R. Jose, in making this statement, holds, that one may present the community with a thing intended for a voluntary offering, and thus the man who guards the after-growth gratuitously, thereby acquiring a right to it, may donate it to the community for a com- munal sacrifice. ^ The sages mean to say that the Omer, the two loaves, the show- breads, and the communal sacrifices must be taken from articles that were communal ]:)roperty from the beginning, while other sacri- fices may be offered from things donated by a man who does so with a good will. (See Rosh Hashana.) i6 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. (b) The red heifer, the goat that was to be sent away (on the Day of Atonement), the strip of scarlet, were paid for out of this money. The bridge for the cow, the bridge for the goat that was to be sent away, and the scarlet strip tied between the latter' s horns, the canal (at the Temple), the city wall, the tow- ers and other necessities of the city, are paid for out of the re- mainder of the treasury-money.^ Abba Saul says: " The costs of the building of the bridge for the red heifer were defrayed by the high priests themselves." (c) What was done with the balance left over in the treasury (after all the things in the preceding Mishna had been procured) ? Wines, oils, and fine meal were bought with it to the profit of the sanctuary (for the purpose of selling it again to those who brought sacrifices).* So said R. Ishmael. R. Aqiba, however, says: " Sanctified moneys or contributions for the poor are not dealt with for profit." {d) W^hat was done with the remainder of the money (taken from the chests) ? It is used for gold plate for the decoration of the Holy of Holies. R. Ishmael says: ** The mentioned fruit (profit of the wines, oils, and fine meal sold in the Temple) was for the benefit of the altar, and the remainder of the money drawn was for service-utensils." R. Aqiba says: " The remain- der of the money drawn was for the benefit of the altar and that of the drink-offerings was for service-utensils." R. Hanina, the assistant chief of priests, says: " The remainder of the drink- MiSHNA b. * The remainder of the Shekalim, left over after the three cases had been filled, which was called " remainder of the room," was stored in a high place, access to which was very diffi- cult, no ladder being permitted to be used. Out of this money all the accessories for the sacrifices, as enumerated in the Mishna, were procured. The details of these accessories are explained in Tracts Para and Yuma. Mishna c. * It is known that all those who brought sacrifices were obliged to purchase wine, oil, and fine meal for meal-offerings, and all this was purchased in the court of the Temple. In the Palestinian Talmud many things are enumerated, for which purposes the balance of the money was used; for instance, the hiring of teachers to instruct the priests in the art of slaughtering, in the halakhas per- taining to such matters, etc., also for the payment of those who in- vestigated blemishes in the sacrifices, and a great many other things to be found in that chapter (Plalakha 4). TRACT SHEKALIM. 17 offerings was for the benefit of the altar and that of the money drawn was for service-utensils." The two latter would not admit of the alleged gain from fruit "" (profit). (e) What was done with the remainder of the incense ? ' At first the remuneration of the preparers of the incense was set aside from the treasury; the sanctification of the incense on hand was then transferred to that money, and the former was then given to the preparers in lieu of compensation '^\ it is then bought back from them with the money of the new revenue : providing the new revenue was on hand in time, it was bought back with such money; otherwise, the old revenue was used for that purpose. {f) If one devote his entire possessions in honor of the Lord, and among them are things which are fit for communal sac- rifices {e.g., incense), the preparers of the incense should be paid therewith. So teaches R. Aqiba. Ben Azai answered him ^ : " Such is not the right mode of procedure. The compen- MiSHNA d. * In the preceding Mishna, R. Ishmael declares, that the balance of the money in the treasury is used to purchase wines, oils, and fine meal, to be resold to those bringing sacrifices, and in this Mishna he relates what is done with the profits accruing from such sales. R. Aqiba, however, who would not permit of selling the things mentioned for profit, declares that the money for the altar is taken directly from the balance left over in the treasury; and R. Hanina holds, that the balance of the money drawn is used for the service-utensils. Mishna e, ' The remainder of the incense refers to the amount of incense left over at the end of the year. A quantity of incense was prepared for the whole year, and every priest would use a handful at a time; but, as handfuls are not all alike, no fixed amount could be prepared: hence the remainder. ^ Compensation for labor must not be made with sacrificed articles, for the sanctification cannot be transferred to labor that had already been performed; it can be transferred, however, to actual money, and in consequence the subterfuge for the payment of the preparers of the incense was resorted to as stated in the Mishna. Mishna/. * R. Acpba and Ben Azai differ in this Mishna as to whether sanctification can be transferred to labor or not. R. Acjiba holds, that labor can be compensated with sanctified articles; but Ben Azai holds, that it cannot. According to Maimonides the Halakha prevails according to Ben Azai, because in the previous Mishna there is a concurrent opinion. i8 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. sation of the preparers must first be separated from such pos- sessions, then the sanctification of those possessions transferred to money; then give the separated things to the preparers for compensation ; and, finally, buy them back from them with money of the new revenue." {£■) If one devote his possessions, and there are among them cattle fit for the altar, male or female, the male, according to R. Eliezer, shall be sold for whole-offerings and the female for peace-offerings to such as are in need of them ; and the pro- ceeds of such sale, together with the other possessions, shall be devoted to the treasury for the maintenance of the Temple. R. Jehoshua says: ** The male are sacrificed as whole-offerings, the female are sold to such as are in need of peace-offerings, and the proceeds used for the sacrifice of whole-offerings. The balance of the possessions is devoted to the maintenance of the Tem- ple."^ Said R. Aqiba: " The opinion of R. Eliezer seems to me to be more proper than that of R. Jehoshua; for R. Eliezer has an even procedure, whereas R. Jehoshua divides it."^ R. Papeos says: "I have heard that it is done according to both teachers; viz. : According to R. Eliezer if the owner who devotes his possessions explicitly mentions his cattle, and according to R. Jehoshua if he silently includes his cattle in his possessions." ^ MiSHNA ^. 'The point of difference between R. Eliezer and R. Jehoshua is this: The former holds, that if a man devoted all his possessions, his intention was to devote them for the maintenance of the Temple only; while the latter holds, that the intention was to devote the possessions according to their adaptability. Hence if, among the possessions, there were objects adapted for the altar, they should be devoted to the altar; if, however, these were female cattle, which could not be brought as a whole-offering, nor, by reason of the absence of the owner, even as a peace-offering, such cattle should be sold and the proceeds applied to the purchase of whole-offerings. '^ R. Aqiba holds with R. Eliezer, because, in his opinion, a man who devotes all his possessions does so with but a single intention; and this is what he terms an even procedure. ^ R. Papeos said, that if the man devoted all his possessions to the honor of the Lord, R. Jehoshua would be correct, for his posses- sions can be used in honor of the Lord in various ways; but if he explicitly stated that he devoted his possessions for the maintenance of the Temple, R. Eliezer's opinion is proper. TRACT SHEKALIM. 19 {h) If one devote his possessions, and there are amon^^ them things fit for the altar, such as wines, oils, and birds, says R. Eliezer, the latter things should be sold to such as need offerings of these kinds, and the proceeds used for the sacrific- ing of whole-offerings; the balance of the possessions goes toward the maintenance of the Temple.* (/) Every thirty days the prices paid by the treasury are determined. If one contract to furnish flour at the rate of four Saah (for one Sela), and the price is raised to three, he must nevertheless furnish the same at four Saah (for one Sela).^ If he contract at the rate of three and the price fall to four, he must in that case furnish four, for the Sanctuary always has that pre- rogative. If the flour become wormy, it is the loss of the con- tractor; and if the wine become sour it is also his loss, and he does not receive the money for his wares until the purchased wares have been favorably accepted as sacrifices at the altar.^ MiSHNA h. * The reason that R. Eliezer decrees that wines, oils, and birds should be sold, and whole-offerings brought in their stead, is because the articles mentioned cannot be redeemed with money. MiSHNA /. ' Every month, bids were received from contractors for the furnishing of the necessaries for the Temple and altar for one month. The lowest bidder received the contract, and it was dis- tinctly understood that, even if prices were raised during the month, his prices were to remain as originally contracted for. ^ The Palestinian Talmud states, that the money due the contrac- tors was paid them by the priests immediately upon the latter receiv- ing the wares, for the priests were very careful, and never allowed flour to become wormy or wine to spoil. CHAPTER V. MISHNA : {a) The following were the heads of offices ^ in the Sanctuary: Johanan, son of Pinchas, keeper of the seals ^ ; A'hia, (superintendent) of drink-offerings; Mathia, son of Samuel, (superintendent) of the casting of lots^; Petha'hia, (superinten- dent) of bird-offerings/ Petha'hia is Mordecai, but why do they call him Petha'hia ? Because he used to expound and interpret scriptures, and was master of seventy languages. Ben A'hia was (superintendent) of the cures of priests suffering with abdominal diseases.^ Ne'huniah was master of the well.^ CHAPTER V. MisHNA a. ^ The list of officers enumerated by the Mishna were not all officers at the same time, but served at different periods, and the Mishna merely names the most important and pious among them. ^ See Mishna d, same chapter. ^ Lots were cast for the determination of the turn of the priests for each particular service. . The superintendent would keep a record of such as were eligible for duty, and then cast lots for the priest who was to serve. * Petha'hia was superintendent-in-chief of all those who had charge of the bird-offerings; these bird-offerings were brought by women who had recently been confined; and there were so many of them that a record had to be kept, who came first, whose time was nearly expired, and how much was to be charged for the offerings. Besides this, it often happened that the birds became mixed and required great wisdom to separate them and recognize to whom every bird belonged, as the changing of the birds would make the offering invalid. (See commentary of Israel Lipshuetz.) '" Such diseases among priests were of very frequent occurrence and inevitable; for they were dressed during services very lightly, being allowed to wear only four articles of apparel; viz., a linen shirt, linen pantaloons, a linen cap, and a girdle. Besides, they had to walk barefoot on the marble floor, and were constantly eating meat of the sacrifices, which had to be eaten during a specified time. Hence 20 TRACT SHEKALIM. 21 Gebini was herald.' Ben Gabhar was turnkey of the ^ates.® Ben Bebai was master of the temple-guard.'-* Ben Arzah was mas- ter of the kettledrums (which were beaten as a signal for the Levites to commence their chant). Higros, son of Levi, was (leader) of the singing. The family of Garmo (superintended) the making of the showbreads.^^ The family of Abtinos (super- intended) the preparing of the incense. ^^ Elazar (superintended) the making of the curtains. ^'^ Pinchas superintended the vest- ments.-'^ they needed many attendants, in order that, as soon as one priest took sick, a substitute was brought in his place and he was removed to the sick ward. Ben A'hia was the superintendent-in-chief of these matters. ^ On account of the immense influx of people into Jerusalem three times a year, the wells for the supply of water, both on the roads and in the city, had to be looked after, and Ne'huniah had charge of this. ^ The commencement of all services had to be heralded, and many heralds Avere employed. Gebini was herald-in-chief, and his duty was mainly to call out in the morning: " Priests, to your duties! Levites, to your chants! Israelites^ to your places! " He had so powerful a voice that it could be heard eight miles. ® He had charge of the keys of the gates and of the men who stood at the gates. ° The gates of the Temple had to be guarded day and night, even in times of peace. To properly care for the guard and to punish all negligence in guarding the gates was the duty of Ben Babai. '"For showbreads, twelve loaves had to be made every week, and had to be made so that they would keep fresh the entire week. For further details, see Tract Tamid. The family of Garmo had charge of this work for generations. "The incense, which was used twice a day, had to be prepared with especial skill from many different spices, and in proper propor- tions. Further details are also to be found in Tract Tamid. The family Abtinos had charge of this branch for many generations. '' The curtains, which were frequently changed, had to be inspected as to workmanship, cleanliness, etc., and this duty devolved upon Elazar. "The vestments of the priests had to be carefully examined as to cleanliness, and had to be sent out to be laundered regularly. Many rooms in the Temple were devoted to those vestments, and Pinchas had charge of them all. Much has been said as to the character of the men enumerated in 22 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. {b) No less than three treasurers and seven chamberlains must be appointed,^ and no less than two officers were put in charge of public moneys. Exceptions were made in the cases of Ben A'hia, superintendent of the cures of the sick, and Elazar, superintendent of the preparation of curtains, because they were unanimously elected by the community. {c) There were four seals in the Sanctuary, inscribed with the words Egel (calf), Sachar (ram), Gdi (kid), and 'Houte (sinner, meaning here one covered with sores). Ben Azai says, that there were five (seals), and the inscriptions were in Aramaic, meaning: calf, ram, kid, poor sinner (one afflicted with sores), and rich sinner (one afflicted with sores). The one inscribed with " calf " w^as used for drink-offerings brought with offerings of the herds, large or small, male or female; the one inscribed with " kid " w^as used for drink-offerings brought with offerings of the flocks, large or small, male or female, Avith the exception of rams; the one inscribed with '' ram " served for drink-offer- ings brought only with rams; the seal inscribed with " sinner" served for drink-offerings brought with the three cattle-offerings of those afflicted with sores.* the ]\Iishna, whether they were priests themselves, Levites, or ordi- nary IsraeUtes. For particularized information regarding this subject, we would refer to " Die Priester und der Cultus, " by Dr. Adolf Biich- ler, Vienna, 1895. It is estimated that the priests in Jerusalem approached the enormous number of twenty thousand. Besides^ there were numbers of Levites. MiSHNA b. * The officers of the Temple ranked as follows: The king, the high priest, the assistant high priest (Sagan), two catho- licoses, t seven chamberlains (Amarkolins), three treasurers (Gisbars), and, finally, many smaller officials; e.g.^ inspectors, officers of the guard, etc. (See " Die Priester und der Cultus," pp. 90-117.) The duties of each officer are described in Tamid and Yuma. MiSHNA c. * With every sacrifice that was offered, wine and meal f " Catholicos" is here used in the sense of patriarch or head, which term still retains a similar meaning in the " Ecclesiastical History of the Armenian Church," deriving its original meaning from the Greek xaHoXiHoi — general or universal. In the latter sense it was adopted at a very early period by the Christian church. In the exclusive sense of denoting the church as the " depository of universally received doctrine in contrast with heretical sects " it is still improperly retained by the Roman Catholic Church. I am surprised to find no mention of the officers of this name and function under the appropriate title anywhere in the " Encyc. Brit." TRACT SHKKALIM. 23 {d) One who desired to brin^^ drink-offerings, for instance, went to Johanan, who was keeper of the seals, paid his money, and received a seal; he then went to A'hia, who had charge of the drink-offerings, gave him the seal, and received tlic drink- offering. In the evening the two officers came together, when A'hia turned over the seal and received instead the money. If there was too much money, it belonged to the Sanctuary; if too little, Johanan had to supply the deficit : for the sanctuary had that prerogative. {e) One who lost his seal had to wait until evening. If there was a surplus sufficient to cover the seal,'^ he was given the drink-offering for that amount ; otherwise, he did not receive it. The date of the day was on the seal to prevent fraud. {/) There were two chambers in the sanctuary. One was were brought in accordance with the biblical commandment to that effect, and in quantities prescribed by the ordinances. As the drink and meal offerings were bought in the Temple, the person bringing the sacrifice would receive a seal from the priest which he would exchange for the necessary quantity of wine and meal. The drink- offerings with goats and sheep were the same, hence the seal inscribed "kid" served for both. One who brought a ram, how- ever, which required a larger quantity of wine and meal, would receive a separate seal, inscribed "ram." As for offerings of the herds, they were all equal, small or large, male or female; hence the seal inscribed "calf" sufficed for all. Those who were afflicted with sores, and had to bring two rams and one sheep, received a seal inscribed "sin" (which had the hidden purpose of signifying that sores were the consequence of sin). The poor sinners, who had only to bring one sheep, two doves, and one-tenth of an ephah of meal and one lug of oil, without any wine, were, according to the opinion of the sages, not in need of a seal, because the seal inscribed " kid," which they received when bringing the sheep, was sufficient for the other purpose. Ben Azai, however, says, that another seal was necessary, and that an extra seal marked " poor sinner " was given, which was intended as a sign that no wine was necessary. The tra- dition of Ben Azai, that the seals were inscribed in Aramaic charac- ters, is also true, because, prior to the introduction of the Greek language, all the writing in the Temple was done in Aramaic. (See the mentioned work of Biichler.) MiSHNA e. * Providing only the surplus amounted to exactly the amount paid for the seal. 24 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. called chamber of the silent, the other chamber of utensils. In the former, devout men secretly gave charitable gifts, and the poor of good family received there secretly their sustenance. In the other chamber, every one who desired to offer a utensil vol- untarily, laid it down. Every thirty days the treasurers opened the chamber, and every utensil found to be fit for the mainte- nance of the Temple was preserved, while the others were sold and the proceeds went to the treasury for the maintenance of the Temple.* Mishna/. * In the Palestinian Talmud in this chapter (Halakha i^), many legends are related illustrating this Mishna. CHAPTER VI. MISHNA: (a) There were thirteen curved chests^ and thir- teen tables in the Sanctuary, and thirteen prostrations took place in the Sanctuary. The family of R. Gamaliel and of R. Hananiah, chief of the priests, made fourteen prostrations ; this extra prostration was made towards the wood-chamber,^ because, according to an ancestral tradition, the ark was hidden there. (d) Once a priest ^ was engaged there, and he noticed that one of the paving-stones on one place appeared different from the others. He went out to tell others of it; but he had not yet finished speaking, when he gave up the ghost ; thereby it was known to a certainty that the ark of the covenant^ was hidden there. (c) In what direction were the prostrations made ? Four to- wards the north, four towards the south, three towards the east. CHAPTER VI. MiSHNA a. ' The thirteen chests were used as explained in Mishna ecause the Tevites received their sustenance from this source, and having inherited no land from their ancestors, they were sup- 36 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. one sanctify Shekalim or firstlings, they are considered sanctified. R. Simeon says: " If one say, firstlings shall be holy, they are not sanctified (because no Temple exists)." ported even after the destruction of the Temple by the same means. The details will be found in Tracts Becharath, Maasroth, etc. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER VI., MISHNA a. From the teaching of this Mishna, we may conclude that the number system of Pythagoras was known and prevailed in the times of the Sages of the Mishna, and accordingly the number 13 was deemed inauspicious even in the earliest days. Therefore many religious ceremonies were established with the express view of convincing the people of the absurdity of their belief. It also seems probable that the Sages themselves entertained the superstition, and that they adopted the number 13 in the religious ceremonies as a cure for the ipischief believed to have been produced by the inauspicious number. TRACT ROSH HASHANA (NEW YEAR). INTRODUCTION TO TRACT ROSH HA- SHANA (NEW YEAR'S DAY). Notwithstanding the fact that in the history of every nation, especially such as has ever attained to an established form of government, the calendar is a matter of great impor- tance, the Scriptures do not in any manner treat of the Jewish calendar. There cannot even be found a fixed time whence the commencement of the year should be reckoned, although there is this passage in Exodus (xii. 2): "This month shall be unto you the chief of months: the first shall it be unto you of the months of the year." Doubtless this may be assumed to point to the month of Nissan (about April), as not only the most important month, but also as the beginning of the year. In another passage (Exod. xxiii. 16), however, we find it written: "And the feast of ingathering (Tabernacles), at the conclusion of the year." This would be a palpable contradic- tion to the previous passage, were it not for the fact that the words " Betze th HasJimia'' (rendered as " at the conclusion of the year") in the quoted passage can be, with perfect accuracy, translated " during the year." While such a translation would clear away all doubt as to Nissan being the beginning of the year, it could under no circumstances be applied to the Feast of Tabernacles, which is neither " at the conclusion " of the year nor " during the year " (in the sense " when the year has advanced "), if the beginning of the year be Tishri (about Sep- tember). Hence the passage should be translated : " And the feast of the ingathering, which had been completed at the con- clusion of the year"; i.e., in the months preceding the month of Tishri. In the face of these contradictory terms, we must revert to historical facts which would support one or the other of the above assertions, and we find, that not only the Eg)'ptian rulers, but also the Jewish kings since the time of Solomon, counted the beginning of the year of their accession from the month of XX INTRODUCTION TO TRACT ROSH HASHANA. Nissan, while other Eastern potentates, such as tlie Armenian and Chaldean kings, counted the commencement of their year of accession from Tishri. It is not certain whether the Israelites, after their conquest of Canaan, computed their calendar in conformity with that of the country whence they came or with that of the country they had conquered; but it is plain that in the Mishnaic period, or after the erection of the second Temple, they counted the beginning of the year from Tishri. It may be, however, that their kings, following the example of their predecessors, com- menced counting the year of their accession from Nissan, and in all civil contracts and state documents, according to the exist- ing custom, used dates to agree with Nissan as the first month of the year. On the other hand, the priestly tithes, during the days of the erection of the second Temple, were payable in Elul (about August), which was considered the expiring season of the year, in order to prevent the confusion which might arise from mix- ing one year's tithes with those of the other. The priestly tithing of fruits was, however, delayed until Shebhat (about Feb- ruary), the time w^hen the fruits had already matured on the trees, in order that the various tithes should not be confused and to prevent the priests and Levites from unduly interfering with the affairs of the people. The prehistoric Mishna, which always formed the law, in con- formity with the existing custom, and not vice versa,^ found four different New Year's days in four different months, and, with the object in view of making the custom uniform in all Jewish communities, taught its adherents to observe four dis- tinct New Year's days, at the beginning of the four respec- tive months in which certain duties were accomplished. Thus the text of the opening Mishna of this tract, prior to its revision by Rabbi Jehudah Hanassi, read as follows: "There are four different New Year's days; viz., the first day of Nis- san, the first of Elul, the first of Tishri, and the first of She- bhat." The different purposes for which these days were estab- lished as New Year's days were well known at that time, and it was therefore deemed unnecessary to specify them. At the time * Facts corroborating this statement will be found in our periodical Bakay, Vol. II., p. 20 et seq. INTRODUCTION TO TRACT ROSH HASHANA. xxi of the new edition of the Mishna, by Rabbi Jehudah Ilanassi (the Prince), when the Temple was out of existence, and conse- quently tithes were no more biblically obligatory (the authority of the priests having been abrogated and reverted to the house of David, the great-grandfather of the editor), the latter refer- ring to the first day of Nissan and the first day of Elul as New Year's da}'s, added, by way of commentary, the words, " for kings and cattle-tithe." He also cited the opinions of R. Eliezer and R. Simeon, that the New Year's Day for cattle-tithe should not be celebrated separately, but on the general New Year's Day; viz., on the first day of Tishri, as under the then existing circumstances there was no necessity to guard against the confusion of tithes accruing from one year to the other. From this it may be con- cluded that R. Jehudah Hanassi, in citing the above opinions, alluded to them as being in conformity with his own opinion. To that end he also cites the opinions of the schools of Shamai and Hillel respectively. From the statement in the Mishna to the effect that " there are four periods in each year on which the world is judged," it appears that in the Mishnaic period the New Year's day was considered a day of repentance; and since the principal features of repentance are devotion to God and prayers for forgiveness of sin, Rabbi states, in the Mishna, that devotion is the only require- ment during the days of penitence, i.e., the days between New Year's Day and the Day of Atonement. The legend relating that on the New Year's day books (recording the future of each person) were opened was yet unknown in Rabbi's time. The story told by R. Kruspedai in the name of R. Johanan, that "on New Year's Daybooks are opened," etc., is taken from the Boraitha which teaches: " Three books are opened on the day of judgment." This Boraitha, however, does not refer to the New Year's day, but to the day of final resurrection, as explained by Rashi, and that R. Kruspedai quotes his story in the name of R. Johanan proves nothing; for in many instances where teachers were desirous of adding weight to their opin- ions, they would quote some great teacher as their authority. R. Johanan himself permitted this method. After Rabbi Jehudah Ilanassi had completed the proper Mishnaic arrangement regarding the number of New Year's days, xxii INTRODUCTION TO TRACT ROSH HASHANA. making the principal one " the Day of Memorial " (the first of Tishri); after treating upon the laws governing the sounding of the cornet in an exceedingly brief manner — he dwells upon the custom in vogue at the Temple of covering the mouth of the cornet or horn with gold, and declares the duty of sounding the cornet properly discharged if a person passing by the house of worship can hear it. He arranges the prayers accompanying this ceremony in a few words, and then dilates at great length upon the Mishnayoth treating of the lunar movements by which alone the Jews were guided in the arrangement of their calendar, upon the manner of receiving the testimony of witnesses, concerning the lunar movements, and upon the phases of the moon as used by Rabban Gamaliel. He then elaborates upon the tradition handed down to him from his ancestors (meaning thereby the undisputably correct regulations), and also upon the statutes ordained by R. Johanan ben Zakkai, enacting that the sages of each generation are the sole arbiters of all regulations and ordinances, and may themselves promulgate decrees even though the bases for such be not found in the Mosaic code. He also confirms the right of the chief Beth Din (supreme court of law), but not of a lower Beth Din, of each respective period, alone to arrange the order of the holidays, on account of the already apparent discontent of the masses, who were bent upon taking the management of these subjects into their own hands. Thus he dilates upon this feature with the minutest exactness and supports his assertions with the decision of his grandfather Rabban Gamaliel, as well as with the decisions of Rabbi Dosa ben Harkhinas and Rabbi Jehoshua, to the effect that each generation has only to look for guidance to the Beth Din exist- ing in its own time, and that the opinion rendered by such a Beth Din is as binding and decisive as that of Moses, even though it appear to be erroneous. Such are the contents of this tract, certainly most important from an historical and archaeological point of view. Proceed, then, and study! SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS OF TRACT ROSH HASHANA^ CHAPTER I. MiSHNA I. The first Mishna ordains New Year's Days, viz.: For kings, for the cattle-tithe, for ordinary years, and for the planting of trees. A king who ascends the throne on the 29th of Adar must be considered to have reigned one year as soon as the first of Nissan comes. The Exodus from Egypt is reckoned from Nissan. When Aaron died Sihon was still living. He heard that Aaron was dead and that the clouds of glory had departed. The rule about Nissan only concerned the kings of Israel ; but for the kings of other nations, they reckoned from Tishri. Cyrus was a most upright king, and the Hebrews reckoned his years as they did those of the kings of Israel. One is guilty of procrastination. Charity, tithes, the glean- ings of the field, that which is forgotten to be gathered in the field, the produce of corners of the field. One is culpable if he does not give forthwith that which he has vowed for charity. In the case of charity it must be given immediately, for the poor are always to be found. The Feast of Weeks falls on the fifth, sixth, or seventh of Sivan. How the law against delay affects a woman. In which month is grain in the early stage of ripening? Only in the month of Nissan. It is also the New Year for leap-year and forgiving the half-shekels. Congregational sac- rifices brought on the first of Nissan should be purchased with the shekels raised for the New Year. He who lets a house to another for a year must count (the year) as twelve months from day to day ; but if the lessee says (I rent this house) " for this year," even if the transaction takes .place on the first of Adar, as soon as the first of Nissan arrives the year (of rental) has expired. The first of Tishri is the New Year for divine judgment. At the beginning of the year it is determined what shall be at the end of the year. The Supreme Court in Heaven does not enter into judgment until the Beth See introduction to synopsis of Tract Sabbath, Vol. I., p. xxix. xxiii xxiv SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS. Din on earth proclaims the new moon. Israel enters for judgment first. If a king and a congregation have a lawsuit, the king enters first. From New Year's Day until the Day of Atonement, slaves used not to return to their (own) homes ; neither did they serve their masters, but they ate and drank and rejoiced, with the crown of freedom on their heads. R. Eliezer says, that the world was created in Tishri. R. Joshua says, that the world was created in Nissan. Says R. Joshua, God grants the righteous the fulfilment of the years of their life to the very month and day. Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were visited on New Year's Day. Joseph was released from prison on New Year's Day. On New Year's Day the bondage of our fathers in Egypt ceased. The Jewish sages fix the time of the flood according to R. Eliezer, and the solstices according to R. Joshua ; but the sages of other nations fix the time of the flood also as R. Joshua does. Whoso vows to derive no benefit from his neighbor for a year must reckon (for the year) twelve months, from day to day ; but if he said "for this year," if he made the vow even on the twenty-ninth of Elul, as soon as the first of Tishri comes that year is complete. The New Year for giving tithes is for a tree from the time the fruits form ; for grain and olives, when they are one-third ripe ; and for herbs, when they are gathered. R. Aqiba picked the fruit of a citron-tree on the first of Shebhat and gave two tithes of them, . 1-20 MiSHNA II. At four periods in each year the world is judged. All are judged on New Year's Day and the sentence is fixed on the Day of Atone- ment. R. Nathan holds man is judged at all times. God said: "Offer before Me the first sheaf of produce on Passover, so that the standing grain may be blessed unto you. Recite before Me on New Year's Day the Malkhioth, that you proclaim Me King ; the Zikhronoth, that your remembrance may come before Me, for good, and how (shall this be done) ?" By the sounding of the cornet. Three circumstances cause a man to remember his sins. Four things avert the evil decree passed (by God) on man ; viz., charity, prayer, change of name, and improvement. Some add to these four a fifth — change of location. Three books are opened on New Year's Day : one for the entirely wicked, one for the wholly good, and one for the average class of people. Tlie school of Hillel says : The most compassionate inclines (the scale of justice) to the side of mercy. Who are those who inspire their fellowmen with dread of them ? A leader of a community who causes the people to fear him over-much, without furthering thereby a high purpose. The legend how R. Joshua fell sick and R. Papa went to visit him. The Holy One, blessed be He, wrapped Himself, as does one who recites the prayers for a congregation, and pointing out to Moses the regular order of prayer, said to him : " Whenever Israel sins, let him pray to Me after this order, and I shall pardon him." Prayer is helpful for man before or after the decree has been pronounced. The legend of a certain family in Jerusalem whose members died at eighteen years of age. They came and informed R. Johanan ben Zakkai. The Creator sees all their hearts (at a glance) and (at once) understands all their works, . 20-28 MiSHNA III. Messeng-ers were sent out in the following- six months : in Nissan, Abb, Elul, Tishri, Kislev, and in Adar. The legend of the king SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS. xxv (of Syria who had earlier) issued a decree forbidding the study of the Torah among the Israelites, or to circumcise their sons, and compelling them to desecrate their Sabbath. Judah b. Shamua and his friends cried aloud : " O heavens ! Are we not all brethren } Are we not all the children of one Father ? " etc. Samuel said : " I can arrange the calendar for the whole cap- tivity." Rabha used to fast two days for the Day of Atonement. Once it happened that he was right, ........ 29-34 MiSHXAS I\'. to VII. Yox the sake of (the new moon), of the two months Nissan and Tishri, witnesses may profane the Sabbath. Formerly they pro- faned the Sabbath for all (new moons), but since the destruction of the Temple they instituted that (witnesses) might profane the Sabbath only on account of Nissan and Tishri. It once happened that more than forty pair (of witnesses) were on the highway (to Jerusalem) on the Sabbath. Shagbar, the superintendent of Gader, detained them, and (when) R. Gamaliel (heard of it, he) sent and dismissed him. It once happened, that Tobias the physi- cian, his son, and his freed slave saw the new moon in Jerusalem. The explanation of the passage Exodus xii. I, by R. Simeon and the rabbis. ^Vho are incompetent witnesses? Gamblers with dice, etc., . . 34-36 CHAPTER II. MiSHNAS I. to IV. If the Beth Din did not know (the witness), another was sent with him to testify in his behalf. It once happened that R. Nehorai went to Usha on the Sabbath to testify (to the character) of one witness. The legend how the Boethusians appointed false witnesses. Formerly bon- fires were lighted (to announce the appearance of the new moon) ; but when the Cutheans practised their deceit it was ordained that messengers should be sent out. There are four kinds of cedars. The w^hole country looked like a blazing fire. Each Israelite took a torch in his hand and ascended to the roof of his house. Great feasts were made for (the witnesses) in order to induce them to come frequently. How were the witnesses examined .'' The sun never faces the concave of the crescent or the concave of a rain- bow. (If the witnesses say) "We have seen the reflection (of the moon) in the water, or through a metal mirror, or in the clouds," " their testimony is not to be accepted." The chief of the Beth Din says : " It (the new moon) is consecrated," and all the people repeated after Him : " It is consecrated, it is consecrated." Pelimo teaches : " When the new moon appeared at its proper time, they used not to consecrate it," 37-42 MiSHNAS V. and VI. R. Gamaliel had on a tablet, and on the wall of his upper room, illustrations of the various phases of the moon. Is this per- mitted ? Yea, he had them made to teach by means of them. It hajipened once, that two witnesses came and said : "We saw the moon in the east- ern part in the morning and in the western part in the evening." R. Johanan b. Nuri declared them to be false witnesses. Two other witnesses came and said: "We saw the moon on its proper day, but could not see it on the next evening." R.Gamaliel received them ; but R. Dosa b. Harkhinas said : " They are false witnesses." R.Joshua approved his opinion. Upon this, xxvi SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS. Gamaliel ordered the former to appear before him on the Day of Atonement, according to his computation, with his staff and with money. What R. Joshua did, and what R. Aqiba and R. Dosa b. Harkhinas said about it. What R. Hiyya said when he saw the old moon yet on the morning of the twenty-ninth day. Rabbi said to R. Hiyya : "Go to Entob and consecrate the month, and send back to me as a password, ' David the King of Israel still lives.'" The consecration of the moon cannot take place at a period less than twenty-nine and a half days, two-thirds and .0052 {i.e., seventy-three Halaqim) of an hour. Even if the commonest of the common is appointed leader by a community, he must be considered as the noblest of the nobility. A judge is to be held, "in his days," equal in authority with the greatest of his antecedents. Gamaliel said to R. Joshua : " Happy is the generation in which the leaders listen to their followers, and through this the followers consider it so much the more their duty (to heed the teachings of the leaders)," 42-44 CHAPTER HI. MiSHNA I. If the Beth Din and all Israel saw (the moon on the night of the thirtieth day), but there was no time to proclaim, "It is consecrated," before it has become dark, the month is intercalary. When three who formed a Beth Din saw it, two should stand up as witnesses and substitute two of their learned friends with the remaining one (to form a Beth Din). No greater authority than Moses, our master, yet God said to him that Aaron should act with him. No witness of a crime may act as judge, but in civil cases he may, 45-46 MiSHNAS II. to IV. Concerning what kind of cornets may be used on New Year's and Jubilee days. Some words in the Scripture which the rabbis could not explain, until they heard the people speak among them- selves. The cornet used on the New Year was a straight horn of a wild goat, the mouthpiece covered with gold. The Jubilee and the New Year's Day were alike in respect to the sounding (of the cornet) and the benedic- tions, but R. Jehudah's opinion was different. R. Jehudah holds that on New Year's Day the more bent in spirit a man is, and on the Day of Atone- ment the more upright he is (in his confessions), the better ; but R. Levi holds the contrary. " On the fast days two crooked ram's-horns were used, their mouthpieces being covered with silver." According to whom do we nowadays pray : "This day celebrates the beginning of thy work, a memo- rial of the first day " ? It is unlawful to use a cornet that has been split and afterwards joined together. If one should happen to pass by a synagogue, or live close by it and should hear the cornet, he will have complied with the requirements of the law. If one covered a cornet on the inside with gold it might not be used. If one heard a part of (the required number of) the sounds of the cornet in the pit, and the rest at the pit's mouth, he has done his duty. If one blew the first sound (Teqia), and prolonged the second (Teqia) as long as two, it is only reckoned as one. If one who listened (to the sounds of the cornet) paid the proper attention, but he that SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS. xxvii blew the cornet did not, or vice versa, they have not done their duty until both blower and listener pay proper attention. If special attention in fulhl- ling a commandment or doing a transgression is necessary or not. As long as Israel looked to Heaven for aid, and directed their hearts devoutly to their Father in Heaven, they prevailed ; but when they ceased to do so, they failed. All are obliged to hear the sounding of the cornet, priests, Levites, and Israelites, proselytes, freed slaves, a monstrosity, a hermaphrodite, and one who is half-slave and half-free. One may not say the benediction over bread for guests unless he eats with them, but he may for the members of the family, to initiate them into their religious duties, . . . 46-52 CHAPTER IV. MiSHNAS I. to IV. Regarding if the New Year fall on Sabbath. Where the shofer (cornet) should be blown after the Temple was destroyed. What was the difference between Jamnia and Jerusalem ? Once it happened that New Year's Day fell on the Sabbath, and all the cities gathered together. Said R. Johanan b. Zakkai to the Benai Betherah : " Let us sound (the cornet)!" "First," said they, "let us discuss!" R. Johanan b. Zakkai ordained that the palm-branch should everywhere be taken seven days, in commemoration of the Temple. Since the destruction of the Temple, R. Johanan b. Zakkai ordained that it should be prohibited (to eat of the new produce) the whole of the day of waving (the sheaf-offering). Once the wit- nesses were delayed in coming, and they disturbed the song of the Levites. They then ordained that evidence should only be received until (the time of) the afternoon service. Concerning what songs the Levites had to sing every day from the Psalms. What did the Levites sing when the additional sacrifices were being offered on the Sabbath .'' What did they sing at the Sabbath afternoon service ? According to tradition, a corresponding number of times was the Sanhedrin exiled. The witnesses need only go to the meeting place (of the Beth Din). Priests may not ascend the platform in sandals, to bless the people ; and this is one of the nine ordinances instituted by R. Johanan b. Zakkai, ........ 53-57 MiSHNA V. Regarding the order of the benedictions on New Year's Day at the morning prayer, additional prayers, and at what time the cornet must be blown, etc. What passages from the Scriptures are selected for additional prayers on New Year's Day. To what do the ten scriptural pas- sages used for the Malkhioth correspond .'* How many passages must be recited from Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographa ? We must not men- tion the remembrance of the individual (in the Zikhronoth), even if the passage speaks of pleasant things. What are the passages which must be said in the benediction of Malkhioth, Zikhronoth, and the Shophroth ? R. Elazar b. R. Jose says : " The Vathiqin used to conclude with a passage from the Pentateuch." " Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is our Lord," may be used in the Malkhioth. The second of those who act as ministers of the congregation on the Feast of New Year shall cause another to sound the cornet on days when the Hallel (Service of Praise, Ps. cxiii.-cxviii.) is read. xxviii SYNOPSIS OF SUBJECTS. We are permitted to occupy ourselves with teaching (children) until they learn (to sound the cornet), even on the Sabbath. The order, and how many times it must be blown ; also, the different sounds and the names of them. How all this is deduced from the Bible, and the difference of opinions between the sages. Generally the soundings of the cornet do not interfere with each other, nor do the benedictions, but on New Year's Day and the Day of Atonement they do, R. Papa b. Samuel rose to recite his prayers. Said he to his attendant, "When I nod to you.'sound (the cornet) for me." Rabha said to him, that this may only be done in the congregation. A man should always first prepare himself for prayer, and then pray. R. Jehudah prayed only once in thirty days, 57-66 "NEW YEAR." CHAPTER I. THE ORDINANCES ABOUT THE NEW YEARS OF THE JEWISH CALENDAR — THE MESSENGERS THAT WERE SENT OUT FROM JERUSALEM — AND AT WHICH PERIOD OF THE YEAR THE WORLD IS DIVINELY JUDGED. MISHNA /.: There are four New Year days, viz. : The first of Nissan is New Year for (the ascension of) Kings and for (the regular rotation of) festivals;* the first of Elul is New Year for the cattle-tithe, t but according to R. Eliezer and R. Simeon, it is on the first of Tishri. The first of Tishri is New Year's day, for ordinary years, and for sabbatic years :]: and jubilees; and also for the planting of trees § and for herbs. || On the first day of Shebhat is the New Year for trees,T^ according to the school of Shammai; but the school of Hillel says it is on the fifteenth of the same month. *^ GEMARA: ** For kings.'' Why is it necessary to appoint such a day ? (Let every king count the day of his ascension to the throne as the beginning of his year.) Said R. Hisda: " On account of documents." So that in the case of mortgages, one may know which is the first and which is the second by means of * This refers to the law concerning vows. If one made a vow it had to be ful- filled before the three festivals elapsed in the order of Passover, Pentecost, and Taber- nacles, as will be explained further on. f A date had to be appointed in order to keep the tithes of animals born and products of the earth, distinct from year to year. X Vide Lev. xxv. and Deut. xv. § With regard to the prohibition of eating fruit of newly planted trees [Lev. xix. 23-25]- \ So as not to mix the tithe of herbs from year to year. ^T With regard to the tithe due on fruit trees. ** The Gemara fully discusses the reasons for these institutions, but we deem it wise to anticipate, for the sake of clearness. I 2 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. the year of the king's reign mentioned in the documents. The rabbis taught: A king who ascends the throne on the 29th of Adar must be considered to have reigned one year as soon as the first of Nissan comes, but if he ascends the throne on the first of Nissan he is not considered to have reigned one year until the first of Nissan of the following year. From this we infer, that only Nissan is the commencement of years for kings (or the civil New Year); that even a fraction of a year is considered a year; and that if a king ascends the throne on the first of Nissan, he is not considered to have reigned one year until the next first of Nissan, although he may have been elected in Adar. The Bo- raitha teaches this lest one say that the year should be reckoned from the day of election, and therefore the king would begin his second year (on the first of Nissan following). The rabbis taught: If a king die in Adar, and his successor ascend the throne in Adar, (documents may be dated either) the (last) year of the (dead) king or the (first) year of the new king. If a king die in Nissan, and his successor ascend the throne in Nissan, the same is the case. But if a king die in Adar, and his successor does not ascend the throne until Nissan, then the year ending with Adar should be referred to as the year of the dead king, and from Nissan it should be referred to as that of his successor.* Is this not self-evident ? The case here men- tioned refers to an instance where the new king was a son of the deceased, and, while ascending the throne in Nissan, had been elected in the month of Adar, and being the king's son, it might be assumed that he was king immediately after his election, and thus the following first of Nissan would inaugurate the second year of his reign. He comes to teach us that such is not the case. R. Johanan says: Whence do we deduce that we reckon the commencement of years (for the reign) of kings, only from Nis- san ? Because it is written [I Kings, vi. i]: " And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the going forth of the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of the month Ziv, which is the second month of the reign of Solomon over Israel." Thus the Scriptures establish an anal- ogy between " the reign of Solomon " and " the Exodus from Egypt." As the Exodus from Egypt is reckoned from Nissan, * No reference should be made after the first of Nissan to the reign of the king just deceased. For instance : it was not permitted to speak of the year beginning with Nissan, as the second year after the death of the king. *'NEW YEAR." 3 so also is the reign of Solomon reckoned from Nissan. But how do we know that the Exodus even should be reckoned from Nissan ? Perhaps we should reckon it from Tishri. This would be improper, for it is written [Numb, xxxiii. 38] : "And Aaron, the Priest, went up into Mount Hor at the commandment of the Lord, and died there, in the fortieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, on the first day of the fifth month." And it is written [Deut. i. 3]: "And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, Moses spake," etc. Since he mentions the fifth month, which is certainly Abh, and he speaks of (Aaron's death as happening in) the fortieth year (and not the forty-first year), it is clear that Tishri is not the beginning of years (for kings). This argument would be correct as far as the former (Aaron's) case is con- cerned, for the text specifically mentions (forty years after) the Exodus; but in the latter (Moses') case, how can we tell that (the fortieth year) means from the Exodus ? Perhaps it means (the fortieth year) from the raising of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. From the fact that R. Papa stated further on, that the twentieth year is mentioned twice for the sake of a compari- son by analogy, we must assume that the analogy of expres- sion " the fortieth year" (mentioned in connection with both Aaron and Moses) signifies also;* as in the former case it means forty years from the time of the Exodus, so also in the latter case. But whence do we know that the incident that took place in Abh (the death of Aaron) happened before (the speech of Moses) which is related as happening in Shebhat ? Perhaps the Shebhat incident happened first. It is not reasonable to sup- pose this, for it is written [Deut. i. 4]: "After he had slain Sihon the king of the Amorites," and when Aaron died Sihon was still living. Thus it is written [Numb. xxi. i] : " And the Canaanite, the king of Arad, heard." What did he hear ? He heard that Aaron was dead, and that the clouds of glory had departed (and he thought that a sign that permission was given from heaven to fight against Israel).f How can we make any such comparison ? In the one place it speaks of the Canaanite, * The statement of R. Papa is quoted here, because it is a rule of the Talmud that no comparisons by analogy may be cited unless they emanate from a tradition or teaching known to the master making such a comparison, and this rule applies throughout the Talmud. f Because the life of the righteous is a protection for the whole people. 4 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. and in the other of Sihon. We have learned in a Boraitha that Sihon, Arad, and the Canaanite are identical. This opinion of R. Johanan is quite correct, for we find that a Boraitha quotes all the verses that he quotes here, and arrives at the same conclusion. R. Hisda says: The rule of the Mishna — that the year of the kings begins with Nissan — refers to the kings of Israel only, but for the kings of other nations it commences from Tishri. As it is said [Neh. i. i]: ** The words of Nehemiah, the son of Hak- haliah. And it came to pass in the month of Kislev, in the twentieth year," etc. And it is written [ibid. ii. i]: "And it came to pass in the month Nissan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king," etc. Since Hanani stood before Nehe- miah in Kislev, and the Bible speaks of it as the twentieth year, and since Nehemiah stood before the king in Nissan, and the Text calls it also the twentieth year, it is clear that the New Year (for the non-Jewish king, Artaxerxes) is not Nissan (or in the latter case he would have spoken of the twenty-first year). This would be correct as far as the latter quotation is concerned, for it specifically mentions Artaxerxes, but in the former verse how do we know that it refers to Artaxerxes ? Perhaps it refers to another event altogether. Says R. Papa: Since in the first passage we read ** the twentieth year" and in the second we read " the twentieth year," we may deduce by analogy that as in the one case Artaxerxes is meant, so is he meant also in the other. But how do we know that the event, recorded as having occurred in Kislev, and not the Nissan incident, happened first ? This we know from a Boraitha, where it reads: The same words which Hanani said to Nehemiah in Kislev, the latter repeated to the king in Nissan, as it is said [Neh. i. i, 2]: " The words of Nehemiah, son of Hakhaliah. And it came to pass in the month of Kislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the capital, that Hanani, one of my brethren came, and certain men of Judah . . . and the gates thereof are burned with fire." And it also said [Neh. ii. 1-6]: "And it came to pass in the month of Nissan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him ... so it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time." R. Joseph raised an objection. It is written [Haggai, ii. 10] : " In the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month, in the sec- ond year of Darius." And it is also written [ibid, i]: ** In the second year, in the seventh month, in the one-and-twentieth ''NEW YEAR." 5 day of the month."* If the rule is that Tishri (the seventh month) is the beginning of years for non-Jewish kings, should not the Text read " in the third year of Darius " instead of the second year ? R. Abbahu answered : Cyrus was a most upright king, and the Hebrews reckoned his years as they did those of the kings of Israel (beginning with Nissan). R. Joseph opposed this. First: If that were so, there are texts that would contra- dict each other, for it is written [Ezra, vi. 15] : *' And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the King." And we have learned in aBoraitha: At the same time in the following year Ezra and the children of the captivity went up from Babylon, and the Bible says about this [Ezra, vii. 8] : ** And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month in the seventh year of the king." But if the rule is (that for Cyrus the year began with Nissan and not Tishri) should not the Text say ** the eighth year" (since the first day of Nissan, the beginning of another year, inter- venes between the third .of Adar and the month of Abh) ? Sec- ondly : How can these texts be compared ? In the one place it speaks of Cyrus, and in the other of Darius. We have learned in a Boraitha that Darius, Cyrus, and Artaxerxes are all one and the same person. '* And for festivals,'' Do then the festivals commence on the first of Nissan ? Do they not begin on the fifteenth of that month ? R. Hisda answered: (The Mishna means that Nissan is) the month that contains that festival which is called the New Year for festivals (viz., Passover). What difference does it make (in practice) ? It makes a dif- ference to one who has made a vow, because through this festi- val he becomes culpable of breaking the law, ** Thou shalt not slack to pay. "f And this is according to the opinion of R. Simeon, who says: That (before one is guilty of delay) the three festivals must have passed by in their regular order, with Pass- over as the first (of the three). Thus was also the dictum of R. Simeon ben Jochai, who stated that the law against procrastina- * The Rabbis of the Talmud must have had a different version of the book of Haggai from that existing at present. In the second passage quoted, namely Ilag- gai ii. I, the words "in the second year" cannot be found. There is, therefore, a great difficulty in understanding the discussion. Even Rashi is unable to enlighten us on this point. f This law of " Thou shalt not slack to pay," is known as " Bal Te'aher" ; i.e.y the law against procrastination or delay. 6 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. tion may be violated at times only when five festivals had passed by in their regular order; at other times when four, and again when three festivals had passed; i.e.^ if the vow was made before the feast of Pentecost he becomes guilty of procrastina- tion only when Pentecost, Tabernacles, Passover, and again Pentecost and Tabernacles had passed by; if the vow was made before Tabernacles then he becomes guilty. The rabbis taught : As soon as three festivals have passed by and the following duties (or vows) have not been fulfilled one is guilty of procrastination; and these are: The vow of one who says, " I will give the worth of myself (to the sanctuary);" or, ** I will give what I am estimated to be worth (in accordance with Lev. xxvii.);" or the vow concerning objects, the use of which one has forsworn, or which one has consecrated (to the sanctuary), or sin-offerings, guilt-offerings, burnt-offerings, peace-offerings, charity, tithes, the firstlings, the paschal offer- ings, the gleanings of the field, that which is forgotten to be gathered in the field, the produce of the corner of the field.* R. Simeon says: The festivals must pass by in their regular order, with Passover as the first. And R. Meir says : As soon as even one festival has elapsed and the vow has not been kept the law is infringed. R. Eliezer ben Jacob says: As soon as two festivals have elapsed the law is infringed, but R. Elazar ben Simeon says : Only the passing of the Feast of Tabernacles causes the infringement of the law (whether or not any other festivals have passed by between the making and the fulfilling of the vow). What is the reason of the first Tana ? Since in [Deut. xvi.] the Text has been speaking of the three festivals, why does it repeat, ** On the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the Feast of Weeks, and on the Feast of Tabernacles ? " This signi- fies that when Tabernacles, Passover, Pentecost, and again Tab- ernacles had passed, but if the vow was made before Passover, then the man becomes guilty if he allows the three festivals to pass by in their regular order. Infer from this that the festivals must pass in the order just mentioned before one is guilty of procrastination. R. Simeon says : It was not necessary to re- peat ** on the Feast of Tabernacles," because the Text was speaking of that festival (when it mentioned the names of the three festivals). Why, then, does it repeat it ? To teach us that Tabernacles shall be the last of the three festivals. R. Meir * Lev. xxiii. 22. **NEW YEAR." 7 arrives at his opinion because it is mentioned of each festival " Thou shalt come there (to Jerusalem), and ye shall bring there" (your vows; and this being said of each festival, ii one elapses and the vow is not brought, then the law against delay is infringed. The reason of R. Eliezer ben Jacob is, that the passage [Numb. xxix. 39] runs: "These shall ye offer to the Lord on your appointed feasts," and the minimum of the plural word " feasts " is two. On what does R. Elazar b. Simeon base his opinion ? We have learned in the following Boraitha: " The Feast of Tabernacles" should not have been mentioned in [Deut. xvi. 16], since the preceding passages (of that chap- ter) were treating of that feast. Why, then, was it mentioned ? To indicate that that particular feast (Tabernacles) is the one that causes the infringement of the law. What do R. Meir and R. Eliezer ben Jacob deduce from the superfluous passage " on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the Feast of Weeks, and on the Feast of Tabernacles " ? They use this verse, according to R. Elazar, who says in the name of R. Oshiya, who said : Whence do we know that the law of com- pensation * applies to the Feast of Weeks (although the feast is only one day) ? For this very reason the Bible repeats the three festivals, and he institutes a comparison between Pentecost and Passover; and as the law of compensation applies to Passover for seven days, so also does it apply to Pentecost for seven days. Why, then, do the Scriptures find it necessary to repeat the words, " In the Feast of Tabernacles" ? To compare it with the Feast of Passover, as during Passover it was obligatory to stay over night (in Jerusalem), so was it also necessary during the Feast of Tabernacles. But how do we know that it was obligatory during the Feast of Unleavened Bread ? It is writ- ten [Deut. xvi. 7]: "Thou shalt turn in the morning (after staying over night), and go unto thy tents." Whence do we deduce this ? The rabbis taught : It is written [Deut. xxiii. 22]: "When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God, thou shalt not delay to pay it." Perhaps these words only apply to a vow. How do we know that they may also be ap- plied to a voluntary offering ? In the passage just quoted we read " vow," and in another place [Lev. vii. 16] we find " but if the sacrifice of his offering be a vow or a voluntary offering " ; * The privilege of bringing on one of the later days of a festival a sacrifice that should have been offered on the first day. 8 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. as in the latter instance the " voluntary offering" is included, so is also the former; " unto the Lord thy God," i.e,^ offer- ings expressed by " I will give the value of myself," etc., and other objects mentioned above; " thou shalt not slack to pay it " ; z.e,f the object promised must be given and not anything in exchange for it;* ** for he will surely require it," i.e., the sin, guilt, burnt, and peace-offerings; " the Lord thy God," these words refer to offerings of charity, tithes, and firstlings; ** of thee," this refers to the gleanings, that which is forgotten in the field and the produce of the corner of the field; ** and it would be sin in thee," i.e., in thee and not in thy sacrifice (which is not thereby invalidated). The rabbis taught: It is written [Deut. xxiii. 24]: "What is gone out of thy lips," this refers to the positive command- ments (of the Law); ** thou shalt keep," refers to the negative commandments; ** and perform," is a warning to the Beth Din (that they should enforce the laws); "according as thou hast vowed," refers to vows; ** to the Lord thy God," refers to sin, guilt, burnt, and peace-offerings; "voluntarily," means just what it is; " which thou hast spoken," refers to the sanctified objects devoted to the Temple for repairs, etc.; "with thy mouth," refers to charity. Says Rabha: One is culpable if he does not give forthwith that which he has vowed for charity. Why so ? Because there are always poor people (needing im- mediate help). Is this not self-evident ? One might suppose that, since the law prohibiting delay is found in connection with the duty of giving charity and also of bringing the various volun- tary offerings, it would apply to both, and it would not be in- fringed until the three festivals had elapsed, he comes to teach us (that charity and sacrifices are different) ; in the latter case the in- fringement of the law depends on the festivals, but in the case of charity it must be given immediately, for the poor are always to be found. And Rabha said again : As soon as three festivals have passed (and one has not brought his offering), he daily transgresses the law against delay. An objection was raised. As soon as a year, containing three festivals or not, has passed (he that does not bring his offering), be it a firstling or any of the holy offerings, transgresses daily the law against delay. It is quite possible that the three festivals may elapse and yet a year may not go by {i.e., from Passover till Tabernacles is only * LcT. xxvii. 32, **NEW YEAR." 9 seven months), but how can it happen that a year may pass and the three festivals should not occur (in that time) ? It may happen according to those who say (that the three festivals must elapse) in their regular order, but according to those who do not say (that the three festivals must go by) in their regular order, how can such a case occur ? This would be correct according to Rabbi (who holds that the intercalary month* is not a part of the year), and it occurs in a leap year, when one consecrates anything (to the Temple) after the Feast of Pass- over; for when the end of the second Adar has arrived, a year (of twelve months) has elapsed, yet the three festivals have not passed by in their regular order. But how can such a case occur according to the rabbis ? It can happen as R. Shemaiah teaches: Pentecost falls on the fifth, sixth, or seventh of Sivan. How is this possible ? In a year when the months of Nissan and lyar have thirty days each, Pentecost falls on the fifth of Sivan ; when they each have twenty-nine days, Pentecost falls on the seventh of Sivan ; but when the one has twenty-nine days and the other has thirty days, Pentecost falls on the sixth of Sivan. R. Zera asked: How does the law against delay affect an heir ? Shall we argue that the Law says [Deut. xxiii. 22] : '* When thou shalt vow " (i.e.y the testator has vowed), but the heir has not vowed (consequently the law does not apply to him), or shall we infer from the passage [Deut. xii. 5,6]: " And thither shalt thou come . . . and ye shall bring," that the heir (who is obliged to come) is also in duty bound to bring with him (the objects vowed by the testator) ? Come and hear. R. Hyya taught: It is written in this connection [Deut. xxiii. 22]: " Of thee" (i.e., from the one who vowed) and this excludes the heir. But did we not say above that these words refer to the gleanings, etc.? The Text uses the word Me'immokh (" of thee "), which we can explain to mean both the successor and the gleanings, etc. {i.e., all that comes *' of thee "). R. Zera also asked : How does the law against delay affect a woman ? Shall I say that since she is not obligated to appear (in Jerusalem) the law does not apply to her ? or perhaps it is her duty to go there because she is included in the law " to rejoice"? "Certainly," answered Abayi, "she is bound by this law because it is her duty to rejoice." * Leap year occurs seven times in a cycle of nineteen years. On such occasions one month, the second Adar, is added to the twelve lunar months. lo THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. The schoolmen asked: From when do we count the begin- ning of the year for a firstling ? Answered Abayi : From the moment it is born ; but R. Aha b. Jacob said : From the moment it is acceptable as an offering {i.e., when it is eight days old, Lev. xxii. 27). They do not differ, for the former Rabbi refers to an unblemished animal and the latter to one with a blemish. May, then, a blemished animal be eaten (on the day of its birth) ? Yes, if we are sure it was born after the full period of gestation. The rabbis taught : The first of Nissan is the new year for (arranging the) months, for (appointing) leap years, for giving the half shekels, and, some say, also for the rental of houses. Whence do we know (that it is the new year) for months ? From the passage [Ex. xii. 2] where it is written: ** This month shall be unto you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you." It is also written [Deut. xvi. i] : " Observe the month of Abib " (early stage of ripening). In which month is grain in the early stage of ripening ? I can say only Nissan, and the Law calls it the first. Could I not say Adar (when the grain begins to shoot up) ? Nay, for the grain must be ripening during the major portion of the month (and in Adar it is not). Is it then written that the grain must be ripen- ing the major portion of the month ? Therefore, says Rabhina, the sages do not find (the rule of calling Nissan the first month) in the Pentateuch, but in the Book of Esther, where it is clearly stated [Esther, iii, 7], " In the first month, that is, the month Nissan." ** For leap years.** Do we, then, count leap years from Nis- san ? Does not a Boraitha teach us that Adar only is the inter- calary month ? Answered R. Na'hman b. Itz'hak: The words ** FOR LEAP YEARS " mean here the termination of leap years,* and our Tana speaks of the beginning of the leap year and not the end. ** For giving the half shekels.** Whence do we deduce this ? Said R. Yoshiah: In Numb, xxviii. 14: "This is the burnt- offering of the new moon throughout the months of the year." The Scriptures say *' proclaim it a new month,** and also bring a sacrifice from the new products. We make a comparison be- tween the words' *' year" used in this passage and in Ex. xii. 2, * As soon as Nissan had been consecrated, there could be no further debate about making the past year intercalary, for once the new month had been called Nissan, it was forbidden to call it by any other name. ''NEW YEAR." n " it shall be the first month of the year to you," and deduce that they both refer to Nissan. R. Jehudah says in the name of Samuel: It is required that the congregational sacrifices* brought on the first of Nissan should be purchased with the shekels collected for the new year; but if the sacrifice was bought with the funds obtained from the former year's funds, it is acceptable, yet the law was but im- perfectly complied with. We have also learned the same in a Boraitha with the addition that, if an individual offers from his own property (proper objects for the congregational sacrifices), they are acceptable, but he must first present them to the con- gregation. Is this not self-evident ? Nay, it may be feared that one will not give them to the congregation with a free will, and this, he teaches us, is not worthy of consideration. And the reason that our Tana does not mention that Nissan is a new year for the giving of shekels also, is because it is said above that if one has brought an offering (from the old funds) he has done his duty, therefore he could not make Nissan absolutely binding as a new year for the sacrifices. It is said above: '* And some say also for the rental of houses." The rabbis taught: He who lets a house to another for a year, should count (the year) as twelve months from day to day; but if the lessee says (I rent this house) ** for this year," even if the transaction takes place on the first of Adar, as soon as the first of Nissan arrives, the year (of rental) has expired. Can you not say Tishri (is the beginning of the year for such transactions) ? Nay, it is generally understood that if a man rents a house in the autumn he rents it for the whole of the rainy season (winter). And the Tana of the first part of the above Boraitha (who does not fix Nissan as the month for ren- tals), and also our Tana both are of the opinion that in Nissan, too, bad weather sometimes prevails (and therefore Nissan and Tishri are alike in this respect). * * On the first of Eliil is the new year for the cattle-tithes. ' * Ac- cording to whose opinion is this ? Says R. Joseph: It is accord- ing to Rabbi's own opinion which he formed in accordance with the opinions of different Tanaim. With regard to the festivals he holds with R. Simeon and with regard to the cattle-tithe he holds to the opinion of R. Meir. If that is so, are there not * The Tamid or daily offering could not be presented to the Temple by an individual. 12 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. five beginnings of years instead of four ? Rabha answered that the Mishna mentioned only the four, which are not disputed by any one. According to R. Meir there are four, if that " for the festivals" be excluded, and according to R. Simeon there are four, if that " for the cattle-tithes " be excluded. R. Na'hman bar Itz'hak, however, says: (No such explanation is needed) ; the Mishna means that there are four (months) in which there are (or may be) many beginnings of years. " According to R. Eliezer and R. Simeon it is on the first of Tishri.'' R. Johanan says: Both of them deduce their opinion by (various interpretations of) the same scriptural passage. It is written [Psalms, Ixv. 14]: ** The meadows are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered with corn; men shout for joy, they also sing.'* R. Meir thinks (this is the interpretation) of these words : When are the meadows clothed with flocks ? At the season when the valleys are covered with corn. And when are the valleys covered with corn ? About (the time of) Adar. The flocks conceive in Adar and produce their young in Abh; consequently the beginning of the year (for the cattle- tithe) is Elul. R. Eliezer and R. Simeon, however, say: When are the meadows clothed with flocks ? At the season when they shout and sing. When do the ears of corn (seem to) send up a hymn of praise ? In Nissan. Now, the sheep conceive in Nissan and produce in Elul, consequently the beginning of the year (for their tithe) is Tishri. But Rabha says : All agree that only Adar is the time when the meadows are clothed with flocks, and the valleys are covered with corn. But they differ about this passage [Deut. xiv. 22]: '* Thou shalt truly tithe" (liter- ally, *' Thou shalt tithe in tithing"), and we see that the text here speaks of two tithes — viz., of cattle and of grain. R. Meir thinks that the following comparison may be instituted between the two : just as the tithe of grain must be given in the month nearest to the time it is reaped, so that of cattle must be given in the month nearest to the one in which they are born (Elul). R. Eliezer and R. Simeon, however, are of the opinion that another comparison may be instituted between these tithes — viz., just as the beginning of the year for giving the tithe of grain is Tishri, so also is Tishri for that of cattle. ** The first of Tishri is the New Year' s Day for ordinary years,'' For what purpose is this rule ? Answers R. Zera, to determine the equinoxes (and solstices); and this agrees with the opinion of R. Eliezer, who says that the world was created **NEW YEAR." 13 in Tishri; but R. Na'hman says (it is the new year) for divine judgment, as it is written [Deut. xi. 12]: ** From the beginning of the year till the end of the year," z.e.j at the beginning of the year it is determined what shall be at the end of the year. But whence do we know that this means Tishri ? It is written [Psalms, Ixxxi. 3]: "Blow on the new moon the cornet at the time when it (the new moon) is hidden "^ on our solemn feast day." What feast is it on which the moon is hidden ? We can only say Rosh Hashana (New Year's Day), and of this day it is written [ibid. v. 4] : " For it is a statute unto Israel, a judgment (day) for the God of Jacob." The rabbis taught: " It is a statute unto Israel," whence we infer that the Heavenly Court of Judgment does not enter into judgment until the Beth Din on earth proclaims the new moon. Another Boraitha states: It is written: "It is a statute unto Israel." From this it appears that (New Year's Day is a day of judgment) only for Israel. Whence do we know it is so also for other nations ? Therefore it is written: "It is the day of judgment of the God of Jacob" (the Universal God). Why, then, is " Israel " mentioned ? To inform us that Israel comes in for judgment first. This is in accordance with the saying of R. Hisda: If a king and a congregation have a law suit, the king enters first, as it is said [I Kings, viii. 59] : " The cause of his servant (King Solomon) and the cause of his people." Why so ? Because it is not customary to let a king wait outside. " For the computation of sabbatic years.'' On what scriptural passage is this based ? On Lev. xxv. 4, which reads: " But in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land," and he deduces (that it means Tishri) by analogy from the word " year " in this passage and in the following: " From the begin- ning of the year " [Deut. xi. 12], which surely refers to Tishri. '' And jubilees.'' Do, then, jubilees begin on the first of Tishri ? Do they not begin on the tenth, as it is written [Lev. xxv. 9] : ** On the Day of Atonement shall ye make the cornet sound throughout all your land" ? Our Mishna is in accord- ance with R. Ishmael the son of R. Johanan ben Berokah of the following Boraitha: It is written [Lev. xxv. 10]: " Ye shall sanctify the year, the fiftieth j^r^r." Why was it necessary to repeat the word " year" ? Because in the same connection it • This is the literal translation of the verse in Psalms ; the free translation is "at the appointed time," according to Isaac Leeser. 14 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. is said [ibid. 9]; " On the Day of Atonement shall ye make the cornet sound," and one might suppose that the jubilee is sanc- tified only from the Day of Atonement (and not before). There- fore the word ** year " is repeated to teach us that by the words ** ye shall sanctify the fiftieth year" is meant, that from the very beginning of the year the jubilee commences to be conse- crated. From this R. Ishmael the son of R. Johanan b. Bero- kah says: From New Year's Day until the Day of Atonement slaves were not wont to return to their (own) homes, neither did they serve their masters, but they ate and drank and re- joiced with the crown of freedom on their heads. As soon as the Day of Atonement arrived the Beth Din ordered the cornet to be blown and the slaves returned to their own homes, and estates reverted to their (original) owners. We have learned in another Boraitha: "It is a jubilee" (Jobhel hi). What is meant by (these superfluous words) ? Since it is said [Lev. xxv. 10]: "And ye shall sanctify the fiftieth year," one might think that, as at the beginning of the year the jubilee commences to be sanctified, the sanctification should be extended to the (Day of Atonement) after the end of the year; and be not surprised at such a teaching, since it is cus- tomary to add from the non-sanctified to the sanctified. Hence the necessity of the words in the passage (next to that quoted above) [Lev. xxv. 11]: "A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you " ; i.e.j the fiftieth year shall be hallowed, and not the fifty-first. But the rabbis, whence do they derive the regulation that the fifty-first year is not sanctified ? Because it is plainly written the fiftieth year and not the fifty-first. This excludes the opinion of R. Jehudah who holds that the jubilee year is added at the beginning and end.* The rabbis taught ** Jobhel hi (it is a jubilee)," even if the people have not relinquished (their debts), even if the cornet is not sounded; shall we also say even if slaves are not released ? Hence the word " hi " is used (to indicate that only when the slaves are released it is a jubilee), so says R. Jehudah. R. Jose says: " It is a jubilee," even if debts are not relinquished and slaves are not released ; shall we also say even if the cornet is not sounded ? Hence the word "hi" is used (and means the sounding of the cornet). Since one passage includes (all that is prescribed) and the other ^ I.e., the Jubilee year is, at the same time, the fiftieth year of the last and the first of the coming series. ''NEW YEAR." 15 passage exempts (certain regulations), why should we say it is a jubilee even if they have not released slaves, but that it is not a jubilee if they failed to sound the cornet ? Because it is pos- sible that sometimes (a jubilee may occur) and yet there are no (Hebrew) slaves to release, but a jubilee can never occur with- out the sounding of the cornet (for a cornet can always be found). Another explanation is, that (the sounding of the cor- net) is the duty of the Beth Din (and it will never fail to per- form it), while (the releasing of slaves) is the duty of the indi- vidual, and we cannot be sure that he will perform it. (Is not the first explanation satisfactory) that he gives this additional explanation ? (It may not be satisfactory to some who might say) that it is impossible that not one (Hebrew) slave should be found somewhere to be released. Therefore (the Boraitha adds) that the blowing of the cornet is the duty of the Beth Din (and they will not fail to perform it). R. Hyya b. Abba, however, said in the name of R. Johanan: The foregoing are the words of R. Jehudah and R. Jose; but the masters hold that all three conditions may prevent the fulfil- ment (of the law), because they hold that the word " hi " [Lev. XXV. 10] should be explained as to the subjects mentioned in the passage in which it occurs, and in the preceding and the follow- ing passages also, (and in the passage immediately following the ** hi " is said, " fields reverted to their original owners." This, then, also constitutes one of the three conditions). But is it not written, " a jubilee," which certainly means to add something not mentioned previously? This additional word refers to the lands outside of Palestine, where the jubilee must also be enforced. If so, what then is the intent of the words " through- out the land " ? (They lead us to infer) that at the time when (under a Jewish government) liberty is proclaimed throughout the land (Palestine) it should be proclaimed outside the land; but if it is not proclaimed in the land, it need not be proclaimed outside the land. * ' And also for the pla7iting of trees. * * Whence do we deduce this? From Lev. xix. 23, where it is written: "Three years shall it be as uncircumcised," and also [ibid. 24]: " But in the fourth year." We compare the term "year" used here with that of Deut. xi. 12, " from the beginning of the * year,' " and deduce by analogy that they both mean Tishri. The rabbis taught : For one who plants, slips or grafts (trees) in the sixth year (the year before the sabbatic year), thirty days i6 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. before the New Year's day (as soon as the first of Tishri arrives), a year is considered to have passed, and he is permitted to use, during the sabbatic year (the fruits they may produce), but less than thirty days are not to be considered a year, and the fruits may not be used, but are prohibited until the fifteenth of Sheb- hat, whether it be because they come under the category of ** uncircumcised " or under the category of ** fourth year plant- ing " [Lev. xix. 23, 24]. Whence do we deduce this? R. Hyya bar Abba said in the name of R. Johanan or R. Janai : The verse says [Lev. xix. 24, 25] : ** And in the fourth year. . . . And in the fifth year," i.e.y it may happen that in the fourth year (from the planting, the fruit) is prohibited because it is still ** uncircumcised," and in the fifth year (from the planting) because it is still the product of the fourth year. We have learned R. Eliezer says: In Tishri the world was created, the patriarchs Abraham and Jacob were born and died; Isaac was born on the Passover; on New Year's Day Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were visited with the blessing of children, Joseph was released from prison, and the bondage of our fathers in Egypt ceased ; in Nissan our ancestors were redeemed from Egypt, and in Tishri we shall again be redeemed. R. Jehoshua says: In Nissan the world was created, and in the same month the patriarchs were born, and in Nissan they also died ; Isaac was born on the Passover; on New Year's Day Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were visited, Joseph was released from prison, and the bondage of our fathers in Egypt ceased. In Nissan our ancestors were redeemed from Egypt, and in the same month we shall again be redeemed. We have learned in a Boraitha R. Eliezer says: Whence do we know that the world was created in Tishri ? From the scrip- tural verse, in which it is written [Gen. i. 11] : ** And God said, * Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree,' " etc. In what month does the earth bring forth grass, and at the same time the trees are y?^// of fruit ? Let us say Tishri, and that time of the year (mentioned in Genesis) was the autumn; the rain descended and the fruits flourished, as it is written [Gen. ii. 6]: " But there went up a mist from the earth," etc. R. Jehoshua says: Whence do we know that the world was created in Nissan ? From the scriptural verse, in which it is written [Gen. i. 12]: " And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed, and the tree yielding fruit," etc. In which month is the earth covered with grass (and at the same '*NEW YEAR." 17 time) the trees bring forth fruit ? Let us say Nissan, and at that time animals, domestic and wild, and birds mate, as it is said [Psalms, Ixv. 14] : " The meadows are clothed with flocks," etc. Further says R. Eliezer: Whence do we know that the patriarchs were born in Tishri ? From the passage [I Kings, viii. 2]: ** And all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto King Solomon at the feast, in the month Ethanim " (strong), which is the seventh month; i.e.y the month in which Ethanim, the strong ones of the earth (the patriarchs), were born. How do we know that the expression ethan means strength ? It is written [Numb. xxiv. 21] ethan moshabhekhay " strong is thy dwelling-place," and it is also written [Micah, vi. 2]: "Hear ye, O mountains, the Lord's controversy, and (ye-haethanwt) ye strong foundations," etc. R. Jehoshua, however, says: Whence do we know that the patriarchs were born in Nissan ? From I Kings vi. i, where it says: " In the fourth year, in the month Ziv (glory), which is the second month," etc., which means in that month in which the " glorious ones " of the earth (the patriarchs) were already born. Whether the patriarchs were born in Nissan or Tishri, the day of their death occurred in the same month as that in which they were born; as it is written [Deut. xxxi. 2]: " Moses said, ' I am one hundred and twenty years old to-day.' " The word " to-day" implies " just this day my days and years are complete," for the Holy One, blessed be He, grants the right- eous the fulfilment of the years of their life to the very month and day, as it is said: ** The number of thy days will I make full" [Ex. xxiii. 26]. Isaac was born in Nissan. Whence do we know this ? It is written [Gen. xviii. 14]: *' At the n^yit festival! will return to thee, and Sarah will have a son." What festival was it when he said this ? Shall I say it was Passover, and he referred to Pentecost ? That cannot be, for what woman bears children after fifty days' gestation ? If I say it was Pentecost, and he referred to Tishri, a similar objection might be raised, for who bears children after five months' gestation ? If I say it was Tabernacles, and he referred to Passover, a similar objection may be made, for who bears children in the sixth month of gestation ? This last objection could be answered according to the following Boraitha: We have learnt that that year was a leap year, and Mar Zutra says that although a child born after nine months* gestation is never born during the month (but 2 i8 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. only at the end of the required time), still a seven months* child can be born before the seventh month is complete, as it is said [I Sam. i. 20]: "And it came to pass, li-tequphath ha-yamim (when the time was come about) " ; the minimum of te'quphoth"^ is two and of yami7n is also two (i,e,, after six months and two days* gestation, childbirth is possible). Whence do we know that Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were visited on New Year*s Day ? Says R. Elazar : By comparing the expression "visit** that occurs in one passage with the word " visit *' that occurs in another passage, and also by treat- ing the expression ** remember'* in the same way. It is writ- ten concerning Rachel [Gen. xxx. 32]: " And God remembered Rachel,'* and of Hannah it is written [I Sam. i. 19]: "And God remembered her.*' He institutes an analogy between the word "remember** used in these passages and in connection with New Year*s Day, which is called [Lev. xxiii. 24] " a Sab- bath, a memorial {literally ^ a remembrance) of blowing of cor- nets." It is also written concerning Hannah [I Sam. ii. 21]: "And the Lord visited Hannah," and of Sarah it is written [Gen. xxi. i] : " And the Lord visited Sarah," and by analogy all these events took place on the same day (New Year's Day). Whence do we know that Joseph was released from prison on New Year's Day ? From Psalm Ixxxi., in verses 4, 5, it is written: " Blow on the new moon the cornet at the appointed time on the day of our feast, for this is a statute for Israel.** In verse 5 of the same Psalm it is written: " As a testimony in Joseph did he ordain it, when he went out over the land of Egypt.** On New Year*s Day the bondage of our fathers in Egypt ceased. (Whence do we know this ?) It is written [Ex. vi. 6] : " I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians,'* and it is written in Psalms, Ixxxi. 6: " I removed his shoulder from the burden** (i,e.^ I relieved Israel from the burden of Egypt on the day spoken of in the Psalm; viz., New Year*s Day). In Nissan they were redeemed, as previously proven. In Tishri we shall again be redeemed. This he de- duces by analogy from the word " cornet ** found in the follow- ing passages. In Psalm Ixxxi. 4, it is stated: " Blow the cornet on the new moon *' {i.e.j on New Year's Day), and in Isa. xxvii. 13, it is written: " And on that day the great cornet shall be * Tequpha — Solstice or equinox ; hence, the period of three months, which elapses between a solstice and the next equinox, is also called tequpha. Mar Zutra reads the biblical term Tequphoit in the plural. ''NEW YEAR." 19 blown " (and as it means New Year's Day In the one place, so does it also in the other). R. Jehoshua says: *' In Nissan they were redeemed, and in that month we shall be redeemed again." Whence do we know this ? From Ex. xii. 42, which says: " It is a night of special observance;" i.e.^ a night specially ap- pointed since the earliest times for the final redemption of Israel. The rabbis taught: The Jewish sages calculate the time of the flood according to R. Eliezer, and the solstices according to R. Jehoshua, but the sages of other nations calculate the time of the flood also as R. Jehoshua does. '' And for herbs.'' To this a Boraitha adds "tithes and vows." Let us see. What does he mean by " herbs " ? The tithe of herbs. But are not these included with other " tithes " ? (Nay, for the tithe of herbs) is a rabbinical institution, while the others are biblical. If so, should he not teach the biblical com- mandment first ? (This is no question), because it was pleasing to him (to have discovered that, although the tithe of herbs is only a rabbinical institution, yet it should have a special New Year to prevent the confusion of tithes from year to year) he, therefore, gives it precedence. And the Tana of our Mishna teaches us the rabbinical institution (viz., the New Year for herbs), leaving us to infer that if that must be observed, so much the more must the biblical law be followed. The rabbis taught: If one gathers herbs on the eve of New Year's Day before sunset, and gathers others after sunset, he must not give the heave-offering or the tithe from the one for the other, for it is prohibited to give the heave-ofTering or tithe from the product of the past year for that of the present, or vice versa. If the second year from the last sabbatic year was just ending and the third year was just beginning, then for the sec- ond year he must give the first and second tithes,* and for the third year he must give the first and the poor tithes. Whence do we deduce that (in the third year no second tithe was to be * Tithes must be given even to-day, according to the Rabbinical law, through- out Palestine and Syria. It was the duty of the Israelite to give of his produce the following offerings and tithes : (i) Theruma, a heave-offering, to be given to the priest everv year ; the measure was not fixed by the Bible ; (2) MaAser Rishon, or first tithe, to be given every year to the Levite ; (3) MaAser Siieni, or second tithe, was to be taken in the second year to Jerusalem and eaten there, or to be converted into money, which was to be spent there ; (4) MaAser Ani, or the poor tithe, to be given in the third year. 20 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. given)? R. Jehoshua ben Levi says: In Deut. xxvi. 12, it is written: " When thou hast made an end of the tithe of produce in the third year, which is the year of the tithing,'' i.e., the year in which only one tithe is to be given." What is to be under- stood (by one tithe) ? The first and poor tithes, and the second tithe shall be omitted. But perhaps it is not so (that the first and poor tithe are one tithe), but that the first tithe shall be also omitted. This cannot be so, for we read [Numb, xviii. 26]: ** The tithe which I have given you from them, for your inher- itance," etc. (From this we see that) the Scripture compares this tithe to an inheritance, and as an inheritance is the per- petual property of the heir, so also is the first tithe an uninter- rupted gift for the Levite. '' And for vows.'' The rabbis taught: Whoso vows to de- rive no benefit from his neighbor for a year, must reckon (for the year) twelve months, from day to day; but if he said " for this year," if he made the vow even on the 29th of Elul, as soon as the first of Tishri comes, that year is complete, for he vowed to afflict himself and that purpose (even in so brief a period) has been fulfilled. But perhaps we should say Nissan (should be regarded as the new year in such a case) ? Nay, in the matter of vows we follow the common practice among men (who gen- erally regard Tishri as the New Year). We have learned (Maasroth I., 3): We reckon the year for giving the tithe : * ' for carob as soon as it begins to grow ; for grain and olives as soon as they are one-third ripe. ' ' What is meant by ** as soon as it begins to grow " ? When it blossoms. Whence do we know that we reckon the tithe on grain and olives when they are one-third ripe ? Said R. Assi in the name of R. Jo- hanan, and the same was said in the name of R. Jose of Galilee: It is written [Deut. xxxi. 10]: "At the end of every seven years, in the solemnity of the year of release, in the Feast of Tabernacles." What has the year of release to do with Taber- nacles; it is already the eighth year (because the Bible says ** at the end of every seven years ") ? It is only to tell us that all grain which was one-third ripe before New Year's Day must be regarded even in the eighth year as the product of the sabbatic year. And for this we find support in the following Boraitha: R. Jonathan b. Joseph says : It is written [Lev. xxv. 21] : " And it shall bring forth fruit for three {lishlosJi) years." Do not read lishlosh '* for three," but in this case read lishlish ** for a third " {i.e., it is considered produce when it is a third ripe). But this '*NEW YEAR." 21 verse is required for its own particular purpose. There is an- other verse [ibid. ibid. 22]: "And when ye sow in the eighth year, then shall ye eat of the old harvest ; until the ninth year, until its harvest come in, shall ye eat of the old store." We have learned in a Mishna (Shebeith, II., 7): Rice, millet, poppies, and lentils which have taken root before New Year's Day come under the category of tithes for the past year, and therefore one is permitted to use them during the sabbatic year; but if they have not (taken root), one is forbidden to use them during the sabbatic year, and they come under the category of tithes of the following year. Says Rabha: Let us see. The rabbis say that the year (for giving tithes) begins as follows : " For a tree from the time they blossom, for grain and olives when they are one-third ripe, and for herbs when they are gath- ered." Now under which head are the above (rice, etc.) classed ? After consideration Rabha remarked: Since these do not all ripen simultaneously, but are gathered little by little, the rabbis are right when they say they are tithable from the time they take root. We have learned in a Boraitha: R. Jose of Galilee says: It IS written [Deut. xvi. 13]: ** When thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine." We infer that as corn and wine, now being gathered, grow by means of the past year's rains, and are tithed as last year's (before New Year's Day) products, so every fruit that grows by the rain of last year is tithable as the last year's produce; but herbs do not come under this category, for they grow by means of the rains of the new year, and they are tithable in the coming year. R. Aqiba, however, says that the words " when thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine" lead us to infer that as corn and grapes grow chiefly by means of rain, and are tithed as last year's products, so all things that grow chiefly by rain are tithed as belonging to the past year; but as herbs grow even by watering, they are tithed as the next year's products. In what case is this difference of opinion ap- plicable? Said R. Abbuha: In the cases of onions and Egyptian beans; for a Mishna says: Onions and Egyptian beans which have not been watered for thirty days before New Year's Day are tithed as last year's products, and are allowed to be used during the sabbatic year, but if they have been watered, then they are prohibited during the sabbatic year and are tithed as next year's products. On the first of Shebhat is the New Year for trees,*' Why 22 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. so ? Said R. Elazar, in the name of R. Oshyia, because at that date the greater part of the early rains have fallen, although the greater part of the Tequpha is yet to come. The rabbis taught: It once happened that R. Aqiba picked the fruit of a citron tree on the first of Shebhat, and gave two tithes of them, one accord- ing to the school of Shammai and one in accordance with the school of Hillel. Says R. Jose b. Jehudah: Nay, Aqiba did not do this because of the school of Shammai or the school of Hillel, but because R. Gamaliel* and R. Eliezer were accus- tomed to do so. Did he not follow the practice of Beth Sham- mai because it was the first of Shebhat ? Said R. Hanina, and some say R. Hanania: The case here cited was one of a citron tree, the fruit of which was formed before the fifteenth of last Shebhat, and he should have given the tithe of it even before the present first of Shebhat, but the case happened to be as cited. But Rabhina said : Put the foregoing together and read the (words of R. Jose) as follows: It did not happen on the first of Shebhat, but on the fifteenth, and he did not follow the regu- lations of the school of Hillel or the school of Shammai, but the custom of R. Gamaliel and R. Eliezer. Rabba bar Huna said: Although R. Gamaliel holds that a citron tree is tithable from the time it is picked, as is the case with " herbs," nevertheless the new year for tithing it is in Shebhat. R. Johanan asked R. Janai: "When is the beginning of a year for (the tithe on) citrons ? " And he said, " Shebhat." ** Dost thou mean," said he, '* the month Shebhat as fixed by the lunar year or by the solar year (from the winter solstice) ?" *' By the lunar year," he replied. Rabha asked R. Na'hman, according to another version R. Johanan asked R. Janai: ** How is it in leap years (when there are thirteen lunar months)?" And he said: ** Shebhat, as in the majority of years." It was taught: R. Johanan and Resh Lakish both say that a citron that has grown in the sixth year and is unpicked at the entrance of the sabbatic year is always considered the product of the sixth year. When Rabhin came (from Palestine) he said, in the name of R. Jo- hanan : A citron that was as small as an olive in the sixth year, but grew to the size of a (small) loaf of bread during the sab- batic year, if one used it without separating the tithe he is cul- pable because of Tebhel.\ * The opinion of R. Gamaliel is stated a little further on. f Produce of which the levitical and priestly tithe has not been yet separated, and which must not be used. ''NEW YEAR." 23 The rabbis taught: A tree whose fruits formed before the fifteenth of Shebhat must be tithed as the product of the past year, but if they formed after that, they are tithed during the coming year. Said R. Nehemiah: This applies to a tree that looks as if it bore two crops; i.e., whose fruits do not ripen all at once, but at two times. But in the case of a tree that produces but one crop, as, for example, the palm, olive, or carob, although their fruits may have formed before the fifteenth of Shebhat, they are tithed as the products of the coming year. R. Johanan remarked that in the case of the carob people follow the opinion of R. Nehemiah. Resh Lakish objected to R. Jo- hanan : Since white figs take three years to grow fully ripe, must not the second year after the sabbatic year be regarded as the sabbatic year for them ? R. Johanan was silent. R. Abba the priest said to R. Jose the priest: I am surprised that R. Johanan should have accepted this query of Resh Lakish with- out comment. MISHNA : At four periods in each year the world is judged : on Passover, in respect to the growth of grain ; on Pentecost, in respect to the fruit of trees; on New Year's Day all human beings pass before Him (God) as sheep before a shepherd, as it is written [Psalms, xxx. 9]: ** He who hath fashioned all their hearts understandeth all their works";"* and on Tabernacles judgment is given in regard to water (rain). GEMARA: What grain (does the divine judgment affect on the Passover) ? Does it mean the grain now standing in the field (about to be reaped) ? At what time, then, were all the accidents that have happened to it until that time destined (by divine will) ? It does not mean standing grain, but that just sown. Shall we say that only one judgment is passed upon it ? Have we learned in a Boraitha: If an accident or injury befall grain before Passover it was decreed on the last Passover, but if it happen (to the same grain) after Passover, it was decreed on the immediately preceding Passover; if an accident or misfor- tune befall a man before the Day of Atonement, it was decreed on the previous Day of Atonement, but if it happened after the Day of Atonement it was decreed on the preceding Day of Atonement? Answered Rabha: Learn from this that judgment is passed twice (in one year, before the sowing and before the reaping). Therefore said Abayi: When a man sees that the * Vide Introduction. 24 THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD. grain which ripens slowly is thriving, he should as soon as possi- ble sow such grain as ripens quickly, in order that before the time of the next judgment it may already have begun to grow. With whose opinion does our Mishna agree ? Not with that of R. Meir, nor with that of R. Jehudah, nor with that of R. Jose, nor with that of R. Nathann, nor with the teaching of the following Boraitha: All are judged on New Year's Day, and the sentence is fixed on the Day of Atonement. So says R. Meir. R. Jehu- dah says all are judged on New Year's Day, but the sentence of each is confirmed each at its special time — at Passover for grain, at Pentecost for the fruit of trees, at Tabernacles for rain, and man is judged on New Year's Day, and his sentence is con- firmed on the Day of Atonement. R. Jose says man is judged every day, as it is written [Job, vii. i8]: ** Thou rememberest him every morning " ; and R. Nathan holds man is judged at all times, as it is written [ibid.]: ** Thou triest him every mo- ment." And if you should say that the Mishna agrees with the opinion of R. Jehudah, and that by the expression " judg- ment " it means the " confirmation of the decree," then there would be a difficulty about man. Said Rabha: The Tana of our Mishna is in accordance with the school of R. Ishmael of the following Boraitha: At four periods is the world judged: at Passover, in respect to grain ; on Pentecost, in regard to the fruit of trees; on Tabernacles, in respect to rain, and on New Year's Day man is judged, but the sentence passed upon him is confirmed on the Day of Atonement, and our Mishna speaks of the opening of judgment only (and not the final verdict). R. Hisda asked: ** Why does not R. Jose quote the same passage as R. Nathan in support of his opinion?" Because ** trying" is not judging. But does not ** remembering" also convey the same idea ? Therefore said R. Hisda: R. Jose bases his opinion on another passage; viz. [I Kings viii. 59]: ** That God may maintain the cause of His servant and the cause of His people Israel every day. Said R. Joseph : According to whom do we pray nowadays for the sick and for faint (scholars) every day ? According to R. Jose (who maintains that man is judged every day). We have learned in a Boraitha: R. Jehudah taught in the name of R. Aqiba: Why does the Torah command [Lev. xxiii. 10] a sheaf of the first fruits to be brought on the Passover ? Because Passover is the period of judgment in respect to grain, and the Holy One, blessed be He, said: ** Offer before Me the ••NEW YEAR." 25 first sheaf of produce on Passover, so that the standing grain may be blessed unto you." And why the two loaves [Lev. xxiii. 17] on the Pentecost ? Because that is the time when judgment is passed on the fruit of trees, and the Holy One, blessed be He, said: " Bring before Me two loaves on the Pentecost, so that I may bless the fruits of the tree." Why was the cere- mony of " the outpouring of water" (on the altar) performed on the Feast of Tabernacles ? Because He said: " Perform the rite of * the outpouring of waters,' that the rains shall fall in due season." And He also said : ** Recite before Me on New Year's Day the Malkhioth, Zikhronoth, and Shophroth;* the Mal- khioth, that you proclaim Me King; the Zikhronoth, that your remembrance for good may come before Me." And how (shall this be done) ? By the sooinding of the cornet. R. Abbahu said : ** Why is the cornet made a ram's horn ? " The Holy One, blessed be He, said: ** Sound before Me on a cornet made of a ram's horn, that I may remember, for your sake, the offering of Isaac, the son of Abraham \vide Gen. xxii. 13], and I shall consider even j 13 rc'in^ ^31 idx ,iDn^x .nom •bSsn^ 3"nxi inS'Dn dix ino^ D^iyS ,iTy^x i"x -^inv "irx 3Vl:' iroxS 3in3 ^3X ,D^pis ^KM y'r\' Sri n"i S"* ni3i33 irySx 'ii n^n^ro xi3pd?d /X3x i^'x ;V3 ,niin^ 31 ^:xc' -' ^Svdi n>niSv iiDO min^ 31 xni ,^rx .x:? r^rc^n ^31 n^x 13 3py' i"x p3i xnx ^3 .^di d^pidd /Svro xin pov pnSnS prov jmSfidt ^D^:xi Diro y L""D -nnw'*3L" oy xSx ^x^Sd: pi 11:2 xS ,xi^Dn pvDL*' i"x .i6 l'V3 S3X ,nDxSc3 '-^ .y-ii N"^"! 11': cs •;; ns it ]'z2'jr2 ps nv^vn P-ia sriSv- ,m:!-^::i mv^pn ."irsxp '?23 '.•13 nx -;-:r3 Tn> S:x ,11:^* nii:n p'v "'-i- ^^»^ .nsirn 'nra^^rs* p>r^ r,"? n:"i'i: CK' s*id'3i:rin Si'x -jS^ ds"^* i? sin \x-ii ,pDD xni ^xni xm .n'v^pri ^'tt'n ypm 3 nxi cm?2 .'"■^'^2 ^^'•'Ssrri -iin:; na'-' .cn^zS laSni i-r:v ""=3 sr:*^' I'vpinn S-^x -^^ cxi mry nr'^m .r2"T d'Mm nacM trxi Sc' mai::: r ,c'-!if3 jxo .mm iirn ip7n:tt* ins ,1:^:23-1 ,;::-) .;npi':',-n: nojn S^^ra vot:«r2- ini ^x''^?::; p^3 nsSn ]:nv 'i -^fixpn ,';;''"'i:i ^SirD ri;ii3n nioSoi n"n n^-rn rrxi ^rnr^i x2\xi ,\yip 'tr's:! .rs'ira pn c'r::nn -is*^' ir23 -;2Vii mvra: i^isS 2np:i n*2';': i::xb« ;io nraiS^ ,:in2 -riirm iraxa* ;vr .rnnci Virn ;n2 nnr ,>tt'ns-i Dm*?3 xSx .;>Dii?2n msipra *i::iS ,';n-^' px .-;n-iir: ^yT; rrr^r iTnr: n^ntr ,pnSnS pnSrra .nnvir: ,D'p"i2 h^'^ .\r\2 rx'p: 'I'sn pxi iii;"jr2i nisnsi ;'^i2'i 'r';x xS": mrrs ,xS n^yn ^:s .cx'-^ira y"'z*'2' ,'12 n^n tjii: .-v cc^tt* i^ nr:^-' .jii'?;:! ncnS -n^^^'n L**xi n3D?3 nS xp^Sni 310 dv i^bv ]''^''^n jrnn ')'r;2 ,p"£S n":nn -ns n"n '2 av Dia^rn n^r-t: nn^:; ':rT^ p ^nrrsnrr nx -n^:S^ nncS irrrr crri .nri cisS 1^ ^HHi«l M*J^. ."'y>3::'n 'cnn2„ "i?oi^ iv^^n v p^jro njcNi L*\sin ,^3^3 x^n ^i:^ pxi /'i^)^ iiuyn,, (; i3-?3^) x^jm ,12100 ^'":2 nh ^n"D {^:n \xni .^'d^S hm-" nynn dv ,nynn ^:Dn ny^"^n -idi« nnx ; no)iv '^sn nynni nro^y ^^sn ny^pn Myiin Dnypnvr -i*o\s wSinc'3 ? x"'n nnx nynni nrpn j ^b^ tnv'pn : nopn inns* ^3-1 ppn^« .n"-in nrDx: niy^-^n nuyb nj:i ^m^i \xi ,ny^pni nynn ny^pn T2vb b^^' •'i'lS' \s* - ic's: no .ny^n ypn .53''^'' ^f'l^"' ""X ,n:j ^m:;i ^n^ : n^b spaoD ? nypm Dnnc* nt;''i5::> ny^pn niyj^» yK>n3 niy^pn ys^n (:1^) vo^* pnv "T\s •D^n::'D noc'3 yc*o) r\:vc*^-)2 Dn« ""jn 'DD ,N*^;^ dv3 niyii' yi^'nn my^pn yL*'n y^:L*' /3n ^?oj x^jn xv^ ova ,i"n .1^13 Dvn ^3 lij^DiX"! .pjn^D3 "1^2x1 n:;^ nno nynm nro ny^pn nns3 n"-i btr non3i niy^pn ,it nt^ ir nn^yro p^^ m3"i3 ,it ni< it nu3yD p« niy^ri snyo -ypim ynoi ypin nsic* i!^ nj?3n: 3"nxi "]-i>3l** ^d .n"i33y?3 3"n^ Sn ni3i3 "inDX in's yne* ^3 ,N-ip^yD ~i3ic^ n-^S nin xn ,snp^y?3 nsvc* n^i^ mn sSn /b ypn fi? «nMi ^3 n^y?3L'6 n^b "i?3^ ,^^1!?^^^ Dp ^K"ir3C* 12 nsq 31 -inb y»-' bv ]VO'\VJ /|y?3"ic' «inc»3 ^3n ^02 x-jn .i^y n3n3 ^«^x n?3iS ^<^ ,j<3n n^i? -i?3i< ]V0)^ Ty n3n3 xb^r ^3X n'-y -i3n3 Dnirox Dn3-i nD3 ; m3-i3 -no ^yi -non n''3n ps* ,^i'2 «^£^> "T-n^i ; )b ypin nun ,ypn xbt*' n^n"*") ; ni3-i3 mo yj pypin nns3 nn"'^y ^nt^^ ? nvu ; p3n3?3n p mv pypin3 nivo"; ; v^y 'ti3'3 xn ! i^D^ti^a 1^-130::^ Dipop i^in pj^i rpypin-c^ DipD^ p3^in ,p3i3?3 nnx3i "113^ n'b^^^ D5^3 .p2D sm .t Dvi nv^ipo n!222 1'- 2nD s*m poiS iir^Sn ]\s'tt« .nr? nr p3i?3D Dn:ip ni'7ip pipo^ .nnx Sip nn^yn yatrn ntar^-s ,n*i2ym .in^ns onisDn dv sdhi sn ^y^-ij'n irnna am-'Dn' n>J2S n::iti'2 i:m pin ,iySti' li'Su* ,n'^n:3 H2'r\2 nynni c^VlI nSnn nnryn nn ,n>2:,\n r'n ?xin nneitySi snn ni;n:)TSi xin nvsS'iS :>:r3n nrhn pnzy y^Qs: 'ynm nn-«Si n^:£S n-jics Nnnc' ,i::nD?3 .nnnsS nuitt'2i n^JsS naiirs nn« S:)S /^nn xnSn ,nynn xSk ,ii's' IS .nvnn pypin vn p"m x\i Nin «?2>n kSt /n n:2T; ':g2 .nnnsS '»it:«2i lypnn myDom hh^r^ lynn xSi lypnn *if2is sntio .nynn pypin vn p'^m s^n nnx 10X123^' ,n>3B» h"r\ pxc' .nynn nnni ,Dnypm .nypn nS np nS nynm loxp.iynm n>:tt' nypn xnn »xn r.^itrn x!3>c»s nnypm irix mn o 'jiSs n:nr3 y::ji nynn nnypm mynn ,mypn yir*n .n^nnn 1:^1 ,n>^ xpsnn .nynnS n':r n^^^pn nnypni '^rinp >2m .nS V*^'^ 2-\ pns nj'c^n c'X") -'-^ ) / 1- nnz-i) ,mDS?3 n:\s -idix min^ "i ,^dv 'i nai ,mDS?j "inN 'n irn^s 'n ; ""DV "1 nan ^niDi^D /'ny px D^ni^xn sin 'n -id "qanp t^N nuc^m orn nvn^v. ■niy |\s dmSsh Nin 'n o nyi^ n^sin nriN,, (nco niD!:'rj nj''{< pdis min^ '-» ^:dS i2iyn '^:ri>t2 .noi^ro nrx ir^is min^ ^31 ; ^or '-) nm ,n"iD^o /'n^^ro \^ro 'it:^ '^bnn dn Nnp?D pL*'N-in Si?nr. nyrai ,rpnD ""JL^n n"i ^t^' id'""! na'nn p3 ^nn::' Dino NiHL" 1212 pn idin* p^nin pNi ,D^Dn --jq >y pt:c> n?'1 ^nonn pn^yr:) ps .in^ ,p^ in dvo i^inS jn^^ nvn dn* ^3n* : nL**yn t^S nrc'J2 N*in^ -13-in yovj'm ,NV^ nS pDynrom ,nrDS"'C' iv pri^y ppDyn?o ^nx /yipnbn nipijnn nx ■n^c'v pNi ,nc'yn n>i ni-y o"n ,s'in nc*y idil" v d''d '^Jl .^;^f•' x^ poynrrn p ■D^c*: sn .yipn^D nipirnn nx ]'22V'^ px (J^3 .nc*yi nc^yn xi? nx nnn V D"'2 yipn^D nipirnn ns x^i DT*:n n« s*!? pa^yD px : x^jnm ? pa^yro .men niDDiD D'L*'J n?2XT.,pycL"UTi'^DV ^31 xn ,r[i)n' n xn ,p"b ,'ux irowX ii?'Lx'nri>C' ny ;n3 ppoynro ,n"jn .nac'n i^^ax nry^x un ncx ."nc^^t;' ny» xin xnny .mo dv2 ~i?oiS inv pxi /Haco yipn^D mpirnn pnsy^ pxi >nyc'2 rjnu- jop2 ii^l'Pj |XD X'C'p x^ ^lypn pn?ox x^ n^nriDt^ xn ,pn3yo xSt .'j.sj;> t^S::^ s^ L'^t:^ my^pnnno '^lltD -iij^n!? y^jn xbc* |dd3 |xd ,-ii:^ni? T\^^yc*2 "ic^o^ njic'x-in ypn .nnn^ 'jd nynn -ny^i" ,mynn c6"'d ny^n "iiy^c' •ypim ynDi ypin naiti' i^ njon: "]d inxi in^ac* ^d .nnx xi?x nu px d^dcd : iDix bx-'S^: p"i .T^n t^n^-i n^n^ ^d id ,3"'^n in^v n^X^c^ dc'd ■ D^oys 'j n'^x ?nynn3 n^^pn iiy^' x^jnm '.n^I .inain n*- Duin nx x^vid in^v n^^L- xp X"i2 x:n ; ^32 )nh^2l niynm •'^a inSi3i niypn n^u'n xp pn x^n r^^2x n-w-yc'D nynn n^.y^c' x^jnm .nna^ ':d nynn my^c^ .xb im ,xaa nn 3^L"n "DD^ nn^ nynn Dv,, [-js n^n::;) n^n^n /\r^D ^xm xna ,''.^ax ncx ? Dnni- n"ipB*:pSnmy3„ C" °'t32't^0 xiD^m nv:)X3 a^nai ^p^!? xn*" x3T or p^nnn*:! viEVC'DL" p^:n ,pnn ijn -S^^ ^SiS" i3d i?:}i >n:^ ^mjj nno id /'xid'd dx zn^m 7t:rir2 r.?£n SSsnrsn ^^T**^^ ""jno .n-nn- n^Sa'O >n "i?2xpT n-nn ir.r: v-'^'**^ Ow v iryi D'z",x ,"::*^* n:rr2n niT.*. r.yi'z '?^j .z'-s v::i'>'z pnrixnz hhn n^'h n'lzi ,S^r:n .v'prr: .I'srir^^ ';^prh nn^zv-i "^^ nnnc' nScn ppS m^tJ' t^•^• S2 urh i^ms vm i^pn^ xSr tit: .x:r3 ipno sp pnos xSi ,'12 D'O .nj,»>pn i,'r2c*S ninnS pn iS^S ,mnnn nx "*:n^2 ;?2Tr:c* v"f2T nr^JiS nmtasn /p^Dv^ c^b^j xn .in^oiinS 23Vf2 rxc* tt"OT nfiS'tr ;n2 ppDjrno ,"ii;n^ yunt:' pjp .xoi; ]r3Tnc' nt;^ mvoS n^m n:,'\-n ,^h'^ c*Sc' ^tr -^'Su* .nnsic'S nnxi niansrV nnxi nvs'^:^'? nnx /o trStr '^jnD ■n*jrr£ ,n:ic'xi: .xin^' S3 xfs'^y: pi''ip '.1 ,ni33^ fSii' .nnxi nnx 'tis r\-;''pn'\ T]'';\'\n 'vr,u' z'r\'Z" n3 DH'ih c»nca ico n^nnn nnx Sc* n^'pn ,n''iti*i -uv^i .n^nnn ^zthc ,r-x xSx n^2 ;'x .m:n3n n^ssStt' nuia-ei nvs^QT nnnxSc* n'jit:*2 n nc'v'? "i^n:; .rir-i:: n^tt^n -i»3i ^edid nSsn SSsnn ,ii'2tt* 'D .p^pcsrs x'' n^ncS nnx n^'pn 'pic-r- •^r2xp 'sm ,>23 nSi32 'oj .nnsic* S'iB'r ]2\ m:n3T S'zti'z pi nio^o S'zc: ,c<^ xcnz"! xjD'pixi :i"vx /.vSs »x";i xnn '>3X lox .niii^ri noi"^x ,Dn3e' /nr^x -32'n x;b*^7 *x"i '^: z^n3 xidt" n'r2\xii xin^ n^nn ,pv:.rro": .'.v'^s xc»3 xni ^r-'r rni^j? 13:3 nr^x ^idv an ."hdvc vpnn im^^n,, (:p c^'^nnj ina man ■]:n -r^in; sna: p3L" rii-iDSD n-)L"v n::D ,-i^5< pnv '•m /ron nc'^s ^s nrosrc n-nmn. ^mnn p L^yj' : '2np ^a^n ,in^ N^ya^x -xv^ 1^120 C'i:'^:' u*'^c» ids ds n^^y^'n ND^Mi /L">c' inb I'^im ,D^ainDn p nnxi ,D\s^3:n p nnxi ,nn"inn p -ini<: mc'^D ,m:"nDT n'\'c*v^2 ,nva^D ^-lt^•vo rnms px :x^:rn ,c^"n ?s*niD in^Tn ,-iD\s mj p pnv ^an .D^yp-i r]V2^ i::3 ,xv^ ,|^idd ya:^^ idx dxi ,nnDii:'' ,D^3inDi D'Nu: min "i:j3 ,xv^ i^13d C'^c^ -i?::x dxi ,ync'D nins"' x^ nman. pnr m:D n^^n i^xvoc* "idx x:in ni "ir::N* .D^bxic^i D^-i^ D^:n3 13:3 n^ n?oxi niinn ^^nnn ,ni3yni2 ^tj' miain m^iisT rnv3^?o pi^DTD px '""jHit^ .'^i: 12 pj3 nv^Sro 't2Il i:!"?) -xv^ n-nnn D^^i^n dn* ^itoix "or "'m ; x^n:n D^^'j'fot -jiScx naisc* nronai h^id: ynm ,npTn n^n x^ dx 'n dx: '•jx '•n,, o 7sp7n^) snnnm p^3 ,;rpnD^S py n"3p nm^i? xnnn •'sn ^3 ^3: pn: -i"sn Vyx^ "D3^^i;- -iL"3 "3 "ii3rv, (nv a''?^) PJ3 pn3T ; pn3nD s*^ xne^ C'nn xnm ni3ns -nox n^n"- yL^' p-i3T p-i^3T^ px /i3i "nv3:n -i21l*' lyp^// (n v^i^in) p:3 ,-)2Vu" "i^i "nnn pj3 mjn3r3 p nn ni:npD /"idj; pvia 'n •':i3T„ (ip n^=?nn) pj3 /naitoij i^^^x^ '1 ,^DV y'l "D3nx Tnpa mps,, (.*! ni?2L") p:3i ,"mc' nx nps 'm,/ (i<2 '''^n-i) npD 'm ,ni:n3T3 p nn mjnpsn -d: ^nj •'dv ^nnh .mjn3T3 |rx ,nrDiN* min^ iSL*',, (13 =^^7^3 •x'^jDi D^nn3 nyo wi-) insn p^3 ? x^n n^nn pnpD nnc* nx /DV '1 nnn ,l*'^:^* n^^jsr ,D^nc:' njii^xn "hSd nn3n ^s^ ny .'i:i D3^l*'x-) Dny^" Vj^bi:h tnroT iidt D^ni^x "iidt,, (tr: c^o DTir n^^jtr .nnx n:ic'x-i /-ii:ix min^ 'n pvc^i ; nnx prois* min-' 'n : "-dv 'n nan ,D'nt*' "D\n^x pnsn ^3 i^ro '•3 inrar n L""''j* pi3T .nnx x^nc^ "vcnp sd3 t>y 3t;*^ D^n^s* d^i: ^y D^n^^{ "i^on,, Ccl-) ,mjn3Tn ay nn^ii^ ,"cmp mpjD nynn pn3T pnnt:',, 0^ ni^m) p33 pyinn niJin3Tn oy nSs nnDi.s irs p^^is nnin"- '1 -/dv 'n nan ,nn2Vu"n Dy ^nn•l^?Y /'n i^D nynm loy vn?^< 'n„ (:;:> n-ir^) p33 ,nynn loy L*'^tr ni3^» ; nai^a i:^« ,nrDis nnin^ n ; ^dv n nan ,nn2iD'n oy nnraisi nr3^rDn Dy nn?a1^^ Dv,, [-^2 -12^:22) p:3 /DiS3 N^ noy pi<'j' nynn .na^a nva^on oy snx nnoii^ ni}:))i{ irx ,n?DiJ< nnin^ ^an ;'Dv ^an nan ,nna'icn Dy nn^ois* "D3^ n^n-- nynn D^^::'n dsi ,n-nna n'h'C"o n^ix ^or n ,w^^a:a D^^c'rai nnina ^^nno .np^y ^a .nnina nmx p^'-fj^D vn pp^ni ,''DV ^ana nry^x n"^? ^an ^dj N'':n -nv^ N'-aja. 'n,, :(:i2 cr) p^inn Nin n^n nv^hr^ s^n* xain sa^x pnDVL'i m3n3T xropra "I^^n^ 'n,, ,(rj ni?3r) 'pSn pniK^a •'nn,, ,('.^ di:i) "ia i^'o nynm V2V vn^^^ Sxnt;'^ r^t^V/ (i cn-n) ty'2tt»n cnn2 Minsr^'S ^'h^^ ^mir.rr'^ l'-Sci ,r,v3^;2S c'?^ /sp r.ncitt'i ni^n^n rv2Sr2x '; ';; ^^trt ,n:^o in ; d^z-ii '^33 .n^zinsn p nnsi D^s^2:n ]r2 nr]^^ n-nnn p nnx in? iin-r nS oiD^nS 'i^rDT .s:'':::*3 ixS mr^n -S?3 ri sin ^rs ,n\ntr n':tr .m'-s s^nnr. s::3 Sv 2tr^ ;:':q hSi 'id |ic'i «nnN nriix Sy nSx n\n2r?2N k'^t nnn^ ^z-i r^trn xp .s'-nr 'iLic "ioT?2n n^ i^-:::: c^-irrni ,c^x^:::- n''?jT:\ / — ,Dy-i2i;'S ,s-j«ixDi ,wsnwst5 nj2^?0T ,n:D^S snwSDi ,wSL'nwS*S njT?oi ( :kSS ,nj3^^ /I^nro np"iDy 'naoi ,Nn3i:^ ^^.isvr^i ,m2vS Dnyc* n^nroi ^cnyL'Ti^aS DyiDC^Di ly njr:' i*"ix ly nS^SL*"' n:S'D'j'^ niyc*: nnp Dn?3 ^3L"v n-j-n ^3,, (t2 co v''3L" ^oip -i3y'3 nyjnn,, (=-'cr) -ir:>N:L" "^xrS r"Tny Dw"21 ,|:nv 'n ir^s ''-ii:y L*'sn iS'^N'j* ,^X3T p pnv p-i ppnn nsT "iiyi ,nn-ip p v'c*)n' "1 nox '^jpit: xnn^x s^nn 't2^ .lyiu d^PdS x^n p^Sin nnyn in^ sS*J> /Dipo Sd3 |n n'3 ^D3 pi n'n L*'Nn li^^Dx pn ps wS*m : i'0'?onS 'l'\s* l•^ n^S n?ox ^niiS^y wsn^n2 nnn nny r^y^ "'t'^o ':n ,y's ? lyiin DipoS x'^x p^Sin onyn in^ xSl*' ,D"iprD Dn^^-ijD3 ni^y^pSL'n d^jhd rx ,i"n ."mSo l*'\s:3 niS nny,, (=3 ^Srr:) ndh ^3N .x?rp xp-is"T s"im N*p-i^D ^xm n^L*' : T"nn ppnn-j» m:pn yrTio ins in ^^''"'^ 13D ,x"3'j*i T3X .^ypS yai-i u*'nD^L*» -[nv nrn prn i^^jrut:* 13 :s^:m "in\si 31 :^"3j-ii s-:d m sninSa ?n^xi -nSprin ^jd?3 ,nS:2"'3'i pnv pi n^^y n:o: mo '':ri.t2 (.2'7* .nmnr Sw' ;vj'S "i'::x pnv^ -13 pn: an rv2-\ did nOwS ndq nrnp ,ypin "irxi ]n^v nrD:^^ S^idi ,DL**n n:rnp'i nnnji nnx t:in* -.niDin ,D'':nD n^-ini nx-nm mny nro\^5i ,ypini nncvi:* ,yp^m niiii^T ,ypim Dvn '(•-i^arfD x^,n H'oS ^nvD^roS ypin ij\^ d« : y"-i )b n?ON* : nij p pnv 'n nni niJiiDT ,ypini Dvn nmp oy nvD^?3 SSi^i ,ni:*n nc'iipi nnn^i nuN* iroij^ xSs* ]'':rD ,-i"n '!D^ •D'':nD riDiai nsnm mny -iroisi ^ypim nns^L'' ^ypini piDT pn3L"„ (:i3 sn-M) ,3^n3T HDiN* x"i ? nnsvL*"! n^Ji-iDT nr^So Dn^iNL** ^nniLVL- ^Ss* nynn ,ni:n3T i^jn* pi2T fDvn ni^np nr pnn'i;' '"linip xipro nynn n?ox: sb no ^jd?3 : sn^py ^21 iS ir^s .hdxSo n^^i^yn ini^np mp i<-\pj2 p-i3r ,nDxt^?D n^^'j^yn inrnp pnnc' x\s ? n^nn nin^n nns i3*j' nuc* pnnc' DnroiXL" ]'':jo .Dvn n::»np it c^nip sipo ,n"n2^,c' ii:'is* nynn ,ni:i-iDT i!?n •^DV '1 ;m3SD "IT "T2*^'n L'nnai dd'-hSx 'n ^js„ iwi') iidis ■•2-1 x^^n v nv^Sro ''DD^n^N* •'jdS piaA D3^vm„ ("imr2in!D'is .v^in nn ,inv irx ir^ix min^ -12 ,mjin3T n "irosrj* Dipo i^D^ nx n:3 ht ? y'n nroi rOD^nSs 'n 'jn* "^"n pxL" •n-ii-yD /Hi^n^T mr^yr^ ,nv3^'o n-iL'^yo pnniD px ''jnt: .;n?oy nv3!?D vn^ nrD^ro nicy "jn '^2^ -nv^ jS^d ': ': iros Ds r.'j^is nij p pnv m , misvL" xniD a^Si^M • D^Sn idd2 in idxi" d^^iSm niL^y i::d m irox v "-d ujd ,j?i2?2 npir^v xnz'ji .nn ^n ^rs'i: pis xmai ^-'ir'^'i nnyir* r^z .nin 122 pv^*" pi n:*:-! ]'i.s ly nin nrsi"' nn nj?>r^*^ xin n*^n ,nr,"! ti'tt* .r:ti* myrrin Srn tx vn a>':'2tr ai^rii sSx '"^nro .i2v^i P"^* "'V n:l»2'2" iri^r^S »:»*?3-i c-j* li^y n^,' ncr^n .-;;vv.' y:nx .p.n'jr: r^r.H ex ,3"xi .Nr,r:tt* i*Jtt* ,snM!: 'D3 P'- cxi H^i imc-p' pi-in:ri p^m xn^tri r;*;c* S*jn riiS xn^B'i pyjiri in^c ppnn '';nr2T crsm 'xn xin ,xpT2 \x.-n r^cr xim .ivm uipoS xSx ]Oiin onv w xScn Dvn Sr i^-'zpo in^ri iirx riD n:n ar p pi i:n '■-*! li^'m hpz* ,y2n p:"-: nc-n p,': '7^ xSx ]'Sir.o w xStr ,it:2p xpi^i r.m:Ji mzx '-jnrD .la^np^t M^r2^2 iin-?2n n^: n::' xr^-j* i:>;;'? y:n trn2» iDrn ,]p 'rzi 2inDn ',2 nr£ nnr '?03 .k^^!!* 'J'TJ* Sr mvp'"i tr'tt*2 m:i*r3T ,'13 vpi*ii ^"^'^ nu'npi ':3 rt'S -;'?2:i riT"n 1**'' ^i*'^": ,c2^r;^s* P ';« ,"ii'v x\"ir nsx^r^n '^v I'nTni xz xin .r.^^T^r I rpnn?3"n3 znnL'vo -dip nnoSi L'n^ip Dvn imx piimj ,n*^;vr^i nnr^n |?o D^iy- D'lSn I'^p'^'P NpS^p nro 't2:i .Dvn Sd cnnn nny ppipo in -c' ^xdt p pnv p> nnr r^^P'^ ''^^ ^*^-' ""^'P^^ iinS 'jn piD nnn nnnx^ xin 'i S"x ? i^m n-i^L*' "loiS ^^n^DDJi r^Dioi pivon nnpni? Dm mni" sn^c' hd x^x ,"t:nnn 'c* Dn'oi.s vn niz pL*'X"ia ::;"-i qvj'?3 ^,?o"ix r^1'\7^' u~i X'^n (.nS .c'U^L^n sSl" no 'rj'3 ; voSiyn 'o^yj'T n:pm n:pL** d'J' Sy ''nxiSoi ]nsn 'nS,. n^ o^Snn) \]r\'b'; i"^'^i vl"i;d pS^ni** q'J' h]} ''nxro ^^inm 'n t^n:„ ih^ ac) ? Dnroix vn: ino^nn ]ns ni'':c* nr ^y ^'pn niv2 nv: D^n^NV, (::s d^] :Dnnix vn 'jj^^^rn-. nr^n nidl" c'v "'n nv:jpj i?N„ (t;; n^'j : Dn?::"iN vn ^y^nii ;)r\i]}'l> bin |^3nT "liTiy D nb^b irjin,, (nb du^) tnnroij^ vr\ ^c'r'^nn ;innniyD yiD^^ n^nyi n^n'^'^ n>D 'n„ u^f D'2') : Q^-roN vn ^'1:^**3 ; vyrb ni'c^b D^m niDiy xinc^ dc* Sy (2"i' ctt') :nnD X vn ^y^arn ; jn^Sy "i^d") in^x'^ro "i?d:ic' dl" Sy "L"n^ ms> pSnS D^03n ixn no ,n^?3n^ "\ nox -nac' i^dl" nvi? /'-nntr^n dvS i^l" nvono^r nn I'lixn ,«rDp nma ^j^B^opi ;n2t;'L" dl" ^y ^y^nc^n n^jn ? iSSn D^p^sn pn Dvn nn^ '^^ 3:ic'J'i„ (2 n^ytt'^j nroxjc' ,nnn nm ^o'^y ^in ^jl*' ^£:Sx i^n^^c* xj^i^p nD N^nn'cn ^SDvon ."onovD ij^^n\, ,'i ^c-i-,) nr^xjc' aim nn nr^x •'^ns /'xinn: -iDX X31 13 pn m -10X1 ."i"^ V'nn ,3-1 n?Dx xnn -1:3 py an n?ox ? Dn?3ix vn vonroix vn no xnncn xnnj?33 .no^^n n^33 rpi^n id ixd Dv^^nc' im^ ,31 xn3w' nn3 inbi3 ^:n ,ini? x^y3'X .n^c*^ rxi ,i"i'^3 V3i ,n^:r^ tx ,pnv 'n nox- ny /^Dv -i"x x'onn /yoc' xn ? nn n?3X xn3L'n xn3L** ^3 xo^n ix ,inS n?3X nox xn3:^i xn3tv ^3 nro yDt^♦ ,D^nc' nnnn n^'rc' /nnx nnoix njiu**xnnr 't^ipi^ ,nr3L*' nyoj niyoo -^iC'y ,pnv n^'x n\x n3 nnin^ 31 nox .nro v^'j* nn D^SL"n''Di ,D"'^nn'S nvijnoi nvijnS ,nnjn n3L"^o .xnoio ,pnnn:D nn^Ji n^:)3t inD cnv ixi::^ n?2u* cmp iz i:.-!: n^CT.i anc^ r^h ry^'r\^*::ii \s*- n:i!'n rx-z ,ttmp' any 1x2 axi ,ni;r:n 1:: m\n S2 i-.aS pi sin u'"' S'? nin nS^^rnc* s*!»'r2:i '"^ ir;ic*ipn. nSyoSi n-iirsn ;a nxi /rmp 1:: i-in: r^v^' vm:i rrnnn nx c^npr^ ;n nn nn::2n mip n^*^?2U ::"Dj,*x inbS imti'-pM SiSx nx iisy^i nvn icnpS pix i^S^pr^ to ;'Xtt* e'^j^x ix: Di>n Sd r^x'?^ n itj'v^i nxzn r\22'h nn ^SnSrS ^-ix xrs'-'n n^x'^a:: iidki n'^np2 mix pnS >in pi3 '?3J .Sin n iJ.inii li^rn nSjrr^h nn:r:>n pi n:n cnip 12 i:j;n2 npntr'x iir^x'i c^f2:^♦ ,n2p.B> .iiOTrin S3 ,]nxn 'nS 3in S'^* i^ti' ^^'!2H^' iir^S' n3f2?2'2' it xn^nn nnS nir D^jvSy |n y'pn ^n^n ^VB'yQ pSv-ic' .nispnS no n:ip nraiSD nn ncvS S^n ,n:pni .pxi inox: c'f3' ntt'iJ* Ssir ,iSSn nv*^"isn |n pSnS yi nxT nrj .nnni it'^i nSyn:i '':innnS n^S n'?3'i '1 ,x3>Dp ninn uS-jn: xpi .xznS Dir Sy n^tt* Stri 'irv'^' 2^' '^y I'^^n c^pnsn i:nxn ni'ir ncis ^i"S v^^Tn .n?2x i^c ^x'2 ,xnncn n::ir:2 .^nxn x'i'X ,x:^up :::"n n^S ,px;>i 'n x*i>i ,pix ^niri:: Sj? inr3n> ,dSi^' mr:^ ii3T ,i:nxn :n^pnr n^*2'h nnix a^pSin- nn2 i^pSin "3 .;x3 nxtn m^tt'n 'pnn ^rpiSnr -m^ .ir^j: 'n i^^ n ^lux inx c^n ^^iS ni^tr ,i^tt'^ TX .]SnSi ni^tj^n ^r^ xnip 'thi niin iqd; ]'xiipn n^"j^' nnix r^'^ip "I^ ,nDJ3n n?3x xnstr nns .1x2 'Syi Sxnti'^ ,n^tt'> txi .nn^csn- ciid -y ,n3iD3 n^i .n3if32 n: n^ n\n- ]n3ifDn ni^ty ,n:ic'xinir» t; .-nx pnr nrx nztj'S pi2i piD Ss ,xoSn ix .n^iSn ,inV ^P'^.n n^tj> nnm ,D^n*2* n"iTin . on-ivn n^on Sty nn:?3n ni^c' ,n'^;tt» .nnx nys nS^S.i niTin >-i^>xT Wi^^a 'id niy::?3 "^^7 ,cSi3 pi n^'i^ nsm mrT ,nnx n-tt»2 linxn :xnSn x^nv .iK'L:ntr'3 tsyti tsV'-"' Sxi^'^ ''v'^ pSn^nS ,nvDC' n^c: .xrn nS up: nj2^ Sb' ni^pns '^:n» nnn -nr cnS icv nv:n ,nv:-,'" rn.in nrrSD .f'xnpx nr3::i inS ^rm ioiSd ,\snpa> / - ' 1' - 1 U W » » W fS 1 -. lU u . -^^ Dipro ^22 pypin in^L" -'ndt p \:n\' pi ppnn unpron n'::i 3inL"D , nrir^n ;ii^3 n:3^3 s\v ,\SDr p pnv p-i ]*pnn vvS nrypx ^ni -ir^x .]'! n'2 n c^l*' n-iM' D^'^w'i"!^ nn\-i nsT "lU'i -pi n'3 u l"'L" dtpd i^D inxi n:2' nnx iS n?os vn nS nn^2"i ,pvmn xnS nSn^i r]2'\'^p'i nyrovjn nsn s^nc i^p Sdl" ,n:3^ Sy , n3-nD ,n'3nin-i xin pni N*n-i -lox ??o"njD '*2j .12^3 |n n^ii nSs ri'vp^^n ):b\2' NDL** mn: nsii" ny^pn^ ;\s^p3 Sdh pxi ,-i2Vw" ny^pn^ p3"'^n Sdt n:ii i^dni ir^ni -n^i^i x'2y:3 ^r^m .n-nn mox '1 ij-)'3yn ,iioSt> v^?^ ^^'^< l^'i '•"'■''^ □yQ ,in"> i:n 'n \sdt p pnv pi ppnn ::npDn n^i 2-inL*'D .nyjDT vsoyo "^3^ ^N3T p pnv pi nn^ I'^x ,pD:2nr2 D'-iyn b^ rm ,n2L"3 nrnS n"-i Sn nnx ii?2X "lypni" insS ; pnj D"nxi ypn: :Dn^ i?on ; pnj nS iir^wS : ypn: :niM3 iS iiros .nr'y'2 inx"^ pTi-ro pxi rn:r3 pp nyror: idd : DnS "lox ,p-i: : 1^ ^pi2i nv^io xip iDxn ? 'cnp^h ir'iD fi:n dv xn-'-jn .n-j'm x^ym '^^'D'd "nS px u*nn x^n p'v -["i ix-ip nmj ,nir:x min^ ^31 no^L'Q ih) 'X3T p ;:nv pi pnv^ 13 pn: 31 idx hdx ^?3i .^^33 nyi ny i3Dpi ,Dv Sc* iDvy ny "nrn Dvn ovy ny„ c:) xi-^ii iroxn |;nv pi ppnn Lnpon n^3 3in'j'?3 ,t:m ? n^^v rSs rSco xni n^ni3 nS i3D 3^nDn ,iiDX xin niinn po xi?ni ,n-iin^ i"x ;iidx 1S13 ^i^n dv xn^c* \S3T p ^X3T p pnv pi 13D in\s* :^yD xpn xin min^ n Dnn v nrn Dvn Dvy ny nn M'pnn 'xn y ':np ppnn xni .iroxp xn^iixir^ ,xm xSi ,i?3Xp p3nrD Dnyn innc': nnx dvd ,Dvn ^d L**"nn nny pS3pr3 vn n:iL"Xi3 '^intD .ppnni 1X3 DX1 ,nn:?2n ny xi^x p>3p?2 in^ x':^*j' irpnn ,i^'j'3 D^^n iSpSpn:i xni?^ nztr py^n- r.i'r> r;:'>;::2 r.-iyz ,a^yj'n^ nr.M rx; niv^ -pm:^ 'r.^y^' cipo S2:: pi •, m .ty-i-:2: p:n mztr 11::^^ yni in.i x'/ t:*ipr:2i /01 isS'j^ x?2tt' ni'ij '?23 ..1:11 Sy p pr^i v-c' 'dS pi r'2 >ni'''trr3 ny'pn yirsc^S ct:*S ,D'r:3.ir3 .n::' niz'irtf ,C2'^vn ''^:i ;^xi .1:-";' N*:::' pi r^i nipr^z px "";T.r t:*> ex ,;n: .vn ii-n '^n.i ,ni'n2 ';z .n*"'c*"ii': px .x:in 2'i3 ,^r:3 i::ii'x .i:v2vy ^>' c^'- ^y^ x'i'i:'^* xin 'xr; ,nryr2 iix^ p::'c*» .I'vn S22 pyp'.n pypirm p-,-r:: p::s'i^ i"2-2' ;r:Tz s^x ,':':v2 cmc^rn cvz zhm^ mTF'"*^ »"i ra^trz .ir.'.n n-rrs i'xnK»a xn"iixir2i ^tri-n ]?3 Siss'? ncx iSiDioivn?:nDVKn'c-i '^jnD X2 xni2i^2 ,'-'r2i*} ^:I■'^:2 .S':'r2 lyi iy ii2pi n;n pTn cvn ^:i I'.rx niirn ^r: -ir:x-: ,r,')::n v,r>i''U Y'rr'A x"i'?2i n-.h t:**^i ,pprrn tt^n .n::' xricn ^'^Si c;"j xinn ciro v?;' it:j-' Dvn in ; cv-:: '*3n'3 •■■■*r?2 ir^iyitr *'?2:vn ri-crs "^i*- irM im vc^v i^tr t*? piT'ii /nn"i2 'i'3 N*^ nXiS ,N3i "i?ox v -i3j;"i ':npT ,n^:?::r n^S ni^y n^b y-\2i p'2 ^rn'3 ^3N ,nui n^^'j'3 s'ln ^^d."" t\s ; i^^i ^aS y^o::'^ yr'or:}^ ,v:D':iVP yoir 'ii^ n'jvo nn^ tj\\*d n^m» \r nr^'j*) '"jr.*^ -y^ro:'?^! y?::v:' p"i2n''L" ny n*^'^ nS -TiDi^ x'^x "^ n'onP?o nnnrj' is nonS^o nvj'r; nro yj* ri^ ^di 'i^t "^xil**' mr. o^'^'juc' nn^3X^'D3P n>? pTDyL":?^ n'-^v^ ^^^^d i^pDriDD Psil"^ vnc pr Pd :"]b -jS n-JV" ''*<^ inr2-) iDTN* n.ix nmn wn;vd ; D^"^:";] vn is? nxi ,DnDjn?o vn L'MJ ix n^^:)?o L"n: ^::t "^m in^N nxii i L":n Sd n^m dj Sy imx n^c'i ^inc ns px^^iVi' px |op"i HDvj' .L:nn -D^pvoj vn ,ixS Dxi ,pwssin?0 vn 'fU'i^'cii- ^v D^nin nx x^vvo irx ,-\2i2 I'^^niD irxc' ^:3 : SSsn nr .|nnin n^ D^i-n on:;"! an: ,D^i?xnu*'^i n^i^i D^jn^ .navj' ny^pna pn^^n S^n ,-i"n 't:; :;n:',n x^^*i?^"irx DVjoiD ,p-iin p vvni nny vvnr ^:o .Dirjmjxi d^D'^idi Dnnmnj ^j^x'j' nx x^ bnx ,i:^d nx x^^vo Dir:m:x -irjo irxc' nx x^i iro nx xS ^jn ^x I xi:^*j'2 .n^^xTj'^i d^^i^ D^:n3 :-idvj' ny^pnn pn^^n Ssn ,^,d "^?ox .irn nvw" M:m ^^xin x:v::x n"D ,n^^ X3n*jv\s; D^jn^ v ^T^nvo |x?o /^a^^n^?o x"^ ,nrj*n -j'x-n n^^'on n\n^x ,^3vn mv^on n\n\xn |x?o ,no-i3Si ny^pnP n'^-ii? ^nvn ? n^-n-^ x5:^ nyc'n L*'x-n nvvoa x^3\x ,Savn rivron in^n^Si ^xin D^:nD ^:ni pin ,x^^"iD xv^L" 2"yx ,;Si3 ni:Dinn b^ -. xin '3"n nna n^nx ^jn ! y'r:p ,xm "yn -x^'^'vo irx x^*^ dxi ,x^^*vo X'.*'' x"^ dxu" ,p^n DDim DnSn riDin?:? ,x^n mini p^3 vinD Dvn m^p ^j* p^n nDi^i nvro yj* on^n n^in i:!^!; n-1 -n jrin ^3 /-"X n"n "idxi ,y:c' xn v x-n nmn ixS n^in rxoyn ix ,p^2':? D^'^v x^ ,i:nn i3n .inb c^ipo n^n xiairo n^snx ^nx n-n ""di ,|^/L:npD nin -es '12 Ar\'2 ^*ay v::}"^ xin D"nD ^nx .nn^ry i^D^x p dx x^x ^pnnixS ncvic mx •X'vvo xv^L" ^2 Sy 51X nyj?D3"i bbr\2) , nvi?:n \2:rb p r,''2 mis*, -j^v ]*i" ,:';^^y nriy pN rr^r2 ? :^"rir S:: mc'ri nz^v n-t:> ,n-y .mvn mti'S nS^* ^nD'i::^ >:^r3tt'2 nyr 'ry nyc' ix c^r:^ Sy cv nsrin ':'!:s ::'?i'?i p:^: ry'r:n ]i.";2 pr^r- s"?n ri^irin ^;- ,-i:r,2 ^yz y\'2-:'n /r.::in n> ^:x^:iinS '?3tt«; yipn"' ponr, rh ypn ]in^s .^i^-ir^ nr px ,":i:v.ni:Ni cm^r^i ,kS p'VimtrfD p^xr S:n ^p-nmir-Q D^--yi 'd:i .y?:it*n x^'iin^ nr ypin xr:::* ftr^'iDD cvjdVl: ,i2^r2 n^? .i:c' nn^i t^' nvi-fD ,nry vir,ti' ^rs ,Nin idt xr^ti^ nn^y TJ \i« s'?! /i3 nzy v^^n^ n^ jm^D di:\v.i-;:s ,*,:^r2 x^'ivi .*idt n'^m n^pa ntr r,T p-'ny Sxnti'^ Sd nnc ,s'"ii:2 k:^^^' ^2 Sy ^is .yrsiin nn^n n^'S p'srsi y^rstrm .rri- s'?: HTn nSyn p m:n'7 iiitk'J' sSk nmn p^sa* ,p\Ti cnSn nrn^rs pin .m^^rs'? ,*.-r2 .tt'Tvp ':r^ psnnritt' ,p^n r\2')2\ .s^i'ir^n n^i^S pDirrsc* niJQ n'-'os Str* ,Dn?n r2i2 .'^^n r^ii^ s^jjv:n nsni sSx ,~'t;r2i in:^i n^m iS >y::\n n'? haiz"' t^ipm n-ia n^ON ''y T'ir: rS'rx ,x\n nun- p,>3 ? n^?2 nsnz 'ym nyursS i->^:>?2 nnS n-'S n^n^ xSi iti'zx \y-r c^,:«t:' x-ns nv^'r:^ n:in ix''" nx;nn n3"i- ,xr2ST ix .v'^y n:in cvn ti*n^p pi vSy nrin • D-i^Sy n::"in n:'sti' x^'^'ir^n^n^ir ,":"n::> x':' .r..ini:; x^n r.v:nn ^22 .pn rv3 inixn I'^y pnn ,Sds "131.^:^ piDj ; -i'j'3 ix> DX1 /i?Ot) HM," nr33?o "iSip njn:": dn I'lnao V nrpn -i^n** n-DDT : ^ids isS dn*") ,-i*j'd nrpn iiy^i" n i"nrj ds nnnS -inv IN n3V IN pi rip hm ; ;sd?i jxdS nsn^i n^n i:rnx^L*' nj ,y'2cn cn^a .XV' 12 ypni imp : ^xv^ri nnx^ n^S inSL- .ie:vl:'2 P"i^l"d niijipn P2L*' ,"tj'd ND^m iH'^ ,innD?3 impL" 'l*\s* m -i'::x ! m"^ imp mpv^ roj inSo : XD^ti'D N^ ,x:in 31 -i^x .r-nn imS ix lun imS ypinn ! b"J^? v ;*vin iron pD ror (.riD .1XV' 1133 pTOiyn ;nix '^3X nun hdl" Sy cnr^iyn ;nix^ x^x irj* mip ny^pn nvp?:; ; xv' ,i"i3n nsi" Sy ny^n nvp?oi ,1133 ny^pn nvp?3 n'h i?3X -XV' x"^ ,inrn iiny nr^y^L** inx^ nypn nvp^i ,inrn iitDy nSy^'^:* nii3 xry3 'CJ X3n v xd^^i X3vn3 ny^pn hSd xry3i ,cnn x:r ^xd /ux 113 X3n ,bb2 xin X3vn pt ix> nh^b nnn l xnr'n '3n y xd^Si X3vn3 ny^pn ^"^3 ny^pn ?]id yD"j' : n3i i3di iiyf2^ .1133 pioiyn :nixS xin X3vn Dipo ypn ! L*'"n v xv' ny^in ^iId x^3 nypn n'^^nn x^^roroi ,xv' ny^pn nS'nn V Min3 nS pSon \x?3Xi ,nnx x^x nu ;\x ,u'n':*'D n^^r^'i "il*'?31 njvj*xi3 yipn5^ im?3 ,"ii'3n?3 ni^:r] niron ,x3i iDX -irpoa xS mn^ xny^pn 'p)D^ n'3Xi .nivro ^c ny^pn 13 yipnS inv3 ,i2it:'D rM<:n iiv^n : mvc Sr ny^in iS nv3U xS t'3X ,D'?3L**:in niou nxon V3 rSy htd ^iiun'o nx:n mnn ,x3i xS S3X ,Q'DC'in nir3'3 ,mvr3 b^' nSut: 13 i?3i:: /^'i^'^^ ^^^^ ninn .nLnn i\x ? jXD 1XD3 -xv' nvo ^3X1 1X33 :SxirD'jn ni3X^ r\'b in^L" .nonn niDU !in ir^n ^xo^'J'zj ,xv' i^c*^ ypinn niroix nxT ,X3i I'ox .d^^di^ inix£3L'' -*l"x i:,2 sipni X3n S3X iTO .b3X xni ,xj'3ni i?3X nvD ^13X Dnn ,XD^m in?3 i^Si ,y^vj» |ii3n: ,nuM'X : y'?3p ,xin x»3Sy3 pDyn?3 \sni 3'n3 "nynn pi3T,, ^*r3k•3 .yv3L"?3i yroiL" |ii3nT' ly ^xv* xi? yoic pi3nj xSi y^DC'o ,yv3L"r3 pi3nj nSi v^y^' pi3nj xi^x ,xin X'.:'^y3 nron ii3D3 ,y?3iL*' pi3n: x!^i v"0'C'd ;ii3n: V'x ."nuj n3r3 xpi wXD^n vi^'j'S ypin3 ix^ /H'^ nn3L**D ^3M ,y^oc*o jiun: i3iy irx niv'D i?3ix ':xl** ,S"x y npy n3iD3 \^n3*j'3 |L*''n ,nnyr3 xf?x ,'ux ->ox^ x^c >]:i^^b niiyr |n3i3 p'j?3 ,X3X 13 p*j* 31 3^nf3 .jjr3r3 xSx p^Sy (« cniij p:3 ,^Sl**d nnx n3i3 f]^Dix ^xil*'' nx 113^ nvjn nnn ^^5 njnji i5\sin r.T\zri ip: i"cpi ir;.: ,irap .tr:^ ptr':' ,in'i .ico n^^pn n^'^r hd r,-i:n cipr: -,'; picn ^'K'i'ir:^ i2in^ c:^:: K'x-in p 'jtiz n-^y nr:-22 izin-^ si.tj'2 ,irn2T2 in-ps* .i:2xp ns -icicn Si- ir.c* is:»'> ni2 ;'i:3iyn ;r\x .r^r^rn ns zp: a'^a ,is'-iin xS nri ,i2inf3 inix Kin i?3iy n^n -."^rzap ^3m inyi n"?:: xp ,'i3 11:2 ny^prn n^'pa yrsc* .lyr:'^* cSiy'r CT,p .Ki*v ^f2: n!>'p2i X2n ;:>*;:32*si ,.iy'»pnr: 'i'li pi? n:»'i iirz ypir n^zm n-.i nsc*: Nrsyu p^Sm iritt' ny^nS ic»2 crn S3 :n?';;r3 narr^z p^-:r:si3 sin n':f2T isS ,inK'n nr:;- -tr'ri'! .nv3'7r2n nynn ^izh-i' rrjivrn ,'y,\i'siz vpn .nS^S nSi nr ,n3^ n'n^ n^nn nvrz m;n3Tn nynn 'icSir* n'.:v2*D ' nr£ xp .xin p2ynr3 ixS "i^Sn m'^'Dxz n:r;2'. ,^rx xm x:f3ni iQxp n:JO Sidx cnn xf3Mi ;r^n .■•::-; I'lrn':^ nnr:? ]''^2r:2 yn-y-i ,r>r';r2 x-'x .x-^" xin pcynai :j"yxi ,;S v:2r?2 f I :)() ,nroiN rM)r}' n s':m ;N*:n \N*n o losi sin '^ D'C'2 ^r ^i" n"n ^l" i2ic' pnn«j ,'Syo^DLD n'nyi l-ts o^^^^di hod D"n^ni ,^:^>'r3 ^ao n^nyn. ::'"'j\s^^'2"inrDDn''-i2 c^rx fi^'31 r\JD3 nr^ynai ,^Sr'^ '^d n^nvT c'^r^s t:^L"L"i nro3 nrcn cniq i3D i?:! fn2iL**3 "inwS?D 13^5 V ^yronrc V3 ^Sp nni .Dmi*n p nnvvi*n ML*n .pn hd xrj* ^ND .^iDD ns^v^o vsi pDiDD Dn3T Sw* nvjynm .i2iL"n Dvn ni^^c rn^> ~l^ n::'y„ (^ -1:1:22) n\-i3i ,xin ^iddi n^ditd Pd ? ^d:di s*Dn c'.'^i ,nnn nnn n^p -i:oN* ,pjTjnD3 Nnniy iir^b 133 Pi^vo'j' nn S32 m ."^32 nnvr^n Mr Sax ,-:Mpo3 Dnvox Dnm n?::3 .-^n V2: x^:n- .'jnp'^n'i^SN n?ox x"^ :N3t j'Hjn pi .nnvivn px i^vy ::'^'j' Dip'D ,-i2Vj' i\s* nn^i'ivn ::' l" Dipo ,ppi2:2 iiiox DV33n Svx nm x2*j*Di ; ^:dd2 pnm p x^:jn un rma^vn xnsSi 'an' S"3n XD^n^xi xai n?ox .iibi nnn inni mi.'o nyj'a xi?s p p:inij vn n"^ ^:sS /"n nSnn ^jaS lynn narj* Sipi nM^nni, (n^ c^Snrj nTiDn ? xnp \s?j' ny^pni) n"nS fjivn nvc* .x^ xro'^yn "^nx naiL** Sipi nnvivn p^ym xin 'n ppr^n ycv^ rk'nn Dvn nr : xj-i\xn ]rb'^i2 jx'dd pn^*^ nn Sxvoc* -i"x .'n mDinSt niL" : xrj; 31 3^0 .oSiyn xin: nc*nn nroxn ^nry^Sx '1:2 v p.'xn dvP p^ar ;pL*'xn DvS in3T i^::'yo n^^n Drn nr xd\x xm ^ni^nnSi ny^pnS ^''ih "^av /^iDD ipnni piDrc* nsit:' ''intD •x-ix::\x ^^np ^3 ? xn^"^ Savm xn^'x n"inn DX") ,b)OQ ny^pnn nx nayro ax voriDi 3p^: (:T«) ; Sioa nnsic' nn*L^♦ pan i?ip Dxi' ,xv^ V10Z' -iDVj^ Pip Dx ,DD^3n iiFi!^ IX ,nnn -|inS ypinn .nra ix"^ IVOD m^n nMC' ix ,nD:3n n^n mnx naiy n^ir ^d pi , xv^ x'^ yroE^' man ,xv^ xS ixS Dxi rxv^ lap ]V'2 nx np^jD "^ip ix ^nait:^ b)p yoi^n ^nojan n^aS i-ivpi pmx ,n"n '^;i .la'^ p^a xS nn ,iaS p^a nr : yror nn ync' r\w a^yx iSip n:nco dx ppinara ,Sidd n^jsao anr ins^v ;nc'anS:i bv n^^yni nnj ,-ic'a ;-ira P"xi r^JiDS ny^pnn nx aay^ dx lonDi ap^j pco S"xi h^D^ n\nL*» niroa?D nac pan .xv^ xt' yot:* pv^ Sip dxi ,x:i*^y?ot:*V3^j3 Sip dx nsiK' nma nsir in: i?DnDi ap^: ; Sios irDa xS'^ pa iroa pa ,t:'"a vbv 5^'Din ,n"n .Sidd nncvj^ xini p'nx .SiDD irroa xSc' n&^'a iroa^faix |n: ^an ;Sidd irraa xSk^ pai irjoa pa ,SiDD D^JsarD anr ins^v ; nc^a lam nnsjL*^ a^'yx u^oan SSao ,ian nnari:* h^' ,niv:fn h^ Strv'D^ ^isi^ h^ nms^Dn nrn niDn:: nycTi nc'r^S ^ym ,n"i3'n3'?T .pmi^r: p^sS ptri2D vjB inSenn ,tr'iis* c]»>dt n?D3 .min> '-n sf2p sin ,^;iSs'0 sp \yr2n .nr:yn ^:2: nmsDn mm sn nS£n'?n puvuT'ss n:cn ir-sn:: i^Sn r^iny '£u u^tt'sT n?23 .s^ny '2U m-?22 .Kion'? p2^s2 i^nzyi )S ncD^x xS x>di2oSt n':yn:i m^* n*in.u n^ntrn cic'r^ ,Nn2'iy nsy^raS .xin s^n^n ,ieiB>!i inxD no'? .nsic'n xSi nms ny»pnnB> ,SinQ hq nnjn ,.i^n:n -nviyn p.i3 ,nn•::'l^n li'^c' mp:2 3-vi n^n p.i3 ,"1£:ib' c'^t:* mp?2 .ieii^m nn^iv^'n: nyirs x'^n ,n^:n nnn ritq nytrn xn xnS^o xnn ,n^2n "in^'. .nn:ivim nDiB» "ii'n:tt'f33 .pT nS.-! ,Mh,i h): .nn£V2* ':t!0 n^S mnn Sidd .pmn /ipm '""jno .n^tr^j nnry^ hitd i2>x DX ,^^^3 "i;v:2 .ny^pnn n-D5?2 '?3^:£n ,ni:inQ xD>xn ,x"i' x'? .^nrn ny^pnntj* ,SiDa D"ip?2 p: ,12 i^^nc: nx .ic^-n^ i^ni '?3 ,"i2n*iS pncj pi ,iS3 ,piDi .ny^prn nx rsy^ Tn-n ^Yx cn^'.^nn?^ n-L-ri D'rcn nr^y^ n"2 |n^, hl-'^l" iniwX-i .L'nipD ^Tpi2 T'3 ^niNi '*2^ vrvy ^"r i?:n: n^n^n ;\sr ,L*'n^p?3 mpD ncN"'"i on^jsn '\'^'V"\ ,STT i"N vn''N-?2 n^n: ni'^cr wsnn wsS ,'x?^ni lon-iisa iTn D^iK' 'nr:j;'* ^VN cnn^zn'r u'nn c'il- n?:r T'^ ri"3 jm .-il'-^c Tnu\-i .nS^^n in*NnL*' p:2 p D^m^ nn?^vo n*n nxi .nc'^m r\)y,'t2J2 ^:n pni S\x^n srrj^s nnjjn np^dt r]]r\ L'nnn i?:n^ D'-vd ]*~y3 pnvS ^j""i2 n'^t ":ni2 n^P ? pn nt^yj nyi NiD^roS ."D2^ "'^-i ^-"Oi ,prn '.uyj invp?:i ,i:*iv vc'n ir.vpo (.*ir) u'^^n nx iint:* inK ■•m N?^*n iS'EK vpn ni-y: ly pxi ,Dny pc'yj ;Sid ri?oix STpy ^::i ips^^t: ^3N* ,Nn^2r n^t'iin ^^70 n"^ ,Nw'i:j Sirpn nvrm p^Di "myn i^^vni myn ic£L*'i,, ^:i:'r ,n^s Sm ^"in D'^-j'D riiicvj-n ^3 '"'^rt: .min «3*py ^3-1 i^^sn* ,wX2n ivj*?^3. n Vw-n^j n?3x:t:' :pp iNip: nr^iL^n S3 sSii /'DV ui ids ,pp Ninr ,X3'py 'T "icN ,x\*j-n V Nin n^3Ti xrc^s j^rr2) ^Nr3 P3-1 ^yi^ "iin wS^ (i^D .nS3V ,wsn3-i^ piip vn s^3-iyS ^n3SnL*'3 ,iS-i3: ^^n^^b nn»3N n^iim ,'3n ^3"i wsn?3X^ myro:;' nn ndv- "-[•-^i">ni hSd^Dv iyi^ Tin Np V inyL"3 ^D^CD nnx ^nr2 ny n^S mroN,, /nnyca leno xp n^.m » -"iH nn wS?:)v ,n:n ^3 -13 nn ^.r:N ."-[3.1^ 'n Sy "i^L^n,, (r: c^Snj ^xrD j:3^ /nPo;wS ^-m "i'3n- ^ipc* '^ "r^N-i ,N*:it3 N*:ni n^n ,xy^^D x^nn nni xjprx ;b nnvVi-n ^rc'i ,3nT n^Vi?3 vli ,t2rL:'3 Sy' Su* nj*j'n :;'n-i Sl- ~qil:' '""jriD Dn3r yj'3 nvjyn3i : -'.svj'3 Dvn mvr^c* /n"iiv"?3 nnvivm inxr^ nsic> ,pn"ivn .n 3^^iSD mnvivni nvp'3 i^vj' ,vv?3S3 niivivn \"^,l:"i ,?]D3 n£i^v3 p^^i ,pD"iQ3 i"L''3 nP3V3'i ,D'-i3T Sl-3 ]'v?^r> n"i3 "iroix -"-i ,ni3"i3!?i ny^pnS n"-i> S3vn nvc* 'iS-1 ,cr; xSx i^y'tr* n^ ;\s*i:' ri^-i n"2 imsi .nn^n npnj n:: ^s /Cnyn npnn ]'?'.3r E"yK'i ,Dn^2rz n^y^i c^zii* "1":::^^ .snpS mntr n^riB' n^a ^riD^K'nS 110:2 wp kc''*ix r"'C?r.? I'-Ti' -2"' ,'.r:vv '-£- '-'■'P?^ ^f-i'^ ,i*^><- ■Tn\n pxtt* .cz'^-n ,nn':sz n'y>i jms-i iri'.xnr* .nn^'Xir inr^-;;;' pi3 in'xn s-n n^y^i n^:c' nrsy^ ,\xf2NT '?3: ."iS^fN pn^rno r.vn"" ^ix^ic* '"3 ,]'"" !^"73 •'iV" N^ri'r:'^ .imp' r;:3 Sy ny^os' ixS \y -^nnS "laS^n ^nS^'?; ,Dny ]'L-y: ;ripr2 /.r;is"i c^^d n-ti' cny nvnS d^^int pis iSsi ,pn n'z^;: -m-.z -ry irnnn my ^r.^i ,2.1':^ i-i~'i '-tJ'^ ^"^ cn^yr^n S^s ,a'2'n ]>B»yi pvpr^i .nn>->,':n 'z^z n^v^i ^_j,„^ Vc-'~z~r2 '.i"i:*v ^^ ,-r:S sn- ,n':'n c^ry: n^-yn nrnS '^;rr22 N:*itt'rN nS 'r^: nsi.*. 122.-!^ ,mvn r^-im .n'yn^ cmsi ,cn c-^ po .itrip^i ir^y en irti" 12 *inxi n>n> ^222 sn2n hzv^ ,hivr> pp2 .=^■'2 isr^r 2'n» '221 isitt* 'np i:^k ,\'\p xinc '':nr3 .ini2T2 yr:c: ,irypn r""'2 n'.TiMvrr insS ,-nx.o is'.c* .*i:2xp unprs '?tt«2 ,2nT n£i::a V2i .sin .;*2i22 irin-.tt' crN ,nn2T ^t:'2 .lypn □'2n2n lyp^n nv:yn2 p'*^f3Ni ,nv2yn2i .n2icn 'rip cvn r'vric' .yvr2X2 ;ni ]^'2f2 "^rxi ]X2r."^ 'x pS r.rsv^ ^ic' ,yvox2 rnvi::r( /^nj iDDH j"i m^2Dm xn p i?::' idx nriD Dvn imxi rD^pi^n y^yi nyL" iS xa .t^'^^^ nx pi n^n icn^p x^c;' nyn lyn^i:' nD j<^x ,id^ n-'iNii*' ^j^ro ?- li^^n D^jpr ^::* ddid::' vj-iddj x^ no^ ,-i"n -"i^ D^D-iin p xdii 'n ^vx ?'nvo'i mSiSD •'j^^^D ? xin^axi 3ijd ^ji^d ? pnxi nr^D ^Jii^D :D"!X ^dx^ x^i" /'pnx nxi HL'^D nx n-c'y -i::*x 'n Dyn i:^x ^X'dl" idx"-!,/ {-' « Ssi?2C') iroixi nr rSynn^ ^'Sxid-j* nxi nna^ nxi p3 nxi ^ynn^ nx 'n rb^'),, (n^) -idixt N-ipj nD>^ /pcvoi:' nr pa /i^yan oy nnnro ntrytr ? ^yan^ iDti* x-ipj hd:?"! ,pyii v:nD3 pnxi hl'^d,, (a^ n^Sn) iDixi (inD ,"iyDD'D3 nns^ ,pD ^nx"i ? pn ^d*j' /•q^ "iDiS D^iy n^Dn hl'^cd nhvj '>p nt^'^JC' mn^n Spt" /')f2'^* ^xiipn ^xiDn ; nna ^xv3::'3 inni nns^ ,nnn pnxD r.i-in p3 ,nnn n::'DD nnn ^V2)'\'' ,:]nuxiL*' n^3XD xin nn nuvn Sy Djns njonji pSpai" bp i^^sxc* nn^S ,"Dnn Dv:3^n hm^ nt^^x Dsrc'n ^xi n^iSi D^jnan i?x nxni,/ (^^ q^'^-i) ")D1xi x\n* 1^^^ 1^ px xn ? rc^n n^n xijc* ]''in bi;x i^in Q^^^^^ l^yn bv n^yn ^di D^iivj rn D"'Jic*xin d^d^hi'* vn n?D iDxn i?x,/ (t nSnp j idixi ,VD^3t^' D2it^» ^:;x D^yDC*j D^5^n:nc* inn 'nc*x n^ -idx ,-i"n .n^n vmyni "i^pD ^t2j ."n^xD .pvya V'p D^:npn a^xt:n;3 nt -[injDi D^rop5? ny /'jnipo -idi^ ip^aon ^Si Dnyn npm ,bx-it^*^ i:^Di jn nu iniX"l : nDx^i DH^js:: n^y^T d^jk* n^y^ ,13^2 n"n imx"i .nmy» nr nn ,nyi^*nii^ ^y 'T^'^n ytt'^n^ ^2iS yn is'^r^i -,'^" r^^'^rz^ ^Sn .mnn ns i^yb /insi n« ^i« nxn /-'C'np'? ]:>y2 xniixS .c^r^n n^^s ,xSp hp^ .n^^'' ,X"inoS xnn 'D)! .xon >2-i S::x y^-in^ r!>s-ij x:in dxi ,x:3n nr^^^p nxT .SSx nx *id-S nn S^* t2"v nS^Sn mc^yS iSx p^n-i Tr:ip?2z -r2c» nT;!:y ti-i^s mr2 .n^ti'ipi n:: i^y'? Sn .nn:2S ^inn nx itrip^ xS mt:> n^nny ]^,2' nv2 n^ia u^oc's ixdd 12 inx:ti> n^nS^ S^'q: ,'7XTr^ -Sr: nn .trtnn nx 1t^np> xSc vr2^::c» T'z: Sy ,dix inx^ x^c .u'''V2 pi'iJDQ pxB' ,Lrnnn nx T2 mnp x'jtJ'iyn^r .nSiyS ,pnxi nsTDD 'o^x dx iS nrsix ittnsn: x'?t:« vcoy ?i'7 yatrxB* pnsi nrco 'jiSs^ ^jiSq ^ai x>2;n Sxirstj^ ,]-ir.x nxi rr^iTi nx nB»y nrx .an ^rs yii^ -t:\>{tt* a>:pT ixc*o nnxD xin m nn-:^') pn Syin' pnxi nro i^hhn Q^jpt n'ui*'^' ''^y d>d: n^h n^'): r\"2pr^ '^xitr'^S icx G'jirx'.n c^iinrn rr^^'^ ~wD cy Sxiatr 2ir,3n SptrB' nn ,ir3r ^ii'\'ip2 'jxidb't 3xiOttM -['r j^y xn .nrnjon nr^B* n;' D'Sp nti'Sr Sxv^b'i pnxi n'lr^ri ay nns'i pa Synn' n^na p'r3^2 n\nc' U2"ib* x'tx u^pzS ^S yaii* ,]xd mnan -j-io''? nn /o ^S'*? pn^DD jrx DX iSy pin iciN T'^ -j'N^L" ;n2?o "'h nyiD nx ncvo -lan^i,, cr N-ipn) ni^ idn /an irox (or) sip ins ,NDD n-i nDt< ? i^jD .cmpD cnipo vins p^iy oyn ^di .cmpD DH "nyiD nmSsv (cn lox pnv^ na y-i .Dnx .t^ np /^Dms iNnpn il^j^v "13 N"-i ."cnip NiprD,, a\-iDi ? ^i? noS ^jon nn v'^'^;>rJ ^I'^^p'o .nyiD nros'' |\s i^'Dn ,10 s vo^S s^3n omx prnpo ps ijorn n^si: nS dn mis pnv nnx *si L*npo nns d\**j* '^D^^'onn n:::* ns Dn::npi„ (ns cl**) -iosjc* ^ims ,*''3s* -ION* .pnv 13 -iry^s ^313 n3^n ^^jsid'j^ iok nnn^ t'x .d^l'-ih L*npD cnipo noib ip's^n x>"i onyn npnj ,SxiC'^ ^3i T'3 imxi :Nr:n 'dj ps ?ivS T'D ,n'S X3nL:vx -i3'iyo ■? sS rmpo ,p5< -i3"iyo ;-i3U'd nr ^"st^ ^ns^cnr ly nioi ''11^ .S'op ,nn3y^t' npi sodid^n ,S«"i^'^ ^3t 'T'3 imwS-n S^xin iSroN t-iDixi nvjvinn ns nxiojn3'^' ,in^^i'y3 ^m33i vh2'C2 r-h iS vn njzS nmv nioiD pu»yn s? "^nwX pryn sSv x^^nm (:"t::) '^ n^ ^ci ',t2j vnT3'iwX ,n^Kn nrrn ic^y DnnxT .:"-i ^isr ? m^rai '^3313 ,nj3^i non |03 /jdS pL^ot^'on >c'dl" vonin Dnn ? p"n n^ry ^od ,N:rt:' :''"iS Skidj:' b"t<"i ibiL^y DnnNn ^"-iNm .iS KyTinj3 3^n^i?ltrisn*j''J3^3S'inn xni ?NT^'n^ irc'^''n ^oi .Nnt'nmtr'Dimn dSi3 ^c^-'^n K^i nnn ib^^oi 'i^i ^xid'jh nUwSi ^^5"lDK'1 31 ^^'''''y mm ,N*t3mj5< n^3 ni.mr ,n"'3i D'3-i 'n^3:2' sin N't^♦:^ p^3 ? mn n^n^ V'-i xm .''J^ lo^n «S, (n^ nn^n) 3''n3"i n3y lo^nnS N"y3Ni m3-iy"i (.n-) n-irD3 nnnr *im:\xi :iioni d^jsj^ 1X3'^' nc^yrj '"'jriitD .mmnSi myi ; ^x^bo: pi ib3^p n^yh in*3L"3 ,Dn ip::* ny ,mj p pm^ -i"i< ,3iyD3 p SDH i"N -y'l ib3'p^ ,nj<-i3 x^ nu'-y ^^^31 'ir3T3 inirsi niosi D^rj' in3 ?n'»:'':r p3 nDn3 inoh ,m5?^*c^ 7\:y^r\ hv ^''^'H^ ^s'n ; n ip:;' ny Dr3-nn ^bvs S3nc»^^by ^Jin: :!:'N^^dj '1 1^ nbc^ .^n3n ns ^js nxn :ynn^ "\ \h -i?^n» -lox .iv^o N»3^py '31 isvm ^^n .•]ji3i:*n3 nrnS ^n*j' 3"n'3 -i'myo3i •i^pd3 'n 'lyvo n^Sr, (.;i3 xip^V) 1o^x'S':: K^ no^i '6^<1:^'' 'JPTd D'y3*L:'i x"in'3Ni 31j pnsi nco Vv/ (13 n^:-^') ion*:l" bxi'k^^'' by pi m3nrDyw' r\zh'Z'^ n-j'^w^ b3'L:* lobS sSs ?D'ipT Sr* ;m'3L;' vjncn: DV3 i"i b:;x nj3''? ^Sm 11^3 vmym ibp^o V^j .n-j^.o S:;' ijn n"'33 xin '1.1 ^''tr 1 Nm ,cnTp 73 ii?2S cSip irifs ,n'S sr»-a-K .1-0'^ c-,-n:3 r.r nn ':np ,n'^ rn;?:! n- s:n »si ^nn^y^S kS k"id ,^n"!Xi i:aT:i .i:ivf3 p'^iacsS sana k- ^yr:2 n'':n x^t' ,«yii-:i 2'ni hb^i .rim^irs jr:prr3 sap xrsvr: nSiyS s:'r3x nn ir:- c'npro rr rin':i ,nin i^n^ js'i sm ."iSr:n r,i?3i oSa ,}2'^ njiavS :Nin x:n /13 niD^3 |wS3 ,n?3nn niD^3 |wS3 ,x^l*'p xS V D1S3 idx «^ hjid^S m'^^'p V121 S3X ,nS'03 inny /j nrois nnsM ,myi-i?3 '3 nn:i noix ins /i"n .Dvocjn px ,a'2'j2 imrxn ,n^c'L*'y3 imrxi ,a^?33 inirx-i ,"i"n .mnx nnyS pD-in:^*^ n> iTn ^3n S3 ,vSy ]'vvd ps* ,D^3y3 v^*n ,y^pi3 vvn d''D3 vvn ; vSy pi^yo p^{ omrs-i kSi irnynrD ims^iS i:3n irSsro imrt^n : p"- ^us -idk V ^St«i -itJix T'3 c'Ni '"'jHtD -nm Nin t5?3Sy3 X3^yi N*n"'3i3 irois* ?l:"d rvSy pi^yo n\nj j^Sw* p3 /ir3T3 nxnrj' p3 -cnipo emp?3 vins p:iy Dyn S31 .cnipD ,inix ]'2np^ pi< ir;DT3 nsnj xS Dx ,n^"ix pnv -13 x"-i .imx pcnpo 1:0:3 Sixr J3 ^DV n"x xiDj 13 wS^^n -i"x V "'Svo ^:n:'2 'itDH .d'?3*j' ^^1C'^^1 i33'w** .m?D>< '1 n\x iV ps mnn'? pin ix^''i:* 'sS ,:]*2'r2 ]nT rn xV .^ynSi ki^'? inrSitt* nrtj'n o'?iv'^ ns^in nrann ,nr:nn ^isS .DnS\-i nxi i>vn 1:2 nx t]'j',t:'i msns '?nj xinir* ^^mn pi -if3:3 N7X D7v;'7 L>2'h\i' UV2 n\xn; ni>x niiSm ,p-::iS -nyr^ai ^nyr^'-' Dmr^i □m'? n^.TfDO >3n7 xHd ^inii:."!: nrsnnii' 11^2 n\xij ni^K n:upi npn s>nK' imrs^' ,n?2nn ny^pti'S Dx :Dnyn nx pSxir* vntr* to np\ cmz nn? n\xnj px n:^?2 yr^c* n^-iyrs'? ix nniTr:S '^n::in h^' nomS ix ,nmx nn'x-i nrsn '7'lJ' niiu'i'? V nnnxS is ,nr3nn ^is'? nsSno m«T : v"-2''2 Ti nT'xS nD':i^r\ 'C'xn ,n::i2 n''n pxS .□2^:7 n^'sn 's'? rpixn p ,ni2."! n\n nn^ n^rrnzi: x\- snTa x^."l xn .n:i2\'S i:"n nrann ^isS i:"n d:i ? i2'm ts':' '|^{ /PS'^ "i^''? >23S lax Dx xs^D ':np n'ryi ,inx nsS ix nr:-in li'? n:i2 ,nf3nn ':bS nnous .S^yS n:27 nxir:: a^ar-tn mr^^z .r^zzh h^ nnoMs nrsn nnxi x'? DSr;r:T tZ^'^^ irsx xS n?2nn nnx 1"; ay jr^na^'n \r\r2 ma ,nnnx nny'? priaii^rs hza .omr nx:>'r23 nrsnn nira^ii ,p2V3 piyan av ,n^iy2 .."lizS Stt* nmr:n 13'X'n r^y^ ^^ "in: "in /C^raz imrxi .imr^r ir:ix'C Vinixi? D^3n^ nn aSiy'? >n /^Stxi 'th on '?3 ,2y h^* vzv; "]*n m^xr: m:\x*n ,n'n -''c* ^s;r rr:;^t:'~ xSc* ^ e^s*! ]-2'/^ \x*jn snni ,n;nr2n "^^ ci'.r; n* crsri .inn'rn n'i'i n:',rN*i: .mp'rrs^ ,T!r2yn ^;' nrr^' .*^pEn incvr, ,;',r3r2 ci^p'? rih men ^'n i-iric*? ,V^"!*n? nSi.'i'? niSc'^ D'niStr« T,rc*'? ]*::n'^' vn s':'i ennn lenpt' ins'r ^"'iNiwri j's^crs vn nv-n? trinn ;r:Tz xr^* ms^trv: en c; ".x^rm ,u>r,^2n i^'-Sp'^rrs .|ms c'v^'i^^ nixitrr:.-! o *iv. X7C31 hV^'si 'nas-;^ '^ zvz Lnpr:r t:nr,- x'^x n'.xv_"?D |'x>r?3 vn x"? tit ^x-itr* ix'rn x'^i 'LT-inn nx i"i nz'v r.nx n;'2i o-i^o annnc pjrnv Ssn '•? nv Str zip px'C'fs ,c^2nx .nrn \rx^';h nir>:in ^:- nx i^-''^^ cn^u* onnr nix^ir'n c\'^,i3m /S 2*^v'^ n-.xico ,m^irr32 ]2mr', .n:n?c* ciira iSx ^2 jr.r-: -^'y? miv-'' pr ^iv^ ^'-pi .pinirD"? ixi'C n3 "in,'3 VQ'-^nn izc na ,mxrr?2 j^x^'j*;: vn ;'xr2' .'V2z^'^2r> 'trxiz m'^r: Sr *Jin2 cic*ip nx 'tdt pinS ,xz*jir -in; p ^'xi-i'lT n;* c'r^'iT ^izh-r D^n^rn in xm ,|'S'nnr: ^nntrrDn ]V'nin? ,itr"tp^ '0:1 3;n n:nr2 ':2 "^s? wmr: n^jm ,xnn2r2i2 'r;x '^zr ^a:: ^n'^ijsn ,X7^x T2V^Si .ni2';* Dv mp D^tr'?r nr ,x S vn:: a'c*^r av nn;'-" ,m:»v •^ix':' .c-!pn;c* Vnrn c^B>Tn ^31 ,KU -13m ';n' ynv: ]r"t:v xSi r\2C' ;"iv= "'-"' i^ "> v'^p'- '-■ ,i*-nx x^: V7::-n'2 ;\s*r n"n "i^ r»*< /12 nsxr: "?rj'2 Drr?2 '':::< -irax .ii^v x-" 'r^: wn*, ;:n:v x*' nvm r~nn nx nz^v sr2*^ x"'? cvi ,n'n cvn xr:^* '•" cr : cr:* '3C* nrx'^r::^ n'^i.'sn ':; DH"^ -i?3X >' r\:Dhr[ dn n\sn -iv^3 ^nv^N* n^ i-i'::n ):yc' ^Nvn inny i^yn-onSr ,^jy:^ non vj\s-i ,D'ySD '2 pn ]*nn nih:- vn\STi rLj'?::nx nSv?D2 'H'm n^ir Myniji n 'nv^^m ,vn^3n^ p2 i"^ nn:v:: "i3:n ^^nvS m?::ri vjnp riyh pon rjrx , t r::'*:^2n ns nu'oi"^ D^Din'^i Vl:'P2"J' My^i** -dh"^ n'^x y^D^ Tlp^•:)T^ '^ iS ' .d^'j^Dmh nx u't:'! p::'!n?3 d^^nl" di>< 'n iwsn^ wSroL** /DnS vniNi ':s -i\s \n-ir:N' 'mxr.*'?:: pwX'L"^ vn njir-xn^ ''jrt2 .p"i':j'^n jo xSx pr^^p'o in^ n'^l" irpnn j rs'DO y msrj'o px^L"':> vn nv^D .pxi'v pmx" ih^l" ^rpnn D^nnn iSpSpi^'o j n?iyi nn'L-::^ ^noi ,;rvL:*2 Si" nmyji pr* ^vyi D^jpi ,p3nx nx "^l" mxD^iSD ;;' nx nxn xinr* ny invoi n>y?2i x^i'^i ^i^^ir^i ,n"ixn nx ;n3 n^vm nnn *i:*xii> pX'L*'?3 vn pxr^i .^L^'^'^cn nnn L-xnn pi /jrn nnn l'*x-i3 p n-jny xini" in^nn piin^i ,piinp xy-Dny^i ,xr2njS xn':5iD?3i .xdoid!? nn*j'on nno 'c- nixvj'D HM^ny ,nni?o: nSy:?! ,x^30i '^'''>v:> x^x ,DU'o VT xS pnSa n^noi ,pn^3 n^^S « 'cnnn ^y x\x mxrjro px'L"D j\x ,n"n '*2^ /j'xn nnnc3 ^^:=:S nH:n Sd nxn J ;vi3y nrnsi xio^d'* .nu%' nix"^ ? px^r^o m':^\xi ; vjnp^ iJDn nxix" ^ Dvjro ^^3X "I'jx V^Sd iDHx i^3y^^ xSi xS?ox Tny^^i i.;2) V pn^y x^ xi5DX n-^x -'oi mDi:i>D ]\x'n'^ mxvco px^cvo vn nvo .2"::^ ':l" Dvb ^d^^d Sid'i ,31 I'^x ,Dnnp ; mai ,;r:»i** ]*y ,Dnnp ,nx tp an^x '':V2 'i ,min^ 3 . ]-innnS n'3pn Tny D^Srn^D nv^^.x i^i3:l" hd^I""! n::^" S3 ,pnv n"x -xmx "v:x:l*' ,D^SL*nn^ x^x iiTon pxi ,Mn^u"nx -laT^n |nx» (nr: n^^'M n?3x:L** ,nS Qip!D3 m?D'?r3i mm "i'::iSn Sd ,pnv ^31 "voxi ,1:1 "nnM imn p^v,, hd dcj pxL** D\xr^nS cnS -ix ,pnv t'xt ;n^3nn nni'm Din"? n^rn ,D3n nv:}Sn pxi" nnni ?]D3 x*3X '':'^^2ti nnm 2nr x^2x n"j'n:n nnn,, 1:: =-•) Toxrj* ,n:pn anS Dn^":^yi '^ px^no ^xo viuni X3^"?y un nnn /'^nn D\^3xn nnm ni^nj o^vyn iT3Di 'ID mxvj'D pK^::'D vn pxoi .""n^pj xS ddi ^n^jv, {- hav) n?3ix xin r J,- p,x iNiL" 1J31 3vS ''jn*2 .inSnjiro innnim Sx-'Sroj pi nSt^n ,p3^y m^ ^k^ nv 'JCM ?i-iov^ ,|n?3 nnN* >dd^ djcl'* n^x ,nr ay nr psiDVDc ^^5 ,"id^^ Lnnn n^nit53 nryo .^or t'n* -cnnn nnyS pnt:^ panpn t^3i •uni 3^< ,'\12^^ C'""i rn^^; inu\* D':nDn i^3pi ,"nnrLivo nnyi i:m sin n^Scin^a cnnn ns ns-ic* ,NDnn ■ 1:3 ns iSd^i .nay nsi mix li^np n^n ^:s^ 15<3C'D"i ,nny dn i^ddi ,ijn n«i Nnmrnny ,pn-n ,023 mc'D snn it nny "ddS ntn L*nnn ids^ Dn:iD )nN3 -.pt'iDDn p i^x '"^2^*2 .c*"iD snD^n biy ims d^d^5:'1d f'^bnb ^13' I^^SnD DV") nsp ^^HD ^yc' rmjipo diu pnpiS ,npin-i ^n nriM dni ,m^p?D iNipn TJ'« M nyiD n^^Jv (.-^ Nip>i) idnjl*' r^^nnn nny5^ p«vn ,n3t^♦^ ns ."onyiDn Dms U^^u u)S i ( l^-J ifs |7/ ill) I nny \'b2p^ vn nji::'Nn3 ,)i']:''^h "ins i^y pn^i^o ^ims p-i^D^o jrs C^< .pT'DDH ;d si's p^3po in^ s^j* ,irpnn ^D^Din^^an i^p^pL**D /Dns ^dd L'nnn pi^DD irs Ds ?^Dn SD'-n sS >sn ,sn:2nD?o y'n .ins :"it f:2-) nns \s?d 't2^ s^s ,n^n TnD "nstj'o,, (ssc^^nj ?p^nD ^d nni pnims sd^^^s ?"inis ''sc ,inis ••3-13 n^*v^D /S^jnm v ]D"nD s^ nni .nns :it rns ^nd y^n ,:iTn inis ,ims^sD ,sc^'isn mn snnx xnno ?s::ns2 ni^c'i v^y n-ynS "lyn Svs "^^nc ^siinj s^ sp^QDJD sr^^m inD ? sid^d^ ''SD /on ^s -nnna ^ant:vsS •'STins ui ^rsi S}n3 3-1 IDS .s3iyD3 sm^s nit:np :-ids s^iy sns ^3 ! y^p ,sn3C' p^i^^nro ,]j2'r[r2 'ro: snSyi c'^rs ib^cs sSs ,p^nroT sin nai sian s^Jiy i<^]}2VD s^ nny ]'h2\>^ vn njic\s-i3 .^l^ts na np::'^ s^ n^jsb sn^nyn sn^o !^d ? d"d ic'pn nns nys ?pDin^^nn if^pyp ^ip^p no ,pn-i i:n -'idi dts b^rj L*nnn rOny^'D nnsi i:^s^d nns ,nT nis'o '12 ans '22 '^:c' nsc' ^D^osn ns niyonS meo srn 'Di .impnr^tto V£2 h^2^ ,hDV unz' '^:nrD -ir^c ^3 ost-^* .;.it ins .ht nn^ cinn idpn rrnyn ^h2p•3s -inn ^ric'nS ^cdS nn::?^ snn . c>nx anir' s"j,*ni ,a2n ^iSoi ,p2iv'2'Ppn::*Dtf c:;;* Sty m^^nn ,s^2ipn pnc-r^n '^jn?D -s^ D^mp TjronS nSv '02 i3"n ,n'2v 'nns?2 .D?2n -y nc'n Sx mtt*?3 zhos'Dh in:'2 xn^msT ]>:Su ixS ,n^::^3 m Sy 112;"'? iSs '-s nc'nic* 'eSi ;n^y'2tt' 'n'£2 nmno p^'iy ,n'y»2tr nmoi .x'::ip p;3 ]'2'3*i?D /i^ trim nx nxnc >q .nm^'i pan '^y iptr an^yo nvnS cnti'n ;in?3 nr:nr2 dhS D'iiix vn nn D\-«.i3m n'Dwzm ,-|"n2 n^zmx t:*' nx ,DnS mi^ nxi .nru's six imx .c>?2rn nx my!2ni n2 czrirS D^:c' T'sn nynns ^^y pnn loy *nx .n^yntt' t'2 ,]'nh^:2 .xin itrri jaxi nx nyn nx i"2 ,p"ior2 p'x DS cc ]mn3D nzc'^co ,xc'iX2 .cnnn nnyS ,p\no '?3 in 'dj .Sn.in t'2 ^^sS vSy T;ni xr2-r /p'sco .mn nyn nx i^Don ,sirix:: mn x:nnx xino .trnnn nx y^ipr^ vn ctin ,i:?2T2 K'nn nxi: xSi nitra -nx '^c* 'S nv ;»i\v^' ,n'?23nn nx myunS .in^23 nyn imx px nivyi ,ni\ff2 -nxr nrsiyn nesn xnntr ns n:tr: nos '^tr pe^x-i dv xn^tt* pxmD pDin^^sm pt:\S". p^ifi M^t^^n C^NI C'-^"* '"*^'^*'"' ny2^.^ 2:1 ;l pnny lon^n "lO^rDm xio^cS ,pnL*' r^"cp^ Np^ro f^D icn: n-i -cn Nin '2-1 D'Da irrs ^^-*L*n3 iDTHD SddS v^P'n ^^S .inS n^s ahp n-'cn ^ni^ ^-n ( Xr) \ ^m^jr iD?3 n'"i |D^j ^ni'-c' ^c:^"i N3^n Sd ,|:r.v ^m r^iD .cnipD :n"n *£d NrT'JVna 3'n^ nim S'n nin nqi /■"icn *,t:N jd^: mn: :^r:v '•■".n nar^S ^~t:n cSp (1 nr^N) n^Sy ^-p .NDiyrrn nni Ncr inr:^ ^"n ,ni3: Ninn nt,n NmiN^ /Nnin Ny-npa in^yn^ n^i pnN :iS?o^ ^n^.nj ^r\:nb ]r:r\: 31 ^nS icn .irLin vn pS'^nD D^cnn "•:!;• bv '^2r\*2 (:S-) -Ni^tDn n^yn ,Ncvi5 d^^-ot Nin'D in^rn o , , .nnyinn ns i^jpriD jnni ,Nn"iD:^ ps^r I'm^c in^c* ,nc'n Syi jd^: i^y r 3L*n ns D^'jnn '3 Sy '1^,1 .jaipn njpn ^jeo i^id Sy ^is rSSno D^^p cnpr:n n^a n\iL*'3i rmpL" i^o ^y :p''n -"^nN ir:N ?rN^'v |^mk*'n D'trnn "1 Sy ,"inrrD"n ?n? im pSSno::' r^:D ,i"n I trnipo :T'3 ^20 ly^c^'-c' ly n^'n Syi |d^j r^y ^myaro pNvr SiD^ /'myirD3 nnis* it^npn il'-n* 'n ny^D n^Nv (^3 x^P'^) ^"^ na^n dk jn^Sy ^ /'Dms usipn irs„ yn ? iro^^pn^c' iy p^j^nD 7]d rJ^pn^t^' ny p^^n^t^» dk'd Sy ?is p>>nrD D^^p n"2 n'nc'Di .pvp bv hbni2 nnx \si ^^^jro nns criN^ip ^y unpDH n^a 3nn*c'D ,1^13 ?y ?]N pSSnrD vn njiL"Nnn n"n .p-ipn n:pn 'ibd i^id |D^j Sy N^N» p^^nn in^ t<^c' irpnn '^ p"^P ^*' '^^ -'^^t p pnr p-i ini? idn nt< v^y pSSno ^^Sya hn-i: n^c* pn b'bv^ n^i:^ pn ""jritD .13^2 n^Ti pi"i "nnytj^ ncy^ -nacn ns vSy pS'^no ps ^^bya nsn: Dt« ,-idin ^dv '•m .nac'n nsvn: n^mn ns nns* 3d>d ds y'l it> n^tj^ n'h^ v>n D33^yi jit D^yniND -nv' t:'p^3 "psn ^-13*1 iciVD^ n^np c'p^^,, (r^ nSnp) ,-i"n ',t2.1 -N^b n^ny^ I^^C'dd Din^Vr iS mcNi p"2 nnv ,nx-inn2 syc'i onyn n^c' nSac' pjn jnS nSip inv iiayc ntj'yo (.22) -"loiji ony D^:e^ Q"y (t^ dc) /'n»:K nai iKn** 12K V3n-i S2« ,nycm cntr^ cvn cirn ns t'2 itrip Ncr pEc nono ^iSn Sk'i "nx Sc nnKi D tr^c CV3 p': i^rpi "nsn nx i"2 n:>>* xrs'^* pccn t"*;: ev2 '^-j* nu cv niry? nrn soSn /on ir^n: 2*1 p'vatrN imS^ ,Nmn'22 /o irr^'^'i iD\'2m nid'dS .SiSx2 pT 13 i^*2[:i inStt' Q'C^Sc m> n^n rs rx i:i:";'tr ij'rc* Si'rxz nvcm entry cv xi'fsn ,zi22 .t:zc'S rcn h'aSn p^: ;^;i,-S ]di ,n:c'n cni kS .Sssi x'?i i3^Sy S2p:i ,-;\'nrx .n>ivrif2 vm cnnn nx "nr^v t:: '"^.nc' ,vxrc* 2"r,'2 ]D^i 'mSt:' .p^2 ^ni'^c' vjai .dc* p-i-n^D izu*'*^' ci,?22 ^n^n x^c .c-i-a T'2 'srs T^ric n"*i C' ntrnn crs^'S D''n:2 d>2vj o^a' px nr.c ,]7'::!2 ncn ^m'rtr j'xc* cipr^'? rv'-'-'^ .iry^sp Dv cmStrn cnS n^Jinc cyxi '2'j ,'nv nn nzy^S .12 ^aSin pm'rtrn pxc 3 hm D'mStr B"y xS*^« nrnn p i.'sn:^ inx dv poz ncyS cj5\n2n cxtr ,ncn itax j;;^: r.n^T.-. nns DVT c^inn nx t'd ni^y xriK' ,Dn\-nS''7 ny ,^qi^ nn xn^iyn^ 3'n> .iv^'c DV'2y£T i:'xc n':nn ]':n oy mx'^ d^'72*I2 m^nc .xravS D'Sroi x^.n^D .jnStr n>cy xin li^c* -itry T'3 ,D'm'7B' nnrc' .c'-nn nx ixns' ony ,n3B'n nx pSSno ":nr2 •nn^-'.T rytr ny ^'trno yH'nv 'r2i .i:r2T2 2np^'.r nn Ss' ,pip n^pn .nmv'^p cv nSu^ ymnS xmrS I'nSir l'x:fv I'mV^ px /ic'n 'jyi p^: Sy .t'3 'sr^ cn;o ijrrjc'c inn^ ly ]>j'nar3 pxi piyzD ^I'SSnoK' Dc»3 Si3' .;nxnp pr '■ty i^ion Ti:y< xStr aiyion .cnpa td 'era ivo-^c ny nxi:) "'jJiD .12CT3 nnvirar, irD'^pn^r ny omStrn /pSSno ^3 .pr- v^ipn^-j* n3 onyn ':tr ,J»n c^y^ix .";iii pxtr '27 ,pS?nD ]'x .(pixS S'Sv2 id3 m'tjj pc^ xi:2J2 cnrra ,S'S;-2 ':b'2 -tin ^;'i r\2):n ^:2o vb^2 Syi .d'^l*' ,nny-,?on n:pn ^jdd nrn ^y ^jnpi V^:np nS Dnian ^js?^ "ru" -nx Sy ^ix pxvr ,nr^M mnynj ^S^ni .anian \\*^33 pi3n vi' /xSiynDX .SiSxS nnn:; n*ox x^iy sns ^3 (O) -Dman ^:3rD 13 «ns ^31 ,N Pi^ Dvjvo i:ox xSiy v xnu^-j \x?d .in^nna ;n3v xmTo ^kd -i-:*::n ,s"no orjvo t',oi ,:r-iny?o ,x^pi^ Drj'-;: -iroxi ind :nnnxS?o pn n^>3S?3 vnnS rSoSy i^ Son pnS v ^dj imn"^ iS^dn pnS sjl" ^k'd ,on ^x /^D;*a nrjM n\* p-inyor d'j*d Sid^ ,SiSVOL" nn nai ^:nm /rx .ndSv ^nS s>3n nS C'Xi DD^ nrn cnnn,, ( z> mr^^' ) ^V'n v r^-,^>;S t:nnn nx pi3y?o ^3 /"invS : n?:)Xp om ,V-*np':^ jsd ,nny^ |xd ,p"S .sn idn v 'cnp) nxi nn -"a^'jnn ?lTJvS \:nr]n nx j^u'ip^o tj^ n''^^*^ ^"^nn nsi nr^^n nx p-iayDu:' D'CD So^ n>oS ^iipnS xj^D^ SxiD'j' -1DX (O) .unpi nxi nr^ ''ddS nrn cnnn,, S'^n *mn x':m xd^^d \s*n -id y-i^ Sxid^j'S ^xSdl" o-n nnx xdx n^^ -idx -nSi: x"^ xmD ,n^? -i?ox ; x^ ,S"x ? n^vn -inx iSij ix mvn onp i:^i: : -iu*yn xn^L*'T]nv nnS n:?c' x-inu"i p'bo o .id yi^ x^^i xn^^jinx ^S^d xdw* ,-id yT* nSi: ,im!?in nx p3L*'nD : \>{SDr* 'ii riM^ xnx "iroxr in ,L*ninn po nvi nS''^^ xSw** yno mvn Diip nh: xi? ,nDnn ny^pc'S "^idd nxiro' yno nivn Diip -iDX .nnD ^L'Mn^xS ,^rx a-i idx vn:^D xps: ^xdS .nDnn n;^pw*> ^idd nx")j .SiSx nx n:^;"^:' '?x-itt'' ]nx ^::: ]n:3y pttnytr* n::"iu nonS rS ;>:mj iraiS^ ,^x'?ii pizn ^y-' n:d D'^n ;nc'3 mSsxin mpn^ "ic'i;^^' xStt* no ,nTr:5 nr d"vi nrtt'SnnnS ,s^pi' nitr^a n?3 nn::> x^t:* ,nTr: ht 3"nn nitt' nnrnS ,x^n^ nvi'r: .n:B' "inxtj' u">2 is U"> "inxc* .i-i:n\x in^^inn ,in^^:>; ^xr:: ."it:'? xSi nvn xS 1;-^ xSi ,ptyx"i xn^c* ]nD nnx2 mn^B* '?;: '22 i:x ,xr2Sy jS ^^rn pnS .p.'sr:;* i; ip^^*^^ i^'^*-'*'^ ^""''- ^^ ""^ "^^-^'' ,'n:2y2 nc^sx u'r^' i^xi ,"'X2 n',y2.*!i ann pnx n^^xi x>n npv^y Sziir* ^sS ,S~n i:S c*^i nSiyn liS en "•IT ,':\s .i:'?':':*2 x'"?x ,H'py nitt*r3i x\nr3 nri-r: *irv'? ^Dn*:: Sx-ic'^ pix '::: pxi o^ix X2 jS\xn nn^si n:iprii ::';xn >:3:2 m'ii^'S n:cM nx ;n::yr:'2» dbo .-["ni^jS t:mn pniya riv^;h /n^yS .dv2 12 c'np nxnnc' ;rD ,c>ipi ns'i htd .]mn:::-i xop '22 xn\yi3 nn:2 dv ny i:\n?2> nxi ,n^xi3 xS nirSm D^trVr ovz iV^izh .nmr: -piv^'S xSo 'T:nn nx ,^1- 3"nxi nSnn nxn ,ttnp"i nxn htd ."]-n^S pttMp?2 p{< ,iO"i?3': nmsDn dvi n^c' xn* nnSinr ':x \": ^3 any n^^xn xS^ ,^:ipn'? x:S^d^ .xm cnpi nxi nryrs nnxr^ Ssx n^ n:c' -;2 ,riVATi nnxS ix .cnrs-ir.n^'.Jtt* xn^n^ pii^yn ti:: .mSmn 'iiidt nDiS\ni m^hn ,in'^ rh^' ?r^ piSn nr: o?2 yi^ .nv^'n nnxS iSiJ?: piSn msn mip ir^iS xin xrsSy^ T?3ni rrin' ir: crn nvn*? nS'^n nnx iSin nvn /rinn ]r2 .|X3 irs'-'a* onzi 'iC' Sr^zc* n'znS S'S X".n'^ nyc'm cntrv ci> n2'::'ni*a n;ir*in n:-'?n n^xn: dxc* li-rsS o'^s'^ti' '^^^ 1- rt\nc* ro n'^'irS yn^ xSi ,Sx'.?2:r' ^i^':' ,^x^r3tr' '1- mix .d^*^''?c« dv: imx ]'^ipr2 ]'h n^trStr ^n^zhn nS:^ nx ,p2tt>nr2 .n2^ nirn;?: ^:x ^nr^'n inxS nSuS nvjn mip n^i: p2 piS'n v'x >2::f3 nr'Dnr: niiS.n ^xr nr^nn yp^'n'^ Dnp crn nxnait* yn'2 ovn ,mvn DTip i?u nixS myr C'ci n'^iyS n::Sntt* nz'^^p imr: n^'invi -inx niyB* B'tr* xSx 2*iyr3n ontr h2 nyip x^nc nvn nxT xSr yn^i ,nv^'ri nnx .a-''? n'X"n:i n^bim n^ziyr: ]"ip- rrm^n I]'a'-p:2 i:x nny >2 Sy ^'\n y sirn^r^S ,n:v2 xpr: \xf3S .S^ ry'^ nrs'^yai myj' trtr ,nvn v^np"* '"3 ,nnnn ny^ptt* >:^h nttnnn i:'xi 1*1:2x1 ,ni\'n -inx n'?ij dx ,nn2 ^tt'inrxS D^rSc' nvS T>; noiD ix hds nnpnS p^n-i i;x ;'x ,pne* n^rspS xp^sr S3 .en -^c* ny ni; ^523 "h'^d iroD UL" .nn:2 ni-j-y nr ,n^L"yn mv .D^L*nn^ ^r^L" y ^y^3L" n''-' '>vi:']jn i:nn2 n^yi'Tin nrj-a ^"^s 'n -idi m'i,, (-3 Ssp;-!') -idn:il*' ,D^>L"n^ "^y "^Sd iDD nin Dvn nvy ns* ovn q-j' ns iS ^dd din p t^n^ rnn^ -nryz V Di:; N^wS ,p irriN ^rx ^:n"i ;pp'nD D^-jnn nnDn"^ hd y jsd dh^: n?2i?i ,pL"N-". (:V DL") -iDNJi" /"i^yn nnDinr* nSiiS nyvoi" nN3 nr ,n3t:2 n::7^n nr ,n^L*'yn D^yj'n^D n^Ssn ^ijx S3 irniSiS rnn^ n*j'?^nn ''\'::']:2 nrc' mL**y ^nL"3 ^n^i„ "i^^x ':sc:' ,vi3n?3 nm j^s-iji ,n2n*u" dvd nyioL" dv vj'yi ,"'\']:r[ nn^in itDsS ,pw'S"i ,|nns Syi ,|nns ^pc'Si ^y -irons N*im .jnnx ,|nnx t'yi ivj'X-i ,pL'\sn "^y ^*y:^ mi ni ,i?3n'N .nv^y-iia noS n:i?o ^jsi ,D'L'nn m^i' n:rj xihl" x-n , , -•"n 31 :n^jyn nb':J2 nSo3 xi? -h'dn S"3ni ;:nv "i ;n':yn n^^ro n^03 /idx ,nn>Dr''^'i P'^"*^"^ I'l^' 'Qi^'^" ^**'^*' pn -.n^Np nn ,n^jyn n^^:?o n'^t^a nroN xr:n n^^:D nS'^2 xS nos ^iS p yL*"in^ "11 pnv "1 /:n ^d vo: ^:ni ;div ,diX*' px n\TO (.l2^ •vo^"'p vr^piD Tjjn Sax ,n"3 pna xjon-^ inrSm xin ^:ni ,n':yn jn^y^ x^^i nsTT"^ xn^o xmvjn nnx nn x^jrom cnr^yn : n:n^ nz mt: 3-1 ^ »Dn^:3 nx iSvo^ xSri ,n-iiP2 ipoy^ xSl" .ni^r: m^S.^n mnL" .xn^nixro n'':ni2D?o nvy i^d:i id^jh y vinm yiroL- p min^ n-j'y n':: .ninaL*' i^^hti ir;2ni i3^n .n^^i 1^:12,11 ixu :DnS niDX ,nSvx p-iv^o -i^yn ^i5n: S^u* /nnx "j^ xSi njn:x nnx 3X ^n xSi ?"ijnjx Do^nx wxi? id^ol** \s : n?3x ;nS'^a 1 V nvj'p nn^r: irSy inn: Dnxr ,\yc'b) n»oix Sd?3 ir:ni"j no v ijn^x nnx dx I I ,S^D2 xn^op ,n^jyn nS^:?o nSon n"D "xi .niD dv inixry Qvn inixi -Dooni ' , ,n'':yn rh^:r22 jninrn iSsn D^o^n :x^:m ,x^n \s:n (:C) v pd^di?: xn^^:inx m ,?0'n n^n ;piiDX ,wp D"n2 pxL" pn pa ,D'^p rnpon n^DL" pT2 p2 cnpon nn px ^Dn^ x^n nno'j'j* ^:30 -piiDX ,d'\"^ ?2"n2r ;on noix 'dv N^L"P •rL:a xS xno'^'m ,^"^'^1 xnoS^m -DnS xin "^nxi" ^^^o ,pnnvo ,w? ^J9D Si'^x Sy .^ov -)X'j'3 jXD /D'lisn noijna JX3 ,x'rp x"^ V xn^S^x wXnD'^^n \ ^2^ V inS noi> nL*»nx ,SiSxx "inS 'pan p^D .nnyion n:pn ^jao n*j*n Syi n"-i | NiTy nio^D 31 "lox x:nD -13 xjrn m iroxm v SiSxS nnny xo^n ,x':'n | ? n^p pn^yo ^nDV\s xn ; ^nDV^x x^^n ,i:^vo xS naiyo SSx irvo xi? i^wi /»: xpn .nnyiro inSn li^pi^pn^ x^^i ,nrjM cxi Sp^p^n ddvo i n"-i Si^p^o xn I . " c» -I nyiac' .n^Sy nv*' ^^nnn ,S:: 1^^ -*-' .-ui-t xnsnr; pM:r ';n: ;.-;:: rns it: ,'12 i^-^n ny-nn ri^nnn m:y"ii2^ ,pc*xi .xipn mrm' ,p.2*s-», ^y i:2\x ';xk* .n';3' m\r ,n':'i.'!^ jitt-sn ,xi-r::::* ,pnns Syi ,m:yii£'? pins ,pi::2:c* ,\y"n^ ^v "ir2ix Kim .nyiracn n3'n:)S jnnx si-r:: ^icxi xiic* T'.ran: T"' xsn: ,nypiin 2",^xi -r^r n'-^^nr 'nnc m:ynE^ Sy x'rx xipr^n i^spn k?c* i.-sxi ,n^c«in n^'' n:ir3 xinc x^x .xn-aa imx?3 xinc ,^22 ,n^2yn nr;5Q niua .^3^112 nr^ =^|X n:i?3 'ixi ,n:'j':' mn Tv^n n^ra -[sS ,c»nnn -nr pT2t .vyxi ,D"i:f mrr px .n'^ynz onrxi cnz lyi'xtr n^'i '"y D^rsan lyapc d'zvj cr:' /'rua ^:m 'D'n o ,inS n'lrn ':n ^3 ,n':yn ni\'!r2n .^r:: i:.-n .d^zvj cnyirs '.n:np r'lr ]nry2 .•j"^'? lyapin pizn '"yi ci:fi v;zp\n pnnn '"yn ,p:22 mr'^n .^^-22 ^r:: ^^n n-yi ,i:v.:n .nnnn p p:;y pnaS n^uv' xSc^ ,xn'mx p: pn»y^ x^i .-^tx: ,n<2 x':r2n cirr2 \s ,xpi' mcra ^x ,-;""j'i'x xr: .n':yn nS';if3 n'^az 'x ,s'r; 'x;n .'i:in-in cp'.n IVuTN^ piB n^^^n ti^i<1 ^'^^' '^i^ n-D'^D &c^:\s 12 b^^^'z* 21 "iros .vol*' bv vnv pn nnsc'D ^n1^< p-np vr]) .vm 'n2n (1 on^T) -ioxj::' ? y-p: ^anirt:^ y'yx*^ .-iit:^ ^*^ pi inb p^jjd ,3-11 n^nn Dnn "?\svron3 'n itjn"i„ [nj n>yc«>} rn^m /'rbx iJwS-ip ^3n 'lr^^^{ o"n^S n"i pn*^ d^d*- ^-lL^•y^i'S ,nnx in nm ids ? no^s n^nu .in^vn ndh "jnD iD^j-in S3n ?p-i?3 *':n3 "xd .p-iD ^jnD v:zh piniy Dt'iyn \sn Sn n"i2 V ni^^^HD ^JSiDt:' iDiS min^ nil .piD nn m^y^D "iok t^'^pt' t;'^ ; SJ-l?o^^« pm n-i -i?DN .nnt^ n-i^Dn p-ipDj jSidi ,pnv -i"s njn -13 "13 n3"i ids .nn nn D3^ nn^ nsn -i^*vn "D3S nn^ "ivrn,, (.iS o^'^nn) sr:n ^d: p&< f)s pnv' 13 ^:sD jD^j i?y :p«vr pm^*^n n^i^nn rwi^^c^ by '^JUtD .Dn^t^^yD ^3 Sn p3?oi. ,nnyiDn njpn ^:do nc^n Sy ,n"-i •':2d ^i^k i^y .n^^ynn >jdd 3x bv -nDDn n^x ^y ?is ]\>5^v D^v ^''3 nM*^3i .Dmsn ^jsd "iin Syi /nnijn ^:d!3 vbD3 Sy «jr3 -13 t^jn 3-1 -loxn (til'') vn3D'i nnriN ^dj ipQ^iji '/t23 .jop hdd ^jed DIVI "ymn Di:; mx3V m -ids no,, (n nnar) 3^n3i ^kd /Sn^on d^"-i ids inb np /'nno'^bi p::^::o rM)n' nni? nM"* n^Lj^yn divi 'V'2^ri n^'i^ 'i^^^onn ,Diy^ ps ,nno*^^i pa^ji^^ hm^ ,d"i^'^ tr^2> |0t3 ? nnot^n pc^i^ inS ^lp^ ,div mw t^"" ,nnD"!Sj^bi ptr*^^ vn^ di^^' ^^t:^ |?ot3 : -iDsp nn ssq 3-1 ids ? div ,nn \x .pjyno ps ivi ,pjynD ivi rO)b^ psi ni3bDn niTJ ps ,D"iv ,ni3SDn 'G3 -ID -iDXT ^nnv 13 iSsDvn ^\sin 3x3 'd ^:s*l*^ ,ssd 3i -ids ? ^d: 3"d ,^"1 -iDX s^jn .-i^yn n-^-in^i nnn niD^ji n>^r^3i njVk^'s-i3 nnn 3-in 3S3 13EJ^ ,nDn3 ny*^'n nr /"-yn-in div :iniD3 t^'-l^ ps ^^si ^nn y"i hm Dn3n n /'-i^yn yp3ni "iji :rin^ nyt^n3 'V'2'\n c^-;n3„ (33 n^r^T) -idsj:^ ,-i'i^^ nyp3in nu fi-it»»: UlT ,3S3 'd ht ,"'2r^Dnn div .D"'t^nn^ ^ym ? •'ym n^b np ^sdsi 13^ ,nc^n3 'J nr ,^ync^n di^ .D''t^nn^ •'ej^^dh ? ^t^^Dn n^S np ^sdsi irn^s np \SDSi .irpSs n"'3 nsn^^D D^pn^f bt^ jnn^D nSiptrt^ np-^ns p n^^ij j-in^ ^"D' -I m'j'ns .nr n:?2 nr -|S^S pSo^ d^jb' ]>ki *i^p ^-nn ,pna n^2 mSyoD ,nnK3 nx-iV .nonSnS Dnn)i2 nr *inx nr d^x^v :Qms ]oid vn 121 ,miiXT mno ptJ'S ,p.no ,Tn n>3 Se^ iK'ipiy ,n>xii' nn^Sc^n D^tt^inn-r^'^y "'JJID .nnx m^pDs anpo: |Sot ,xi^in '03 ps qx ,D'B'"^C' mn nx /initriptr dv n^uS DmStj^n D';*mr2i ci-in nx ix^b^d any s'y \ffinn t'2 Snnn ^n^i n^ymo ,n'n lisrs SiSx Syi .xSd n^ya^ tt^ni ,x"S Qvn ix ,-iDn nnytr tnm nspn '3313 nB>n Syi »*i3iy?2 SiSx ;^x d^jb^ 2m ,nSiJ3 SiSxS D>trbtr nva nn I'C'iyi SiSx pSiD'B' mpQ ny ]>3Sini mn-an uvh px^'v pm'jrn ncnS to iniB'i-tr *inxS ,nnyian i?3xn 'd:i .^i^ nD5 ,pp hdq .ixS qxi h^hi< nx pi n>:: n^^y D5< '^ymrsi ;inn ny y':in^ ]>XB^ ,:ji"tt> iT'tr .D"p n''2 pxK> nrn ]nT2 in:^: n'2yn 'O^ inSoi /id x:T>n 13 xon 21 ,Di:f maSrsn mu tr' .n^ayn-i ns^na idx'S ,nintt'Si p'2'B'S •i\n^ .Sxi-^^* Sy na^pn yn-.x t» onm 'i .in^Sy D>mSir ]3'nnaa xS xn mc'n ^loi ^psyno px i^n .\n2 maynnS nsin ptr\sn pns rcvn ITN'^ c^-^r "rx"-! .t;2-x 11) /Di N2^^N ni? nDNi ^Dt'\s .iDn 'n ^S ciidd^i ,"inL*'i??^3 dSl'Ti nnx ^d nS^nn^ -non 31"! pi^ddSi ^nroxi n^\-in3 '"^nosv/ a^nDi /'i:rn qti,, (nS nr:^) m2 \sit;''c;' V'D iS I'DX ,n'>2n -md n-j^ro^ iS nxim -inv h^Sl'^d n"3pn cTjyn:r ,DiNn N*on^*o* Q"np Kin ^jx '"n 'n,, .anb i'mo ^jni ,nTn -nuD '•jqS icv^ ,rNDin nnn n-nn^ 3-1 n^N "p:m Dim ^n„ ;naiL"n ni^y^i msn ndh^l" thnS xin ^jnt •T'K ."nna miD ^djn* ri:r[„ (cl-i -i?3xj::» ,Dpn nnrin p\Su" rnto y^S nmiD oyn 3^ p'jM,, (1 -I--2") irDxru" ,dtx Su* in in ny-ipj:L*' nairn npn: ,|:nv -iTJ ':^h xroSm ,^^3x5? wSdd 3-1 S"x ."iS xsii 3n 1^3^ 133S1 vr2^'' r:TN3i 'i:i nrn "3^n^a !p in nTi!Dix^in ? nxi2i yi^'c* i3i inrx ,3^n3 ,"iS xsiv, rj^'x v pi f X Q^iy3::> nvi: ^S^x S3 x^3n i^^ax ,D\nr3 3L" w\*S ,iS pSmo ,D^nr3 3L"n nr:x3 wn nii\, (rp D'Sn) ,c*"n .luvii sn ,i^n^3 xn ,x^c'p x"^ 'nb pSmo Doiim niyD nii loy^i I'ox^i 'ui M ^L^yro ixi n>Dn 0^31 d'D3 n3xSD ^t^ny n-j^y /'i!3i2i n3n 'nb nr 'i:i dhS iv3 m Sx ipyv^i 'ui ii3'j'3 lyin i3in^ ••li?: inxb ipy^' ,]':v: r'l 113 Diip ipy^ -jS lai:? ,niin3r ppn p3X3 mIv^jd^d p^ 131 nx niinn xmS3 nSxL*' ,^'"n .101 pTn^3 V2: ^jn ? pjy: jrx ,pi it: M Xl^^v, (i i2if32) 3^n3i ,"D^:3 XL"^ xS iL"x,r (' cn^T) D3niin3 3^n3 : Sx^i^r:: V non i3in n^S ,Sl*'.o "^S Sir^x n:? irox ,|n3n ^dv ^31 nS Ssgj /'"n'i?x vjb a?nn ^-n^Dn "113 iS y3L**:i ,iSnn ^jd3 pr iS ynpi ,n:?3 11^313 r^'C'^y^' mx^ ;qi*3n nx d*''D c^s ,"qs s^nro ^jnSy iS 10x1 r^^n nx d^'eS X3 ,iyiD xSi pr ini (.riM .ii'3nS dix p3c* nii^3y3 |X3 -nip^S dix P3l** nii^3y3 |X3 ,"o: xrn ,nvj pni pi'b DiiuS iSyr* n^yc :irDix d"i n^n ,x^:ni ,x^n ^x:n i^nn pi Sv^: nr ni' xS nn ,ii' nr n?o ^:dc ; Sv^j x^ nn ,^'i': nr ni" xS nn 11^ nr N> nn /njy: nr no ^jsd .n^yj wsSi ^Sann nn ,n3y:i SScnn nr ?W^J xS nn ^r\:]j: i6 rn'D'-yj* nS^an S'^Dnn xS nn ,njyj ,n^"'iL" n^'cn SSann nr ? n:]:^ n->yv ns^ ,i?:?x pnv^ ^31 .pi in inxS |X3 ,pi ->n Diip 1x3 ,idx irySx "31 3in3 xni ? yip^»3 vo in^vi pi ini -pi in inxS p3 pi in Diip p3 dix^ ''3iniin]3 ^D33n dx ^3,, U ntr) 3M31 /"\2b nyi?3 ^D33» n n'r2T) I'Dix inx "I'x ,xS ?i"n in: cxc* i^-^n rn?2 n-i^v •-'•^^•';' nrnr r'-'i piDS ]'2 ,nv3D^:: .nmssn cv^ ni-^'n :rx-' ;': ,2\-',:': .n^yrsS -^irDsn ^v ,rn: nii3 o:x ;ntr ppn ]^3K3 nnn r.s -j^ra^ n--n^ psz ,ppn prx .: 1:2 psisn p:r3'r c pi:;?^ i-y^' ]3 nx x^x ,Dn'ripiv:2'2 ax'i'v an'' n^'- 'n Sx ip^V'tr nytr ^3z xS 121'' joi^'-^ 1-n Sv icsn: nnor ,nir nim .n,vinS nrEi in D';ir nv":i r^n ,rni.r .;'- -iT.t c-rip i'^ MVO ,nr3'X Tn'i .;n:n; ,n:3'Str n'^'rr .lynn p ,':'n'': nr .n-jran ;r2 n-*' nr .-rns I'xtr ]*^~ nn22 nr -inx n; ;'x:ivi pry'' ^--is' ;'rr3r c^rirr ,x;^*:s' '::r .wv^ni z-rr- Jr'^ 'Si 'n)bi„ nSi3 ri^n^n ^d in n?ON* nn'r^in ,"^Sip ns 'n yoc*' 'd \-innN\^ 3"' nn pjn^ji d^h^jS r*T^^' |2133 Cny *yL*'i2i .jai^n Sx-i*^*^ ^yjns ."y^-c'in^ 'xr^y rD'pnv 'S:"i msD nnn imrsD nni fiir:i hSd |2i: -jnn y iniih ,L**in m-nDom prnn Sns ."D3*S:i msD nnn ii2X vn^ *d dt^'h aniDyv, f;t ^rs^r: » i:nr^i ,-inv ^D-nio vj'-i'2'.*m ,D^non n^^nnn n^D'j'i ,min2 nsiS'j'' D''DiiiT2NnT ,rTani D3J p Dym' pjD ,D'mn ns ix'^nm ixon*cn ,D'"'n }nx3 □n'^n^n n:sa "ix-n ixv'iv (-:: n-'tt-) losrc' ,nriii nnS nn p:n':i Din^:S pmi'^ D-I1V1,, (.-j^ n>Snj -iON*r^ ,pSj p\s* im n>3 DM': riDiii "'2 D'y^'isn d^k'^nh •"iS :5UT.o,, n^xrj' ,SuT2 Dnn' lors*:^ '•JS'o v n^S id Sdt ,"b^x::* mSnS p^n Dn'J2i ,;'nx la pii' n''s ."rnno inn^ 'n„ (> x ^s'.f:::') n:n m^N Dn^Sut- .D:n^j ^:2 pnpoi ,xnno ':n n^D'j* n^sc'o inrxi ndi n?^Ni .mnp ^Sil-'S D""i3y 'vnD .pS'Dn n:?^N;>T (- xn^pip ni -ids ? in': \so 121:2 ^xtj^' 'yu"ii; S*::'^! d:id nr,, rXiDn 31 nox .D"n pisn on'n'n i:nrj*i -m^nyn ,j2i:n y^^Di d:^2 ^3 ,3-1 -los xnn' t'n .D^?Dr d*j'S xS'j* -lU'^n bv ni^n' nD\^ (tSivx) -i?ox:-j' ,DDn'TDSnp nxn 'i:\s ,D'Dr d'J'S xS'J' luvn hv ni^n- ni::\^ 'D'H ,-iDn ^dSd nt2D nDn nni ^"r\2 ."3^ voDn Sd nxi' sS U"c*2H imxi' pS, •"i:'m:iy ::m33' i:on-i' 3ic:'\, (> n^^rs) -i^osrj' ^vj'ai^ n*DS nrySx '31 ? T3y "31 '31 s:n ."yL"2 S>^ n3iyi py xl*m:„ (c^i -iox:*j' ,xun: nrox xr:n 13 'dv 'i rPn'^: ij\x iDvy pyi ,S3-i tos .htoh x'h pi ,p'j\s-i pc'Xi T3yD ,\xyDL*^>- rn'3y,o .rnn'D Sy i'3*;r3.-i S3 ,s3-i tdsi .in^nn3 3'k:^nD n\:w N3n n3'n \xt Sy -i3iy::' 'd:^ ? py s"^m: ^^oS /'y-'s Sy -i3iy'i py s*jn:„ n'oxjr ,vyi"D Sa :>y iS- n^S *j"S.ii n^vn ,n"3 'Sr:;'S X32 31 Sy ,w*Sn v^'^n' n'^i nn3 s:in 31 .yc'^D ,n"TTD^ N'DS 31 7i'D3V3 ri}n ,n3n'X =pi3S xmnr n'p in'3V :inS ton ,N!DSy ,n'Sv33 D'pio sSi S'Xin n"3pn in:^ -10x1 ,nin "3n px inS i^x ? n'tn \xd t5'\^ ;yr2 -iniyS ? py x-;m: voS "yrz) Sy i3iyi py x;r"i:,, i»3x:'j* .nnn3 loipn xS onSn: nnxL**S : ni pipi n^Sx ,xr:n 13 xnx '3-1 idx "inSn: nnxci'Sr. (nr> ('n?3p c'-n) 3'n3 •.'•oi x:in 3-1 .D^'wO vovy D'*l;'?3*j' '^^S (:T\) ,inSn: SaS iih% .TDH ?io3Si /pn^* n^'nn3 "? vj'yo S33 TDm„ .3'n3i /'ion S33 'n pn!;,^ DT^n ,t."'t:;'2X .c':'-y?:3 ,rT^'::f2r!'. .nyi? c'^n c\-;^x n^i 12;- t^x c^irixr! ,p:'r:n ix-ip' -2 ,c:n\"; 'zz ;^n-r2i .vn n>:'r3-r. c'j;;iy?2 ,sT',nr3 ':2 .c:^iy- n"2 i2nnnB> /■'iiti ,rr.2 .[(nr::"ir,) mn^:: yz-^x 'zz xn\sn3 v-y inr^rD ni ]z^ nnyz ,nn^:y:] .-r,7 ]',rxi I'zyrs .py -"C* D^arx^D ^i^ n^z;!;^ ,xc'i: .m:r,yn nx pynrrii mar '7^* c^27xr2n rp nx ,7-1:33 i:\s' ^^T; pyi .rn:2r; x'n -21 ia:2iin n>zy?2 qrS nnn'? cxzn D':r^x-izB' py ,ptt^x-r -Tp-ri ',;\\*r ,vm"ir3 Sy I'zyrsi .in^nnz zrnnr: py x^"!n ^-ni ni:v,y xzn xd'x ^xt '.n^zs .],-;n-ix npnpnrs ptn mr^ px ,v';yz ^2 -y iS ]n'iyr3 .imx Dny:»'?2*7 m:2 -Tir^S- ,mn 01 .X2ir.: ,"2n'x .p^nzn ^a^-.rin r.i'-J x^n n.'i ,--^"1"' mi iS i:on ,xrn^r; n-V 1-Tp-tn xS ^nrnz *ir2ipr xS .vr.nfD Sy Tr^yr: •.:-x ,n^S^r22 ''p^r: x^ /Sy nr:p: nr/a *^-T nrinz 3^' Szx ,;n*z '^'^ pr2"n:r -izi nrs-'.SD ,nz pipi .;xz ^y nyt2'^ ,n'Sx .r-nj* pSir> ,:^i::zSi .""iikt: p: c':eS z:2: ,T:;n .r.r^s 'JEZ*r2z ,pn'i ."zS r.ic i2*xr* rrp .xrzz::." ^;,Z2 "Tn ^rzsrz- rtf r^v-i^i? "y rnxn p^y {'■■' 17 mos .TO ':2m .p'sn nn^s ddS iD^anv hd ,rnvy3 onSn t.l" ^j2> is'^n "D"':! DD^ "iDinn^c* hd jnn D^ro ':e'^ idd: :n"3pn ton y jnn d^d idd: -hth ;D3'>:; ':iD'Scnr no ,nvo^D ;nn£VL:"i m:noT .nvo^ro : n"-in ^:dS "itoni ,n:'j' l^ypin n?D^ onos t'n .isil'^o ?nD3T .noioi? ':dS DD^:nor n:^y^r no ,j-n:noT m^py Do^ -I10TS-' no ,^'n ^r idvj'o ^jd'^ lypn : r\"2pn i^x '^ ^^s Sc' icrj-o ;^N ,pnv^ t\s ( : T'l^i /:qS DO'ovy Dmpy iS^no Do^i?y ^:n n^yroi ,DniON p pr,\** Sn D^nSs yroL" ^0,, (x; r.^^z'n-^} ton:l" nyj* nnix S::* VL"yro 'dS n'^x dinh hn r:i • jn ^ijs ,DiN* ^L" vn"i:iy ;n^oT?o nnon 'j ,pnv^ t'ni ;"dc' sin il"no lyjn >ip sin n^on ^y p -iDvon "^o pos t'ni ,ii^on Sy pi ^Diroi ,nS£n p^yi /^toj -I'p (JJ3 DC) o\-ioi ,"ybi} 'D^n dios Ss n::* -i^NjT,, (vdo nroxjL" ,n^^nn L*':y: T'ni ;[(,i: p'22) wsy-iso s:n n^^ n^si o'^ml nmooh n-ic'^ iedS dhion /o^i ^ir::': ,DL**n "irr* ,npy-; ,npT^ :]r\)^ii. ,nii»v, (^^Scr:) o^noi ,npi^' ;nL"p?o "nnrs nc'„ (T' n^c'xn) o^noi ,D"jn ^1r:^• ,"Dx^vr Dn^mpivroDi dhS ^vo 'n ^s •^S n:?o*o ^nn: d^i nnis ^nonoi,, ,o^no'i /'ncc' niL** o n:;* nor nx xipn xS Dnrv, (nc) ^Tnoi /'Dn^c'yions dmSsh ni^,, (;. n;v) o^noi ,ni"yD '^r'C' >"\2 Tnon ,Dip?o nr'k^' ?ix n""'1 /'n-c*]} x^i dh^ nrcvb noi -)L"s nyin i>y D^n^xn t'n ."Hi: 'i:^ Icr^yxT,, ,nm "tivix?o iS 1'? mox S{< 'n -it:N"i„ c^ t'l-x— Se^ insi ,pT?o: D'ycn S'J* "ins :n'no pnn^j nnsD ': ^nv t'x 'siscno ,D^''nS "inSxS pronnji pono: pniD: Q^pnv ; D^^jiro Su* inxi ,pTc: D'p"^^* p"n^ nyi n"-iro pnroiyi pnSn D^'Jirn ,nn^oS nnSxS ponn:-! pono: pniro: D'yL'n ^n^\, (:^r2 c^-nn ) ? Nip 'ND m'on t'n .nn^roi? ponoj ,iot nS ,D^*nS pono: ,iot nnN :pin dvS ;n mno ': DnroiN l""o n^jh ."lono^ Sn D^pnv oyi D^^n -iscro |mjo3 D^pHV ;D^^:irn "^w' nnNi ,p-n?o: D^cn ^::' nnvSi ^pnroj D^pnv "^-j* ,Djn^:^ inSNt' ponn:"! pono: p">iro: c^ycn ,Di?iy ^mS ihinS p?onn:T pono: niDin^ n^Ni urj "^nb nSs r^i'p' n^y noiN ^:c'^?o d^ot,, h^ Sx^ji; -iroNrj' (.V nn^T) -iroNrj' ,pSiyi D^DVDvroi (.«'') D:n*:^ pnnr d^^ji^o /'□'^ly pN"nS in^n HN pnoo DM:noi ?ioon nN ^irvo D'nDivi l"xo n^::'^SL;M nN ^nxonr., n^nroi n^no 'n,, u s ^xir:^) njn ni'ON Dn'^yi /"imx n:yN 'jni ^?ol*'o Nip^ NmI (7 n>Sn) -in -I'ON Dn^Syi ,"iDn ^sSo nuro /non oni„ N"no ."!§^i Sinl" mvo in S2S ,p- nrnnx .Q'p"i3 nv-ix ,;\n^:n*3 ':np 'n .t^x 2 -tz n-ir,^ '2-n n -ii '\t.'j ^32 pT3 nix i?2XT ,'::v '2-iD .ns 'Citrn p:r n'T ,':,''-?3 .D'lin ,n'sp .3"n':: c-ix- ;'■: ,nrhn Tie .n n:n>: nsiinnc jct ,xn nxirn ;;:t n:!:n2' .n".37S imx i:n'c ''^sr*") c* y^cinS n'nv xin r^sxT ,nvK» nmx Sk* .omsz x^zn? p-i^nri |nc* p>xn ni'D ^:,* n'l' vnnn izi;m ,^vj: 17 .inyca xSx uhvjn nx p '.rx ,ny xin nrxz *^r2x:r .;•:: -^nx-' -,r2iD ,nSrn |vjn .piz: xn id -inf2T ?:: ii n^y;''" nr mx-i qi'^d -ir^ix*^* ,vp::v; -"2Tr:"i mSa 'nrsix ,"':':* ':'- 'n 'Jisir' if2D ,p-! irirs .iiS pi^S ]T2xrr2": nv?2tr; sr-rz' -ir-rr ^:.' .inyio 2tr ,nv;r2 ^irc .mix -izp xin ,'\v, cn-izx xz'i yn» ^v r.'zn tr^v'c* x:n vx-i ,DT?2n rn^co ,pin dvS .nvizn ntrv*:5 '"^y P"i2t ns:? ,pnr£: cnr:? nir"-^' |m:;» -priD n^zin cpv")^ ,z's:ii:T2 .nvnri S^,' n^n:; ,d'';i;'2 .m:Tiv cm ,D'-ir:;. c'v'J'i ,m2T isS prn-; nx .tjo en n^nrj r*;' nsnci r^in ,irn 'b^t nua .p^iyi r.ix n-f D-np |n\-i"n^3 it::nL*' ^s ^y f,wS ,p2r,m D^nni D^'^pi p:D k'V^ i^"i n^a^n^N ,nsnnn Sy nosa :p-i^: n^ivn Q-pia ny^ixn "•^nt: (.Tt2) .p*nL"\\* ? D^:L"n ( .-;- c^^n ) -inx:*j* ,p'ir^ ^: 23 v:zh inziy dHx; ^N3 Sd n"-\3 ^j^sn nn'2 ^y mvy2 HNun n\s* ? pin\s n'^wS* n^y ny-i vnann *jn >d y n?o*^p"i nNun nh n?o^^'n d:is is np nn yi\SL" nsi3n : "jnm ? xnnD wxn nm N"ir2^?2> ^nynrcn •ix np 13 yi\x'w" Dis ,N*3nS jTjn*: noan nnx^ nzycS jTjn^j ,nD2n mip ^rn nn n"L" ,S2n I'os ! N^an"^ pi^j dm^ inx""^ nnyri? pn": DM"* mip ,dj"in ,N2-in y-ir^T Dnp^^ fS^'^s syir n^voi u**rx 'in ^3 ^^bn rm lox .Nnnt^ '^c^v '-I s^i ,min^ '"1 N*"^") ,c"n s"^ -^ '':nr2 ^:rD .p^^D onp ,n':^nD^ ^d^-i lyi ; ^2"! nm o"n^a Dnn: Dn^r pi -r:"i ,n"n3 d-jh^: >3n :N^:m Ijn: ^m {<>i : 1:013 inNi ins ^3 Dnn: dhX" pi im ,n"-i3 p^n^: ^Dn nr^is* min^ ^31 ,n"-i3 pi^: D1S1 ,D^?2n ^^y p:n^: :n3 r;^\xn niTE ^y nnvy3 ^nxnnn hv noBi (; 2VN) -iidn:l** .dv S33 pt: din -toix ^dv ^3-1 : 3"n^3 Dnn: )b'C' pi it:*! D'y:iSv (Ctrl i'os:l:' ,nyr ^33 pi^: dix nr^iN in: *3i "Dnp3^ inpsm,, N*c'p ,'31 's -pi inx '\M'3 ':np '2^ -X'l nnn^ ^31 uh^vh n»3M '31 "'i::n3n ny3^S3 : ^syo::'' '31 '31 N:ni ,s'n ^xyjoL"' '1 '3i iS:n >*n ,n3i inx ? di« ^y p:"ii': :n3 .]y^7^ nn'2 ^y n^vy3 ,nN»i3nn bv nD£3 ;pi': D^iyn D'pia .pi n^'nnN ,'':nr2 •:np *3'i o"n'3 cnn: i^l" pi it:i ,n"i3 pi':Disi ,u'r2n bv .s*n NtD^y3 ':vy n:^n3 •:' |n: '313 ins s^ i:"?3 'dv '311 :Nicn 31 it:s N3nD 'DV '311 n^oy-L: si on 31 los st'S ? sm s?d^V3 s:vy 'd: htps ?1DV i"s ."1DVZ Dv 131 ^si'j" icy t:2*j'?:i n3y \2B'c*r2 r\yc*v^„ (n n u>2hr2) *:^^ ,y"i D^^'r2 ni^n' i"s s':n .'dv '313 vynrrsi n^vps s:i'sn p':5V?3 ;so3 ,n"3pn itDS : sin nsnn |dt nDS.iL" ':2r3 ?nD23 iroiy is'3n niin nios no niDS n>3 ':3tDi ; nnL*'3t:' nsun D3^ ■ni3nnL" '13 ,nDD3 loiy ':s> is''3n c* 1 ^-:: p!2Kn2 Q*J«n p;3 'n2 |nr2:!: vnn^r psir ,nnn2 mc ]'y2 .ri:iK'S"i nsnz.i nnsrs r-:: .112 ;:^'rTs na^S ".nn ,i-s2 p'jp'?: vnn^rc ,]S^x S:s .^iis ric'yc' iirr: nv:up n":c n:'.ri r:.T,: in'rc n^y^rc* ,n>^:tr inSc r'y^ic^ .sn-ivn ^:'sn T"y rs::?:^ trirr: ^mr r;'^:c n:*^ ly p"ia:5: ]\^ n^y^ic: .11 c>*j;"inn nn'2 ,D':tr irScS mciyc* 'i£0 .naoir Sb^ ,'pn2*^.n .1211:22 xntrn ,N:2^'pi ixizn 7,"^: .n;tt'2 ,0710 lynx; '^:nn ..tjqc St? cy2 ,«ri in .s:i prnia^ ynr^ iMyir ,nyn^T?2i .r.>Sy '.izytr ,n'?v nyi .r,iK-ipr3 r,:-)!': .iprrx hv n::2 li'^n nv"^T:r anp pzytrS n^sii^: .jisic* is 1-12 pj!2 ,np .nn« i2yt? yn'i fHirih .vSy it:: ipntrs Str D"n'2'i p,2ytrS pi^: .nnynT iiNtr ii::52 ,n2iS sy^T nS:;?:-! tr^:^x ^th ^2 .i^spS ii?2::t nnynr cnp ,N:in'r2 ':n nr, .2np2 V2«2y n-ytrn ,S2nn y.T^'ri 2np>S .S2'2nnS ;ni?3?3 pxr f^trnir:2 pv-iT:tr rf2r,2i ,1:21 ,nS£k n::22 pi*: n2VjS nr?2 yoir nSss nhzai p,oi p-M •j:2tj'2 nr'.s c'y*-,7i ^c'2rr,S nin::f3 ^-;i ,-;*'?:: anp .N'2n n::s2 ,n*3*nw ^'jrai lyi ..1 'z-y nynT2 yrrS iir:* -d^sS p2yt? ':ri ,c-x N'typ .p- it:js' 1:7.15 nynix /':rr2 >jrp ^21 3pipnni ritr* ii?2f3 1:^x1 rvp 11 N^ycnx n"N iry^s i"x ?d"d jS^nS n^'i d3C'2 inNa .ns^n njc'S pe'ynci , > N3*py uia nc^yo n'T) .pnao naipn anc 2"yN .nyc "•dl^j nn ixv^i S^Nin ,'SD*j' n^3 n^HD inx (:T) rpiic^^y ^:c' n jn:i ,d3c*3 insa :nr.x op^Sc" :n: SSi n^ni \sdc* no jn:» «5? nois min^ in ""dv ••ai .bbn rrn nmj inNi mip n^niTD iDjnc' innxi N3n ^<'':J^ '•ai jns : inmn n'otc c'^ps l'"""!! pnv ^m nnn\s f:V^) .D"-:::* nn -^ns ^Si nn :nns : pnr -i"n ]'2i xnx ""s .n^r:^ D^iyS ,n^y-3t:'^ nD^jJC' n'C'c na ^ys ,'^"n .S20 Dvj'o n^Sy pa^^n ,-idd n^::'y:)i n^D '^dx n^ync*^ nD:3Ju" n^cT* rjnc'n i^^'y ^:^■o^ ins ,ni2V'c* n:^-? -iL*'yno /tonc'i V'o mip vmi^s io:nr .•)n'':'3 «3»x .ntt>^c*n ins x':-.** i:: n'^'n nSi sin n^:up yiT':' ly-ir 'i 'o ,pm .n'n inx ]upSi n'n ':bS nv 'S ]pcn sSi cro nn?o ;'3:2C lu:: V'lS'i ^msvc' nr^« ^n Sy pSnj isi'o; nn ':3S nv D>tr^tr n^rs y2?3T ]vn /-n^inra xn n'? lS\x nn»2?3 pQ"nn pxT ,|S'nS n"-i uzr^ nn«2 .s::nS jncvnoi nv3 S3 ^y D^Sn:s nn ,n2c^ 'att*;! m ts^jm S^sin .jsro *i-inS vjinc ]S^«n nn^2 'I'y pS mip vnn'2 vj:nc .nryo ^^a^in nn^sn is'iQii ni:S^X3 ri-iirn nS^i ny>r.*i pr sinr n>r3c:!n mo^ :n "iny izs*:* n:2*: '2y "iirym n'':c n:K«2 ^2C' "is-yo ,Dm::'>y >2tt' .jjnns iSns nn^r ,2nns u->'?c nr:D: *i23 natr trnnn: naNS' ,c»': n::nD ins .n^riS^'s n:::^: n^^itr nn'nr ^n^c^Sir j;n:a nS .12 ic'y nc^r^i ny nac' nti'nn.-^: xS jnriiKn ,n"2 n:n: nnxi .n^^trnrra n*tr''?B' ,y"\2 nsSn -r:; mty;2 xS« ,n"2D pa:: c'"2D ps:: aitjv: isS nz jsn:*^ picv ^iti* /"12 ti'"; -TXT .ni:S'x *ixc3 i: isSn n'j:n nnx ir^XT x""id sar is ,p-io n-j^pS inx jnns losi rx:f?33 ,n'tr>'?B' nxii*' sS pnyi n^L-'Sc n^s^ r^J:2z npncs-i 'jzc^: vj;2i ,ipne'xi ,a:ir ,]»nv2'^y ^att* nz ;!m: mn >?:: ;rS nnp nupS csi ,sin ]n:i .n^c'^tr; n'jpS:i n^^i^i nuinc* ^rv '2*1 n2T n)i Si:3 ,>ini ins .n^n uztr^ nnsz ,n\ntr na'yr: sSs .S"-ii yi ;n:o or^-n ♦jir .12 nicr32':3?D cn^ jnnsn ]'yS n2*p ,s-i* n^S S'S'p Jinns .niprio 'ntr n2 n:c» nr.'n .nan Ssr untt* i::33 nia nsipn Stt» d^C'Sc* qnS ,n2ipm uztr is .n:2^ '?jr ,D'c-in-i -ins ?u2ir ni-D2 sinr ]icx-in ms is ,n2'jS iirirn Dz-r v rr'i 'nra'S ,ino n*i2iyD n:tr iS>sK ,nnD iS^3S .-nyzn ]o miusi itry?D2 n2^'n ,n'B'B' nSiyS .u2l- loctr '?3 ,D'2tr 2n -^.--n S2U Giro n2^^n ,123 n^cv^JK* "iv n'y2'i'2 nSt;! n2ni uyn s?s n^trtrz nSij nS ".iiir HITS nprn :pm3 ,ni2iy2 sSs S21: ni ]^vh yn ,r'D ni3n2 'nc* .p^Srs na:n iv c'-^2T) 3^nDni ^Nin n^vp flairs* \sn-i moN* n^v?o ^r^) ,xrjn ^2"i nS ?i^pnD NH N-in -i''N V 121^2 ainDH 2p'^ pi: nSiDsn id ioni /"qapnoi ■;:-i:?^ iDDNa/, p|n:v ^21 ,s^:mD ? ]Sjn ,n*^^* ^x:nj n^n Nnn Ni^:n 'n nhnt .p^a ^Nin nh^^d nSn ,c'^u*'^'sipn \s ( : .?) ,"D\^L*'n c'i?u*'^ nNunn nx n^'yv, (nr .s^p'-,) nr^iK f^.cr nrjM nx DnyiTVr (n^ xnp>i) s:nnN Nip thd ^n^D^ji) n^p ^ya^D nhi .i:"hu'''? r^-iDm ;npni t^inh ,Dnn pn ."n^y^L'Tin nrkj'n ly ;l*'' nsnnn p nn^DXi n^rr^'jM ;mDS inS D{<'i ,n^y^3'C'3 p-iniLi -iiyc'^ pnc'ynD ,n"T •'^ci^ ic*nL*'n*c* pDL"?:vj-n\ nsnn ,n*L:jn ina p^x :pa-i mrDX ,n3-i n?:^ .n^Dn ryc^ pic*;nDi nT-w'i TjiriD ,n^-i nrD5< -pn ? pan inn::' jn^dd ^:n ,no'p^ "inn pi^ ,c'^S::' inn c\n*n iDis ^^^S:n ^Dv 'm N^:n i.T) .n^cnt^n ina pni ^:5TX pd^d pD-ia p^ii'^c^ mnrc n:c' ^o ^y pbnrc' pnnvo np^i pi:i n?o "t]3P^di -[ji:d ^qdn*3„ (t> cnz-;) ,nn3j;L" njL"p pic^rD ,n-)DyL" nic ^o ^v p^nrc ^3 ^is ,nnny::' n:t;6 piL"ynr"> -ID1S N*3'py ^3-) .nxan n:r^ pnc'yriDi ,nN3n n:c' ^rD ^y p^p:j;* nip-i^ ^n>»^ njK'b infynDi d^?d an ^y \'bny^* pinro npn pi: no "i^P'^i V^^^ "1£dn2„ P^p:c» mpi^ "isv^ /mnyL*' nycb pn-c^ynD ,d^d 3P ^y pSnjtj^ ^d eix ,n-i3y:>^ li'N "12 "I'iip nrs -^M'H ^■^2H ,mt:'n |f2 -^ir'vrs tn -£CNn sin tj'x ;.m p^m p'vp r^^rx in'? n^p^ ^nnrvB* n;c' "^nx iSin .inn n>"ipir |X2 --r^'r'i ,r.Kvvn natt'a s'i's ,nDJ32r! r\:^r2 .n""i ':bS iT'Sir ns^rnti* v'"'- -^nr nni^pitt* ns'.in 'I'^i ,t:'''^tr inx nxirnn n?2Nt' ;::-i'? ,Ti*p s^'cs \xm .^'h'^i' "ins nsirn srs'-s ,rN"ivn n:rf2 s^n*^' ^n^cn nx:?2 n''? i-^p spi .-l-p'ct -:"i.'!r2 -;ecn2 Nr2r;2 ,i^n3 xm .s^n n^-^p i^cS n^'uT-m^f^S Ni>n' q^CN 'sm rirsxpn psir *i:t ,nT,r2n pB'p p:D ip^i pu n-iDcr nnc '?c-« 'dj mc^S rinsn inaSir pr: -r^Ni nxirnnc issn TriS:^ ;m2D ■•.:^>n ,p': mn xn'rvi sn .yyan p Pn^jji nxr^rj ^ipr3 x"ipT nz^'hz vf^ntt'r: i^rs' si'cx >sm "ir^iS ,x;"ii n'2 xic» N:':n ^r^i xns) .r'St:' inx N\"ityD nnr^ti* ,^^rj'^ xSx tt'':'^''? >^pn Sx c>:tt'n cStt'S nxiinn nx ntryi .x^n xn>n< ix?i ,]n n':t3p ^:^a /*.2 pnr,', Tmxn .n'^iirn nitrz S^s: nr2 Sv nric'n ,n^£uS .nSic^^z c^rj'z p-Ti-iQi /2y "i"'vr2 n^tt'^Stt' cm ^rtr* *ic«;?2 n>';c' ex ^niz^tt* n:tt» nntt'^-for ps^'trS p~t:'j,'rs •^xc'D nx p.'j'pS n:tt'2 ,ns:n nic'^ Dnt^rr:! .rrn >:5S n-v^-C' 2*^v "'C'ncn ex ,r'v'-tt- onp vnn^2 ic^nt:* ]S^x ppi'^r nS x:n ]r2ph pi'i::n ir: .n'y^u' n:'XB' ,x\n ^-im* ^:t:' 'r^S p?2xnD ,r:^'ph -^rr p^^ .nniv^' n:c»? ^rvr,f2 /^:'?^x'? nn xintr ,U2C!: ic'y nt-an pns'vc* -ir.ri .n'ri:r«n nnx |n2 isSnt:' ,in:^itt' |xr22 nvi'jjp ,^;n .'id r/n 2*it' p*ii api^? ,-JVO pi'irfsi pupiS uvn x'?x ,nnx3 i^apS: rxs* ,*JVf2 t:yf2 "itt'y p-n;;tr imo ,pDi2 j^^ns ex ,n""i "irnS V2^fizn w; .-m ':3S ;'2i£:n pn^ ]'Z')v;r2 ;tri tt'-n ixi'nji uyn -iro^i ]r^n Sv irnr.n p ntt«;v2 V'n o'nncyn C'n^'i xn^BO pT» -ixb'2 n-j^pS 'inx p- piHn r.nx ni2 '-hb' ,mc'n Sd rtjnc'ri nnx n:c*2B' p'^rcn in2 in^ ^^tx ,*^'inn '?;♦ pj-'n pi ^b'? pT pzpS D^ttDnn n^z nSi^^i ,p ]:z-nf2 pi". rv;*jpi |rxn nn>2 ic»;«qi nmx p;«-n cnnm pv iB^rs pr :,'i:p^ n^orn 13-2:: ;x2r2 p2p'?2i -ixin ";£2X2 nnxi thx hzh cr^n *Tix niin ]-2 r]2^^r:2' pp>i pu r,r:nr,2 any I'rc' si^dx ^^2 ,xr2^V2 xn2?2Dx^ na^pS -nx ,inSn;5 x'n \nh^' n*^^::' nxznr p,>f2^r22 iSn.-.tr n:^ *inx p2 n2S\ic' nn ,^^h^ nx^2nB' n:c» vnn^s n'^n.t Sr^' ,n-:n nnx ]S^X2 i2''n -2S /i2 'td r|X .pnn2 i^'p^S nnxn nyt:' nmxcf n:B> i:"ni ps2n r;:ir Sy ;>Sn;!B' r,p*i' ix:i' .xin n"j:i ':s'? ;Txn q-ic nx?yntt« v y ^j? c^Sn."? c'v">T 2rB' ,c'r2B';! ^r: en ,c'r2 211 .nSn;i r^nn x^m nmx prru nnu^ rp'j'pS p2 -l'?jn2 r^p^'m n-:x:tt* r^V^ Prf^.n inx pptt'::i ;^^n*j' p2'.XB' Sy cix ,c'0 So Sy .ct ^lEi .c^'?!i2 nx'jo ;^Sn;i vc»v: pxc* ^c^rnrn e^'-'if2 .nxpB'n2 -om pi'n p cno ,p-i\n ^ Dp'b^ T-rnvrrorn S3n nSu- iv n"i 3-iy p-i^ cp^S T'n .sn^niNi ^"2) pan t^Jn |nL*'y^i ronn fs::' '•d^' .ht ^y nro pL"y^^i po-iin ps ,-c'DL*'n NnncD (ON ,n^r'S::''p hdjdj n^^rj' nn^n dn -L-nnn ^y j-j'^n p xh j-j'^n Sy cnnn p n^j -iDX c'oMjD -^jy -luvr^i pt:'x^ Tj'yD n^::-S::' ,^rc' iL-yoi pl*'n-i -i*j*yD n^^ju* nrj» n^C''i5::'n njrn ^nxnn I'j'y^ S3 ns I'j'yS n'^Dn -3,, (n nnm) s^^n /iy -ic'yoi pc'xi i^'v^2 v iv^j nh ,-inx Tj'yn nSn ni ;\sr njc' /'-icyon ddS ^nnj -i-'.s' i^i'yon nx \>S 1.11 :'n3i2 ':tr i^vd mpo: q^^v ,'3>' iB'y:2T .n:rr xim ,n::2SN'7i mn^S i^-S mSS Snxi 2^2:21 x^nn ,ir2xp in m'y:2n n^cM ,S'J2' pti^xi ir*'a 'oi x:tr p: S3 prxi i^^yoS ,^".Sn X2i .px: pSi iS I'xc' 'jy S'^d: ^iS ^str »:y irya m: CIS ysy ,Dix ^:n pc'7 .'^z^ 'iSn x:i 1:21:11 D'2ir \rhy nsp:2 : n^n: n^tt^^ic* nzz'2 xm ,n:2»'nc?a -I'Snn j^n ,;nSnn .n"i nsM nnpS mx ^:3 im ,i:iS S';ii xintr ]\yh Sy xSx .•i2"in2 n:2is yitnr ^n'yiTS n:2"intir'2 .iny^pS n:2* inx xSi ic'yno xm inn^o:? n:tr in^: ix^i^rn in'j^ ,cMnni .:p^ nxi:n2T pi.i nxnn: n^nDi ,nxi:n ]i^'i'^p v)^': tf'Sir? n lyuntr n:B> mx |ntryn:2 c^'Sc* mipS ,n*m'3y 'xo ? ^Stx tr^Sr in:i 1^3:21 ,xn"iixi m^i iB'yoi ^xp n^nnxi nsi::nx .n'3':22> n:::^: 1231 n"i:2 n::v22'n nxi» 1:2 nn ,na':2'>rn n:*^ c'32' y:tr r^nn^' nm::n :jt nsnn it n^^i n7*'2tr2 n:3X xim n^i^ar hy H\ny i:t 1'^ k" xip p'ri'i /is "iS 1:2^ x'-x mi'2 x3'2iii:2xp n^y^tt': Ss'inn? ')i\"inn xS i7>:xi ,172 ^"y xS xnrn .tr^Str nx'^nts* TX'snrD xS.^ xip 'yns'Si ,to xS .ivipSi irm?:2 nisnn ;.n iy n^^■D''H ica^S n^^nr ns'rx ;:2t: X21 u^y:^ mm cr xinm x:2'S'x ,^i:3xn ;ii 'xn .x:nnx xip n2i:2i c^Str 'x:: six .'>y;:2 nx -^edx: n'::.* xip x'nn: :^n2 xn ?*::2't nr xip in: :m2i >^ nr2S 't W^o jD^jn^p^r:,, -icisyiTin"' *2-i ."p« hdio D^:n^^5m 'n an nx nnn ivdej',, jD^:n T'o .dSip ^jnvT n n^^Jt?^ ni^n "vt ^ini n^y^mn njcn Dn:;^ pxjD DH^x -io5<^i„ (nS Dnm) iDx:t^' ,inD ntiTia ,n^iJ ntj-na T'd ;int3 p^jn ,ni5i3 ••D^ iN^^o Drn ? Drn ^"n noi ,nvn b"r\ pXL*> "Dvn ^2J5< njc' Dnc'vi nxo p ,CMnS cnnni dv^ oro D^pn:»* y^' Dn^niJtj' xt'^roi nc'r n"3pnc^ ii^s^ ,^niJtri ,mvy3 n^s -i^xpi ,nDD3 xrD^^^x ?^s*p no^x "^^^j^^ aitr« ^yinS, (n^ n^irx-i:) ntj'Dna ^n^x ,nL*>nn n^s -iD.spi nnvyn ^xpi «^« ? m^"" «p >d prov pt^cna xp •'o '•ni^ xn^'j'a ^n^x /|D^:n n^^ iDspi :in3 '•xpn t5?t< ? nn^^ xp >d ^n"i> Sm rHic' mp2j n"in .n'y\^ d^d^ my^Di D^nc' msipn toiy^c ''D^^'^n riDipni? ^mn 3^nD ,n-i^DT n-i^^r x^nx ^m^s m^a x^nx /irySx -i"x ?|>jd ,n:ni ^^^nsi '"n n-iarV/ (« « SxiDtr) njnn n-riDi /''^n-i nx dmSx iiDrv, C'? n^^'Nnn) a'Tis ,m^p^ nT-pn ;"ny"nn piDt pnnr,, (:i3 ^"^pO a^nai ,n"-io m^ar m^^r nx TpD 'm,r («3 n^tt's-13) mc'n tjidi "n^n nx 'n ipD ^3,, (= k Snioc*) njna irnnn lypn,, (n:? n^Snn) thdi ? j^jj^ ,p-i"iDxn n^D pjov Nr n"i2 ."nitj^ inNV3 IDC' FiDin^2 nny,, (:^^^j 'n?Di:ii sin t^Ni:^'^^ pn ■•3 irjn dv^ no^n nai^ '»ns^*ini,/ (1 nif2'20 X3n a^na /Dn-j^oa irnuxD muy n^nn njcTi c-nid .''idiji p"*:! ."iD3s:> t^nDD "Tin^Dn (xa c^'^nn) onn n^riDi "nnvD m^ao rnn^ dddk i:mnn lypn,. x:)n thd hdic' idi::' x^ns* ibt^^h ]'i'r\v nc'nn rxn^x^D ,i^x:: •}D^n 1^2)^ yt^"l^^ ^m .''';n: nsv^a ypn^ sinn Dvn„ (ts '^yc'^) Dnn a^n^i "nsis:^ -»DV^?Dn b'b "DniDtr ^^S, (3^ m?3c») xip -i^ox ? i^jd ,Ss»r^ pi^ny p^j3 ,i:ix:j ns^pni^i ,-iTy^^s "id ^judS p^io ^xnc''' ^jodh ,-)"n (.^\) .n^tj^xia ^r:^ n^L*'o xni T})\>vb X3n .nipi^^i .ycnn^ '-id SnoS?ixp:«io oijiyn ni^ix ^ODn \V'c*]n' ^3-13 ,,p3-ii XL-i ! nn::v::> i^'^n ? P"i' "^'^^^ 'inr: \s*o n)p'\'y /Dm:i?i nne^yD^i p-rxn K3n ts'^S ,i'Sn 2itrx T;^t2h .manS ,ms:nnS .na^'? Sir *i^\s* iin^ iB'rDj nsipm ::'n3 J^iv^ ,'io:tt' Si^rs \-^n>Dn .'^.snir''? pn oi 3>nD x^p xinm nnnn pr^i" ci^i.Tn nny rji3-i' p:i?3 ,it;*^''-'i< 'znr Snf^S ]'3ir3 Sxnir' ^r23i .nSix.'iS ,s2i -lor^'on .ci^ino nny -inn jD^iyn snz: ntrnn inS '"i>33T mtra x'?! ,n>:ttM nS'nn n'2*na nmnn nu-ri nSiy nxnn ra I'an ninSm nann n^ipn p:in'20 ,vttMn' '•213 n^ipnSi ;D'3trS nitr'n irsn ntrm kSk nSsiJi p'z nsipn ps -^i^sS ,p'i2 -r^n ncrsc^ ^v'3"i '?'S nS^nn^i ,"ix-i33 ]:3'3*:ir irsi'? ,p'io 1^X2 Snr2i ,m;r2S p^20 pSnna nnnn ni:tt* p:::^ 1:21^3 ,Si:::27 c^x .Dvn 'y>2-i '12 x'^x Snan in u3K>?2 nntt* sin ]d>: ,D^r2n nontt' ]itrx-i3 mxn trtri nnx2 naxnrri 3"y ,i-i' ^;» r\"^ 3*iy upS:n pn^n r'3"iin j>xc» ,p«M c»ti pajrS pT iK'ya ^mpi>Si .bh.i -ic'y d'^b^ irin ]^ij?S ^nnp ~'n tt^^r irf^trn ,p2-n x^n .trnsr: p3pS ,am3Si .njtt^n cxi -inx upSsn ,n>-; xani .•i'?!^ le^^i cnnS r'3p Qv iS qxr pi -\'s*;r2 xjn mm ,p3-n pT -la-yos itrn '-)") min^ '-I nan it pnv t'n X3S la s^^n '3"i "idn* -p n^aS h-iidd nrx m ^:^h^ vjdS rmj nipo -nnopi ,u nu^yo ;n*w*':'::' Dnr^^x o'oan Sax ,'Dr ,Ninn "]nx3„ a^riDm ,ps^ nvinn lyssi Ninn '^ir,, n^nDm .v"inNi5i v^q nrj'Di,, (DC) 3\-i3"i "D^^iy d^:l" *c'^c%, (a^ sip^) thdt |S:d .ny^nj^i ,pnS ins .yn ."nycn n^L'wnr::,, ix' nn^n) a^riDi nL-nc nrj' n:L- fi^Sn "nTain nni^j; xi? ^nrjM cwn ^jdS or '^?d mns ,n^y^3L"3 p^^p^ inirDi , njc* i^ nnt'j; ,mL"n v'o -ty p-iiDN ,iT ny^GJ nn^Di (.'») .'^y^ac'2 p^^pS "iidni ,n:L" iS vjt:i pnr 'i -i?^x ndn -a wS^^n t\\» v d'md /yni ^y^i^ dxi ,n^-iy r[b'\vh D^* "n-'^'^onn nrj'ai n^y^ain nyc'Drf c^' xip^) ,x-ip int; ,'sr '-\i n^jz^'r^ na Dvj»D niiDX pnyi n^r^/onni" D^joys'^ ,nSny dic'o niiDN pnyi n^y^Dinc' D^oyD ino nt:T)3 ,nuN nSi: nL-na Qb)v^ x-12: nL*'n2 ,-idis n"i ,N''jn (:^j ."•ya-i n^3?o ?|DV xv^ nyj'n l**x-i3 ,nim Sm nnc mpsj n"-ia ,pnv^ iSi: nDsa »nnK pn\-iy -iL*'nn /I^js:: p^J3 ,DnvD3 irnut^iD n-ny n^L:3 r\'")2 (.N"'j /piD^n ,nnx inD ;D^:a ,nn^? n^ij |d^j2 ,DSiyn sidj ]0'n ims yc:'^^ "•an .t'srS ^piDNH n^2D ?)DV sv' r\"-\2 ,n:m Sm m*^' mpDj n"-in ,pn^;^ nSij noQn ^3"^ N^:n .^srS p^ny p^jn ,i^sj: p^:a ,DnvD3 irnnsD muy nb^a n"i2 xrnn D%i^s n'ox'L, (n* n^rsi) 'rj* '^ oSiyn kid: nc'na::' r^JD ,-id"is "iTy^S^ xi'^ {S^xi D^XL'n ns^vv3 ]nxnc* cnn inpN* "na py yir ynro 2^*v Nt:n )-iNn innvi D^D^j m^i ,nn^n ny^ni pr pian iniXT , nt^'n nr idix -"in ,niTQ ? D^yn wS-i3j p^j3'^» p^jD nrois yr^n^ '"i .")nxn p n^y^ nxv, (2 nir) -»dn:b' cnn inrx "nD ncny pyi yir ynr.o nry sri pisn xvinv, (s nc?) -idnjct pr pisn imx"! ;p^: nr icin "in ^mi'-D n^vid |S'ni D"'N::n nx^bo pnxnc* /'-iDi:ii ;«vn dhd vcaS,, ( n:; u^hn) ,-iDx:t:' .nr Svs nr piinTDC' ?iiyi n'-m nonn *i2n3 kSk n'rn nh rin^n r.'?nc3 1D1S i:S ^^ is^dS D'?iy2 'ivo ns^t:* xn* sStr ,-ib*ek 'nv miDO onry mS'ci ,yipnS cmStrS nn^jS .t'^S niiro isik' ny>pn s'n •oSiy':' 'n'on nnns :\-idi niyp"i" nu'rsc ,v"inN'n .)2 zirrn is'-n k'"^ i^Sn hzvn h'Jiz^ ;x:2' nsi Dn>n'S rhu ri'm ,v':o ny^t::^! .o^o h2v ynir'Oi mznS ,S2v n^nsm onn-ix Sx c>x Dn:o^ cv y^jnc iv3 ,n;B> iS nn'?y .n^^nn ;S'X ,:ono .]>nx3 niiratn nx ^213 ,-;n:a ? ncn nsTi ny ,n:ti> iS nnSy x'? cv c'ir?jro ninsj .nSiy ':tr r;r:S n:ir iS nnSy ncr:: nnx ]'3'Z)"if3tr n^y^::*^ rsrin ci^-2 irs^pS "n::x x'n n^y^^c* 2*iy dxi ,n>y'2C 2iy "2>x ex ,xrn Sc n"i inxS nn^E nz vj::n nx n:tr iS nnSy •i:nr:xc* cyxi /o anirx .ti*-ip S;* '•ino ,ny'uaS ntrn n:trn trxnc^ >3 'ry ^^a^ /nSiy cv^ri n^r^Sy ;n ;mrx ]^ny t:3 n^tr^Sc naisf ny nSny nv: rxiS rcinn:3 rn:c« px -s^rS ,p^x n^try: 1:2 iti ;i'^'xS n'n 'jitrn vq U2B»2 V't2 'np c^*ji:nn nn'3 nnxS r^t^^^ 7-">^ "'^'^y f^iitr*^ ,^Svi 'an X3'3 .uzb'z vo •\x:' 'in nv^B'fi n"ir:ixS it '^♦vicz ryn:r3i pars c^ ,n2 lum ?nSiy '2t? nc''?2' ^hs^ inxS ]U3 ,n'tr:2n:r n^rsyc /jzc* ':3'7 n'y^:"i:: t:i:nS vnn^s *in^?2 dx |.";r ^r^y^ziztr a^rsysj njnDT X2 ,n"ic' mpc: .spy^i onnzx ,ni:x n'na .SiSn p2iya aic* Dnp nz njntr nn^o .mzy^C'n pre cnSix;! ^3dS □^c'ln nvc* ,"i3\"Tiixr2 miay nrjn .pnn r\'^y it;!:t nsitaS .p^:2 c^Sz'c* lyynn^C' pT2 /C^*^; itr::'? .-n?2J ne py xS ne nc^y pyi ,ine laj!:^ .ns j-j* 3-113 .pn? nS^nn pdj^j \s"il"^l*' ^itD^ro "?^n-i-c'^S pn ^3,, y'n hd 3"k "3py^ n3v DSC'C/r (n s u>2hr2] -ids:j;' -piS n^^nn 0:33 "i^d rin^vi "I'^t: ,-l?3^^■^ ioon f\si3N* N355D Dp'nS xy-is mix )Hh rXD\s* n'y3 \s -^ xd^d ^x?3 "it'^y dscdi nrL"3V/ ('13 x-ip^i) 3'n3T ?|^:?3 .ponoL'^'^i .f|N p-in na^^i ^cpc ,xr3''X n^y3 ^xi (K^ nnri) 3^n3-i /nrnn nrc' ,nro' 1^:1 "|n^'^*'^ '^''^' pn3L*' n3K' jTy^n^M (n?xn;^^ij3^n3i ?xin ncTia '^3 ,nL*Ti3 nnN3 m^3V «niS3vbi .''nrc'n jt'C'X-ic,, ,XM npi-i3 p pnv ^3-1 Sl*' 1:3 SxycL"^ ^3-1 ,^jr3 xn '^naiL** •n^3yn 3"iT3„ "3"n^3,/ -iDSX" ^dS vS"n n?3 ,"n:^* n'l^'^^nn nyc ns Dn*cnpv. (n^M xvm idSd D"'v>'''cnn njc' nx oncnpi ^''n ,^^^xi 3'^n^D ^^*S^^ nL'nnnro xnn nS t^i3> :xpn3 p pnv '-1 Sc' 1J3 !?sy?Dr'' i^'n ;n3?3 ,nn^^nn?3 n3^in'i ncnpncr ^*'\x ,Dn':nN^ |n3ynL"?3 s^i /in*n3S ]n*L:£j Dn3y vn nS 3M^ ny n'^-io f-i3rL:'3 r'l lypn /3"n^ y^:nL:*3 p^3 ;in^i*\x-i3 (n^nnDyi pnDL*'"i pmn p?3ix •••aS ''?y'n HD,, i^^n ^^r ,"ni\^ x^jn .|n^^y3t^ nnnn nnri ,Dn^n3:' Dn3y i-igdj 'q3 ^nn'^^nriD n3^ini nt^npriDC' nz*2 ^3" /''D^L*'^?3nn n:^' ns* Dncnpi,, 'n*^^^ S3V,, (D:rv)S"n ?Knp Sy ^inro pd-'Did nns^' ,nr3nn ^xi ,ns'iD3 n3Sini r.>:-ipn?3 .nnsi D^c^'onn n:r c^npD nns ^xi ^npD nnx D^nonn njK^ /'D^:^'D^^ rotJ» x'-n ■"•pisxi^ .nnxi U'^c^'dh n:i:* njin nnx ^xi .n^iro nnx D^c'^on n:r ,p3ii f.t2) ijn (;i2) -x'^i ,|t^ y?3C'?3 xp ,;x3Si |X3S n^iy D^'c^cn nyj' ,n?3xi ,min^ 'i-id t?St;» s"y>^ Si3^ .lypn xSl*^ ^q bv ^ix loroc* xk'' 2"yx \sm b2)\> (nr s-ip^t) p3n ^>*j' a"yx "x^n S3V,, proix ^dv ^31 ;nmn^ ^31 n3n !x\n ^nroiS niD^n 'Mn^K' Nnp^dnxD ^31 ! XM b"r\ v lypn x^c* ^2 bv ^ix ^513^ onStJ> x^ir* s"yx ,^^2^2^ y^^ inSt^* xSi*' 2"yx xin S3V idix •'JX n?3 ^J3?3 LD''y?3?3 mx xnpDi n3-ir3 nnx N^3 D'yySnr3X ^xi ,an3y m'^c^ xi?3 D^iy^ -il*'SXl" 'b^ Viypn 3"x x^x ^3V nm \^D .pn n'3'? nnioro nrx in ,pn n^3^ miDro "ir ,nnx n3n .nsvc' ny^pn njDSj:' ,1125; asu'ri ,nS'nn r:2: -iSrs cmx p n"::pntto ,"nrsi i^rs .n^'zpnS astt'r^ Nn> -n^N', r/no ntimpr^ n'j'::c' nitt't:* ,pir3 ,-n2':f m:*!!:,* ^^2^2 ,^ii pnn c'12^'?t .h>S "laxp ,n32Da Sai^ ni'^^tt'z ,ttnp?2 nnx D^:r .'^ttT^nn n:tt' s\nc* ';s ynv ,,'»j,''2tt'n ^nr\2 isitr V2 ppS i?2XT tr''"i2 N"i2 ,t:'in Dit:* ttnpr^ nnx >xi .nic^n ncmpf2 "irsiS t'z Sy nno ,n'2':2nn nstt' nx ancnpi irsxjtt* '2S .imx ^^trnprs ]\y liriiT:: nxn: xSti* ^z iinrz nxi;tr V 3"."^ iy lU'om n"i ~inx ,n2i:::: ntinpnra 12 '"^^2' .nnS^nnrs nripnritt* n'2'2 p^rSn pnr2x-iD ,trnp Sy Sin?3 p^^nr: nn-^* .nnnxS*^* n:r -in^ nmx ]nf2B*r2 ex ,nr2nn '-xi -ina'i\s xSt nnS'nn?2 trnpnntt* nn^npir^ ^eS^ x'?! ,p;"n .x^n xt3iyi?2 ,X'n ''::v S'^n .ppS n3C' S::vn nic* n^io nnx \yi niin nnx n'r^nn n^tt* : on n^S "^m nm '''^v^^h x^n n:tt'r2 x'^x X2n h2vn n^tr* njir^ nnx \^"i ,x2n ':'::v r-*^'^ nnxi -izyc* h2v qi^S □^c'Qn nitr* ,ixd'7i ]ii2h nhv; n'C'r^n n:tr omj nD::a: ir2ST ,n-nn^ '-nr^ ^-^isxSi 3-vn inxSe^ -nn2 n^ra S^yS /^2 it2?2C' x'-b* .v^x Snv x^n Szv .nxzn nu'CB'S n^itrxi njtri S^vn D2S n>nn x^n '72V z^ns -nm nm anxnpi n;tt' D>r?3nn n:*^* nx on^yrnpi i2itr nizyni onsT 13 vi'yj x'? iS^sxi 01^*^ ^3^ n3S x^n Szv n:t:mn om xttmS xm x'n\n' x-ipi 1^1-' ,'-iu u_i ,' s^ 'I I ,'^ I ' I i.ki I li i '-ii H ir> w I I /' ir« II I r« I'i I ' c^ m. .nn^^fpi n'l'^f-i nynT2 iidx nvnV vSy 73vn ctt* p s'^yx ,nTins Sx 2vz'h'\ isitr n-iayn nSSn isS DXT ,S3V x^n I'^Sn nnm n^ry nx ,x\n S"n ?S3V xn* ^anzy rin'^c xStf e"yx '?i3» -m'?*C' pya^tr '?xnB"i n:^' i3y ;>xc» D^ays ,an3y ni":"::* n^2 uhy;h ntt'sxc* ,S3v i:»x ,p"i «:ni ,sn^nn nop n*:.ti ; -i:n D^'o::':n mn^ inSiD^ .sn'3 l*'^:\s* ^^n* ? ':o ."iTonn i-j^yoS nj-j'n c'si ,S'.^S3 ins3,, :n*j^p n^DL" rdl'-vo ^r:: jo^jn ny2"iN «3^ n^s v "nn ni^jon ^ny^is 'dh \>< .-i\xr^ ^312 ni' -i3d nr27M "iCT^^i .n»2n3 -icyr^ M ,ny3"iN ]^v^'C' u^^ ,D'S:-i "^t ;ni'3-iN -i\s?d '31S I Sdh nniS -iTySs ^a"i» (.ri) .D'^w* \rx-i n'3D ;nai ,D^L*nn nyaix /iros pnv^ 13 pnj n-i "I'^srj* A'C'ii ins xipo on^rjn ,pnr i"n ."nL-ni "ip.nd Dnr^ix pjDL" '3"ii : mx>3 ,-13 12::^ Q'P^y ^n?D\\n ; -13 i-ior Q^P^^Vl" pin ,;svn d^d rj'iS ^n*2\x Dn?3\x L*'"ii iry^x ^ni .SiSn \r\^r n"-i ,3s*3 nn^jvi msD nnDynro ;tD':3 ?n-i^r nn^is D'Sil" 'n?::'x ,n^*j'^ 5]x lyynn'L" p^rn v|^^v^ an^ il"dS jxvn DnD i::'^^ ,y"Di ids x^i .^rcn \nh^' n"i ,>i^s3 nn^vi \d':2 nnnyno ''-I'j'yn -i::*y,, (v nn^i) ^jSd'^dp xip \sn3 N^m ,11x2 nn i2t:y' dv-V*^** l^n L"^po n2D ?^"i ;P"i nry?^ nnsn ,r['2r\2 n-j^y?^ nnx* : -mid ninnn n'nL"yn \^L"n "^i^DD r['2n2 "iL*T^ f^x ,"iTL"^y nrosS T i?::D jn i*jt?o n?^ ,;n nrycS ncnn iC'yD n"n pi -i-j'yD no ,p-i n'j'yrD"^ nronn "i*j*y»o L'*^p'^ ,m:D L""n x"-n .nic'^y iir::3S \s'oS :"d':l*'S n"-i ncnn nnxn,, .n*j'n iSl" n"-i ^n'^nn iL^y^o ?is ,nc'n iSl" pn: 3-1 .oSiyn siij 'Tj'nn "losn -vS^n x"-!! .nDipnS ntt ^31 -i?:s ? xddSi n"j'Ni?D "njw*» nnnx nyi njrn n^L'wn^,, (s^ en::-;) ^mdi ^pn"^ ,it:x pnv^ 13 n^nn lypn-, (xo D''Mn) aM^n v sin n*j'm \so'3 .n^ion xn^ no pn^j nj::'n ; n""i nr ficis 'in ?n nD3n?D L*ninni*' en* Jn inr 's /'irjn dv^ no^a naic" /'Ssic'"'? pn '2„ T'n ."3py' ^nSsS DDcr .sin SsiL-^i' pn o„(s3 c^nn) thdi ,cnnn nx nto'o ^l" T'3 vc'tp 3"n\s ,pnS tdjd: n^yro >t;' n"n pSL" no^D ,p:2v pnSnrs i»:?zS xn^2 n.vr37 iri\x m'j x^i ,x-^."!x sr-.ij* K»nm Nn^TXi *ir:^r3^ s^'St ?n;c' 1"^ nnSy nrn y';!-!tt' ]V2 h^hnz 'hz ahs 1^'; s^ cs ,dm: nn>3trS n'l ,nrn sri^y-i -"lix N^i ,xn^nm p"m .i^ix a^ri'2*."tn ^r2' in'^irS ''']'::,'rr iris xn^:: «•:'>< *i;!S '2 ^:c*r:i nir^s sin ,xm ^ii .c'r2':*."!r; r.ir:^ 'm ;n-!V n'r2'^r:,^ ;n'j*prir: n'^v ,n*j'p .cm r.norS ::'r:i rn':nr2S mrox xnz; im ,'Dn \x .x:n inD xnni ,N;r in^ xin xnSv: :'r:i /';rr37 /"rx^ nnxi ,p>::: 127 nc'rsm ,p';: ins ■. in:': D^::rn '::*.>-i ncr^- ,s:r, inr x-n r.'r'^'a nnnSi p'rtt' ,pyor 'i"i3 xs'nS nS r,r:-"ir2 w sn^; xn I*j::iri ic;' ntrriii /-icnz nnsi ^2-1 oSiy^ ,X2T i?3x ! x>rp in:nr2x x:n nn ^n x?x ,Si'"X2 ins n>^ r^^i on:^: nyrix "6 n^X": ,*i\*v ,pn^ .nrnr: r:::^- rn-'im nrain ni2ipn Sc pirm ;r.'n:^ '2S niTo »:2S n^i'iyi r"i;v2 'i^-^ rri.-ir p.-o n'pinn'' ,i: n':2rr: cnnn-r .c'lyr: w: u'inn pn nx Sxib" lyzp ex p'm ,'0 trinn VkTip p c.x s^s .nrn'-*' -^^:2l s'n n:i:pcr n pc^Nn p-.B ni^n ^Kl ^'^^' 'trxn ny^ns* 8 ; nsvinS nxijr nyc'D iDX ap;;^ i3 xnx m n^ir^' npc'D ids ^un ? njr n^^ D^pn ?n'b ^^3X ^i'lo ^d did hv2 .did ^^33 wsn (.*) ,Dn3 xn rybz> n^i •D^^pL" n^Di-inh ;|nu^y^T ,D''2^nni? n"-i ,p'':3 nnx3 ,-i"n .rt^'in 1:? i^dc' n^i n^n ^nnn„ (z' nrz^*;) 3''n3n ? j^JO D^k^n^^ .D^nn mi^DtJ'S ;^j< ,DnmN cj^n K^nn nx ^^^Dz%f {-' nn^i) n>nD"i /'njc^n ^^nrh ddS nih prxi D^'irnn k^'xi dsS xo^St .pc^'N*"! n'-S npi ,p^j nr loix ^in ? t3X in •l:'^c' dn inrx "3^3xn :X3n^ sion 3-1 1D^^ x*^x ? 3^n3 3^3s* 311 n^D .{^d^^i ,3^3X 31-1 xry3 ? -inx inrx "p-iNH nxnn ns dddds*3 T3Cm L^'^^^ dv iL'^y nc'Ln3 ^s,, (;i2 jn ni o^ii< "in ? hd^ds u t^•^:J' nn xt'N ? 3'n3 ?]^DN 311 n^D .S3^^i ,fl^D^^ 3n xry3 ? -nN"? ^yu:^ ,^^3:^ ^ndi (;i nnDx) ojic^ n^3p n3-JD ,1^0^ K^ 1^31 ni^^D nnntD nr 131 /5tr^<^ T'x ? |SjD .D^^p::^ n'onn'^i .n^op xS npDDn3 n^^np nbnnn3 ,]in ,tnn min mox ,"n::^M '^yirh r^nni cnn n^ij; nxT„ [n^ inna) «-ip -ID^< Kin pcj'K-i,, (2' mDLi^) 3M3n ,iD^:o n:c^ n:c^ n^:i ; ni^nn nDnriD ]2ip N3m ,|D''J3 nnx3 ps3n iM)i m:3-)p ,':'XiDij^ -idx ni^n^ 3-1 -ids ."njtrn •'c^-ini? D3^ 3njnnnM^i .m^*o iD^n-^ sbs ^^v^ j^^n p xun dxi , cnnn p ^<^3^^ mvD «^ (;T) N?3-^ t^'^n^^ ,s^''m ino I s-j^^ra .inv^ did^d^:^ -13^31 ,p"i^2J'3 i^^ro xi^ /XV s^3n Dx •'jrpT p^3 ,pn x:m .p v^^^ invi nnnS n^2 no-i-rsn ,0^-12 nnott'S nx .it .1:2^ ^Spc' b^ msip nannD D'mpSn mjiip ,ddS ntn Clin mx a'ln nSn n *n sS ''2Si ,]::^J3 inxn insu* inSs ,it nacS nr:Ni 12 tr'tr ,-'zxn cin2 n^ian^' x:nnx x-i-? s^nsi ,nDsS itr onS inpn d\-i2i ? p^ai ]?:2i ,p'30 ma-ij i^D'^ ,x2>Si 3i2« si'j?2 .nSir3 T:.n nSc^isD nvnS 12 mon n«i2nnB> ,-ox .■ns:3 "iD^nrsn X3in s;"-!* X3^xt ,mx xr^'xi 3'rx sSx ,-103 ht ]^k nS>s« «:;i7 k2>n \xi '530 n^^S nn'Q 13 pD^i^oc ,n3':3X n c'^k' .12 nnD2n*3 n^xi^n 211 in^B' ,2^2X 2n n'?i:5S ynnS 112^:? 01:^2 ]^:^>yf3 ]\x ,]n2y:2 px .tt'2>^S vrn,i m^ic^' ]n p'pn S21 /D^dc::.! •^tV^i*^ P« /!"'« ^''^ pn2:;r3 px .K2n *n« ij? i2in nsnr' xSr ,nJK*n nx -."2 '\')2^yv .i:f3T3r2x xi2'r ,-13:; -|iD3n trnn ,3^2sn B>in nx "nr^^^ 2'nn ,"nN xSx .i:*rn Sy cmn iiy mnyiH rivnSo m2vK> niK> npD3 p^a DtrS trinn rx v^ip'r ]V2^ ,r*Ti2>^ nprsn ,n<^?3 x-j x^^DP^s'^^ .112^^ p^3vS m-x utr nD:3j 133^' ,mx p^j mc;;'? pxtrn ;\x2' 2S2 ,n2' ns» ''^^-11'' «^''n^ 'B>in ,'*wrnn7 •iB'n3 cin .n"D xp ah npDsm w:^ •>vn'\2 n3tj>TSi xnS'o nV"' xp'DS xS x^*' xon dx 'jnpi po .''2na3 rr^in xSi ,nn xjm .cSr /.lO'Sr n-B'n^ -,-,|nj-r iS nrh-; ]i^'^^n xS '3,10 t:j32 '73X ,*nx3 -nx3 xSx .c^srr ^rxi2 ■I „m3TiL"N*v .iyr3^'DD"nm:„.D^nSn niSiy ,n^?ot:\siniSL:niSK ''-i^n'^s'n^,, .-n: .-inSN^ nSy t^h^d npi^) ^xai "idx ,npnv it "i'23,r .n^an pnn ^cnp "i\s iy ,x3*n3 n^J3"ip"T xr^yai |vd iS?D^m in?3 ! xn^cs .D^^:y 'D^'p Nm v d"d SDH Sns ,D^Sna ii:r2ni )r[:bni xin onn ,^"?op /m^nipD D^i^n ':i n'^^v 'i3yn nniy DVT Dv !^33 ,n^i5n 'j r^jy nay-i:' |V3 ,x3-i -iroNi ;:1) .D^'jy ^n^^j^' sm ,6 nn^bv ii3yu' jvd ,D'::^npn Sd inxi d-di in« r^a^rr'rD .inxn :^d:} ,N:nD 2"i n»3X '^ n'nivn 'so \sm i -insn hni laiy ,^::^' n^3 D^^n ,D^i?:-i Dv ^33 ^:n^':) ,-nnD sp ^in^n* Njn n^ro : Tnio xp i^dc^ ^dtivo xpn ind wsp N*S n^n'' ^ixSa nino sp 1x^3 n^ynp^i* Njn ni^Ni v inxn ^d^ iniy Dvi nnsc'o 'yn ,0"*^^ 5D n'js ,x-in ^ni ^yn -loyD n^n npi ,-;Dy n^n np v nsDi nnDC cp"^ i« ly "1 >:£'? n-Ti .Tnn -;'?i :nT a*r ;n2 -ir^c nnc'i.'rii mp--^ ''ins"? n^:: tt'm: ,xi;:J33 n'7j;c-' ,-insn i^S'^ ,ncyn sS mtifD it nn^c'.-) .n^^p -'ns'^ n^^^ : sip "lox ^3n NcnroT ,r>^"; ;s3*3 f'n-a S;* ,r,'"7i .'n '^si p •^.n^'n -lax:::* mpo Sd 'sy'r'X i"s* ps 'itd ,npTi IT ->::: ,n:in2r in ni"^S ,x*Lf-n^ s'.n xn^"^,' s'^p ^i^"^^ '•"''^ •^i'-'^ "^ -^ ninTx ,n'^;!-i nS^ n;tt* J2::np^ n>rn- 2^-73 xm ,xin N-i^n' xip ,imx 2np' .a-'m x*i\t xn,-; nx7X .i:tt' inxn ^3 n'?nnn jr^T >^>"^* Sd -yninS ,-nnf3 xp ix'?^ n^^paS -cnso n^opS n-inyn ^nS nnDrr^ pi::3 ^y:i ixrsV xn^:n /,:c' n^rin px'? iv^^^^'^ ,*nrr3 xS ht' ,2"n ,11133 D'S.n my X7:r a"yx ,n:*yi» nizyi ^loi -;io'?i ,|-nD3 d^-.ii n:y x^i n;c* nrrn |d li'X nz^yn trii *t:xi ,'2iS xr^^rn .xnnn n^^^* .vSsi xina tr"i3 nS "i2;:i ^m'on ;n ir,3 .msiyr^ rzvz nS r,nDt:*r3 ,ni2^n '^y x-i^n» non nitr*.:' dv x v3 pn nx x:ivr insi xS-v ,i ncr^m a'tt-tri mxr2 '.1 /s'?^ nic* ,'^r:np nrona o^C'^n inS xiri i^wt '71 p'ira dv3' vn nn ,i'^xi Tr>: ,c>xSr3 cn^:c* ,'\'2v;'^ '.-13 ni:?y yi'xv ,n\xSr3 nn^yy p."i3 ,3^S;.i xS3 n-.*^ nS nn3tj*r2i ,".3 xir3 in j .]V22 ,\V22 'T3 ni'iy yi'xi ,n"irn p^:*^ vn nxrn nirSi ,]v::3 'n ninrsS nrnpm ,}vr3 Sy ,1-ixn S33 inrs tt'iv .viy nivy isy x*? T^iyj /tynpn-j-a |vd2 't dv3 'xSo r::rn xi»n' 'rai ':y Sc* ipSn n^S ycs'o iriyn :'nin n3 cnn ,-^3ym -^ny n^3 ^'\p .V3X "^"^ pD\'2S nn'^n^rs x'-i poi ,-,n3T 'td 3^"i3i ,n'xi3 ni'^n'o xS xn *i:nr3x 'ra .civ 'uv?:*- D*?;~ ': -.t:jnt ,x\i p.i7^i*' *2i^, pnxn ^aa n^^y Dp-D^ .-ni:S ,nr?:j sp^: .D-'i^nt' nrrcwi niXu:nnvjnpnmr^-inm pDiympronn *a^^nn"n .nS^nnnivr^n :mp-iL3 ]V2 ,nN»-:i nnDL'' cp^ (:"li ,nDS) -iw"i'?::i ^'^22 -nn'JT?^^, nipiv ,d^dSl*'1 mSij; :ini ,p-iDr D'^:-i nL^yj* "idix c^n nnsn "^33 i^u' ,d^S:;-i hl^'Sl*' p^Sy imyL*' iTr^\* 'n .-insn S22 -iniy inx ^:-i ;n^Sy nayr jr:; pr^ix ?^'t .n>^nn m!;?:n .-^ro^s L" -13 N'-i .inxn Sn^ naiy ,D^^n ^*:^♦ ]n'''?v nnyi^' ;rD oroij^ 3py' p n^rr ' NDp x:rn i2"!2 .^nsn p^n ppy -iTy niDiDn :n ppy -iDyi** ;v3 :n3i m;'i2rn jnai mv?::n :n3„ (t-j en:-) anzroi -nnD> p noS p^Sd in^^r^ 13L" ^niDiDH :n2 -i»:p -inv ij\s "id\s L*"ni .nnxn Sn^ /nrr: yDc* '"crnD^Dn HDj;' nxnv, (i^c'^'i n^nrn \u"i2 i2'i) .p-inx htl" idiS v-r:^: n?:> rDinrn -^on vc^yn n^N./ (nr m^r:!) 2M2T ? N^yD \s':: 3py^ p iryt^N* '-\) .mdl*' nriNini L'*'-i3 Ni N-'jrn ^ D"D L"""i3 iTypN m .D^rc Dnyi?^ ciy^r:? '-DDnyir^a 'ni? ?:!'"Ti .2-11:1 niL" --iCP V-i?3n: n^^ ,3inrn inn ui" niniDn :n -i?:}n^ nS tiDis ?n^n iL*-n ^nd "riiiiiDn :-2i n^y^zL-n :n3i n^)iV7] ;n2» wn ,2py* ;3 -try^^N '-2-)"i rnvy"^ p^:^ rx^yns tx xn -ir^sn ,x^y*j"ix "1 i?ox iry^x -ninn^ in> ^yn^c L**p?D rnnicn ;n3i myi-'^^n :nai nivrn :n3.v b'n ? nynt** b2 p?^ik*'n nS c'^u*' myu'j'n :n ^^iS ,nv2i:' ^2 jvriyjT vi^ l"^ nivr^n jn nro ,mv»Dn jnS myuL'^n jn n^^c'ipxi? ? niDiDH jn^ xr^m n^ans nhd'^h ^xd^ .nyni" >3 pciSc'n r l"^ ?;>:^L:nm .nr*:^ pyo mniDn jin ?ix ,nrs pyt: niv?rn :n n^D (.H) ,niv?:n :nS p3i ',:m ? ^Sv^ ^:n:^ {:n) ."i"'^ix> riDS-n -ip33 n^:sv, (v nn^-i) dtidt -?^x:"i -n: jsr -^rx: ? p":?^ nm: pn: n^n ''S px /-n: mn 'd- f;;; an:-;) M^/ ,v^y nnn: is:: ?ix ,voy nai: ;SnS nro /'nm: ix -n: dn- (t xip^i) |^nS "V^S'jp inxn x^.v (;!3 nnm .mL*npnni poinni p^-iyn pr^nn iSx r'p'-nSx (:*^*i ,Dv:)yw"T ny.y ni!:c'XT mx'L:n i^x "ij^m^ n-n *:].. (pc-i ^vai^n xri xin TT-.r: xi.-i'l:' 1-: ;':v^ .ri""i wn-; ,ri:'^ spr; .cr;"!-- r>'n X'.n p>;2 -nxz 2:r;ri tt'in: rcE xn^ir -;• iz^v '.rsr '"^ir: ;:7?2C*«i dw ncSc* mn-x r:rrn n^r-; ,i~iin pnz ^np pc* ,-"i: priym |>?2nr! ".'rx .''.."si r\zii ix 1-5 ^'cn: ]ntr ^mr^c^x"! nxan -.'rx .veith ^y x^i my nrx v^y ,v:rn x^i x*.n .crs ,nrin pir n;j\"'.- 'oSir. n'\yn mSiv P-'^ ^c^rsSci nSiy. pny p'r'j'.ri en nz^n nnc* -r:r3 -•,-!- X 'n .nz'-n ;."!«• nrEi ■^r-r:'". 'r:::'' *::: n-m ,':^nr x-ip- xmz nnii -n:-; iS^xt :'ri2 'n -irr*. ,',:r"i-^ u"."- ^r irrr:- nn n-m ,x",n x*iv xip xm ,rn:rvr2i rApr^ i'7K >*2') n?Dis^ "-i?d^:i n^jcn <:c*l:m 3^nDi 'Pr:)ij"i Dm^y nrj* iSdd e^nna m^i npDr, p n^?Dnj nni/, ix -^cn: i njr n^*^ '-\?) vSd23 ^Npno '^dui t^nDC'nmx^ Dncy n:L*' id^j cnnn ^n^i,. -qxNT X3^:;'a xin pvix^ n"-n SSd^o ,DnL*'y nrj' n^^ npi jd^ji ^spi ,DnL*'y x:nnx xj''roS (:.".) /Xn^n ?NnDL*'nms^i \s':)?d -^sn NS^< ,NnDL"nn-iNSn ^n^J2 rxriDcnmN^ Dnn n?o ;nvL" n^.^r:^ Dnc^y n:-j' cncy n:L'* ,n^d m "idn -'nih V Dnp jD^n nc'y^o s*?oSn ,D"'ip vSo^n n^'uroi wn?:;! .NnDcnnnxS ndh pjn "^'^^^ r\\:ir\: po>i ,rS:3D3 n^on^S ^:jn -iDiSL" Dn^n rX^jm >^r\]}i Npi^D n^ an-jv njc' Pdd 'cnn2 ^nn n^i?Dn p n^nnj nm,. (x rron:] ,nD&:cn n:K*2 n\Ti:* ,;rc*an riapn"? x::?n .x"r: n:a* uz'Z'z nr n^n n"-i nrr \x-: ni ix- "i3k: ,;n^:: nx irirn n-.x .D';*2*ix n;c' n::r2 v:2Sc' ntrnri ,Dnp um"; nc*v*: xoSn *i:3B' xz D-r^'n^o ,'::n xz'i .S^v'^' ^~l''X"; ^xnp ^^".s:: ,;:nv 'ii rrrms x>:r. .n^-ir, nitron ,'m'.tt'.-.x "inx'LT irvM in; ,xnDC'nnixi i:«mtt*nx v^'zi vo^:: cc« vni cmr nr^vi n'n.in ':2 iSy -^r^S n\:*w"::n nr n^n n>''2- p. n^ranji ,S:2z nxc-: n:"im ,c«vn'? D\-,tr n:B'2 n'ln n:::tr ^:v pjzz z',r\2 H'l::: x^i x-i-r22 piz: :':in r.-ixiz 2 □n-:*j' /Ontt' n;cr ^trc- .ni^in ^cis'z p*:-: DXT ,XTi .D'nc* n:*^'i u 2'.r2K* ^x- '•,:r:"n n^;r: '^c* pirsSc* ':'"' -x c\-u' r.:trz r^n:i ."K'd: nor: r x'n n^v'-ti* -"V ^nxrn n:ir*7 pr inxi .n-nx \xnp r^p ;:":r: ,x'n r.':v2c* p^ro iS ',;r2 ^xi Ti^r:'? n»v'2cn niK* X'n ^c^onn cnn: D'Scn' xn i xiryn .v'.r."/ '.r. ,n''':n^ n-n iic* ^.n .n'n T^ra •'^r2 tr"^.',2 rnr:x r.x-, ;rr3>'p '^rin-i ;:x p.iyi ,DnDiK n 3 .K^ nn2-iD/|i5\sbn -i ,d2'c*2 int^a .nip-i^^i ny^D:^ m^nviji pD^?De>^t n^D P3-I i3n .nnn-^i? xnon 21 •^rD^? .sn^^^^n --NrD^ ,d^3^d^ ',t2.1 .u nc^y nj^'Dna iroy x^ DSY ; r\yc ib nni^j; ]D':2 nnx p^:n:^* jvd pnNa ryt^Tii onc'yn "i?:yK^ ^^ r^iD ps ,\D'n nnN»2 ^?b^5 i^y iO Dxi •njc' nit^*n nrca inx dvi ,d^3^o^ pnm H"*^ iJD^j SDMI inD ,-nxrD n**^:; i:D^ti; nox*^ -^^D^ ^JK'n dnn & niD^D ?l^^ /|d''JD Dn'^-o nx^v^ no ,Dnv?D nx^'V^s n^i^t^' niDt'D ,"]nyn xp^D xS ?|yjD nirno xoSn ^rjo jd^jdi i^j^ nsia Dn:*'^ nx^^*n n^ynixn nyc^a d*j» no^i 'n ^2 ^y -inn in ^x p^n pnx t'y^V/ (.:ih nnno:) n^ns^ ^n^i„ (x Dn2i) n^nDT "t^^nnb nnxn ^L^•^Dnn i^^nnn onvo pnxD Sxitr ""jn nxv^ npi 3xn "-xpiD ''-iDiJi nc'D nan Jj'nn^ nnxa E^nn nL"j; ^nryn njsj^ D^ynnxa Nin ni^^n ix^ n"nn fen ^Dvynns r\2^ r\h npi Dairn ^xpi /Q^yanx n:D* n> x?2^n Dn"j;r3 nx^v^h '^^otD ,\sn xi)x ^Dnvo nx^v^h dhqd ^^x^n xd^^co ?ix ,Dn"i*D nx^v^S ;xD nn ^mL*^ nnnb D^ynnx n:u^' D^yanx njc^ ?p:^cn nopnS 'n::sn2 -rr^n ns nrDyc* n::r'?3 i^^f^n m:*2'S anT.n!:*^' p; m;r:7 vn n'r."!-) ,c'2^?2S inxi IX 'J2ts'3 ~?3y ''rsi in^*^* n'^nnS ]3^:2 ins n\'33n iv::-! ,m2'7f2 mSiy m:r'r2 p'jv-i nrrcn nn'^i'H p p*itrv?2 pxtj' ,nQ-2 itryrDS .n^aty nj*^ i? ni:?3S •i'?>nn'i p^a y':?ntyo in:*j* nr^r .nmnn p ynrSi tt'n-S iids n*^'n Di^z'^r^ ,r\^h2vh^ y^yr^^'h ,nmonn 'n'^^^n Sy v nir:: NO^ts B>-i2?3 inSi32i h\hi< i^^^Dh nntrxnn nn:*wy nnS^ 2x2 nyui '»£xi nSny ^2:r p2a^ ^ny^a:? ,]S>xS .nn ins S'2> Sy nn ':2S upSan jo ]n*^'y?3T i^rsmn ]^xr pT* -^c^yrsS ,mpn^S .'o;;- |S>x2tJ' iiaz^ inxS "m:ntr '?y arti^ mip luintr I'j'xn nvrs p-i^r-yo pxc'oti'yo ^y;^- Sd Svtr h-a^x ?Do'?f2n p:r2S nrvn cv yrpin nr^S ^rsi'rD /Kn^S^n ^xoS 'c:i .rvL;:n nnx -^'.n- nT\si mSfi^ mpi?2 2in ^u'^r nT\x ]'n2r.'? ^nn-jK'S ,n n::*;!:* Dvn iniir* Srinn i?^i -Sd li?:; ^-''jy li'^'xn .n<'i*wr nitr iS piirs nny?2i nn:c' I'r nnS^ noiS^ ,njtt' iS nnSy ,imxD iin^S n!i*i DX ,':c*n irs*,*^ "inxS ^nxn -ac* r-ro'? x:n ,r,TSi niS .imioS crtrn rcji no .^riyti' '21^3 -|'?:2S n:v2's-! n:tt*n zni^ n-^'i cxi ,2r.i2 n?2'Lr -f^^h ^z^bs nrz'n *tjc^2 m:r3S n^^ni ,x:n p^: nv^ c^u'-inn h2D -nx2 noy ex p'n xim ,]::':2 vnnn nnx nnyi p^iz l'??:'? n:\tt'xn n:c*n mis n-s^-^r^ ,n:ir3 pirx-in n:*^' p:?3S K^r^ nr^ycn iinr^tj* nna^'n 'rDn I'^ir IT natr pxtt> ^rr^c^ -f^rzh n^^ac* niir' n:f2» x'? n? nr^y^'r: 2in:^ xsn ,>:tj'S n^^:B'i .n?2yi:- ,vT irnnn /:tyS n:".tt\sn n n^^i'^' xSx ,n'^:c» ns noyir n.-K'nvip'? ,^j*2'S n:irx*in nx n:r2> xSt "iSrsS .c'cnnn p'jn msS n'n p^3 ppS ]inoxi »j*2'n K'inn xn xip cner^ns n^>x xn '?x*iir^ ^y nfiStr I'^rsS n^v-*^ n:ti'2 :xin omen x-ip?3i /xp n^yon n;i:'x ,Sx*tt'» Sy no^tr xnp^2n '■',nB> Dni*?D nx^:j^S c>:c'n ]^2:2 pjy'? ^-o'tb^ ms'??: ir^pD .^2t^^n ti'inn xin in cnnn nn ^nrs'-K' ^iS?:'? nyinx nitr^i cn^jn nx'-^^S d^:io^i nixa 'i n:tr it n:'^ n:?3 nin ,^^,^n^ x?2>x .]D^2r2 nfi'^ty ma'^o p,x p^:r3 ]>S>-no nS piiotr n^i^sn p:o ,Dnvo nx^i'^ nxniS D^2?2:n D^:iyS n"-i ntyntj> 'bS ,n^>;tr n2tt> iS ix*ip nirn y^^ntt^o pm b'"30 .nninn nx 1x3 nirc 'rwn nsB* D'ynnxr ^nn .nnxfs r,x»:i'S ]nn xim oSiy^ — XXVI — Tsi nynis nxvD it nrj»D n^jcrc nya ( * nsSnn p :n:on ns pnS n*^i inir^j ,L'C' DID nn^n il*\sd ny:*!^^ n-n\"i -u jvcxinS ,cninnD Dvn hn S^jm ,nc'n3nnN3 ^SiSsainsa ,;D^:3nnx3 :;n D^ru" ^l*'{<"-i ni;:n-iwS :mD3 nnix ^an '^dS yn^ n^HL" :njrDn ^jcro ,:jncS Tiiv ^3 Dn> n\n nSl" .D3K'3 "ins3i n::D Dii >si*j'^ ^dS.'d "iiy vn nS v?3^3C' nrc^ron ns -noDn ^3-1 ^si ,^n-^::" DnSc'Dm p"Dn33 "iiy imi** nS Dn:5n Q^jnDnL" ^j^ro /nonnm "i::'VDn 5]2nnj DnDn3 n« nt^yS niy D^:mjn Dmnn nvproS iiiv my pXK^ c'^m N"n nyn ns nnL"yn p ^yi ^nsin nji^'n myn^ d:i dx K'C'n ps* 'd ^i^n cninn Dnxun hni ■r\"2^ r'^3 nm3 f\0)r] pv) ;iny"i d: x\"i p ^3 t^diS /m*'n N^ntr n^S^Dn n^n (.SSn n'3D n^n v:)Vy xini nojnn n-inxn: vn^nti' '':sd ^hx HM n:ron ^D^n i3Dr ^nsii pn: oSiyn d^s nynnsn n2\:n2n p (3 Dn^ -I'j'xs HMi (i"2 ims-i piDn) inyj'on '•di xn ,D\sonn nn^^D Sy nSsnni ■DU c^"n^ ,dvdl**S aSn nnyn nbv^ "•2^3 mS^riDnn pi ^d "i?^>S "131 n"* n-j'o D^nnsin nnsDnrD my nyT* nS -is " 2"3nv,, nn^'^onDV lyn^-ip NinL" nait^^nn b^ bv I'^^n QnS *in^ -ivvn nin^n p n\sim ,ypn: D^nsi ;n^j (xi^jn ppi?) •I "*.nL3?oi)Vj'y3tJ'D^L"yDn -cill-'D nr^-ii: n>yc ^a^DmSDnonn^D ,nT^D\s*nnQn'L"y?o ^jn ,|'nDTn Dv n^S^n ns ,D^jL*'n ^-j^x-i pjo ns irm -not:* nnwS (4 VD n^HL*' iDica e-np?D3 n^nc* ^n^^n nx pi )nDJ -nv'pa nsitr nyvori ny^pn ni-iDVw" niJiiDT nv^^JD !?l:^ D'piDcn ni^DN :in:)?o d:ii ,in:iin ns n::']: -idic Sip "sbD ni'^^nonro -imn -ipy ns |ns onpn -iddl" nns ,]n?:jj "iiv^pn my^pnn ':-}h INC' rHjaSn n^^Ni pjya niy:ijn nvjCDn S^n nj^o insn ,3Sn nuym nSyo "1^5 vn*j' niSapni ,:"ib vnc> mSat^n miv ,n^N-in ny ,^":3 1:0^ n-'cinn pj?^S rpnnL" m^pnn riNi ,Dnyn nx bip dh^d Syc ^^nosn |UL"nn -im^j ,vnnsD i:)''^ DN d: "im ppnnS inn bnaS nitr-ii hd i^^r rro'j^n nrac '•n^t p pnv '-1 Sn:n n"3n 1^3 "jxcn ^nnn by pi'Did in y-n:D hn-i"' dj qni .mina ainn ■^SnjrD vn^L'* ^iN D^::)^^ d^C'jnSi -ins T'dS n^i D^jnni onyiDn pnS nicnn ■piNnn^ nSi: 'D3 i^d i^nn viy2 ^2 ,nNTn nonsn tn nn^n nDnvL" ^:3ro ,Dyn .ro^Sn ^'unn p3L*'n ^"ay novyS Dnyi?on \pnb) n'iN^L":n Siy dn dhd i^dhS ivan^-t ■-1 Dyi D^Din p NDH '1 Dy Sn^S^: '"i iJpT^ nnpc' no iqd^ "inxn p :3yi 3iL"n Nim irro^DL'* p n^3 ncyro nSn ):h pxc' iitDNi lo^Snn nnn nyc* yc^in^ ■"^2 N>n IT .MX" IN nyoL" ^3 pyS ni nmno^nS nn-i mxvm hjdd::' ,n:»i3 NnDoon r,"nv.v :n'n y i^c* r-^!^ '-"i-^ nmozi ;|v'?;5n ^'nc's ijniv!^- nx'i'ni 20 -rit: ^Kpnz i:m::in3 cns:r ';; xn'nzn p mp:2 r~n£: oncD n'^^c* ,^"-1 ctri ^siccrs 'i V^* ncsr:- (** nr^-Nri c^isr 17 t^ hni) ♦"cn '^c icnca cn^n n^^nn dv2 n^^rn or S:k inn nv? n^nnsa -j'^^k: niSn^ nn'n D3-n ]3 o c«nS]'K pnv 't mcrs ro« *icki (ntn nipra: n-itt^'n nnoj3 .SotrnS m ,12 ".'rr p'?'. nsT -i^-^n pnv '-n ,'^^-r^tr n^n Q:i!»n icn izn Snjj "i^ — XXV — •1:2 T2\ ^L*'N 2-\2 dhS mpi i?nj Dns Si? nn nl22D2 Vw'?^n::*^ nvot^nn mDD dn:;' dj n^z "idi "idi D^x*3:m nnsn b]f d:i"i Dnosn ns'c-' Sy d^sj ip3i niiv '•5?yn vn nSi vmm '•'i^'s 213 d^d^h D^innxn Dmoon rn tth n^r^H. nhsv— ^"^r^D xH 'L**JiS!D i2in3 i3::nn-[s— .hSnd pSr:) ^''vv dh^d x^. pN "i-n Dii Dnnnx vn:;' \s-ii3d pnnn ^d ,nL"y: xS Dvsm n^yin sS TiDSnn nD^nrr •pn m t'Dn vSy isi^Dim onyiD D^nn Dnm iiro'^nn iD\*Dn D^Dis:in nn^n N-HL" is-i^ nyn b2^:"\ r[rc'J2n *jnpnni i5n:nn lyrobc ,x-iD:n ^o^n d: ^d ,njvj'^a lib i6 ipnpi pSi ,nDpn> pi nn Dr>'D ^3 idc* ,n'C"o minn p-t "iL*'N3 ,nSyrob tids3 d^3i D^^:ca nmx ivnbi ipm ,Dn^DU .iD^nn nv nDsnn scj' D^a-in Dn::t:n ^j2d nvjT^ imnin nr Sm y^ni D^mnnn Dy D^xjnn 1t^♦y p i^x'j* nr 'J^n:^♦ ,n3inDn minn pn nin ixbL** n-nDr::n nmnn i:ij nijvj'n n^n^n ?"sn3^n\sD^„i!^SL'' ,i\-iyb"i ninn^ ^^yinS ir^nvN^i nmDnnrn jnjoac'DnmtT. :na Deploy iJNC* nNTH'conk" n:3im moD -ixn: nnyi niv^pn jmb^n "xa ny ni< nyiS i:biD'' 1:00*^' t'n^ ipy ,D^mnDm D\s^3:n ^n-c-'D minn Nin non ,i:5?i-ii i:n^ NnvcS t^Di:sSny>3?:»i*j*« ,D^rk^'n p:o xini ^n^o^n nmi oSiyn -no ■ Dnyj* p^ nx D^ii^ipn iro Dri ::n"in nrxn ix .]^i) ny nrw?^ -icn: n^'l^- n^ni jD^: cninnc* nnS nS '2 :ppin^n niv^ )Dyc'z> pDiy '•a^K^ (.1 ^n"* nv^c) ns"i:n ir:si? ins* n^riD d: ^qn ,njt:'n pjt^ ^'nnn li^rD dj s"d ,nSyn2 prx*^ -iN*3Jj i6 DxtJ> [HD ,iD D'j'j 'Mrj'n nsv3 fi^Dxn jm„ s^ni ,^mx -iniC2 mis^^ ?1D1K Sjt :nn d'C'dh p?oiy ^"sy pv "nr^^n -|'j'?23„ pion "hrcn nNvn^ m^D njin *^y xn^ irjsS x\"i n^^^p ^d jy^i .SiSn E^^mn irNic* n:c'n iron nsinnn nx D^^b::."! "i:d ;d^:d ^3 ,nm:) nmnD^nn?D ijS yn^n r^ii'uzn bv pJ D^niran yii nr n'^iySi ;ns^m n»DX*':o ^sic»^ ^dSd d: n"d Dnvcn "dS^ i3^ ^ nnnc* \'::m n^nn N^nunyi nipiSnon p pn-innS CD^n'^on n^'c^b i6 n'bb:2r\ nr^cS) nrcn nsvn L'Hin -ly "nnx p^i^n nn^D -iry^ixi .^i^t^cmnn Nim nrc'b mro mxinnn Sr Dy IT njc' niTD myS vv^btr nn n"J nijS\xn ^c^ n^inn nns* ?]n^n V'-i ^inr • DT ^ii'von m^'j^S D^ii^n D^jnnnb n^ nnS xh ,nNnn n^c^ nnSnn \pr]b) :n:j2r] p n^on nmb nnii nn^n pt^» n^vipn n:rcn (2 _. XIY — ini?no?o Q^pDi d: niDJ nnm i-^r^ro |nis "n^riDm x^u n^n "^l*' ^Si:j-in3 v^:' o'^nx 12dti:l*'^"-il*' nirsDin DL*'n p:33n nL*'r3 niin nns nSyr^a n'3i^♦ nnxiin:." nr^iv^nS pn n:3*j*nnr S"~ic* nin"'n3 dji nrnpyn |d k^t m^DiJ pn nini- ^2 ^s Di"3 q:i Sax ,nv-ipi;'^i hv^v^dS nSi nvnvSi K'-nron n^n ^^riD i?o )*in ijc'jl" ,^31 Sc' inj^i'ro ^l" n-iHT iD^L^nnt*' oyroDi oSiyn Sd3 imro nns i'?3 nra: nrn ^3 ,m Sl" "injL*'?3 ns pn:;n? n^n:i ni2^-'^ n'mn"^ vi^?3'^n iedshj n^ xi^t mrSiro vr\\:* nunn nin^nai ninDDinn \'2 nroipn nS nriM x'^ ov^d nny /nir33i 3iy>^3 nn^L*'M Si" jpoy Sd iT-h pSl" .n^i-yp Sx nx3 *d yiij xSi nnix inrjv^n niinSi pioyS .xjnr^Ssn pnv ^'-ri \sr "-1 ,"^332 Sxirrcn 31 S:;*;nTr^3 "\ L*'"y QiX"ipu" mn^nii xriDDinn ppSin n'"^]} r'^-j* Dipron nn\x y^n^ ^ni Sl- la^Dim njvj'S nx ivvp nni d^^ovdi ; Dyn ^rya ma^iin vnc* xy^nx '11 x''^n S""i "'2n x'ow*,/ n?3x *D "IX ^xn^nnn pr'^^i ny" nn lynpr xiDn'o monn n^Sy xnDDinn ny ix D^xnn |yro> ,njL'":::i nnin^ iSxd ixipi nrcDi 2)D2n p Ti^s^nn ,'2") ]r2\2 iS n^n ivxD ninx miv S^pi n:nL*'JL*' :n:?2n nv ix ,nS m^jn^n riJiL*'^D^ nnm:iD hd^Sl" nj-jvo d:i ^a^Din mnx 7]-''i2 nnS n-n xSl*' Dipoai ixip: nin'nim mnacinn -jinn ix '•n-i Sc' in^L^'D -[inn i-idtjl*' D-r^^nn in .Professor ''nroSov /'n-ii?o„ inx-nn:i» "xjn,/ t^hm ,"Q\sjn„ di*'3 DnnoSnn ir:t:^-i jnix d:^' mxo mrj* "jC'roa mT'j'^n S^:' Dnnvo'S ("^ iSirrcn ^3 ,^^0) 1^2: orn p ,xi?oj Dm ixipj n^S t'd D"nx ipny:"i DDvy^ IX HD n^Snn nx niD:iS d3 an ^"cyi xn^nnm njc'ron nm nx nvu^nSi nvo:? "ly nainDH naSnna ^yn:n' x^t:^ pnr ^21 -i\-irn T'^y ^d ncyroS xS ^d dx) -nir '\s-ii?Dx,, T'ma ,D\s-ii?ox DC'3 Q^xipj xi^ojH ^?03m ,(VL*yn p cmsro nn ir^x^c pi injn ^D |y^T .naS p3?o irxc' nnmn nx oyS -ix3':i cnsro /'priint:,, xinc' c"'^ xS Qx .xn^nnn ix n:c^on p x:nn Sy piSnS n^L'n ip px nvsn^oi ::'^2?o ^j"'y3 n-ic'^ xinnxjnn nyn ^a ,idiSt ^vjnnS b2V tx-j* invoa laicn -inx x:n 1^ ni^i2r\ ,y^n:n -iDonS ,n^*j*V3nn 7]iiJ22 vnc^ ^c*x mi xraii .nrn x:nn nyiD inv To^n mu nnSy xSi xop xinnna XTo:n nx inoS iSm ,D\x-i"iDsnS n^L*'"'SL"n iSjSjnj D^anam any Sx iddx: id "jmn Sax ,xrjn xinnna nmx "itdS id-ivji D\^-n?3xnr3 n:iinxn ria^::*^ t:»x~i 'dv iim ^L*'-L*'n nxroa Dpi" iy n^S ivo VH' x>^* Dmx Dvin.-^i D'anD.i Sa nx Y2py inan aaS nx lyn xnnaniDa D''jnnxn '2 ix oSiyn p D'anan n3>'{^ p n^n x"i^ '2 .Dn^Sy ?i^DinS D\xi:n 2}\2 xS xy^i*n rn^D mono niaS^rn aS '2 inynai ,djiv"i3 oa il*ti on^'^y id^dv D^anan Sa nx Sn: prsna pp ,D^X"iv^xnS n:nnxn x\"i inrt:*^i SxiL*'^ n^a^ /^wsnn D?3ip?oa xScnxD D'ai d''idxd i-itdj "-d di; nrn piDnni .oronn^i [3-110 D^ai Dnnxro D3i ,niDDini "\:^U'2) pt:'S 'i^l" ^Sn nm n^r^ys d^3i nnai irj-rj' S3 nx ipaS n^ixi ny onS nn^n wX^-j' ^:^j2 ,injj?3i ivoSnn nj?o?o D3 n:jnn iD"':;an D^ai Dn?DX'oi finr'j'^a ^Dr xjai -jS^a n:c» nii^'y ya'c* ix '2) ,Q^ir^xr:n :XDar^n aj:nn p*j' .D^cyn ^rya iDiy nx T.?:)Snn lax^ jyo^ pira iv^Snn "anx ^a r?^N*'iS ^21 J xS*J' rM2 iidShh ima onoys ii-ya "xm xnna ^l-x an xn,. n^m — v^ipron n"\s nq' ,'])'-\iir\ i?\-in?^n xiipn DiD^ utr ivp xn'o nb nni? 'D i:?*T" ,^.:r^Tp "iL"XD n::*nD i^n nrx nrn Nno3 1:3-1-1 ^d ,a^s-npn isv'o^ dx Sy i:^D*^ D:r3x dnl- /Q^iid^i wX^3 ,D^n-i nn::nn3 "^ci^n -it't^ ,s^n ncnn ^^n ^''yi "D)p' p;, :-iDs: N^ :^2S i:n:N L^n pi ^d o^nyn 'hip -lD^i: nS TirDob no i:"i3n -)L*'« ^23 i:D"n "i:: "1:1m nx i:3N'i^ Dnor Dmpcn mNnnS ns i:S-in :-i?oxj ,n5y id^dih D'-Dysb -|K D>M ^c\s-i ^vx Dnvo^r. jnij nM*Li» :n:j2r\ n^n mDinpn nvri:'Dn pin (2 niND^.D rL"'^'^'! n^^n ,n3C* niv?03 nip»3t^ Dnt< rn D\x-ip:n onmn pa .vrn:Di ^rni ,Dnavi D^t^'j ^n^ i-inn^ Dnx pn-^:* Dnatn p3i ,nniDK m'^aNtDi nnnt:'! V2p injDH nx nicTP onn D^piDV vn um^on ^nanc' ,nv^2: "•jn dji ni:it:o men" D^^ni iny-i^o l"^x nrjc'on nx p^nyn^ i^nnr D^^^n nuin (.1 "^n"i„DL*0 3n""2V xipjn x^:r:n xnin^ irm Dp ,Dn>D lyiji on^'^y id^dihi Dni^xo Dn-iDHU'^'^ DnixiiDi -in3i i"i3 DHDi inTL**^ \s nvrj'on ^d pap^ Sn^i ,DnD ;nmi: rD'-cnp ,ppn ,d^l*'j nyiD ,D^>nT : Dr:y ^d^ niDL" nn^ nip -ie*x Dnnr^rD irjs*^ pn:i insr nx njL»» xSti' ni'X nixvrD: "3-1 inn irx nvjc'r^n pn (t ni^^Di inix cn^2L" nSx D3 pi^'''1 jn^Sy ;pD'in'j' |n:i pK?^ d:) -jx ,Dnpn piK^a njDion -i?oxD pya nrDvy n:c'Dn imn pjyn nx Dnxao nibo nrx d^jdhc^ ^"t :>r]:Drs njni*': -122 v?^^3u*' ^jsd pyni pirS nx nyj* -le^x nSx dj inn l*'^ bns •mnx n-iiv bip^ x>i ano |x:c' .ns nvis pxn hdS-iS i^aip^ "d ui nv"i "il*'x Dnmn (n nSx o IX ,n^hnn nx ynanS in:D3 hm i6'c* dhd nm ^y ix /Didixh dd* tin^s d:i Dr3 xip''i D"i>3ix D*;;*3 Dnix iiD ,D-iDixn u^* nv nv2 d^^d-iisd -133 vn^ Dnnx Dtrn didx ik'x n^x m \yc'' bi^ ,ny"iDn b^ x^i /Dnb onij^n nn nx .D^yn^ DvoyD'D oiDixn d6J^ Dn^'^y xip^ n^i x5? "irxD ,DntDix t:"' ix vSy nyiy d"2"i nn-nxi injc'o nx "'m -no D^csnn 31-1 nt^^Dnn x^ 0 in33 ^31 Snx ,injL*'rD Dyni^o^xn?^ vn-x:^::* \xc'n3 pvy^ nr:e'D Tno^i injjo ^3 nx nL3 ,D"3-in vd3J31 ,nDn3 ynjnr inx-'iion ,niKnn bvx ^n^n ;''yDD njnjn n-iinn3 ^X"il*" ^3 ':'vb in^c^o ii'aipnc^n nj: t^'xi icn^ xi^^ linn ,bx-ic'''3 nipiSnon o^yon^ d^d*^' D'^6 in:i3 ^3 ixi ■ie\s3 D^Sn:n in^tD^m »n^apn: imim n^a ip^rnn i3^nnn3i ,ibi3 TK'ni in33 n*n i6 bi^ D^Jiyn p '•ai lyn nni nv:K'D 0 XXII - r'.rz-r. '".Tp nr.' nc". ivj: in ,rr::»'y? ontro ")j rns^ '22in '322 on'ryn Sp ,p"'£2 n:i:2S', mS a-no lyT sS cs qs iTv'? iS nvn? n2inn md"; cnS n^ni ,n"iir n2ir2 ;':,-i; ;:\x', iir^Snn ns si*jr2pii:2 pDiy n\-i!iVv pi2T nc^r: rsir^-* .■rnin2 n^pciv cm -'s::"^:" mtt«S p?r2 s^vr^r:: r!*n> "irs *isp TiiSn i:'" rr'^ nS::r:"i n'rv 1122:3 .moSr cv vir: ^2 yzrh c«m iDDTsrini nny^*2 vni^n ':ns nns innr: ':s *i*j'« c^snn \-iS2p r;"^' dv2 I' I' .rfVJjsT ^3v HD^L" 'pn S"" .2Un D2 \'',:''VC' •rs'T'^rT,"? n'2 n^v^ csi vS;*^ n'oa on^vn xip' Snj pis ,n2' nnvuT'p S^""'rint!« ]2iS2 nrsniriSrn nvi^-'? 'rr22Dn .'I'v::' n2in i2C*i n\"in imo2 Dn;'tr2 v^ii.C'^^ ^^ nnno s^'< siistt* ':s nrj ^2 S';inS sSi iTyS sS i'i2naS ^2-nr2 21 i?22 [p2i o'rrD ]s?2") i'??2ri ins IMS nfisn cSis .D':22iiEr2n cnnsi isia2S' rsi n2Dr:f2 ^"'np*ui* c^Ein '2 ^rr^^2S sS"; .vn;nin 122 iC'S2 '372 iitr' n:tr'n nnnn Sn;.ni n*:s 1112 i:2m^ 'm ns cm n"i2n ,m2v trsj nix2 ninsnSi mr22M nic^i '122 r ni-^ i"22 s"v' s^einsS^s .p-'e'? 'n':'i'n ]Mn2 .'"'si'j" mpr: p "2 "[■"L" To Michael L. Rodkinson, D. T. ni "12 '^2 DDmar^n ynin nny^ ^ .p"sS n"3in nitr c^Spc* 'sS p"C7 n"2 n'iri i^no leici .iSsi^sn 2in cp rzir, sD;t3n2mtrySi".ivnii^":|ST:'pisiMS'7S2n2 ."]C'>n noSnn n^'^p,/ iisS s^sinii ntrin >:sS ctt' itrs 11-29 n:;p2 Msip 'js uz .n3 in2 ITS nSiion -,nn ns ^:x n2*^*:2i iMi2py2 -S irs naSnn c' ninis i2iy ^2 n>n D'?3' E]in2i ,''Sf3tn ]'0' nH> ^21 ny-^ ^72 ns nsi'i cv'jn n!22'"' ]2ty» mm Sc c*Ty o nScn ':si ,12 nnSn c'21 nipri .nirsSn i2ir3n T'S ! naS'iT n^nn •Tiyr:n Str inn2tro ,n'2*im nun Sc* '':22s t,22S rrn-' ,cne* cipr: "722 ,C2i'? ip' innm '.zr2'; Vrisi ,nTn ''•22'On iznnnS lyoSi it;*':' ns s'^iinS i:v y;ph ,ipTnSi i2on'? ,rni;MiT in",ir2 ^sm*' n'2':' n2i2 nnSi^SyisS in2i:nr2 .n2 c';v2'j: )*En nn ^2 ic'S n:L"'n n!2sn ^yriS \ii2-i ics nSsn c>i2in vm ns*:2 D.I o ;nnx ini cm rMth ^pi^fni n'pirsr: ^sic" n^n p'rs sS niryn-VKT c'pDi^'n cnsiri c'r32n n' ^rr:"!rr2i 'tt' n nnn i^aSn 12^ /:n::2ipi .ni'isn^i nnn SnjnS ^I'VQ^i c'?2 2isc*i iti*23 sri'in itrs ;i:in 'Ti*pn iir2'!'nn:.v n svq' nr^npn na2nn v^V 'n cvi: 'n^i .npprj*n ik«2: niiS nrn .r.iMv- vinvi V2?2in ':2 Sj,m err inis mv'^ niiQi 21 .ViNri^'j'rsn 1^5:2 Dr. Benjamin Szold. DnuL^j yTijn ddhh ynnn ariDro 31 ny'^nsp jN?i£^ip -i"nn n'^nnS"! web .pix^ijn Sn- n^3 myS Nfcw York, Fc'i). 12, 1895. !l22: pis n;ni corrs '::n ^ti's: 1221 '22S '?22 nsi'JDs' cnvjipnn D'22im ciis-isi iir^siicn irsis sin itt'sii?2'?rn rs-^'in nii:'2 iv:':j'7V2i is'i'in2 '2 ,U2tr':2"" 2t:'ns >:s c.i .2>£inS Ss iu!2t:*: i:r2r2'Lr* ,i'i'pn iir:'?n-. ns nsS ,snpn n";! r2S2' ics cn.iDif2n Dnr:si2n h'; hprh n2 pcsnn ^2nr 12 :si2' icsi mr2ip?2n h"; ci snpn ;i:?n> ts ,V';''^n nnc: s*j'n nTr^i ^su'rs? ny iS vn' sSi c^ir^pn 1^21 ,nn2_ '':2 cnc* ^2 ,Dn:2n n^ri-'n':' n2i ^'^Sri nvn'? "-^^n ;2_iv ic*s ,nn2 ^:2 c:\s'tt' >22in ini2f3n^ ivc-" ,nTn h'';zr2n 1^2 2iy C2C2r2 Mn'Z"' cjvr: -s I'^'s ,nn2vn nnsc .-ly^nsp .p .1-1 •'^"''' .:sc:'Pisi .S .ri 'I's .pis'13 i»v2 "C^r2s*n lyc'./ myS ;rni 21 y'ln DDi"i2!:n dDnn ynnn 2r\y2 Cliicatro. Fel). 14, 1S95. !i:2: ]ns n'n2",:n iniVi'2 no^nn >2 in2^ ah f's isr2 sin Snj ,imcr3 »'y i:'? iDf2:tr 102 itt's SisSsn priiy ^";' ^2 rsT nyi ,ini!222 S21' sS /Cmcn inn nrsnri s'2i2ivm 12 cv:2n n'o':'nr3 ]'in ,v*Ti- ^V inis r.'jih c*'s cn^n Ss ns iti'np^i _d'?2*2 ni'?''? lotr itrs IS .nrmpn miEcn Str nt ;2:c2 m^yi -;s b": "7*; h'j:z ;n2 itrs ri:i-is2i nSsn crso Vi2p'? imv':' pi^' niirs S2 Syi C2n ToSn istt' 121 ,Dnns D>v"'f2i mQ2n^ c.i cmj,* "IS vninv S2 ns cnpnS cisS K^r, ices ne'i 2rj 121 p 'ry irs .112'? noSnn noSi ,12 D'pci;'n 2ri i:»'pn t,-n r n rs^iin n\nn nnc* 1^2 ,ims nn'^^ c'S'nrrsn Dn\*3inS bie2i mis cnr:i'? cnr r2i ens M22 mis cnroiS — XXI n di Kin o ,11^2 r.T-::^ n'^n o ^--i ps: sin cs "^npn r,;n n^in ]';^h ,sr2;,r.S nnx •s? EST .-iT.-i Sv-ir:*? ■^•^•3ir:n -i2:in Si*' nrn p^nn d« .r.tt'xin p'rnn rx r.ah d:?dx '2 n'2v 'tx ,inn'j-n3 jpro n^ rnnn nrn Sn.';n iinn rx x'-^",-'? xin ;i.im v nn^^^y cirS 'is inrxSrs Sy i^ynS S^ix ,|*£n-^2T nsos xvrsx .'rxitt'' m:; Snp 'rs >iE2 nn'^r^n '?j,'i ,nTn ;r2T2 nmpn nsxSrsn -p;' SiuS nJDori D'p-iD itrj? ntt'a* Sy T.invi iS >nnnyi c'^jrn^nx ':^y i:n2 pi ,]"i?2: p'v^ n2:i' "ixf2 tSv '::ni ;'22'? ntt'C' ^didhq ;n2'2S 'nxi'r2 Dirsx '3 ,nf2x n2T -le'v 2n22 i';*nS nxjn -ncn '2S np'? -^nvi . '2^2: n2nxtr C2 nx:i -1"^" p1X2 '^722 D"C^n n2T 12 ll-tLitt' ,in' a'pi2ii D'Tinx ,Dnin!f anrrxon Ss '2i '"£:; l>2nS D'Sp ri?3r.i ,jvjinn >'^2U'a '2 Sy ,civ;in2 d'^S'v^i ; 01:^2 cc *m\x '''tri irn'2 ,n-'nn2-r32 v/p'pi i;n' vjsx ■';"ii2ti2TO ?x n'Sno cn'S;' q^cin s':- _ i2r,r2n o ox .G:it:'S nx ni'tr* x^ c;i ,nnx nSfs 'irixa ':'y2 vn o^tt'nn xS c:f3.-? dxi 'fiDv- "-" ^I'l"-?^ r;nS n^mnS "^tt'x D"ti*n '3'j; niiixm nxir.i i:nnn -ncn ^^21 Eiiiv: 02 pi' p2:n _x-npnB» '::n mu2 nnvo 'd 'fs'o np' p rx2 v:'v- vn'i ,nym S2tfn2 pSi .nnpcf2 122' pi cn'i'yDr: iioSrn jS'n itj"' X2t2 x'?y2'7 'mf2x 'tt'£: n:»'^ij,^2 mr^'Stt* ,i2'2f2T2 nT2 12D ]'in: nr^^ ly inx2r:i i'*2'i2?2'72 c;* d't 2nni Sn.'5n niri'rrn C'i^i2n i:r2r2 iii'x'ji ,n2 ny D2i: xintt* 102 c'inxS -:"nn '2 i;' ,c'2i nir2ipc2 riiTi2cn V~f2 'tr;xS C.1 nnt:'2X2 ;'x /Sstr* '11-2 niixi ;d'vi?3i nf22n2 ix crrrs' S2 D'pDi;»n ni'1'^1 m^'pri'n ic'x ,r;Tn *ii*pn iif2'?nn2 c'inn pi ,nSi'in citr ;'X'2i2 i:'Xtt» nnrrn ,12 n2n' ,D'a;*2 nr32 uc'j irx inx |'j;*?3 ,n2i nv^:» '^21 Tip ]?2T2 ;!'trnS ':Tn ^72 S21' .njriSi r2n'? 12S ]'i2n' nt!'x S2 nx nrn'ri 'ciprao nx*jS '2iv^:ri nSxn D'-i2in ii:2tt' i2n?2ix '-22: ,n:tt"n nii£::n '2nix '22 3in ."iisnoDN^ .-in ^": ^dtito t'ih Germantowi), Oct. 5, 1S94. i , . Iip'" ^iix ! nr.r ;.:v;n nx nnpS '2;n i^'sn xSttS i nx 'n'xn 'n:n2*^') i^'pn nr^inn '2 'n:,"T niyinS H'H' mxS ix':»'ir,S -nv-2tr (n2x-'cr. , i2i'Ji*' ith^ T''7 '2 ];♦' ,n'r:2n n^riinS n2-> j nviani mSpu-n '22: -inz 2'n: nrh ohzh iv; ' ipy Sx ni2"*i:' ;:'x nipni x*:* cmvi itt*x I "i?2Snn'i22 npnyni y.v.:2i .iz -^21^1^ i'2:'n I nx p,x ,n'S;;2xn n2B'S (-r2xir2'£2) i::pn xi Szx xin n'^p T^2iih^2 xS niiij; 020 < I n'^Ti;' 2ian --asn '2 imx '21221 (i2'22S irx i ix?2 -;i22r3 Kir> rr^'>i I M. Jastrow. I To M. L. RodkinsoD. I ym:n NDxrorDD D^^ain cmo n^a2 I iiD'?nn '^tt* inx pinr^^c'irix n^iy 'nxip i ir:ix |xr2'pixi '11 ix2'?2 '- itrx i!»*prt I .nSnn nix2 in2xSf2S '2 Xi'rsxi ,1'^{'' x^^fini I n22nn Spin nxT2 iti*x i',r2inn nx:»in '"y ! '£S D'S'nnr^nS U1221 S122 nri'-nn '1212 ha i"tr iJ'XC' jj'C'i n'tj* 12 v^iirz'Z': n;:2f2C' n'i2i2 i.i2ir2 ir2xn ^721 12 12t -^cx ]'2yr! '2 i2;i nr3 ,^2";^ n22n nx t22' icx am-^ ;jn2f2n '22 nis'ipm niixtt'n pD2nn '202 nprn 'nipn .no'^nn D'222 1x2' D'i2Dn in'2 Tiy S22 i:if2xn' r]2'Z'^n i2mi2D '2nix '2 lyrsS cixr2i n2i.'!2 nrn D2nnS it;-S ni'nS .nTnn'?yinn:-2i '?y2r:nnx d'S^'hSit SxS'H' Cincinnati, Nov., 1894. Dr. M. Mielziner, -i\sn:r ,n^xDn Snjn 3"in be* dddd "lytr /D'C' ^L*'JN D^3-i nn^nSn n^^ym •D^^ii .D pn^n^in n^t^' pr ^qc^'h xud .(i2T' ah itic' inx ex'? 2n2C) Cincinnati, Oh., Jan. 14, 1895 !l222 jllX ,lXD2'pixi .h _.!2 Xin nr '2n2r2 xdi "121 D'rn '2 -S ini'jnS 'n:f2n ic>x yiun .iSy2 i'2nSi nn'2 i''7x nx^iin ,12 piDy .1 pisn I'i'x '7V2f2n tt*''?22y n£ri inpnyni ]pnr2i n.110 ,11^^-^ ntry c; imr22 itr^x tr'x -x".r ,xin py; h*;5 IX ,n'2 ivcn n^S'i' ex .S21' '72' d,ii nK^y '2p'ioxn nnn''? ctrm ::^^n iSy2 x'zn tx .i2:iixS ni'in njii n2 ci n'Si^n :hn\^h '?xitrn S21' xis'x nnx n2yx nxT '^yi ?Syi£n ix i^£n x'i'in'? n'2 — XX : n2'2 nsnp *^'2'x -i::: cn^ s^t^^ »d rmn ,n2nn '^irrs ^"^♦^ r-r-i*r^ •'V-r;' m V2"r: "lUi'^nn./ *nDr?3n mpr^ ns-^n -i ;>n"^*' en:: D^v^i:n h2D ,iiS '"m ,n2m'x-i c:'.*^;: S2 ic-i :inm '": '■ipne "iir^sr:; nSs Sd r.^vn cyj ir:::; nstr^ -,S^m -^ro *ic"i "iTyi 'r n^n^ is . 2()8 IsS nns^i iDrtr S;* nin n-rn x'j'fsn Si^ h'^jinSi *Ti2S n-nn ;';*! npnS xin i:i xSn o Dj? -iinrnz n^rax np^i ,;::•' ^isr: cnn n-'.in: ct'i n^ onS t*' n^'x n^-nriD D'osn nx mxnS n'^^i nv'^'^ -'^ cnS 'n ]n: d:i m*inn Sd h"; 'nr.fan d'^ixt .(p^unp) trnnn ^:! inxS n:T 'x'i'irs rnn 'aso mnn iti'x ir"in v^s'' ^^^ ^^ f^i" :"*^^' m^'^ciz y:i-r2 p cn^nn pmS nxi sS a;.i n^Sn -D£2 nnnim i£Dn Sx n^xiipn iipS pi nhy;r^ nioSnn Dvn ci TxrsD ix:;?:^ nf2n c; n>2Di:n limp D'^'nj nf33 xSm .px-ip' nci inxn vj^'rnnc* '\2i rwa pnrsS '^2xi cnrirne pt^ *ii:rf2 I'x mnipoei xnn:n nuti'S ix umib'S rs '?v C2ii pT |:o"^."5 '3n S"t ^/.^.^ ^na nS n^Sn nsSn n:K'\T 'n::i:ni li'rc' ::'"2'2 'i3 nirrm nnc inx nu nnsn rris S;i -"17X Q'^z-, '12* h"; SiK .nonn ;"in.i wnx p^n^^nSn n^ti'n Sx (x .^ha on n^in^i nn> x: pir^:' nn mnrS T^'pn -.r.rs'^nn ^''^"^ '^2 ;'jn;n ns u>f2^*n c; ex ,r:;'m mSr2n n:2rh xin o (i;;*r2 xin) •''v:,"^ ne-e Si^S^n ^x .vx-^.i-S mnn -12:3 n?2Snn Lvei xn-a'2n2n r^jnn Ssi TiIix niraSni ernpr:! "x jv-.in ':;'' .neipS IX C|:n-.S ^niM x-.p^i x-,e> r.npS ':"2 'ro '2 /.x-iipn nr.i -;^2 x:»'ir3 b2 r; x'-i xin p^n ;r2n 12-1 S2 'i'^* a^S-i-S b^v a-iNn -in22r:i -I'pia in2ia'i irsrtj* trni-n ii2;' .( Dr. Landau] ciSnii 3Nr p?0*J3 n^v^'n .n:nf2m ;;nT;-n2 t2x St y':2-.n-2 nn-in2i s^'O Sipn2 22"j rnrr^n nn (* pnxn:2 309 Sipn2 d212 iS ^::r' iip rrn^ra .1x0 1-^ S32 yni: n"'.nn ^n:,-! pin anD?:? T'-in pine* cmron n^nn nniD "py ,p"5S n^niri cnzn s*" 'n n'-'io D2nn 2in Sipn nx Snr^n -iizdS '': ixej'pnx"! iS Sxs'o »nx-ip o iv^^inS 'j:ni \nS2p -;2nDQ nx ex ,\>vi>; 2n2 2Sn no^Dna 110x0 nx no2 u'o-j-nS x!»io nnx^* S22 corx xS ^2 'rn'o 'j'otrnS 0"t nxn o a-iD2i ]<3yn ipyS en d'2>'K'i xn-^ix 1'x S2K ,vS;' xipi lott*-^' .'121 X-J1T 10 xSi niSnS x'o iinn r« m^ i« 1^ nr.^ir e:>x no3n '^5:2 '2 ^c^o^nxpx S'l ntrvoS 2'yi no2n ^Sy2 e:>x C122 ^Sj;2i ^;22 h^jz □';i2: n:'2i ro2n no2n m2xi./ :i:2c^pn: mm yi^i men »Sy20 i:'xk* ^'^syxi /'innrn \^*:3 ^S Mx^;o xS o »S r-«'"ii ,-^nn3n Str rS>2nn ;^:y2 1122 Sy ui2'j'S n2i nixSoS nyi S2S nomp 'n'2 'i2S S2ixn n^xa* n2icn '2 .ni2i2'rn (* .ciStt> u^'x Txo ii22oni i^pion -iroton n^nsr m:Dn ^n:n pnn ansc ^tr'>^ xini rz^h 2X '> 'i nv iv'iTyii ^"- .p"2S 'V^'n'i'n'-i'x i:'"2 i222n ipmni e2nn 2in 1122^ ciStr .": inxTi'pixi ^iS Sx20 imio i:."i MIS ]^20 -^210 Sipn nx vvo'lT* i:niin 1122S nsnnS d^Sj? 12 n^-i ic'x 12S nx nnj o Sxi*jm no2n \\. c^^nSi or^'S nxo nipMi nSn:in n2sSon Sx 2ipS nn2ion2 ns Sv2tJ^ minn nx Sxi*j*> >;2 >:£S no2 ]OTn ir02 n2 izi^rin c-j nirj'xin ,a^:ix."!noi e\s'-i2D c^:2-no ni22in n.':2i i^rnS e.ii ,n2Snn ipv2 trm ny^s m^20 vSx in::::*^* nn.ix no2i no2 noSni ;o M2itr'n Dj» ,290 Si-nr e-ji: nrn 2 n2on ( * 1121 Ctt* 'K*xin "> r.. ■: c.i 12 xiipni 1 i'2!:' xS ''13 ny-;io n; 3 pi ':si// '■'nnvn i:'2*:''S 1^'ty XII o ^) t,,- i-:j nin n'r ::i .n'3K» i::'2ir,i 270 ]X2 ps '^;x 1l - XIX — n\-i^ ittL**^ nu nSyn n^ 12 ^nsi^ ^:n' *ix ,niST ^ddnSd bv riy^n rpa^ loi'O n''^j:wS nB'C'2 inyn mm n3L*'N n2C'3 ni?nn nn^D ^jy-'jn nny .^n^nn pi) tn^ ^JD^ inyi ns jm: ^:jnc' .\xnD:TPVD .in -nosn n:pt:' c'^:;*m i^n^n nine nyi DJ ^3 nso '3^5 n^L*'^'i ,nyc'r\ fx-i "ddd d^!?j; 10 vn vjs^ d3t D^^?mp^ ;D'i2"i''^in:DiD M"i^Din^?oi?D^J2SNnp>m^nMxmi:nnN rSy ^npSmon ^^Ninnjn .>sr:nsn nx nosn^ N^n ^:d ^T'N-n iroa ^ry ^m^t" n^:' nc's inpnyn ^d3 nm psi ^nDxSo Sx ni:')b ^dis ly^b 'c^x-^d ?]dd id^l" -!:;•« D^oinna n^ ns D^rh ^^y n^L^'ya r3rD:iS3r3DnD3p3 ^b 'nTy^1n^n^5"l3^^n^ -il:*s nSj< ^^dS nnyniD "•Jjni ,Dor' nx p-inx mi 113^ qvocm p t'"iS3 ri^n' d-i3C'l^' nt^r i3> ^3 ,n*c'yD3 ni '':s nxio Nvx nT3'i .D\s3n mn3D?3n "'iy'j'3 D''30'im onny^ "ipE'i n3r ddl" ^3 P2V ,niirDb /^'xi r3-^rD ,mni<>my'D£ L"bL"3 5<"3 ,n^innL*'m m*p3 ^55 ,H'Apn .DiSr3 iny nx 1-13^ 'm oiipSi pin-it' di^c* ,di^l" noixi Dim .pS^ n"J"in ^3^^ T'3 3"1D ^3 13 ^23inL*' DV p-lN^i: .n p 1 N* -1-j 3 y? -njD3^s '-1 ^''Dnn 3in3 -S .^S3^D .n^nn *3n3D ■•jjnL" ,Drni d^js^ njc -ic^y inn ^>nj □n3 ''jn33L" L]^3n3?Dn non n?Ni n3y n£L"^ ^-ipnyn m^nn m2C'3 Duinsn •nnin3 ,Dn3*n3 dv -nD3 ,DmN jm: : x^ip ^3 D3 1*1-)' ly^S L•^^^:lJ^^^ D^npnyn i3y nDL;'3 D^3in3m L*-i-tD n^33 niiDH bn:n 3in 3n3D '^;*2f3 on D2T13 ,DS.nS ij vim "iNir o ix •ry ntrx ,D2 ninK'n mr^n m:'w5p^ mi ii*ip Sp D>nvn rimp Sv ntr*> arrs uhS icn^ p ^7312 Dns np'ir^v m2:nnn n^ Sv 'x ik^x r,i:Dnm misyn nSnnn Sv c.i d'^ixi .jn'? n' nnt) piQ ^aam iso ^rS nric" nDxSr2nS isn'? n' nn ^'^^'j ^h nrptt> rr^o !>♦ n:nx r^.nph /:f2n Sd cv ,S3is xS ,1^23 r^tt'nSi ntr; ,n- ):\nn'2*n7 ix c:; ix itd hdxSq ^r:^^ S;'' -nr:? '3i:fn n^n mi^;* >7y n^io;^ -iiD^rn ''h*; D^i^n'? 'rrix xSi 'x*^*r2 nnn p:n ':2ntt' i^Ej' '131 nScr^oDH ]'yi^i r^-'"^^^ D;ynDn .'': DiiKV^^ n'CD -i"-in 3rc"^^ ynu Berlin, den 20 July, 1885. T'^nS T" nva ip\-j "iinDri '^y Hiyo'? 'trxin nfsxo nx ^-ixip nnr:tr;i 2S ciK'r nnp'? n^C'n- njin 0:5 'r^x ,298 '13 S^pn; .inrn2 \n::i2nn nnx ^22^ lonn yjijn nrr. XB'in ;vpn '2 'nnou' Srx Spnz ^2tr* c.trz irms n"i~n\n c'?!:; '?c o /rnxnS >::r' xS 'z'? nc'xo »S Ti 02 '3Ti;'2 n-x m'rii'sS r.xi'r -nzB^nj: nx nxnx .^n^M D"n2 Tiyn '/ 1.J1 I' III.' ^Aij^ .III- I ^nuSB^ nsi!:n3 isizx ^z^^ 2ipr: .nr nz3?3n ^2:- .Dinxv^^ n^n^ on ojsr ,c'pn:i:2 c^r^rn ^'^^fDi nsDX ^ -y ,G'2n2i Dn^"y:7 nmn\'3 nfn h^^'.:ir, nzin ;V"t2'xr.*2' i2n2S D'xn n^x p nSx2 Szx — xviri niD^^ D?3n Tj'SD (N D^roro *:::'D Diip nnr,^ "n^L-n *j\s-i„"DDa^mn2(T S'DH s?::' "Jsro 'd (3i SpSpn: nvD ny dqi: tj'sVnmc* i?^d p^nrron n^n s\i oopv^^ nx "ipaS Sdvl** ipi^n bv "^pnS ,nn^n npnynn ny nnnS ^nvsn nzin pmi Snj p:y ^^dfi ,nDSnn inS nxtn sn^Dr^n hnt n?"in -nn^ dj npnynn^ ::^3:3 i^D^ n*iL**n nnnyi fan n:pn cninn m'p pjyn r^^n^ni nonn n^JC' pjr^n Sim ,D^t^^3C'?Dm Dnroi^n ^3 naiob mL*'j;^i n^Dnn'^ ^jjn nnN n^y (n snDD!D3 ;Tin^3^"iiS^nD^^p^^y wX"D N-IDJ31 nvjc'cn iXDin::^ Dnmn ^D n^royn^ Mii'^iy Dip^3 ^nx .lyvc sim ,d^dc6 |n "id^^jd j^jya s^ipn nsr xvd^ nxrn -i^3y« ,nDDr:)nn mnnn ]^:]h ""^t^in DDipoi n^lj' nnb xicini n^^Sc' nric?^ NHDoroi N*n3DD S3 imn hd^ ,nTn j^jya iniT' mpy -ic\s» s^nn Nn^cr^nS imx iil^p^ svo^ ,snDD?DnnxT nns?i3^n y^sin -ic\s pL'-npai .n^^vo n?:c'L*'p:yrD pi p^anS mpsi ;idm iionh n^M: nSyin inn ps'cn Sy Dn?3 p^i nro nSn^ Nf:in ^nDsSo nx -i^DnS onnx ux^ nS DwS ^3 OJ'^i'^ ni:SDDn S^ nx?3 nrn p:»i Ssi m:sm nsSnn?^ 'ivoSnn -ii^^p„ injn ^3 ,"nv dhid by nSh ,D"npn ivoSr.S ,s-id:i3 nnpS nax^ itj'wS* p-'yb SdS ind bp^ri ••31 ,iDnj sS Qnn jjidi i^cr^n .Dinnn -id::d r^sS r^^n hd lyc- D"C'no niroip^ ns-i?:?n Sy invD anDr^a ^n1^^ "i^yn lyrvS^ro .-n y'n-in (u "-nx n-iin,, -iddh nx Tinji )b dj ^nyntr ;DnnN* onn-i Sy "iiyi nisnna ll:rDL^'ic ^3 'bv inr-inx SnpD '•rt^ Sax irnnD xmnc^ wXipDi xnpo Sd "•jsS voipo Sy hdnSdh nx ""Sy ^nnpS xS ^c'ant^: Dipo nsnnn-Lr nitDipD nT\s3 ^nwsvro d;dn* dx nnon sin::'ioD vnnM pSi ,myS3D ^jqS n^xSron ai ^3 nnx p^ySi D*£nS Sy iS min '•^jm uS ^no'^ S":n n^nn ^jn^ync^ onmn in*' Sy d:"i ,nijt:'\n D''mnS m^,r:) ^:jn p .mpm nmn nmpD pya nno^o "inwS* p^D xipS iny^r ^n::'P2S nnyr^r nSxD .n ."n y'mni iix^aos'' .d .it y'nin ^s-ic'"' ^ry D^Sn^n Ssnc^'' ^JD ^ryS nSj Dnyi ns mnSi mpa pyn ^nDX^DD d^d'o pSn Sy luyS c'si .n^xDH Snjn mn nx Ssic'^ n^a jpT nx i-i3x pioy nSi iipci ,D^?^>ni American Israelite dc'S yii^n jinyn ns "i"nyi 'nsroron D''iniS cmr^n n^n Sy 'n Dyi: ^n> oisroai "ic^Djn Sdv is* ic'x Ssn 'nx tdhS n^ nx n^r nS "ic'k .Sxl£^•^ n^3 niiDSi mx^nS D^'n1:L^n dh^d"' inxnS cSid "•D ,-itrDxi no S3 "ivpS "lySnxp p"in n^oiSon D^nn nvy ^J^ya mp^ p .d^jdSd^j::' -i-j'y nr ^:x \-i3nD pi ,im3\s Sn:n imoDa pop^ -i*j\x Src' x^n inyi M"" .Mi'xSo 3iDn DH^py^i:' D^jaxn ^SSd ny^Dja p^'pS Sdix xS 'L*'i::i pnxiS Sdx n^n xin m rOmn^m nnn-'n S''3*ja iSoyi iny^r noya -t-ino lySnxp nin d::^ D^iniD '•ariDD D^DinS ^m'^1 idctix^S mjnn d^jqS D'JC' C'Sc* nr "il"x p-j-x-n pSu^ .Da tJ^oncnS nc'Dxn px ^3 ny D'L"nvL*'?3 r^t^♦ ^:ep D^rci^n onvo-no Dipo nxiDH '2 DX ,nnnD nynM ^Sirn ^"L*nD ny nnnS nxrn 'D':n ^rr-.na San p"'Sjn nvnroo nnv inpS •"'c'iai nip^DSon nmpji nSxrni nxnpn ^:od iSdj hd d3 Drox DX1 /j'xiro ^nvo-'n xS i*l:'X ini /DT3"i ni-S::* dj ^hxi ,1^}2V 31 DiDna ^D ,nn:nn X'n naio SS^p ?3_x ^mronn nimxro ci^nn mxv-q' nr\x mriDDDn nn^n Sinu*:i ,nn'':nnnDxS?orSyS3px'in"i ^nDDimioSnn 'pai S^Dw'o •S^D niN^ic nrnn xS '3 If I _ XVII — (i.n:?Dn pN3 nor ,n^>^Dn DmccT niD^nn 'bv2 nn "i:: nr^nc* onan nyn nL*'2S3 pN Liy^D ^3 ^n^NiL'* DipD3 D^^^^n i^s?:? D3 msv^ wtDV^b (t D^Dr D^:2 n'> pin DinS pav pa int:o jnijn. noa ,n''n n^cQ p^nyni? nxr ns n:3"iD3 iJiavi n>?^ p'nyn^ nx':: nrp^ i-j'n "d:d3 n^^d ■]:"i=:vv 's:l*' ,2in2n?o n\x-i qvj' ;^n tn d:i mns nsiin ib *c*' a^naz ni^cn p^dl^'^:^':? nix:,, nS "i^yn ^3*l:' .innns snn di C2,xnnDic ? ns p-nr^ (.s*dj nxTn riDDon pi p\-iynS inDa n^n^ n^ p^ny^om n'^yin Sd i:?^?:: i:^ pn*j' nrn ScdS n'^wS nsiz: p:yn3 yi::^ ^Sto ^nionn nrS D^r^nn ^r .vnnrc'rD fi^Dni- nrtn nns ^in 2 niroy 'n /wX n^.j^y .n V'-ii" f-.n) (.3) i^^irin pD3i ,iDnn ns d: sip^ .D^ID pi ni ir::o ^ny-i:i djjds dxi ii"i*rj' Dipon ^"in:n sintrn^^ '"*cn i"n^£ ns (i DyD2 ':?o^ npS nr ^d ^y a'sm^l nySiro i<-i!Din hn panS Niipn Sdvc* Dipcn ^ii^yn S"T snjs^ irora Sn:: invn iroiSrDn a^n ]V' bm ,^'L*' nn£3 N-iipn nsi'' ^^ HDi: ^D Ds Mnt:3n 'r\J2'p ,n3i :'"ipS y"?oc6 )h ^•^^D3^ •'jki unsjrn T"y n^rnn x^ HL^N n^x^?:; ,nv3 "'L*nn D^snn^ ^ni^nn -id2 ni::in 'dc3 *2 ;3i pn (3.nsTn r\yiJ22 nvnixn moD nn n'.D*irz :n;r::2i n^^y rjsir'^i 'snip? rnx sr:;n rising 2'i-?3 'f^-i;* r.s N>iJir2 ^::n ( i O'oz cnos^ nztn -2 mri,*! km^it nih', ;:nr Ci:t: C'IT-) ;r.:v '■', ck*; n"2C-i -ir2N» (•') n*rN 2^.21 nc'xi c'^n ntrx: nr nr,£ "in ?;* nr^2~ nr^nr ntrnt: '?2 ,{jn3v '-i ccr ■;« "ipmc n2Din p^^i a^Snrn b22 «v:3: nS nxTi mns nrnf, /,; ^cin ^72 ntrx:: c^'dt C'kh ir'm.''.?2 -1 r.nnr: c^n^'^rrn nyi ^sS "ic*-5i nrsr^ r.trn^ n;m .ctz nr.^v »<^ '« -B"^ c^jvy n'c*r:r; "121: n zcn n>n '"^f^i /"i- '-•" ^- '"^^^^ ,"j^:k>p i^iptr:./ /'."inx ^:2// ,-*c'r:n S'j* >-nrv. CK*n s"ip:n yr:^v, .inn ^trnsc- .S «:»''"! '•: ;trTin ntrrs '1 -"tr mr^i N-^.ipn Ni;a' n:n inss ^r'?! .'r^^cn*; rnron '22 u:,*r2 nri: '^y^'z Sx:2"iisn^ in^K^ri r,i;".2**2i '^iTk-qh nzz nSi: n^cnntr inrs 'sr: •.':' n'^ii'Li* :nr2'.s n"2tr"i Ninr :^>-;nh pi '2;n ,n£ i:itrS n'^nS o (.Ttap nzB*:) ic-.s Tx-^r: *,n",x ."■'1-:;- ]nn nv^ vh'; n^nc in>Sx xinri ,n-in» onS XI- "p-ixn yiDii \";'V/ '2 -ir^ixn c;*'jr2 x':) r,-nn ^^:2:r^ nrr^n x'ri i:S nmn nsD nyrc T.a^"^,: -!xr: cm n"!?2ip?22 ntn p,:;;r: in^s ^nx-i?: mix .(>a'n xiipn x: p^y^ nnvo iDr ^ns'T.rr ;(c''2T! ':vv iS near di*ix::"X? Sii-in t'Tn^ c:v:? T,r: ^-.nx) 'Si*x D';'i!»'c d'^i^i ;DVP2'f2n n^ ncyrs'? 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D^c'x xS ,C'Xi?3 TiD '::n ju n3iSi naivn n-ip3i? ix ,ncxn dl-Si dl"3 ...••Sy Dm brj' vj'y^ xSi nx "^Drh ^nix inn3n'j' ,DyDni n3^Dn nx n?3X 3n33 dil"ix nnrn 1233 n'2 'niny njMn dx ;'nv3 vryt: mxi inx S3 ,D"u*'n "^33 r^onx" Dn3"in nnx3 in^3Xi ,Di2nn nuro ivpn iioSnn xv^ 133 '2 ,n\v-s c^-n \ut^ nnx S^x ,;xiJxS3 D1XVTV3 L*'y::*-i33 Dn3 D^*L:'r3cv3'3 DUi I'-c Dnscn nvix M3^ nx nny o:n dh'd Syc onnx D'bb2 nc dj nn^ 3^in'3 ^2^^]} nx x^"ir3 ^j:n :nDni ,nD cj ,*n3x^': Sy r3 ,nvp ;i3'S ^i:^3*3 D3 p3i nj c* ^"^3 p3 D'"i3"in 1^23:1" Dip?3 ^33 ( X DipD3 nnx nyc pi 1x13- ,d"l*m ^33 DnnE?3 nir3ipr33 r-^ Dr3ipo .D n S ' 1 X 1 n nSnnn? ni^nnxn nix?33 iDDinJL" .nviDi mSpr'n -iin3 -nvi'ji ni'^pr ( :: pi /njn?3i nx3733 ix r[D)iv n3Sin3 cnn dil** ; ' 3 ^ d 1 'r irxL" nv3Snn .n3nv XMw' Dip?33 xi3n x:?D?3n pi^ ;i-iDn^ ,n-i:n3 ^:^33 QUI ir:3n -il-x ;31 n"iT3 D'n^L"Dn omn^n 13 iD\'zr; -il"x nx i* — XV — y-inj:^nD -ivpn n])'i'n ,n:^^D> sb^^ijn ^d nrDij< s^x ,n-iiprD ^nnn moi D^^^oxn. ,DnynD hdh ^•lt^^^ i<^ nnn D^3Ci^3 iro^n ij^ n^v' -iL^fi< n«Tn n^innn ■•S ••x^ ps Dx :-iDiS^ ^inna ipTH bhr] )2i^'m i^'s-n nnix n:in n^c' d^s^nd nr •':i^ mc^ni Tiyn D^nni ,13102 5<"iip Sip hm iSip S^s* ?^nD^5< v^ay n^ dn v!^ ^d ,'i? iJwS^c'j ^t:^ my-, ^iiofj m"' Dm-i rnyni ^ddju poiyn V'rn tini ;vSs n^b vyy xS- vj'npni:^ D''jnnxn yrn iw^ n^v^n nt^nn^L^^n^^ onr:i um^ inyi proiy nx til-^ non -^i^ ,^3nn mo nyibi Dnn nx pn^ ,DiNn njiDn n^< nrobt' nn^ro^ '^d riM imxn '•jyn c^dj m?D nxi ,vnTni ?iDDn ""^yn s^^ nbn mnn:) nx nynt^ no^ "il'\s d:vdj niin ,10b t]n ,'^11 ptD^c'^3 inin''Sr ietn v:3i''y-i pa ^^ nnmy K'pnjDn -ION' "ic^t^i ibc^ yyi^NH nntJD ^y "lovy nx anpon pD?o ^^xc r.xn nj^on nv?o^ DC'n ic^x -nnpn nmynn "i^ dc^i nnnx n xiv?dS dji ibi2 DPiyn nx u jpn^ ID nnc'nD x^vmt' '•d ,ninn inD:3n ^d pDon nxi'' ion ^mini iJv:iE^'n c^pnoi vSx n:^D in:m ,-inn n::'rn Dyn diid mry m^n n^ i^s^ p^5 ^yian s^ -inn ^Vtrnn obiyn n'^nrc* anrn ^^x nx v^*'b i^'^'^P '^^^r\ ;nu ^iDrT- ^d D^cm ""D ,Dmj''y2 *3 IX ,vrya djh nri c^'DSJ'Si^* D^DDnn ^jd nx n^no "injn rV^p-):] minnnni orp lo^c'^ du^idh pac' mpron •'^yn i:'X vsd ^i)b injn ,3^ ib id^l*" ix /DHD nx 13 ion iroS pnsi^ro^ i^ti' yyi^xn nx inp^ o ,Dm"iD'' n-'v^ip^sDni ,03^2 n^'x oyDi DnD'j' by ^i^j pin'^3i nD3 ib itu^ ib ^^vb' ipnc^^ nnwS3 0^13 31D ? 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Drj'^ x-i^d: (nvjtj^or n!^ir) d^st 2570 -jiyS ^:3 qv Sd3 my-L^^ nc*?3n onn iizyx nnx DX ij^M ,^n3X?D3 nx>JC' nrx xvron wsvon dj dx nbx ^3 nnxi ^3 IX ,Ti?DSnn ipu?3 imx ixvn^ Q^D3nn tj'x -\ii nrx d'?3*j\x ntjjunnn ^3 niy^0J3 nra )*vpxxS njn nvoSnmpvo i^^xi" in\s»N»*D^ D^?33nn-ic\s 131 i:':3x iryin -"s xvi npyn ^M-^rh 1S3V 5]Di3m nv ^33 D^^L-ni? i"^3v irnn nx ^3 ,b'^j n3-i ny ^' iiy nSS3S"i mxsS nro'^j^^M?*! p?33in n:iL"x-in n3x!?»oni ^yic'^ xv' S*Jir3*j' n?3 nj^^yx ^3:x ,D3C'^ my niroSnn n>pv3i ,)nxn j?3 DV33n V3n xS "iiy^ x"^ ^3 -I'oix x^ S3X ,nxTn muyn nx nnyx ^::*d:) mj'!-iL*'3i \n"in3 S331 '^v yiri n3n nx "jx yiv ,'nS nmn ^Qvy nx yiv ':x ^nyn 1S3P/, '•3 ix ,n;c*x Sj'on nx ic^y noni ,"^1^' nx nc'yxi "•ntinnr no3 punx ':x ,*nui rx ':x iXT nc^^x D'"ijn ^3^1 Sxnc^'' ^3^ n3-i3Si d:':> n"\s n^n^ ivpn -i"i?3^nni nr/^v .inpnyn3i innn3 mvp3 in\x ti^^x ^3 ,0333^3 mboD jvyin xv?:^ -il*'x nSx S3 Sx-i^i:*^ "-n onx nnyi rOi3'3n on-nni im "i?3y n3^D3 j'snn S3 ^minoni ncnpn ijnT,n rry3 np^ tj-x D'jo3 vm ,D3~iDn3 ^Sy '\::yA 'yi^'b 'i'lDv ,nTn Sn^n "i3nS udi' ^:n ! 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Dyn pddh ponn :i:mK nDT- i^.x^ ,ncnir3 nrr^b n-j'npn ^^min nx n"Dpn ^Trjni** nyo rn ? nn nsD xin ^nj inrmsDroni nnxn Dnnnno Dw*'3 Dnson ^d npj . nay .iL-ro nnn /Xy^'k^'ux '-11 x"n '-I t*^"y xnsDinn ,i:')^pr\ ijn^ L""y nxip: ny^r:^n :d*:l*m TXD"! /i:'! 3") ry nsDH ,n3i x^'n'n L**"y en-iDn (i ,''t;*x3n xj'-ai L*^"y D"L"n mDi5nn -"-xnx ai K^"y ri'.n^x-j'n ,Dn^mn onnnno t;»"y Dnson D^xip: r]^6n^ ^2 ^viDHM DnsD Min -ii*'x Dnmx»^n D^anon Dii rXi^-'pD yn L'»"y ni^n: |n: '-n nux ,x'"n '•p-is v3d n^^n:n p nnx dl'* nx Dn^Sy ixnp disd Saip*^ nnx •i:'''xrD pi lann: nnxi nnx Sd "ii"x D^jain nsDD lan^ niy rxi .niy^ iiyi D"^Dn naoxo Tii idd lann: xS obiyoi ,nL*'yr^h naSn^ xin ^m 120 d: dx nx p?onn iS np"" d"x xia^x'. ,bx-ic'^3 niyn 211 -''syi y^Dynxpx nn^i""' '"^v iXL**3 xS HDi ? 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"nnv^n Sn: invn xin nrn p^rn n nxin ^::ni .nirnD2i \xiip 'h irDX"* ly^^i .yuirn d^d^ n-j'L" ,dv ^22 niyr l"L'* ,vDn p-i nuyx dx ''jj''xr r'^'x?:) Dsnn ^Sy nnD nn^ n ,nniD nx nS:ixi naxS'rn -no nx cnsx .^:x iXDno x^i Dtro wxS n ,b2T] ixn^ Txi ni^n 'bv^D ny3K^n n^xSron ""jx "•pa n lyn^ -i3d D"j^'^ n^rc* -e^Dn ''^ipn„ . \xnip nn ijrx n ,n n^r^on njr* ^6 ix h ivS:3) mio nx ^n"'^:! nnDi DD^ipn u: nc'X nnx nDX^D my "•mcSi D^rc» L'^on '•nsDin onx Snx (n p'-yS nnna nc'x nxrn nDxSnn nxi d ^ n s d ro n n3x5:>'^ xini onn d^did mm**^ nn DnsD^Dni ^nn ••Sacn ix nnyx 'i2V2 x^i ''D?o:?ipn x^ n^Sx nc;^ -?oix ^:x .nn vn^L*» Dnnn D^'^nar^n !?d oy ^nj d *c' n-n^ nnxn p'-'oc '•ni'n ^nDX^D nx nc'yx ^:x — II — .Qvonpn v-ioN"o Sd ns i^apS ^nnanbi inip:S ,ni?DSnn nx nn*L:S n d n-nx Dnix DnnSi ^nnaS dd^dihSi c:»pyi Snsj bD dhd ;\sl- nnixn^ niDSin ''?2 r,N a"y3C' n ^inn sm nxT,/ :i?:jsS in:Di irxjii" '?2 ^r^'Si Ssil"^ Ss ^ryS r: ^y JT-n ppa nn:"iDT hdi-id ,yir.-3-i5<3 njvo -ixi"ni /iinSrin ^Sy3 Snn ij> idl-' -cc^ 4<^ ,r[2 iy yi' xS -il"x iidShh nx Sx-ic"* yT" htdi ,Sig^"i sn*' i^vj^S nvnn Szi xSn TiX ^2 irSy D'C'^ i^DrxS yiv^-ixn D^n:vo nxL":!- DncNrrnD mnnxn rx Sn ddS i:nis Dno^x ,i^:^c* p» dd''P ho 1:'^ onr^ix onxL" *iy oni) -,?:jn: mi^Dnonn nnx "2 r\:)^'i? Dyi> T'j'nS nS''Si ddv m:D ]VV'\ri 'b ;nj xS nxrn i:nnDD Sy ni::unnr."i ,n;iDD "imnyanS"! in xim ^d m^xi^ ^nj:nnn nnx ,DynS nvoSnm -i^.^Srin nnx^ ,S"ini"n d^c'jx pXs;» Dipoa yrn nvy nx |yD'?o^ ^S \nnpS "il"X nnxi ,n3X^Dni r\'c']}Dr\ nvM: nxir^ni DD33S3 m^rro x^d ^jvy-i '2 nxii \"X il"X n*j'jS "1D1X Tj*x Miuy ''0-12 S:: nxi nrn ^-nrj'n'o ^d nx DD'^Jsi' tneS nicx :jnnx pt^xi byi pt^xi pinx by n:yx"i ,^nux ^"5bx n-^tyn d^d'-h mpn n-'Sx ^Tj n:'oo Ti^S:! xSi \x'j'n2 '•riDX^D nx n^.cyS m^d^ xii? ^d ^jx m^?3 D^oiDn d:i ,Dnnx d^didd ^ :^b hm aioinv nny ^2 ,nn njDio n^o n-nn ^apn: xb Drox dxi ,3^'jMb | x -i3d n::']::^ nx ^3 novya nDxbnnS c -nx ]^blw xb mSipn r]:n ,i:S ni^nn njn^ dvd ,dv"i2i nibip xSn 12D dvj* iir^ifx rD^a-^n'^i D^DTo ra^b\x'o*L:'Di D^roro ;D^Din n^^ro inrn xv' -^33 irxD n; r: /••nijiDU n^n xip lann hm did inv pbi ,x\"in nya d: i:b ncr.^ vs"^ "nDxbo nbn im Dve^a pioyb xSi nyvrob d^:l" u*'bw' nm^oa nnr^ yi?o*j*^ \-iVDn n^xnr* ^J2di ^nrn -imn nx nrcvb md3 px*c' ^jl?^ Six ^nsrn So3^ P3J xb o "n^x-i nsxbron nv'-n: ^yi |vy-in Dvy by D^:"nnni d^odhh nn •iroiDiD ^:2?o jryin ns n'b^S n^Nbrrn nx n^'^x-ib ny ix r-ison nbnpS p'r rn^n"* dc* /V^l" ^d nnnx vj'in' -ii"x T'yi PT -innrDH dl** xbn i2Dn nx D^^inS (x ,im3 nnvc*n m*j* n:n ,n3xb?:n D':' no.Tv'na Dnay ns^ ]*^Dn^ n^TJD'j^xm n"'S:iJxn fx^z^von n'^nn ny»D ^d ,-in?:^ 13: X'.n m*J0 D3 DX D-'M n^'^^'na y^sv "tj'n* i3D "^d ^y tjmh "^^^v ,-i3n'::n xvr ijrx D^xjpn n*yib p^v irxroin^ai ix^D^^nb rm^in pnr^n dji ,tx''D^cn -iDDH nx X"ipS D^::3nn nx y:i»D i:rx nrn 'TL:'nn d: d:dx dsi ,nTn Tj'nn ;d nx :^:rn:) -iddh Ssv xS tx^ p:ni*D ^r^v'i i^oro lyir Dyn pron bix ,n pDnSi ,i:dd mn "'::\s dj Sax (inuDn -inx J^m ^^rx d:dx dxi" ,n^jr nxn ;in"iD?3 n^H' DX pbi Vny'^aD ^^x n^D-ni -idhh ^d ;nnx c^m^ xini" )-i3nx xSl" -3CD Sd^d nD'j' inr p '3 ,n''Sy ^dc xip^ o ]M2nx irn nDx:'?3n nx nvo.ix^ nnya 'n ] ?2 o i ' N v--='" '-cr^ -jx ''y-jz "ip' i::\stj* in ins x:c«xr ^3~r3 yS 1 1 10 >32'x o "iscn-S 'I'DiN nSd he::! ^n^ennn rs 2 ;* r s DJJtr -^ly sS c ^ r t 1 "^ n nv^ro rv.-,S Srixtr ry^ qrsn nnx t<''^ a^ ,d S i y 2 *i 2 i c ^ tr ^ 1 n n a'r"n":n D'snnnr^ '::n o HTr; ]^')-2-,r] rx '"?^' ps'-^rs^ y-' cri-:. -nvn 'x:^c' ci '3 '^ norsn .niittr: IS ns'i.tr: i:i n:"N 'vw — XI — nrj' ^p2 DE:nj . i d i n n L" n ':d > 3 d y iiD^nm ,nv:vrip ^L*nm pxbs^^anS ns pnvn^i nsTH n:y::n ns "^np^ -ipjn dVih D^r^xn ^ryn I d^2^s^ n:c^"i Drsi D'S^D' d:\s* irs* rnnjjrDn n:i;o nx D^prnci 1 S i d iiD^nn nx D^'cnpD ,D':vDipn ns:: hy nmD2 c^rDX?o crNL- 1C3 ni^^^nn nnioa rosnb D-'^nv DU rsi oi'X'i d;'l: nonn Dnmn ^d3 cj^d px dn„ 1:3 iSxi"'' ^Xi>' x^n ^d n^y? D'D'2~fD 2nx nL*\N TiD^nno Dn-x ii'Dn x^ yno piTD i!^n iddt -^yiD a::Srx::» nmrn d\n5H'0*3 Dnnm ^3 Qn?oix^ D2 n^p^n^o DDiiy csn !?i?D^:i'> ": -^ Dnx D'^iyn Sd2 2dvo3 pxc* n']^ %2 xbn /Dhd ycv2 b2 DD?ovyi ,Dnnxn D'?Dyn ^rya xS prni ^n: Dm n'l^'yn ,^-na-T niD ,nxTn nj^^ni in:;i? a'i?i2^ d:'xt moSnn nx Q^yir Drx D2til*» D?3vy Dmn*n ^y x"2 r\:vo nxi vxr.r ^:»3 p-i,ivobnn mn^n nx D'y?oc' n?:n ^d ,nny xtni*' imora .n::'yn nnxn :n'i:S2?o 'j'Sc'-b ip^n: p bv "I'C'xi /Dn^a o^^^nb d^pid^ d^x vpnvD mrx" ^Dn^v ,dtdi. ,nmD x^d xin ^d n-ioixi D^cnp c;hp^ i^id iicbrn nx n'2 -n^in "sitv 2"'> r\"-\2 ''n-^'i. D^*jnsD nr:n) ,vnn: !:d ^y n-iriD: nrrni D^S^nr:::- iT3n "i^^n n^n,, ,D^iyn bj bv i^iiMDn n^a >''i \srDL" xn?03 ;vc6d "^xcl" Dnn "in'S D'rn'j'Vj'^i nno-io^ inp^ nry jTVdh >d nx ,(y"L"nnn nx D^nacrri -i;:i xnnx xiD::n n:: □:: n)r\bb r'i "^^S inp^ n'^n nxi n'nrDCi n"2)p nx noyt: nnSn hdjd^ i::'x n^j::'n ;^^D^nS ix ,r\bn n2 b^) n^y5:> ,|t:tr'n ,c"Dn n'::n ,i^\-i ny nvn-n v:) nx d^ddi::* TiD^nn p onn^ iq^dcm dt' Syi Dnj:^n ,n i 1 o N S D X '"^ 2 "n X L" J ,Dn:i:DX "iiD^i nm^ *'n i roNin nx nnx nrx S^-n x^ -I'J'X n'r''":^:**m ;Dn1^^-^ Dnux^^ ^ib^.:y ':£*3 P"^ Dn^.n^ D^xnp: nr^ni ,131 nrxn pQxn^ nn^t:: nx ^^n^ ^Din xt'i ,njvoxn *jnvL;* nx hq^td u:nL*'S •nnx cyan nt:D^ nni dic'3 nx q^?^3 Dnncro nr^n ,D^^n dit nx 'i^2]:r. )b'ir\ ny?D nv::S-in ^*£n D^^^n h'^d .n^v^xno xS "^nx i^inni.*' no ^3D"i ii^^nnc nyi:^ Vi'iann nrn.-imn nx dx ?vni:nDn nx mx-inS mo nx D''t'ynS vi:d Di2??o t?y ,Dn'j*DipD ^JD^Sx-i::'^ *:3i2DD:'y D^nn^i ninin pv3 SDnon^ DD^'^y [Din syn xin Sxi;*'^ ny::.' nyn /jyjx^^r: nyic' ^y pix Qy^*2 Pinv -xSc^ ^^jidh ,QV2yn Sd >y -in^ c^mi Dnc nr^nt" nyn ,nyD D\svr:n D*^yn b'2J2 Dnpm ^>' \-ny-:: n: rsi' '121 'in u>2->sS unn: »";2G o ]yvjr; lyj^ '^isij DHD mnD D^nD ^x^ "insDC ^2 n:iD:m n\Toxn h^dh x*n nn*! (26'-::* 285 'n: Sipnr'S"-?:' rnro S L" n J 3 -11 n D X ^ X "1 1 V n X 7 D : x S "Vv nxr x^ dx ^nsn- x^i nam^ m.n xv^ n*w"x ^dc* ,nyi^ i^nDi^i ^rxi -122 irc'e: p2xiS '2 I?"dS::m-i^ .n^y n^^x 3K' xi" ,Tio^nn ;i I i d::; 'id n-^ D"'Jipn d^];'\i''\ d^ddh d-'J'jn on^D nniD djl"^ ni:"iw*''^m 'ov^yn -1S*3 Y^JUn^ DDDD nS IS'VV 2^0 1C\S1 ,Dt3Vy JUrn i^y DID'DT"! D'fTDnn' ^c nniD ij^ i\s /"J3 Dy .iji? nzn ,Ynynm innio^ ,DyS ^'TiD-t2vn3 nson h'inc:i ^3 toyoD ^ijnnDD n^n-inn ipoyn^ -il"n D^yn^i D^^^n d^l'-jn nSi n^xs d'ied i^npn pac'n "^y nnnN n^b^:! in ^D^vypn^'n "^y nn'-iED ns D*i:'C"ic D^^^onr^n lyoS 2^vy |"3L'n Sy Dn\'DSu' n^ ':']} n i 2 d t n ny mn ^ddi -n?^^-^^ nx ^n ^jODi nncyroi mrnni D'L-n^si niDD'.n Dy mSsn miD in ;tnp?r n^c JOT ^?Dn3N '-I nm DJ1 ]:n\' n nmi /m M31 n^inS nnSri? cSnn pSio'CNpn ."n'ON: DV3D "irSy on^nr:^ ny"^ D^rr^pi D'^v: nc-n ^-ly ^2^ -)i**N HD □; N-D n"i:n?Dri Sdd n^i^nn s^?^ i:>S£: -13S nrn nS ^n ^'?D D^D'-iv i:n •\xi piDiDi m^Sc n^Nn t^njwS' pnji ddh oy *d ^oyi Dy Ss >l*' v::>-iD-::i ivoSnnn-;n^S d:ii ^^SS^n iddh n'l nyn^S /D^n^Dn *jmD ri'3 nyn^S ?"|33 n'2 nrn: n^d: dni ,"ijcnp nsi** nx cyro pa: nx ^jS n /y"ir^ ncD innS D^^nvn D'3i D'-3D ij> r;\ nimpn "i^nsi" ni:3 ^:3"i m:2 nni m-iL' ^:^ c^ lunnS vj3^ DipD n^r -innroi inz?:: Sr^ ,-i^n^3 Donv D'31 Dn>,N'3 n:^ ,n\s^3 L"^ N^n ,n '•S2 iy Dn^,N^ai D*u*'n2 ideij -133 d: dni -n^N^zS "iin'2 -idh^ n nprnrijn oy"i*3 N'ni D' ^j^ nami niroi'^NronDiiNi^n-i^^n ,n-iinS c^^l C'yzc *:S M m^n nSx Sr^i n^2Di Vjbzp dvovO d^d^n ^si^ni D^r'n^c nu::i -nnnrrn nx nx nxij nS -lyn S"n:rD ^''yi I C'^x b^ 1' "ny nn yj: x^i x^n n ♦: ^ ^^ n nniy n V J 1 n n nnn?:}.ni nuinan "ij\-nini ,iy\i nx nxi: xp D^vyn rn:i ^i^^-^'r] D'^P'D ^jx n!o x^Xr, n^xr ^"z'cn nbbp in nro'pn: *3 i:^ vnrj* cvdd i:"^ ;:n n : L" ro V n -1 1 -^ 3 n 2 S n 1 x v o " x S L*' ixv^o- x'^i -n im l^pz'^ it:::iu"^ ."^"n Tnx Diprr^n '^2X S''ii (-^''^P ri3CM n n x n 1 p r^ 3 n 1 1 -i 3 x"D2 r>^x i-'xd: ,ix?3 n'C'M: niioz nrn S rnxro 1J3 n^xn: p d:?3x vSy :n'::xi n:ji inn nx ir^y idd nyo ''d ^d^Sd^^ ipS D^^^zi ixirn Sxil"' iroin Snx ^'JDJ M'Vj wxb-' >::;'n ^vnn pn D^pn:: nL*'x "yn:"^ px Vj^jo) fj^Din^ px 3")n Sd'j^ avj'a nmn nxn' -il*'xdi rn^rdi pira im -in San nx?a nnnn v^y n\xD^ D^iDD nninr ny nnn3n:c'?o*in3SnijSpxL*"".3S xS C'n n"n3 vnx-.n ^^on^ 2y22 Dy23i nxra un viroi nvo^nn ^rDL"?o orj* xSx o:S nn^nn x^vrrnS ni^xn v-i?axD?ai ,r'^nni vnvrn oni:SnD-\x ,in:it:'D nixnnS inr:xc nx d: H* nir^D "ini in pan i^x D\x'n ni^xa onnm .ns-iK^Si n^s^l^ ijn -i: nx D^anin ,nTn mm nypyt:n irSnxn ny pxpnysayaa ,ny:i:yD:yrx ,"iyo\xTi ,pixn ,j:y Qmpn D^ya^n onnx Dn?ax?o d^ddxd non v-nraSnn ^pn)ir2 D^-j'iy no t;x nou'S Dip'V^i "131 '131 ,n3-i ni:S3D ,nL"n:i n-i?:3 onx nnnx ,ninL*'^ nnfo rx *3 nX;, ^r>:n' niD^nn \xjvj' lon^ it:'x Dnroxrrn 13131 ,S":n onrax^n Xi":3 2n\niL*n-n cn'ni-i:x3 ,D*:i?anpn Q^i:n ^pin3 fcn: dx ^3 ?"n^x 1^3 n.iM nSi3' nxrn n3;oni , ni^D^nn ^-i?3X*2'a 31 nn^ cyin^n nxD D'3-1 2^31 yiv3^«3 D*n:i?a m-im vnn:ixniT3Snn vni^x n^nr^xi nprn njyi: r.vnS nDX3 Dn'nvTni Dn^S3n ,Dn\-iicmi onTin^x ,D^:icnpn D^ijn *pin c^njit::;' id3 I — IX - na n?DK N^ sin -DDmisp ^nn d*.:* xS dnt ^Dvoyn ]^2 oyS vnn fSdiid niinn nnur "nx'j'^r injiD nriM ds n»iS "^nv hm -ie\SD inn nnn D^nmp Nnn DNt;' D3n->np xnn D^3-in moixn pa D5f> l dc^ :s"3 .ni^ap^ n^ D^{ inn nnn Du* -iDP nSi DyS nvn^D iSnnni nn^rz i^nnnni nnrnn minn nx 'hipn kS nrDX3 Nin SD'n pn ^'onzx "i >r "nD^ron,, "-d d-nt lix njni — .ny ^kib' n':)n d >di: t5i> ^d X^tlJ'^ bSs 5^y it:D ni2T "ir:)>D ^*1n ,nj Dn> d:i ,n2*t} n?^ lyn-* nSj;* i^t ^i^ps nro^^.i^n inv:> n^DDn in-iin nx ^apS niDi^o in:n Nin b'\^ apy r^pi'* ^:d!:l'* nnn nx on^^y vnm D^rrsji d^:d noD nyi — DV^yn nn" p3 nap^ k'^ ]]:i2b) ,n^n^ |VDt> ,DiiS3i n"SD k:5iS ? nsr ^D i:^ nxtr*: Dsn ijs moyc* linmn n^i^ '•a :r^N >d pT nSj< ?iihD irM siijc mm in b^i n-r^D -inn nn ^23 n^SD3 i^n-^in njc D''^3po v.:n i ^iinxi ••nx ,Nin p mo^D ,i:n-nn n V^'Sirn mo nx oyo ^n* VI'^ r^x ^di pn ny ^Dn nnt nmn Sy on^ynD ) i^nin Dinn b^pb >x->*k:'^ ^d ivnp: nc^^x n''Dmi Nnry ny nro \m r.nr n^,?oSnn ny ,x^r:n "i:3n ^t" innnc'n njcrn ny ('^ xnry ,D''!2L":nr:^ ny ,(.ni^nx mna^ Q^ri^n nrj^nDi yn:^ px liDr^i ?i^Din^ px vSy :nDX"j '•snuD tSnn'v DnnnxL" D^:2nn nsD iv /n^3:o ^n^2 n^L*'?DD3 i^'t^'DC' D^:iN:n nsD ^3nip?^ npv' 'n ,nrDinnn idd y'Don n"3xnn i D'?oi*'n p ibap onnnn ^2 n^jn^ nx nxr /'mru'6 pxi,r nrrj^ D^iinnxm D^:rc'xnn D^poisn nso ny (myi niyi nr:iD n-i-nn nx i':^3pn dx., n^ixi n^yo^^D nny c: "iri^y n^'.yi c]1D3 nnn .... "1X^ DX) nnry ^nroixn Dvpb noxn nn\n Dn:'iDi:' D^:rj'xnn D^aian dx dSixi nn'on '^y imsn ^d dx) nrn Dvn ny Dixbn nx np^rnm ,3n -id ni^n:n dh^ed Mr2 nninn nnc'yj ^Sm ^xdc' n^DSn nnt'D n^xi Dovya ^'th lijixnn nrx2 n nu^yjr sra bxnc^^S n*ij»p n-nv/ nox Dnmron onnnn Sy vvz' n^^ni ,ninin ^2 nxD n^nn nyni? "iiTy Dn''i323i nxDn nx iL*n: D^jnnxn D'^sian njn ("b:v^ nx xb my ixi^ x^i naan nnn nnntD D^:ns ixv^ tc'x nx'o nxD n^n D^an nnn nt*\s* nnnr D^:innxn "i::'y nxT d: ?ixi — nnn nx x^i nyn nx x^i nnn ,nnS nnx r^x nin^ nson nnoD n^n D:tDX Dxr rnitot^nn cnn:c' ny D'':i::'xnn n^:innxn ixn n:n ninb n?D nxi ninr^ no nx rn^ot'n Dyi i^: "jl oy s"2y yv'^^ nnn nx naan nsD nan ,nn3^ inn2Di inyn ^ sy ^r^'^vb nroa nnx S2 cnS 1:2^ nb ,\:^'ipr)'^ Sapn"' nDD o ,ns2 n2n?2 ^2 ^'l;' in^22 nn^n nr22 iv on bnp' ^2 0nnD?2?2 cyD2 ^nxv^ n22'i nxo n?2X'::n 2nnnn ^nxn^ ^2) ,nx2i^ mpt^n ns ^y D^nnn Vj' niD2Dn2i ,D^j"ic'X"in '•idd pinn nixn^ t:'\x ^2 ^12^ nxr ^2X Dnp2?2n "ibnn xb ,^xnE^'^2 jnji^i? nvn^ n',D2Dnn i^jnn nyo d;i ,D*:"innxn nso nx m22p nD2n nx nix^i?D?2n nnnn ni^isrn myniDm D\nyn ^2n2D2 Dnip2n'{ D^nnsjn bv onnno nxr xbi nr x!^ Dni? px ni^^x D^''jyn Dn2n':m .'121 '121 nnn ,DnnDD ibaip^:^* ,Dnb'i2"'2 :r''C* nD2 ny nnn nx n^n n: 0^2^21 onncD Dy nn2:)2 nsDi nsD '^'? px "•2 nxnj nnmm nnito py2 ^2nDJ dx -^.ii b^ ife n2: S2 lb n^n xn nxr '•nbm ,n2nn dxi dvo dx nnn nx mv^ 122 xb*j' bxnc* ntj^x nSx D2 d:5^^ n^D22 D^jn^n Dnaon p2 ^2 2Vj ^bn yn px d^ixi •oi'iyn ,i?xnr^ nvDix:? D^-ipb nxD ifj^yvi 2n nix iv^b* — Till — D'-xSasn Dnr^sDH Sy |:'i3nn^ ,nrn Dvn ny jn^i-xio miorDni nainsn minn noisi ,n]7] ^iDXD rx-i3 D\-i3vn -ic\x ^:n'\']^ nbip "ii:: i:S onscrn n'^i^ D'svy Ssnc'^S u:\ rpr^i hdin Sd^j ?2pnn> nic* nj^sc' n-nnn Sy ryS ns^'ir. "in3 131D iSnh Dn\-in:n D^ijapnro rn nS inv niyi ,-inn nx Dn-i^y 102 xaii "12 n2^ nyiro isdo -i?dx "'2 xnx "i*j* i; nijsn ^ro^n SdS d^":'1 jidj nSh Dr D3) 133 i^^pw* no vo^p-j' -inx i'3T n-iinn niSr^n'j'na ::'DnS i-.Dvn 'n*3^Dn„ "jaD van tdv^S iv?o ^'oi ymx ^y ix^JDnn D"L*'n n-iD!2i (hm djin2 Q'mD'.D y"mx d: iSxd - ! r[>h2p x^i nninn nx r]"2pr] -innn o pnv '-1 xi3t* njvrS^ n:rj'X-in m^ni ns' ^:^ Dnio^n ^^iinxi ;nTn noSon ^ipn yio*j'^ ncn "i^S^Hv ^:dd p-n "nnn nx^rSyn^SD diSd,, bv /'m^Sap xi^i lii? nn: diSd,, p -irx ni^nn ''noi'O,- >2^2 "iSxn ''nnDS^on,, Si*' dhd hd"* n'23i y -onnx 'i Sl" !? Di^Sy pd^'l^'o pxi Dn3 p'pxvw- r^'i *^^: Q\o'3^D"! D"02i n-DDX xSi niS nr:'Dn nx no tj'npn i:3"i ^d nyn n^r^ 'T xv-ii (vrmi Tn3 nx-i D^D^nn 3"n yj» Dnyi 1:: nn^s* -iid xin na-inx) i30Tn Dyn Sy pin^ nn^x Dvyb) nsTn minn nx prnS )*in:S xv?d il*\s TDvy pnv 130*3 '^^331 D^i:in p3 D;n 3iyn^i Sriun^ nx? xSiS '•3 mipD py3 nxic' ^:dd) n,-ii< b\2' D.^, :"i?3.0 Q^X'Ssro d^SSd d*j'^i (n^n^c^jn niinn nSi:n:i nvis -il*^X3 n3Sn n:<3 3:<' ('jn x d nir r'oSrnM "nS'^:^*^/ ,n'j^o ny nyn-cM nx S'j'Sr'^ ?3"oS nnVi n'33*;^ in:< -i3iS n^rSsn ?x n3^D h'd yiv nnx rxi ^n^ nnn n"^ ;r3-33 xv,in'3 xSt x'ro Sd (t's nxs D'^) ,['3i id^'^J nrjvo3 niynp 31S3 niS^o 1XV0 1^31 '2 n^i xini ('•"3 p3ny 3"3mD'i3 d*;') "px':3 pmxo pi "3 ''?Ayy n3r3 niiN* cmiiS Si3^ hm Dxn -n-j^ipn^i nS3pni imini oyn n3ix S3 ^S pxi ,]2''2 n3 pyir orx-;* nnSn S3pS Dn'j'3V3i o^SiSy Sxic'^ ^:3 'Mo'^oi, ^32 a;' i::^.< trii nx3 xS nxn ?iSx 1:33 nnSn S3pn';* DSiy3p'j^Si xSi (2^r p? n^i":) ni:vy:3n S3S1 nioixn S3S imin nx -i"'Tnn n"3pn ^2 iS:;* n^oS ly nbyryb) novSi nnvnnS n3Sn3 21 in3 n^n-^' nr)3 ly ^3 ? nS3pS ivi n^ i^n"* D^?33nn S3 "i*j'X m i^-"*', n3*j ni'^i^ m:x3 in3 Sn:! n^n p ^rb'3 .- 13 1:13^ xSi innrrx n3in3n i:niin Sy n"SjS X3 x^,n ,3^M3'j nS: xs^n pn ^on3X "1 dSixi n3in3n minnn-3X3 '2 ,d:ix31 n^D33 x^xuSvx ni3pn: xS DSiyc3 miDrrni ^r3 in ,pTn i3V-r S'p ,133 ;r; ,D^pi3i n^S^.p vn niinn nS3p3 ,iy^Dn nniDr^n^ D'lSiD n3n Dnn,, nnD?3n min3i "yD*J^:i n-j^y: -i?3X^i Dyn S3 nnn ,iSi3 tc'y ny niTTD ni3D mix p3'3„ /'nn'?3 3"n D^'33n ^31 Sy n3iyn S3,, ,"niin n3nr3 "S n^Si p3nn x^-n n^-io^S D^'33n innar n: pnisn S3,, dji (t ,"ie'D: xvni" nx iS3pn DX„ :-»V3X? iroyj) nx d: nSa nrn -i3nn nx iniSj3 S3X ! "xniDx ^nsimri D'-;y2 p,s ntr?3 n^nn n-n Sy "i-iynS ixrs m-i-i nr,*;:: p itr^tr nrj f i S i — YII - .::.-;■:• r>yrr nr^rnn r.-:s'2-. ^'o3()0 h^-n2 -.i::!: -'•:i ::v3-S tn i:r,2 kV ^vh uh^2 nx'. r^Tn j':v= ''ip-V ^-^ cv-c* itr;* ^'rv '."i:"!? ^nnx nr)-; cj mi-i '.-.'•ic* nt itrs, ♦• J z' n n 5 . .U I.. ) I . ^j - I > .JN L. , — ^ _ L-J ■> L_> I rv. ;2 -^-n rx cr; ^; nip.-, r^zz'^' "r:-.^ jvr^' -,: x?2nix -i ..• i-r. r,\'-r,2 iri'n'i// "^2 i-n.i -i".>- .crri"^";^^: n* r. cj* is'? ::n"; n-ir: mi.-n rx a^^r^a nrx ex zrr *irixi v^'p i^n*:! r^rnx ^2'- r.^hzp nnn r''r;*x X2i i::x .xn^^-^is': n::" n;T,r3 ;xrr3 rpv' .(T'S r=cO ."^zr "i-::-tr r.r^ if2^p ,v-p >rrr> 'n i^ax^'. . -\-^2r;'. (aSi^n r,i'::isS rnv-^n r,.<: ;.'-.: xSn zTrr^*) ^r- '^'z^'Cih *,:r3 V2i v:x n:b« -i;» nr-p .^oi ;x'r, r,::"x h2 't; m T.i.r, r\^:,:^.r\ rx n zpn np'r-^r' -rsSri rii'rr / n*:x "2."! x^.s '-.2 ''ni:r2^p s':"; m^S^p o''^, nrsx ^rn x^s vniS^pi Sx*ic'^ J 'a r'v) ."::: '7N*it:*''? r^tt'^w' v:r n',:?ip x^^ r.v.\*;2 -in ",:'-';• r.'-rr ,^v::?nn 1212 -:v;-i 'rr^: nso nny Dnnx niyiic ^n ! ^:nsi -ns Dnzi ,ix-3 i^b ]*inj "n^Srin -i:vp„ ^n n?n imn '2 D^-.?:^\si nmo d^id ;;".^ n'j'.N*-^ n^'^'nn r>:)n d: in:nN* pl**zij nv^S>3"i ni:junnm nS dvj'3 n'ON?o nx "11:1.^ NM -"."j'.s* iN'^ p^x.i'ri ^n^U'2^ N*i*r ii^.n ns mxi^ njv v^nn niy 'd p':^;^ -.,V^ x:;'3'.^i -nvi'oa nm^zSi nn^:Tn!^ in^n p^x -ir\s ni^ niny injn dv:v -^a^ ::-:'niyia D^:vj'n dui D^r::oo *:TNM;*r2:;' c^nin^n "^n^npir n'^ro -inv niyi 2' inx pxj d:; dj DDinm nrn t^n:in ^^vv^r] nnix ens ^-nnn -iL-s Dn-^jycDDi D *o^DDD D^i2"i ,n^y *S'2u*D D"L'n ^::5^2L** H'S p-^M: "I'jw N^cra S ">: Tira n"2Ki 2 :n ^j^y r,^ nps' -i:*\x "ivp.i d'''::M' n-.w-;: n:; )ry dSo ,nDsi5?^'n D^yS 'j'n^i: n':nb pi2n^ ni ,nDS^Dn -inDn n:n m:vj' Dn^my-i ^si ,n ^^^L'-nbi pnn^ ,2n'bv ns"is"i nvn |3 d^l**x mDDi:n ^:: -i?::n"' nn ,D£:n:n l^'^^pr\ bv '•"c^'i ::-j-n2P\xiD p\SL** Dnnx d^^lDid niyi /'xin ?^di:i cnn nr nsn,, h'^n^ yn^*>:n rrv x^n nDN*S?^n nxnaS-iroJ^ n^ Sn^ hm^ cx CXD^paioro nnxD d^id ^3x i:::jn ^n'p^ dx pnDxSo nx hSdxi ^nx -d nn^ xn^ xS (3 ,Dn"n^ ix d^3-i n3xS:on nix^n n^nn dx (: ^m"? nnx c'^xo ix n^n' qx ^x-i*l>'^ my ^^^ nrn nry \*:nj' ,n^.3n':) mix nn^D^i n^ynv ~i2d ^2 nnx ,n^^y ^»2*j* xnpnS nxm c'xiro nrn nann nx ^-iDDnD yno onnx ir^X'j'^ (n ,^x-it;'''3 n^t^^an nn'pnn nx ^X'j'nn M3x!^:o nx n-^'y m-'m dx'lJ' n^n D^^na Dnynpi ? 0^3-1 n3n n^yn jyoS • D^xipnj-o fjx n2 nvi2 qvj^ T"y n-n x^-tx ^Sj^Sd no^Dn^i moivn^M^ ,nxrn nDX^on 13-13 3dm -1x3 n*rj» \nn^c^ jria^ ^jin-iy nSxn Dn3in ni*'yx n::'y ^3 Ti^pn njn n!3^ /n3xi^Dn bx nyib ijnj ^3 nan t^^niDo n^jn^ n'.S':?Sn*^'n^y-iir,x^to^3nh 3vj-^ m^v:? ^::n nxT nryx Dio ^nx .^3"ix ^13^ Dn YE — DJ IX D^'j'^X** ^:l" "ir*x D'^rn S^o ODpi'cn nx p\-i:-j dn n^i .nnyi ^1p^n nxD 311 ',mD33 yip idd "i:S inl"^ n:n -s-nn N^::nn ^s:^ *,3 i2Din: -.nV^ miDD n\-in nmi ,n3 ^d nrn^ nSi i:nN hmh rijzb::' D"y3i*' n-rnn .mi3\s*2 n-nn nx pn^^;?^ i:xc* ^?:)d Dixn ^d ^:'j;S pxji nnixin^i n*3:n^ S^iJi ij^'^ V'Sx-,r^ ^3 ''ryS n'j'o wc* tj'N n-nnn xm nxn,, :Dn?::ixi d\x-ipt n^r* ^D3 ni--^ :^m^: xip: i^njxL" nnnron iidShh iivp ^3 'n;-i^ d: \nyi' ,:d c:?ox D^Sij D^DDn n2DX^"y pi niL-rn^ x*,n ns-i "i',nt?n nyL^Dv -lyn,, npyn iir^t^nn pl^ Dn3X??^a in^r il"x d^'^S^h ""'Dy in^x 1-112^ il**x "DViy^Syp vjiny^yy, n^n' a: ox ijpnSi invcyi? nnx c'^xS xS ,DiDnn n^ii ddtid^ d^id ncrDn?^ ^HDX^D ^D ^riD^Di ^VDn nxi p-i jn ^:nx S^x ,-11131*' D^^vcxin p !?n3 noi^c ^:2r3pi nL*'y 'JxnxTD:i .Dsrro nn*Sy ]'r.nn xm icx D'^^nn nccx ""JeS xnin m^D n^x^D rt'y ^3pS ]*ianT^ "in^c D'r^^nn p nnx dj px 'd ,ixd ly yixc nnxjT Dionni n^yy niy^ ,D^D3nn nx l**p3ii xipS xn: dxi /Dxtd noivyi XiH D-i'j nni D'JL" n^xScn TC'ronr, nnxn^ d: dxi /Hin ]':y3 cn^niy^n Drx dSod Dnn :D^:Dpn Dy D^Sn:n ijin vr^n nx 1^3^31 ^jx ynv ^d ,bv"z> npnc' n3 pDiy xinc' mnm n^xSn iS l**^ nnxi inx ^3 ,nni2D aninyi d^i:s n^:nS^3ij!^^D"n"n3i .Dmy^omuyni cn'nicm^ Deploy Dn^L*' D^:n-ini ,iny ^2 nDxS::)n ^3 ,D^t:y?rn p D'Dy?3 pi px^'ro^ ^^ixi nxrn n^xSroS Dn-L:'3"i?:: c^ni xS '3 pi i]X D^3nv nxrn r\^M:n n3xS'3S ^nc-yrin x"3 ipyn x*n n?r3nn x^ nxrn ^L" n:"iL*'S pj:3 /n^ok'niMi n^^33n 1:11*'^ pjiDnv^Sm nx 3t:''n D'^iirn n^xS i3'Sn^ xS"! ,m:nn "•^ysi D^cmrrn b'c Q^)^*b p::Di ,xnn3n"i xnsDinn ,n:c'?:n D^^.o ;n3n ic*x nyniL" pxi nin py n3iv: nxrn n3X^rD^ ,nT3 nr nx m'id' x^^i P31 ^^3t:'n^"i idS^ u p3 11D1X ^'C'x i?3X»3 p3 ,hnS L'nip p3 Sn3nS P3D 3^1 ^'? nSx irx l"^x S31 ;D'?3iiy p*c'S3 i3iSi ^nn^ pi u p3 ii^ix il-x i^xt: x^ u: Dx 'D^yion :;mD n^3D 'inD3n ^3p xS d: oy nxrn n3xS?3b xin "ixi :pnu bv n':v n^mi niQL*'n p3r3 irx d: oyi nxDoyEiXiaSi iiopnS i?3d: ^i^ 3u'nn in^ nci^S xSi ^^2:3 \'x l**':idt ^jx yir-- rC^jiinxn n^xri '3 ;y^i ,nxSn?3i ^Dy xvlT'jS ipT3 ^^31 .pvi»3i ptn pvi Dn^^y ^S '^D'\:^ ^3jx d: n:^x — nxi bipri ^::r] ,^:ivii ^n3xS3^ ^:>i2^ x^r* ,nxL*' S3V S3Dn n3L*' n-;3 iy Si3d^i vr.en^ DXL" ;"ji:;m^ diu ^nxvnji ■':vc'p3^ did nxrn n3x*^r3n ^x ni:*:b ^H' *:x pi^ mris"^ xvn di-j nn^Sy Dry dil*'Si 'n3X^?3 nx ip3'^ ^xil**^ *?^3n n3xSDn i3c:' '3 ,r^i<:n nnvj: Dii — ,didi i3r n::'p3 ore ahi dh^jlS nL*'^:n^ /13L" nr ^nSiyai nnvy3 T3xS?^ '^ n^n NSJsnn rx pio'? ^nric ntn mpaz'. nmne ni;!xri Sipn: ts i::£i: nSsn on^in ^2 i:i«nn nx ^hoidid ni'ja ht^sS ;iSi3 nSi^n S27 nr:r2 xvn ick nSi-.i- n'^^nnnai 'rvp2 d;jt ;M rvanz nrs^r^n ic:in icn3 3"ns ncysr nm n2x^::n ^k mi**:! nia N-f3' nnyiS pcnm '12^ 'i3t nnyi mn 'S rn'rcS >:ii22> cirn: '2 inn '?32n 'rr nw c'-nv?3 dnsr: c;i .nem n-ins ni."!x:i .231 — 235 r^a n'tr'C* n:c S-n^ cniK xnjsS 'n rrnn -.D'Snjn Q'?2rnn nmrn M^'rp' ht Syi larn '03n?3 cnnsS ^nnnn cr.ys icQi: non d;i2' ,air-- ir'« i\vr3 '1 jr.im ,::ny:fs'? .rz 'n c'^n =in ,V'T . narrinn miic myi: nnns c^ns-^ D'tran^i (ht noxra pis: c;; cij'cin-' i^trw) it — Y •♦•» ,"2^21 'yv2 212' n: dxi o"z*n ^2d nns n-.5< 5^k r:' sbi rr n^ baj? nn^rn DJ vmr nr3>r.n n:'Oi ,ns;n onr xb d^z^^sidh nvo>nn:3 r^o-"' x> /Vsdndi Kin ""O *D ,TX Diiniyi^ xi^imx O'VTi' crt^i" n^xi ;n2D y^sin did Dipr:D tn bj? iH' n^D "•''Dyi ,T.Dpnn ni:n^ nt "i*^\s nyn n^n nsD np^ irx Mcn nsT n>'b3'0 d: icx Dv:i'i2n D\sjpn ^3 c: no v iio^nn p ars'j' Dnnxcn T>? nin ,ii2i IV ^b ip'^^i •'DK^ i^nr nny d: nrs ,n::'is*L;' nonri ?]N2 'mx isii^ ^-^ ir S:;-' "ivipD ?iN* \-n'j?D> a'o^n ^s^d ,'2'2:b i^vS* sis'x n?^>i r':^y^2^ c^^n ns p^nynb *cnnj2 >^nnnb irM ,-n?ot'nn nx ivp^ ^nzb ^y ivy-in n?y -aD ^:: kS ^d ::'X-id yix -i*j\s Dnoj^nn i^a nx n^:nb"i na^ -iiD'-nnD ^S nx-i:n ^2 "ly^vob ,mnn t'li^^i v^ iiobrin xv' r^2^ D3 pax -irs n^x d: ix ,nt:n T.otrir.S nyi;)'\ mn3 hdx^^oh ^d ti^xt >2X ;n:iE:n h2 D.ia ^^ px -ic'x onoxDn n^x nxr n^y dx n:isx ^o b2 ^^^\ "mny ^in^D >d rx ^:?o'd o'Dnn x\"i ,^^;?^ /DiDin niTD by nmSyn^i ixm -\'j2 nni ni^?D*j'>i n:pn> n-i?3"i:S ,ni2b n^2 n'3 nrx ■'i^i^ jDp Di:2:ip nipcn mpn xSi> ,nxTS c: c'xij \"nDX cyr:^^. ,nD-iL*^ P3X nx^D n^nni l**x bz' pv^^ idd ^:;>2^d ^T^'iin a2 ^n^junn^, vn^xi "i-'y iHD i2vi22 ^L^♦x iy Si:i "iix ''n\si in /■•nni? ^dt Sd nx nt^ivrDD n^nin x^i ,^nicn Dnvn^S ^-^-ny ^psn u*k^» "^x /mi nx ^ny:i-in :]x ^n''i :inix x^r:S Dnny pxvD^ dx ^nnxi^JDn i?x n::^:!? ^n:2^nni ,nvy ^npnyn /nnc'n r-npa "Tiirn nyi ,c^\s nvn^ t^int^M d^c»jx px'^:' Dip^n,, y^rnxo ^y lyi-x xb dxi 3id ^-n ,nDJX (niDin) 12: ••inn 12: n''bi mxni ,inxn njp pisp nSr :x"ipx xisp m IHD ^^y luyi nab "nn ""naSnn nnix by im,, iDt;' nt '■nnb bn nx npb •^i^•x ppn oiD^ipn lyi lUD^ /Dib'kJ' tr^x i^XD '"1 n:nni nziD py byn cmnn ain n^ i:jid inix^, Dvn n^n ^b ij'idd''i) n:*^* DV^'t^^ ib nxbo Dvb d^^^.i n"x '1 pnaion nin inoxi p:*' DM'.*' nixro^n ncni .i:; 10 ix D^by 5 Pi b^30 i^mni (pinxn n^nni b":n x:;D:n bn nx bnb nxi"' ibxn niXD^nnni:' r\iyn2 D-'ne'i nnbna D^n::' ;yn-ix Dm /k^'n^Di x'^'JMp "^112 IX ,23X "nnn dx in isoin: ik^'xi mobnn ipvrD Dnn Xi** TX1 binbni niniy xbn ^^ni "-pj pjyn nvno n\-i^ Dp^o:; dxc' ^Dnmn ^cniD pipij DX'iT |xn "i^yj njx ^nm ":inm nx d^^dd xin nm ,Di:-inn d: i:b noi x"':iDn -ipyo xinE:> n?D i^nnb ^nu fin-'ni i"d tx iiDbnnr niiic^^n pj:iDn ni^nj nni:^n htdi ,nr inx nt c^Din:^:^ hd di^dj nisoinn mix d:ii ,nn fiDinx" pxi D-'jinji D^^n i^x mm "n:iDi ninn m^bnn n^n is"i'J'^ n^a ]^r2r[ >3di i:d:3 nDixro D'yiv 'viDn ,v'>n:'3 ,vrsi /VJii .Ssi""' v^dh dd*Sx ! x"ipx d'^c^x dd^^s iioSnn ns "o^ un : i^min hn iJt' inn,, :-i?dnS yvj\si pyis o^did^Ssi v-iis: DDnnx XT'-D ^D!nr'noSi:> innSi iint:^nriip:S''iSmain dsd^h ,D^3nv i:n vnn Dx DD^wT^ mx nmn" "oi ? pia ddhx x"'3^ vd ? le'vn "133 ic'x nnx ? nnx nvrni n-n:x3 cdSid ~»3noi x-np Sp3 =ix HM^ x> \-ixnp ^ip ^d ix»3 ly ^nyi^ a: djdx ^nyi' DTX ,D3\niX'jn nx ^:x yin D3nx Myi- ^3 ,D3''jtx^ y:" did ^Sx 31^*^ x^.n /n^'iT3 '^^J^n n33n d:<^, to.*" fiD3n ^V3 x"^ irx ^^•^x -131^ D333S ir:*c'n x^ m'»:x3 isDxnn x^ D?"iyy. ,1-13-11 invy Vp Sc* 1:3 p V'pi ,inc'p3i inxnp vp nx:;S n3 x^>: M.^ip x? ,D3^>x \-ix-ip Dxi /imim 5?x-iK''' nnoS nnx nvy3i ^3x /^S y*3Vt:' i^x n: dx xin Sn: Sip *Sip ^3 D3S nix^n^ hd ,^DvyS Tiain n^ 13 p xc^ ^iT'i ) ,^::';?3 Ss b'j D2':^b minxi ^S x: lyoc* ^:nx ^Snx Dycn y^vx d: ^3 D3-:d''^ x-3x r.r:pn Dn*3 xSi /^m3C'nD S3 nx D3^:dS nS:x(nc-in .n3 n3n3 ix^n nS:pS ivann -;x dx ie^'x nnx nv^n uy:Lb * imsDXi xi ^v^rc yK^s Sy xnn d^s^dioh niin'3i mio ''::n nSx?3 -inx ,^3JX D'^^sidh nnx "dSik^x D''3-i Dnt3Nt3i Dnsi: ni3-i D^:tt^ nr D''DirDi 3ni3 ''::n ,nn3rr7 nnL[:3 n'DH D^3io ,rhi:r2 n^3i3r^minn nb' nxi i"'J3 nx nxnn t^'^x S33 r^v mx-i nSym ix'3n 133 ^3 M\x-i "•^rx n:ic' dx d:i nnn ^D3n iv-i''::'3S D^S^vro^ n33 ^3 nixiS ^"31 D21 /\-ii3':' -?3i ^311 HX iD'^XH"' "is^'X Dnoten Dnnx"^ ■•D^ S3 -lyji'D '::n S3X ,1^ |n3 >jn xS I'J'X anD3n nnviX3 Dnoiyi d^3-3: 133 T-'\x nmo^S nS:;in xSi S';i3i n^iyin ,n^t;'niD nSyin ,'?3yS nSyin x''3nS nSyinSnvnS ^n;sn 113^ ':vb x^ nn2^ xSi — d^3"i D^D3n nnix ix^3"'i ix^3n n33\x :^:vy-i3 p^r^v^ ^':^ ,pi3n?3 \-:n ,3nn ^jjm -it^'^n Dnxn pro SsS d: x"3 HM'' xiS ^3 ,13^ -i'31X3 xSi SyiD?. iiroSnn Sx Dyni DynS niToSnn nx 3^L*'n^ ^.^r^'^r] D^'>:'jxn S3 Sx d:i x'3 n3S3 Sxi'c'^ oyS x^' nSyinn n^nn TX ^3 ,nxr3 S3X rni:iu»Di nuic^ nivy ^3S3 ^n:;y -1331 - nrox "i3n Sy inoc'^ "il"x DnuSs .nn myii n-^n bin ••3 ^n\s-i mp3 py Dn^Sy "nn::* nnx xS nS'S3 Dii Dvn S3 *:v:ni ^-ln^:^' x^n ,nir3 ^S |n^ xS r\fn ^:ry-i ^3X n>{ x^vinS "n^x mSnnn t:'p3Xi iv ^x n^*'3 ^D.mx niSS3 'ijyrD Sy ,^3S nir D^nxvD Tj'x Dn'oxDH S3 nx ^lox*^ '3S3 \i-iox nSnn'n ,^yisn Sx nr ^isn 13D Sy ini< Dip^ Sx rVrySn nnSnn n:?3'3 dxi D^;•VJ•^-l^3 ex 03 i2D*n: n S3 ^rySi Sxiw^' ^53 ^ry'^ 3'3nin dmdv33i mpvi?3 nvx-13 ,d: ?; D'onnSi inrrD nD^n nx Si:S *m!3x nT3i ;'^xir^Si 'nS cnip 1S13 vn^ iDi":n S31 ,D^':?yn \-nDxi ns^rn 'dtj S; Mn'O'j^ Dy?33i ,vn:?3 ^ry3 ipnvnSi ^x-ir^ "^yo nvoSnn ,mpin 03*j»nnn nnix avn-i3yni ,nxD ^nj:i3nn nnx S3X ,n3xSr3n Sx n-j'jS S3 nS w'npn*^ t]-i*jvx *Si>< nrx nxn ^n3xS'3 d.i ,S3n nr n: *3 *n\s-i ^nxvD un2 -ii'w D'jiinxn Dn^'cnTo nsii ]2bn ^"m vnxi ny D^vi^nn ny Q^CDSon -n?o":^nn ]'2 Drsr* Dn!3S':Dn nx nor\ o^^rn Dxn V nbxn D^j^^yn d-di cnsD DnnDD -iL*\s DnaDH -iv^xij pi 2": A-)']:^:^' n*^ miy^i Tivni ,D^:n-inD m,i:m nSs p ni>SD -il**x vniyDi vmi" ^d cy nvo^nn Dsnv n^i ,(n3in "^x c^dx^ .D\'*J' 3n»3 iSi i*l:'x vmS?o*j' Ji^^nnSi nno^i imp:^ 3> d^::'?^ pxi ,Dn3 nmo pSr* nv D^mnxn D^^i^n vc^v p nvoi?nn ny D^:ixjn D":3-in nL^y^Di i"^ 'n::y^i ,DnmD nno imx D3 ,in:nnST nrn:? "i:x D^^n:; V2 >y -il"x ''A^r;r\ vp^.-i nynix nx iSdd -D^^oyi /D^3dd .nvmx ,D^jrv3 ix^o i^in nxi nnoy D'lm^D 2n2D3 i£^Din i*j'x iih) D^anii a^Dnx D^^n: Dnso n:i?0L*' Dnn iL^y^i irvi ^»2^ >D^ ^J> p'DDn rrDV'Di rpois vc-idd ^d Dy ijop nnx n^^n □: ^3 iy n^ ,Sdi2 nn ~i"L"3': nr o'jTD nn noix nr ^d iJ^Sm i3n' n xv^:?: xS tx d:i ^2 rh)i - Drn -itdt xvn nL*'x nipJD v.':zh mp^ dx hdi (2-ir':no nn S"^'^ nx ):b ip.D2^ n»Dn *2 ir:ni? ijn:x D^Dnv ,ir:i Sf mnpa n3nn:L*'' ni^in nuTO nnx ibxc^p"-") ,dsl**d |*nn^i")nj:>^ x^i pin nron D^jinD n^n -;x-p-.n ixv^ DH'^i —my: x*"^ nnx dh'^io^i: Sdi ddi^jk* n-);x Dy in^an^ nnx b:3 U'rn -11".^ myini nurjn nn'Dn ninDrom (DD^^nn ^Diy ^d3 "nnrj^ni ni^xi*',, ijS n.\*ri-DVDVM Q-'i2r) D-p'tn*^ Dn^nir^u" no^'cn ^3 ly nrj* ^33 ivnc^i un^ I'lS^ ijns-inS Snn 'L:yn nnnnn i^nx-jn x^n nxr ^i^n^orxn mvo nrx ijm^SD xm — Q>^>D3iD^S'^x nx23 nn\x cnxstD ,nniXD'rmro ijn^xi— nv: ni3T!D ijnrzii^i I ? Qixn b22 n^n: '2 pienji n-j'x nrn Drnni ^-^^ i:Di?iy3— 1:^ pxc' (.3Dm^i>nn DninM i:n:x n^i noSnn by nv^x '1 x'^x -i:\s:rjM irnmx ^dd xip: pi i:^vy nx xnpj u x^"i n!D D'ynv ^:x px ! j*l:p ycr2 d: ij*dc i:S pxT ,Ti?D^nn nx yi: xS ,12:^2 Drx 13^3 i:cy ]'>)2n pi xSi nni'nn pirx xin noi D2n:m iinsn s^n mo^nn Sd Dy 1:513 mix D^vnyrDi D^u*'npD r[j2n 3"yt^♦ i:dd niir^ noi inn^ no D^ytv □rx 1^310^:521 ir-iv3irc3n d: x"d ,Dn*ry hxidS u inrpni pmni ib n2D:n lir D^Drnn ics ^cry.r: -ir.vm n^ivj -inrn nnscn ^r ,sw p m:"ipn r;;n (i cyz-^!3 *T2*x c'i":y nT\s* i;:^:^ is"^.^ Ti 'rs -7:»^n cms "irtsn^*. nr2n cidid' ,ni*rn trr;^ omx 3s^;.n n;<>2ny 1^ 12 v-**"i ''<'' 'Jr.'.2;. c^irr v'-^" '^"J* cnsD d^b^oh Xi-r^n nsn'j^ na'nc" ms'?,-! '^y (2 /sp-::: pes |>:vt' c^^^ia-^jnS di mpeo iB'y: "inx p£c ]:2 ,*i2Cf2 |\y cno D>:ap^i didh »2y'. n^-: ^3 ly ^xmyn'? 'n-in p;:,*'? n32Tj:in jyJiS nx?2 mn nimyn iiry; rnx xniynrs^ ')-K'> ah my T'oyi ,cn2r"i ^-'pj ^irsS -'Sy ~iC2 nrz 7i:nS n!»"in ax nn^rnn '22 Sb'oS ,npnn rvj'nc ':':y2 nonxi cn^ip nnsD nnn^i cnn'rs; ann' nx D'umtrn n^nj my^D£ iyc£ *iz3 n-rx nSx n;5i ,nr2n nni?3'?n c'xipn nsS nmn^n Ss (3 n;3n oniaSn -x 7\r2ri c;; ,D*mr. Dun:r2n -"D r.x ',rj2 nr*: iirxi ,'x av2 nrc^n dv nx is'^^nn' n-;in2i ^moSnn pi iiS Dtn •^:^•x p''::^ 'K'tri my.rtrn .n nx non cM;;in ^2 mxn -[h m' 1 y^ ,mS2X »:n2 imr::? i;:n2n' "icx 12^ ,^or: xS or nT'X2i n2rn ni-:2f2 awTip ijx ;"i;i:3XD2 Dxpxtnx a"ix2ynn2i The Pentateuch etc. ::jn£D2 ^nioSnn xin nfo :i:"i?3X03 Is the Je%vrsh religion non dogmatic 9 — 11 — nDiD ,D^2^P3n m::' ^y nDi^ni nn; dj nm::v^i n:r! mjvj* n yin ^3 /(ip-rc -inn nxDn ^y -ly ^: ,^n: nv^'2' nir::vy Sl" S:i pi nrrn -liCN^inm ,D'm2Tn d;i ay Sd ^'j* nnarn bv '^b^ 'ry ^ncn iSnh b"]r\ n^m ^n^srn ^nnc' bD 'bi) r\:':>2n bj 'bi riDn Dvo^pi D^^n onnm *3 ^n^Nii ,nny i:nn£D ^yi nbn:n "unnsDn in ^30 ijnn oy S^'o i:?Ol*\s* dh-hm i:njN nr^Nn ^3 Nrrn: D^y-in DnsDi /OT nn•D^«^'JNp ,n^:isbxyn:j n\Ti p-i nSn Dy?::^ xmc;' ,nzn-r.i ])i':n -Min b'j nn'D^::'D ]*i-inS iSdv |VD:m nnni diid^ frjnni iiy'u'n il-n -iL*\s -lyfo DyD pi IX ,SSd i^nxo "nznnj xS ,nmx dhl" d^jl" D'cys \*l":] ,nnyn3 ^ninjnn /D^rns^ xin i:n:x iJpDy Sdi /D'^cyn ^^^n "•iiizro ip^nyn nSx Sddt ,V"inxt^::' D^:nnn nsDm n roSni ain^n nmn dv:z^2Xdi ;TyL-x2^ni nain ^iioo oma: d:i i^ Dnzin'oi nvoSnn t3z D^rnn Dn-:^ Dnzn^ i:njx ' -i!DXJ DX mtDH by Tnsj xS njn ,d>i3 n^on rr^yinn non ^d iox: x> dxi ,ixrD nnD-j'03D^:c'iTy3inx^ pi ^b^yvnxD noyo /Dnac^ D^aion ^-j* d:i ^□n'^y^n 'd i3in> n:i ,Ss3 xnn xS n^?S3 nSyin t|x ^nnaon nnnn D^pDU'i D^-rz^.Szn 'b^V'.r^b D^vy D'y:\'z .t.-hl" m^Sin nDD nx n^:jV) n^jiinxn d^jix^h nao nx xdjiiS x: npj ntr"' xS IX iinni xrp*j^ ^jq'd 1D^;y5^ no2 njD inxi inx Sd ik^x D'':ic'xinD -i;'y^x y"i ,x^b'i^D x"i3nD [inx Dipnn htd inzn ids icx ^Dipc* nm vrya vnmpj vnto3 pipibi TD^nn nx n^^nb iSnn nnn irx ,iiyi 11:1 ,p'D ^"i ^ro'D ii^DH Dxn /Dn^mnjHD *nDi:'nn nx r\r2n iD^Din Dxn ?"i^'y noi /V^yi:'i Dn'mn:n innD nnn ! xb ? jn^nnn nnnx voc'i Dn^j^yn n::'^ xS it;'X n)br2n nx ■n'3bnn^bvj'3D'D^J3n Dnp?3 nzc^ t^^ij D^D^anoni "nvnp ^nv p„ iroxS "i£d ^y nj:ri nrtr ^533 d^d^d-ioh id^di^ hdi riwsro nir.cn nni mn^nc 2^20 ir li? 'icyi ^jiin iD^DV ir\>{ D^:v^7o d^::misi nijic' nnyn oy ,n"iDnn mnjn ny D"u*'n nx D^r^:^ pi niD^nn ]r2':n Hn /ri^j'nnxn D^jix:n n*j'yoD nv:'y> D^-^nnon '^Mr] xb D^vyn nnroi x^i'^ii didt D'^hj d^did T'd iktj D^ann D^zy c'did mi^y xSom imx DnGiyn miro vziynoi Sld^h ivzSn.i nx nxi: xS I ^v'^ nx HvXij ^^nn Dn:iiDD n yzTini D'puy ^dudo ,Dorv ^D^jrj-n d^jvl** nvmxD )22'n2 dj TiDi^ pen: dxi u^2d nnrn irn p^yi^'inx ^d Dni^n "idi my^nDnn'na ,,-1:2^ ■•b^ b:: by nn:< nsD'o i^b psdh tx rn^n:ni v::n^^D pd Dy u r^n^i ivzSnn nx xis^x xban^ Dxn iVTobino r^nro pd iS px nvr^ zii ^z x^^x x'^d'h ir^n T^'X •lOyon p d;d ^x xvq: D^DDibzm Q^^xbxvn'on D^j'iv'^n D'?:>:nn pa djc Di^niniia D^n^jD.i xid^x i:S "ib^'in n^oi '^ ibis -n^bnn ^3 nx n'zS ixip .^^•301 "iDin^ Xi .^ pxi X3 pxT — M]}^ i^^J pi non p ? Dn'"j'n^Da □'L-i^^ni nipn py3 -nrobnn by imy i-j'x D^b^ac'on i:)S rj'y nr^ xd': ti-i^x"^ pi iv^Snn 1212 D»*jf3tr,-;i D"j'':tr'-:s'n nxn iSsri.* c^nomi m'r.-cn "i^"* n't ( i ,u\wf ,s\\j urh yn'^ d-d ,m:.uy 1:12 m^ic^m nSsti* n.i o ,i3 iV "imrn: ni yitrrn "niziCTii mS«tr// nsD 13::q o cx ,D':2in ]nn:S msnoi nia'pi nn:3iy naSis ,nu*'Sn ■(•^2.-2 'i'D'^n tihz nr pxn .c'£''xS yw .(=■--•: '; :r,) ]'^p-1D^ DjDHH miTns ns r.D^ umii D^-^nr ina: ii-x prnni t'Hin jS^nh ^B:yo |op inx si:y />33 iiroSnn xin ,)nsn nis::^ ynisn Snil"^ jT3 r"2 nx inx^i iivp^i QS^y,-, s:j xn3DD3 ,D^ju: D\sTip D2*:£S in:n ,n:r niN?^ mi-y d^hl^d nr "i:^ cnnjsr nnnxi ; n:ru"N-i n-iiN "I'xn -il"&< n^i nsc'n nnpnrn Dy nxrn ''n:c'n k^ni,, D^Diny 133 ^3 ,D"'C'n 1103 n.imscm rrj^S m-i^^pn mnsDcn n'm-i3n n:N3fi DX1 ,nn3i3nD3'i nir:3 /D^l*'j ir,tt c^nt *-n-cmn3cr:n ^3 i:nN Dn-jjirn »:t3 n^-ni: D^np pp^n n-TD':^ nin3c?^n S3 nrnn ,nnN* n:L*' iiy ncn3 'n ir^n^ .•»3n"'3 ,Dnvsc X'n •i:n:in p Svt" rinjn vnn: i?3 hv V^*' n^?3 '3 Dx ,xin L*nn |p:p nnxi? nsrn n-jnnn nsvinn n^t:'N-i3 Dnnx d^Sd ^'unh myc^ nn23 3v*nnS n!D^. -nNTH m33jm nSn:n n3X^Dn Ss nL":S i^n^x V':n hdi n33 Sy ".rNi no ■^ 1^13 oS^.yn S3S r^siL"^ n"'3S n^r^o Nvn n^'x n^rnn nm :-i'3Sj"i /li^Sy "iDiin jrS:; Sx"^ min3i /nnDL*'3 dw^od i::n nxrn i:n3in ■ ,iJD^n D''v: Di^n ^:n:x^ y"\n iir^x /'nrj* 3"3 "i; 3"it2 Di^n^ mx ncv^ D^iy^,, n-jib lixin 3"D-in n:L"3 iivi ,nrj' n-ic:*y d\-il*'3 nr i^pSo 1:33^0 bv i3:vy-i Djivn 1): D'3i Dn3n "13 iD^J3n vry^^i^ ni?DSnn n:D ^3 /'tD2cr np3S, •i:n£D3 ,p:y 3113 nrn Di^nn ns ijrrD-is n^Din r\yc'2) niroi^nn ^ddnc ^c' cnym n-i:Sv nnnrrD nn3in3 D3i ,298 ,99 ,300 Sipn3 'i:cnpn n^jw n^Sn: 0^0x03 D^jnriD "iSiJSVD i6 n3 nyi ''n^rc'n nvoSnn niJNi,, "D^:3ini D^j-nnn ^3!? nmns ijnnn lyn* jyo^i ; d^d^^j* pi D^hn: d^3i tx 'invto: nrn Di>nn '3^i:?3 ^3 dn rD^:cS D^r^ "iry ,irr3i prn *'23n r3 vni** Dn3-in ^aiSn S3 nx "i:nnN D^N3n\ D^mnn lixnip ^^bS DrDVj'Si Dn3in ^^pv nx 113S nmoS nS 3ii"n: -nrn p:y3 :29.s S'ipn3 1^131 n'*L;'Ni vn n3 .nL*nnn ]nN3 ansD mtry nnin >23 nona *invi .cr en-:) dv- :i nr:2n :-iz '3 ':t:* '1:'. izS: .(nSnp ttmr:) "in^rS c^:2r: xin nr:i-r: "in^r -^rS cnx CT'ir-rn S:tr Mr. n:n- D^^nn ^:m^^ I D'JdS nyc msr^ ni^y iiox: ,*:nNi ^nx ^nSsn Dn3nn ,D'X'3:n nsD Sy nxT3 iidn* \sn ^3^i:»3 S'^rn dn ?in*nn3N n:y: nr^ nrn -in3 ,Dnv3^3*j* ni'D^nni nru'^nn Sy ,Dn'L;'n -i^l**3 D-^'j-npn np ^yi ,L"npn *3n3 Sy n^isv n»o^i noip nvis irx n':3in"i nninSnn niissn bv i:n:x ids: no nson DniiBD nn^n Dn^ry3 dx ? di"* ^n dvd 3n-inni Sn:nn pn^n niyi /n3j:i n'':3in ijnii23 n^nn n>3 ,in^33 nDinr3 D^:3n mu TinS nD^:3?3n ^31 Snpn Dnp3S D^enn irv^i ,nS"i: nrx D'3in D^isonS linjX n:3: dc* nrsi V irry3 |n VD'V-S.oni Q^riDpon'o ,D*3T'3n') D^3''M?3njD ,no3in nnsDi nicS-in 1313 ,un' 3n'i bn: n^3 isSd' nnx Sx nn dedx: dki Si3i S3 ii3yi 12dl*' ncn d: nmin Q'ry3 dxi In^pi3 i2n^ 13 D^*3nS Dipr^ px3 D"w'"'Slm d-:l" D^r.nn i:n^ ;n^?yL" ni^xrn ;d nns d: mns: Dxn Sxl*':i /D£i:ni -i?3s:n S3 n« u'2: n'3xi nj^Don vj^Snni nnx rw'i SS3S nyvoS nnx 13*13 1x3 qn ,D"3in d'isc?^ riDDD ni^n v^i i<^': b^ Sri ,nns3 pi::^] D^m D^r::r Sri .nsD .T^r riDns Dnrr nrnni n^x c^r^nx nsnx ,i^i:in r-"iii<2n niinntr n3'7n3 d:j SKyotr' 'n nas 123 o ^'jSs nan li'x o'jip'? pxn yp 2r\\h pi ;d "ii3'x 2nT 'Sds n>onn nx mpcn'? dji ,DVOi:fo "i2DQnB> nsj S'^wco ,D-rK '23 ptr^D n*i3i ntsDK'Ena natap ynuo n\-i o nvnS Sn' nonen nx^finS nnvptr ion 0:11 ,(Ni'7Min jiNjn • impra Dtt* o DJ un: nmaii "iB>yD .nna 'do3 nxsn' n"-i 'SDin j'ayS Nine* iiaian p:y (n .Dn»ni3SD nSn: Sa nnS n^n xStr ,DnSn pan n« Sa'jaS n'2n ':b2 «Srr D'bv^ ,n:Tn nif^^ nx'^n an^i^^ D^o^m ; "i^^^i^ ^nn n^i r\vhvn ^pmnro piicdj^d'c? ^'r'nn nr^-'Di ^jmnto fmiran ^j^^^ii^i: p:i!::^nu ♦pnn^iS \^pbr\Df2 ,piDpiD jnr '^jai::::? ,j''i^!:2io p^insin'^i ♦nnnpS pnnron ^n^-n^sm bn ; b^nto^i n^itr nn pm nn j^n ,psipi ; h^n^r2^ n:r^ -i-^^r ♦pDDD It ''*in ,pDD":5 nnr^*p ns:i:!23 ,11^ j: Si? nmx pntoitr ntrin ^n^^ Dii ,«f3Q N^nB> K'n yn> (8 i"b N*ipM) mirn -i^iin nin pn ,ppnn ^3 (i< 'pnn Dmnu ly:?' sStr ^.^zi< '«^ ,dv dt nStrnn az^ 2-in Dj,»n ]'2 ps; vn n'?*^:* -itrsN \x DSs'n^ nvna una n33^N ,j»n:on ns n:K>?3n ny'OKTi ^aSK'n* mmn-i2 n^hnD nyn ntn Sc^ nSi p'Svn pitrn io7 isSn n^^T 'xota S^b' nr^s d"i n^m jji^o Sy p^ansi nmSc^s vS«:3 \2^r2^ ,"i£^"i'7 Sinai ,ys:3Nn i^^^n nninun h2^ coiin n:? ns O'soun iSnriS i;'2p Dipon «!?r2:n pnntr psD ]'s pi ,D>3'?no nninunu' mpan i«:f02ir pnnS nn^ pxtr n'^^yh nns nS'^tsn n^nS rn com '2tr o i:noS njc^nn nxTn ^D'^^DH ^3 (2 D'sSin i3:n pSi ^n^au* ixaun'i n^xotan nx in^Sy n^a nmnun iv:js' i xSe' psipn 1K1 ,rixT nnxStJ' natrrsn p^Dn dj nrn cjrtani ; nnptno ^Ss vs':fi;2 pstr ':ed ns ':iD'on irn^sj n nn vjun /"nxoitan ninx »2s„ nxipi N^n "no nn;„ : x^n □nip'rno moi ,n8Diun ]3i ,^2"'7tr„ ]m ,nsDiDS <3C'„ s*ip' ptt'xin v^iim /']itrxn„ xin in piini "nxniun nx,, .mnnu inon nNrn^ D:n »t3-i£i ,"»v'nn„ » 18 ,n'2is mi.T ^nn ; D^t2?r "nni mrp: ,mbir anri ,nn brS ♦Dv D-^rS^r Sjnb amp ^□■'nDS D^nosS ■"ixnn 'r'r):: psn n^ro: in^r irpnn ^j^niizi nms i^n^^;:: nvnS ^n'\r\ nns nn ,pi n^:: lypnn annn nr^tr ,ji5??:2'yr ^m n?::^^ 0 ; mn^2j: SrD j^^np ,Mih n^^ ,^hz'r2 I'n'ip d^:3D3 17 r" ax Sr)2 nmp inn:;:: i^in jn n^2 ^s:m .:i2^^p nn'^n n)::''Sn ;^\rnv br):: ,nDi>< rnin^ ^::n ♦nin^2: -I2W NX03 DK p'? ,n'oSB> nnrxS p-i n^nniS nnix c^nn:^ vn nSi n2Tr2n Sv S^Sd nSv/ ;^tr::*in pSi D»nn:S )'nn:r2 vn ,]^S3ik ni:n3n vn n:r:otr ^nxunn S^x ^nSiy Nin*2' i;v~' n'^B' n^n ah cSbmi^^ Txtr ,iS3xi irm i2v dx in^ >''^ W^^ ,x::D2n irnn ]n nx ij^-'ra-^'n'? n3\nn ni^x t;*:: pDn nx ^^^nS d>Si3> i:^^n xS mryn pi ,s"nn r.Soxn Sj; mx mtr 2^'n •12X Sax Dx Snx ,m3'nn n'n xS mSiyno o ,c»3n3S S3x:n ist »xin nn^n x^hb* 'aso lysn yin nx ixan 2;jxi .S'Ss nSia nrnS ntasB'rstr x^n nSiv?3 xr^tr ::' n^ Sd2 x:fr2:B' ]'Sin n^nS imx inT^i nSa: xsnty ^asa i2n-S rrtt'n xS xo-i* c*inS c" n^tr inx Sy ix ,n'j''.nc' ■inx Dna«n dj joSin ,nnnr3 iB'nntr ,?:j*i3 ix ; nJB'n ma» S^a -iidx ]dSi xinB> laa mrn • nran Sx-ib^ n^^n 'B'sx antr mpr:n ,nt3^n"^» iirzo xinc* ::nr! anp ix:f?3:c nnain nvjnn Sy msptrnn pi^' xn.T 'i /m n& xS nnaion ans' nnann |o nM ntn lanm ,njvSyn Sy Tan B♦^pn^ D':nn 'uisi .mioa naSn ps -^x ,nTa dj pSin 'cv 'm ,mnvo n;pna nxT ipnS ian^*in .Draipiaa nsan» ci'pra tD 'v^y^; D'^n^v:^ p-£^ 17 ^bz' ]':^ph mp ^n'r'ir 'hi):h j^rp ;^:: ; n:!!':'^ ibs^ n::n!::S ibs" n::n!i:S nirni:: ; nbip ^bn:^ ibs^ .nbir ^hi):h ^I'^rp':' ♦n\^nnS ni:!-:;::^ n::n<^ ,hpnh Z'npn -inx ;^:DSin ^SSrn ni /r^ nnn ; nt:^'':^ nhri:h ,r\t2nz nmo ^:2^ ii^2:!i::u? n*.p^ (^ r;.;::^ ■r'r -ij^'^'21 nr^'^ .bnn nrrr c^Sm^s ; ]^h^n ,n^2n ; nist:n mr\nn ; mSu* ;nri< ,n"iTrr s::!:::r nr^ c: Snn nyrr ; nnm?2 nir\nn ,r\)b'z: pnz^i^ pSi^::: i^ii!::] ♦^r-w 'p*iE nzinnoi ,coc:2i m:2np2 ncnpS nc^np v= ''"i^" sr^r >£S ,ixvd::^' myD C^? i?2i« p'? ,nSp ns'np p-i n^n:^ nnsi n*Tian nrnpS lainiC' nv;^2 ;r2 map'? is^'jn' x'jtr c<'?ptrn nz'n^ ^iDsn p ns^fin rarr i3"n ,an2Tn '2trr3 mc my^cz ;^D3n s-jrs nsc nam mr.y pn j':'p cnritr n^-j my?3 non n^k' c^rnra tx ,in:n nr^ n:^2n ns'nSi C1C32 i:p' ]2S ,]'ar3ixS r:ni2 c2i -in ^3 I'aip nn^r^iitr z'Spirn :]dd ^0 nmon nmp ntt'Tip naizSne' niizSi n^^'v cy nzt- ]2i ^c^'rpK'n ?,rr p nmrsn ntrnp ir*^' n:-i nrn n:rr2n zirnn ic^s Sd- inn si- pi ,;2ip nic^ra pn c-iy-i p^p s^n n:i2Sr,B> 'irr: c'!ij,'no r.n .n-'pn j:^ n-.iann n^on r;3Tn psD nv2 p^i ,n:'iC'Nnna inv nc'np n'as'nir ns'jn am'?:v *i="-i ,m;:3tt* ni;nr3 mi?2n ntrnp \2^ 12- ri^rnz m:p^ S""i /'-i^isnnS,, mm« tr' ,=';n2 n?2n 12 aoSinn 2nr n^;n ir,2 K:j:3:tr c^r^n ,nDn2 nniD ^2zh (.2 UHi nnnri: c':nrn ixc^' n7 c^npn ^^sr '2 ^:r?2 ,vSin r.am nnxr: ^£2 ?iD3n o nytrS nS'::^! ,n32*Sn mv;^ r^r^nzr, h'; ims iS'jn 122 pso ^^z rpipn nnaaS nz'nn ]?2 imSa: pED 'nSi H'n m-rnzn nmD »:£S -inN Z',pr2i j:\22n a-^n: cn 2"j tx ,-i2t ht'x 'Sv nn nrssi -na ex '^ns ,n-np -n: ick m: ns Buchler h'2' n£Dn /D^an^S vn n 1 3 2 n p n Sd Str nniyn "i^ n^irv^n i:i,'^?3CTi r;isi ,nTr2 niai«t»«f3 vntr ns ,'?nj) invn pSnn nx j:nT2 novyS anpS^ c^iyn n^inrn nx rT:j ynrn tr^'y) ,1X0 2-1 n'n nmyn diddi ,nxQ ntrp miay nn^nty ni:2-ipn nnrv'2 no:**^ .(omnrm f s*2:^ i2r ? .t:::'' ^t^ i^r ^^np: n!::bi n^rn nr^^ ^D^^r: nsr-^r r^"^^ Tc nnx : n^2n nns Sj? pnn;^ a'r'isD D^r^i ; nnr ■'Sn nni ,n:ir':5i ,D^i:p .n'^ir '':'i:r. ,prp ,pp\ir pbpn ,;\mrr ,nSip •'bn:'! ,;mn jn ,|^rp ; nsrn n:^h hpr^ npntr^^^ Spc^ ^^br ♦niSi:? ;SiD ,nbi:7 ^Sn:i ,nbip "fnxi nxi^n ira^ ; pin ^:r!2 mn£^ nr^ /D^^r '^r nn. : ^nin^ 0 : lOsS "j^p^njr I'^'p'^// vSv rirs n^n 'arm o^Tjn '222 it nitr'O c^Spc'n nx I'StrnS ;on:f iS nnn^B* /H^^p i3r:o '^^pa xmi -irtjsn ^222 2":j nnnyn n^ir^ i2;i: xS*j» a^SpKr. isy^-v u .in inn-:: I'StS" "r^^Pw ^V -i^'' "-"'^ '^ '^^''*'' 'I'-'P ^''^> -^^^ •^'•^ ^•^"Ss'n .luin^* ns ns nSiv '2"^^'' nntnS niv >jm nmn n^n D^m:r2n in^Str^ 12 S"n "nSi^ ^ht\:i„ '>»'2-in '^^ntj'n "nainS,, vSv nins ^u'trn ^nnnyriS D»:iyn Sy mnii Snipnn "D>yj:„ 'ti'^onn ,an'm2-T3 trip S'2B>3 i2i2nnB> m2n:n vn 12 o "niisnS nnr,, 'v'^k^'I rn:i2Sn h]: n'iiii D'2i:r:n ,n2n2 dddS vnB> ntrtrni ,D'':itr«"in nnsitr rtyntrn non nSx .atr n^ntj' niisnni D^tt'npn «o S'n /'nxtan ^rAt2„ prsnn Sy : nm (czmn nyiS) nnnvr: moc' c^nnn vn nn^Sv d:j :]D3n pij* lyoS ntn *i£itr2 D3'Stt'?2 n^n one n^ "i'? nsir: im2p nna) nxunS mvo cnpntr ^ymn ,"nnSiM prr »:>p ima,, 'tt^'S^'n ,"Dtt'« im?2„ 'iK^n ^nsun ♦nn^iS pn npv xS nrn nnx nyj^h my?^ K^nsn d« ,y':3 ^nw "yinn pip 'im?:,, 'B'^rsnm /'i^ta m:2ip nnifiS,, ,i3j;oS jOiDon Dip?32 "nx Sn "imrjn S'u^ in2n: nitsrs'? nno x'ifinB> nns n'2 nxc*2i ano imm .n2ToS "IN ^ip^h iTi:n SsS ivipn vn nTor ano "nnij,, ninn .-rn 'rrn S>»i i:p' nsDnoc ,s'n ]U'pS Qon^on nviK' nn2iD D'osnr. o sin '"iS D^onnn ^22' xn^iSsn .D'ODns nDSnntf *i:2is d"2Di-i ,S^Sd i^id n2Tr3n Sv nS^'c* i2t m2n3'? D'ConK'rs vntf duv^'H nnriB'n ]'av nK2n:K' nns ,^bv ''"in "iDlxn (1 nStt-D i:'« DK , Kins' ^73 iS<£ni psn^B* nr23 nnsie^nV -^^ScnS nnio t« pi '3 ,iK3r n:v:* xr:n ^^n n^r Sn Ss^'^.t:: jm n^z Sr ;'y:np)::2 vn nrinnrn ?nn\n^ ^n^^ p^"n inner >-ns< c^^,nnr3iDnpn n'0^2 dj nSi:f:'>KS 2U*n2 n^n 18 *i£cam nnscon *i::n2 cnxjixa's nv2'':r: 1313 'Six IK ,nTn *i5Df2:: D'K'np cn^n i:pn ,nKTn n'jsun n:if2sn ns ponn 2^:2 "I'rn i:iQT2 d;ii ; D'trnp nn^iS ini::i:tr nrn 18 12002 trontt'cn Sr iSt?: ]:^'^ p'non'? nT2 panr.S nisinS 18 isD?2n p-i Dn2in Sa c^tronron "Thirteen-Club" dcz mzn mci: ,Q'!iyn *in n^n nie^x ixarv nn?3 '0021 (.12 naszi yen S2 I'xc pcyno n^n pii m22ipn rni2yS Sid£1 did Sv= ^'t: jnsn ,|nD3 nc^'yro (3 in'Sy^ *VV!^ P D''iV!^ f^*< rri£0 vn pi ; D''7i2£ vn n>2pi:n is c'vSmrantr D'vyn -1-12^ ly-ipom "vyn S:i:nii^ mpn iv; pxtr ix-i ntrxD ]itrx-i ttnpn2 niy T3;i: p-ixm ; n2T!3S The Pen= 131ED2 ]'>yi ; nTn mon ns ni'?:iS n^m* ';£0 ,nJ2 nin p2ni ,antr3n '-o tateuch etc., Chicago, 1894. ,]:nv ]2 'DV S2X xin ,tripa2 vn nnyt:* r^' '2 -if2ixn ^Q^nnc'D vn pMI (: vn nnytr n*;2ir pn n'Dsnn nynS S2K /jc BnpD2 vnc n'-'i-jjn c^nsn ;q ivi nu pSc ; on-jj 'x:iatrn n'21 p"on22 n'jvn n-i£C nn'iD ;"' 1:1:2 vn nvinnrnni n^ici Dniair2 nyK*n 2imn itrx nirrin n^ixi ,nnin V';2 7^h^n ni^'iEn 1:1:2 nvinrrn pi ipSn Dv':2nni3 nvi p nn2i3 »2 nxi: ,uie2 vn xie'n maixi inva ctr x-'2 .(loSinS nB'p V2X n'Z'2 itrii'si ^nvatycn Sy '"xEn2 nxii ,nS2pnQ xSi nivtrnna hiheS yvp'i ]ni2 vn niSii^n '2 ,niSiijn -iin2 ni:up mnSi cxip: ,pL**D'j'2 (1 I ]^n^}r2 ,n^2n pnnS Tiii: id ix2:)::tr •'bD b^i ,nmj^ pnnia ♦n^DH pnn nstrSb pbaiii iT^nn pn^;^] ni^^^m ,imx h-; *in' s^DDH n\"i dsi ms:n s^DDna d'cij; vn mpa a" 2 ,aiS3 ;i'*.:" nS lomn inxani ]>3r,ii vn ,iJ3mn nyn niipn ]r\2^ mv'^n nj; mtj' i'^b' nnom dod: ini:n n^atr mamnn iBD'i D'Ntrn nstr'? p q^£^ nnv^f x^nn 'oStt'n' moSnn ,niD5^P TISJ' 0 Hh ntt'N Qnnvo nirsK'n anpan vn nnn niDt^''? nam -nsTn npi:fn n^'y^D D>m nnm •'tr^OT D'^t^p^ P'^s 12 'bin Sr'C' ..Tns ;2!:2 pn ,0^:^!:: mns ]^r2r22 -nn^iM Sr n-iir /n: ,-iri ,Sjr : jn-'br zinri ,npr^3 v- ni^mn nrznj^ f:i ,D'rLDpi D'Sn: ,|j<:i ^dd: d:: 'yr!::rD ,n: ; mrp:i anzi □^;-L:pi ps'r'z n^h'i^ ^2d: nv z'^'cr^ ,^21 ; n-^h'i^ h'cri pn ,mrp:i nnri .D'p-n::)^ b-c* m-t:n2 u?Sr ^2d: □;- r.t:r;2 ,i<*LOin n:iin3n njiDn ns n^tS n'i'i'^n dSini ,i::f3T ^asn nann r\t2 n:n -isn Die Priester und der Cultus von Prof. Buchler -isD3 p^yS vSy /tsnunsa oysui D2^t3 nnr^S ds ^d ^d'e'^xS sSi mxoS kS iSy inS n^insn nson o nsi^ notri VVien, 1895 I2n2 nitr 'DO ff]iD2 HTD my ij"i2T lamxi ,47=67 i:j?3 d*^* hni ,c'Sk't^"i nnSo □; unii .nonnn S;'i D'2n3n Sy corn nuc nnnj n"'n ,]«n innxi ,Snj jnsn mnxi iSon : ]2 vn tt'ipo: mx^-^:n niD ,pnni£ px (3 d:t d'2"i iMr ]n;T;n nnnnxi ^nyrtr vrwr ]>S3"ioxn nn'-inx ,D'itr vnr pp^r^npn innxi 131S21 X0V1 nion 'do:: nxizo ano inx "d moro n:m .d'2"i c':ioo vn Dn^nnn .nSi'oS n3T:n -isDn^ 2i:?p nMJ? n^n DOD:n Ss'ji/yno vn n'iiB'pip h^h DOD:n ,mon")n ny3"ix (J cj p>?DO n\-i "n:i„ nmm vn d^ic onztt* nnstn c:? d't^i D'c^as '3d: n:ni , tripos n\-ty ""iDT„ Dnina v^'oncn pSi i:oo Snj invo idj n\n d'S'xS Snx ,C33 ii2-ip x'ronS itronc^n jdSi o'iapm n>Sn:in mrpim cnDtn jmc* nnpas 7rx /'S'x„ lisipc 'oS ]od Ton?) "xuin„ Dnin2 ic'onrn n^yinon p-ip Syi .npnn ;o i:2~ipty 'oS "^-y;„ cmns n\-i ,cn'DDii nnx nriDi c'Sx >:tr x^anS n^n nn^'j'vn 7yc* (xann '220 nx2 nvivntr «Sty D>j;"n:fon a'^i^n S^' Snx ^minn nsTins' DOD;n nx onS nnS p^sDO x u i n cni-in nox ,]" x'^2 pc' JiiSi nSiD ma pT^'y pm ^cmn ^nci nnx trrr pi x'rnS anS n^n 'jT'onn h'jv vn monm neon o poix n\n »stv ]:i ;invo ;odS in:; n'n xS o ,a'02-n xSi n'onx p^Sy sins n\nc' -loixi ]'' d;j in:fn n; nxro iSnsnS S t = x u 1 n sins n'n n2B'on ;o nx*i: pi n'onx vn cnpoit? a>20Dn 'js 'S ,n's nSsp nn\n piiD ^isi nnsy t; niSisrxn ]3i n'o-ix pi a^insn iisi Ssio omiy nnx si pr) cjosn hsz no::;* «(y':n i;':s's idds nxn ,z:^v}2 U':fm n'Oixs onn;* iSsp nviys d:ii ,'xoci ?Sn inx D^^n^^ r^^^^sn pis •,£in n^:in: ,D''^r^ -Sin Sp n-^nx jr ♦pr':' c^riiw pnn j-vrm-n /r^)::n pns r:;"i ,in S22 i^iica vnir cn^rnm Dorian pn nnrra n::i'on '7:x ,;."*:':: nnsn n^ai T.2v'? nSy^ '?3 Dn'2'2 SiiJi ]'S^ar3 cinDn I'nB* : jH ,niD''^sn -'"i n:K'a2 isnn' mr.":n.inn c''£7 nSv' '?3 iS:!:x mrrT n^n^ci "iicn pnnnS n:ir2:27 ^Dn:: vm ,it r-i2v '^21 it mny r,i::"i vnc' ^22:21 znpnS n^n-i nn\i r-'^v nrx 'rstr m:2-ipn \r\ pj-'p .in;2S 'oi m»n T>nr2n i^2^pn ns n'? ijn'trianip snpn mip n«2n 'jdc ,*nDn y.^'inrh it2 l; i^iiaaS vn ]on!J ':n nmn*? nD*i:?3 nm naDm |»N»3an 'inn 'iso ^^niirno vn c;ji /in^'ry inT n'?t y\'i^.'n, ,2«npf32 Tso Sum *im n^rs d^^^D ''i?in .Ssic' nnxsn c*n'£2 p'v /^iSsn mnnyn Sv c'2n» D^nSin vm ,cnp cn:n n^msn pn minvn nyz an^Sv n'sc^i: nunsn vnir 'jdq ,->m: n»S n^^ip ix'z^ xSb* numpn "ib'2 nx SidxS rn a^msio nD pni b>'B' Sa* ns^J-in rx'.sin cipaS '.x^nnS nSn:^ inx Sd S^ a'xn vn coi?2:2m ,ni^j:f2 'Sini n^on iSn: ]3Si n:',r2r2n pi m^mr^n 720 ntrn: n£i ,nT? c^m u':if2?2 vn pSi ,Dn^-inn annx miaSi Sn. x"2 n'^cn^i tr-pan p-i xS ,pn^c* "iDin .inn:jtrn nnn nirjra n\n Ssne^ 'C'xin /r:3i*;r2 rnnrs nv.c' nainran xm ,Tn3 .tr-pr2 'xzSi Sj"iS 'SiyS n^a ]-DnS ,KmD2i pxn S'-v^S ,n2in n^:inf3 vn ntS n;i ^D'^yc* n^^yj .n:?2T2 minvi niiny Ss .rnnnS m^o ix n.-snSo nv2 X7tr sjk c'-ipnn nx ^\^^h m:ir3n n^n p '3 ,'Lrnpon nx *iif2B»Si nj^r Ss -rB>i IB"' XTB' iDipo Sj; loiB' S3 nn'aya vn c^siaom ,Ton 'd?33 nxzn* irxo ,n:3Di nx j>2iic*i mix ]'pSr3 vn ,yz'' cna nnx nx vx";ii?3 vn cxi ,iS Sijsintr cipon 2^20 2'2D ,bv^V .nnjrtr nS'v^ S^ caiarsn niS cnnx D'2ia:2 nrS vn*^ p"2i::2na mix SnpS nnvo n:ir2:3 mn inn mix vt'hn'^ ♦Sin '2Ef3 n^'pj vn'c c^n'jroi cnn:!22 o'lnrn n*wr2Sn2 o'pir;* cni ctr^x vn n;i vn ni2-i ni2trSi .cnnvo caiao vn aSin Syc ,an;!2n ^22121 ,rTpr22 nSuin a^^von ,a';r2n n;iiS pi nnnvD vnc* tnpD2 n^.rpDi ,mSir i^np-^ ;!^2ij; anri ,n?::iK prin^ ^rn ; (n^rn pinS L.^C2: nxri ,mSip jn\t2i2 is-'r-^i ,n^:2hv ^nzi '^-lirb nr^^ ni^'^x ^2"i nm ns ^:x nsn ,n ynsras D'^ee 'n Six ,K"n nn nx nsn sin 'd nf3N' ,.y"*i3 inpn nn^ yy;h inyir nnx Sr 'D man ts ,n*^'2 Dxnp sSi nzToS niann vn nn'^^m nno vd2: Sd tr>-pn dxc» n 1 o n n m d^d^jh,, : losi tr^'s dk Sis ,vtrin» 't nni inp>i ,iS ^isnn mpaS np' rc^np V033 Sag' ^nj?T hti nS."j ,niTr3S inpv mranin '3 BmEO 1:2s xSi ^'^i^ipn nSn 'Str rnx n'70 n;' si'DinS iS n^n ,01^1 ninnin xiptr po ,p xS nx o ; n'ln piiS ,in nnx ■i2"ip' pSi pne nnS px msi^'i d'sqc* ma^^s' 'asrs ,x''io cno rrnnxti* nr^'on /'-itcS,, i;;2D'C nnsiran nx pnp vn din Sdib* ,n3i:'r2n nxi p:v ,DV D^:;''pC'^ ins (o p:nj vn n^no tavoon SdSt ,ttmnn Si ^t^* n'ln pniSi nirriS invin *in Si Sv n^nfin nx /iimnn Si Sy vn amx D ov^^'n S^rn ax Six ,pTin nx annon nnno vn ,Dnnn np'n: cxy pixi n;'i onS "iTri^^n nnnnn nx ,Sun lyrn 'si p"i nStrS xS-^ d'xi:jS n\n mc-ini ; n:vSyn ]nvinx iv; n\n ni^f^n nx iSip m nx S"-i ,Dnnf2n'? y^Snn ,:,'^Snn oxi mc'.xtr rm .Sn in'3n xS"i on prnT Q'jnim ,rt2 myon nx pSipa vn nan 'i ,iq^x 'oStrnn Six ,in'Sy .p'DnnS p'n nxi y'^nnS nScn nx n,!2nnn "imo n^isis xn^pr 'n-i ; nntr "^^dS n)::nnn ^^^^^ D^DHDn pD ^^rjn "nn ; nntr ^•^'IdS D^:DDi nmi::! ^nniJ^':? p-^p ;nntr •'^dS n^nnn ^n^f2^ ,nnit2h p^p d''3D3 nm):: n^M^ ,pD^D pii::ixb p^m^i ,p3;i:isn n^tr 'r':? nmx ]^hbr\f2^ ,]^:r2)i n2tr?2 siDsn nnian i^npi'? vn n^ron f'p'? '3 idis t:npn m:,'0f2 n^rnS niDxtr l^s^-'prsT rTi*n:j man pnpiS rn o) ,n>DD: V^ nnnn n^'f3?3 iKcoir na S"-i d^dd: imr^i m;"n) nxTH n:tr'r2n p nam .nra iS ninx nyi o^jnsn |.".d n"-n ,n*TLr 'Ss'? f npmo mo *TiD3 im Sd D^p>Tnn D':if2f2n c<:n3n vn tripnn prn 'd ni2itrnn n^in^n ]n n^n n'anon po N:'3n .]VD:n 'CO mms ]no nns pxi .ininn imn mpSinu' nv:u»i3 naaS -jK^n ntn '^Ssn -natri vn ntrnnn n:tt*m nn^ytt* n2tr'?2 nits'n n;D3 nx-^-jn Vh ,miDpn "iniD (n DHM 1^X1 visn x'?a x^n nmupn ni^a ^3 ;v^i ,D^*.innn n^Sprrs niapin nnupa Q'tt'onB'O nits' ^32 nxB'j nsn ,v3sn xSri pi Sui2 3";i mn njup iSt!> TnB* ;n3i ,nvi!' ]3nm |Snj!3 .nnupn »:!3?3D nno nr^x d:j dx hp'i2 p'ji n>3n pnn'? x^n ^'h iax» ^ipn nn^ ,VD3J CJ'inpDn i?2 [1 h): D'^np nvnS nsnvn xSi mupn ^i?3?33 ina ,n2TDS nnsnn nnm ttnpnn 'iJsn pa vn dSixi ,ppS nvais'onn ma inn' ni^^ d;i ]3i nnToS cnx-in n^^n nnnnn 0^71x1 ,n2Ton pip'B^ inv nui3 \sin VD23 trnpon nvT ^3 ,in>n*i .nnupn 'jo?333 c;i 'vrano \sTi? p vinni p:oixn myo Sy nSi'7'n tt'pao ]3S itrx ; v::»v nair^n '^y /naroS cnxm nnan .B'npnn nyn': ^xiu i:i3' f'^tr ncnn nr^nnfi nmx \>np^h^ hntt ,n^3n pna'? xm K^npn dhd ^3 *iaiD x'h n;? ,nib^i; •'3"iV^ liDro'' Dn^T (T pnaS nhi'i u^)^ d;i dx naion n^o ix^i' x'? natrsS ]''ixin no:?>* nnann '3 nai* t"3j; lax' ,nT3 \xTj? p3 naion v^^n^ '-1 -jxi .lo-jy niTon inn'? ^310^7 inxo p'^tt* n^an Vt"« D^^n^ nnx ?]s ,iS n-t:x ; □:n "ii^ir m:n:2 nirnn. "s n^M^ 'cv mz^^ ':5wVt: sbx j^xz pxr •^l::^^^ ,mp i^2r jv^':'! ,nSn'C''!:2n n^r^ rzri ,n-i2 rrs .r^z-rbn pnr D'':'nj D^^HD nns rM : n^ii< Sis*^' srs ; nrrSrr ■^rn ; Sxr't:w ^ ^st nzi ^r-ipnS n^^rm ^mnSsi 2^:-!:^ mr- b " ^ -I ^"11 ^ s pNJ3 p-i 1X13' '3 ,cjn nti'x nn^n >pb»i loi^n ,n^y3::'3 D^n^DD nnicr (&« n'jT'-B'n n3C3 nms* D'npiS vn |'x?3 ,n:B'n na nSiJir ntinnn nsi^n jO xpm Snib^* nyn7::r' na nxizn c'Sn.i aipr^ r.T'xn nisiS nnn Q'nSitr vn ? nvp nSi i^nt xS txb^ i< na taiStrn nSb' rms "iiatt*Si n^sn (r!"D Nnp>i) xipon pcS:: nK-ip:r noiipn njC2 m*:-! ]'ST -ipsn Kin bjn n'^'ntr^n n:r3tr ^:2r2 ,n:a!3 pipn x^vtr niip mpvS "inx vn rSn nnoitrm nnnn .nxianm n^no^n nx trnSn^ annx n':nS ^h^h mvn h*j2h inn hzh ::•>»• nsnnn nx n i2p iSxd ::tr:i: nrn c^ddt ,n3rSn nnnnra qidc c^ipD nvnS n:nB^o n^n^ ]-ip^ 1210 njn n?3ity nvnS mx ::i:no*^' noixn »dv 'm .onn pSn m^rip ixB'a o nx ,DnSn \-i2m ir^iy^ ini03 n3'7n ^x S;x imx m:n xin nx mi'V S:r .(n"-i nxij n£' ^yn *ii2':fS nmx mjo xin nx n^n< Su'i3 nnpS nmD mSnjn nv2n tr-StrS 0:23 n^n xSb* PD3n imo ,nn"inT bt^ pK^^I nnQ (a px:oSx '"j? vSy n'Siy vn-^* ,m2:» mpoa mix jom: vni nr^'Sn '-vtr x-ip: ,r^';r2h u-i3Ttr ,nonx nns ni'wi'Qn nx^n' n^isc ,nr3nN nicS C'23 n^ny vn nin c]D2noi ; nihyrz x*'z n'cn nraxS pi ,x?3V2 nxan' n^^atr v:ip p^c ]r^''?Si Stxt^S nSnron I'vtrS c'2:;n pi .pp^-i nonx vn nx L:':'trTV -vyn noinSi vn na nstr^SS pn e]DD nxtr: nij; nSx h2 inx nx S"-i ,r\3l^6r\ n^C' nmo (: ptri nSiDi nnion h'; idjS ]>' ni:pS vSv ,pip x^nac 'd ^2 ,n"ir'' pripli? ? 12 i'tn;» e^Drn inr: iv= '3 ,n-iD'.x nxtn njtt^nni ,nEC3:: mry^ n'iip vn nSx Ssi ,nn:aS ,rnpnS niv?3 in^n^ lyaS ^n'^npanS ni'^oS ninSni n^^atr p» V3ip vn ,n2ySn n'c* Sr '!3Strn'2i .n^>:j? S*^* m^»Q2 pi ii^ipn r\v;D2 minn nv^'yS iiD?s;nn PD30 vm ,nnx Ss pSD nvBTi iiy ,nnn;i nrsn tr^B* nin c|D3n:3 n'xSoa msipn nx ps'rrso vm ]^hd ':? nnx Sd m:up msip rSir j'S'zr: vn D"nxi ,mnEur:n ;mx nvrnnn n."ixi nnx Sa ,n^:vn i8 nn::;^ .:? .2 -x nvmx ii-Sm maraiDa vnir ni:-pn Dys ^irom ; mn^i m::-ip ;nn niapS c]::3n nx ;\x:jn vn m:apn msipnai ,mSn:in ;jn '^eS d'o» i"u j'^-iy vn ]3i ,nD£n mip cmn »i'n xinc» p':3 vu^ nrvn n:iB*x"^n nj:£n ixSd nc^a^' n^nnxn nvann ]d iS^nnn n':c nmx ix'?r2 itrx nya -[x ^myi^cn ixSc D"nxi .X mx2 nar^ican nsipn nx nn:; ixSq /:» nix2 r:i3i:::3n nsipn nx n:icx*in n^yz' ciipo nrvnc^ rvti^^Strn pi .n nixn n:':iDDn nsipS niitrxn mip nn>n*r n'icn p lu'^i' m:2-!p3 phn inx Sd? n^n^B* D'SDsn ^^X"'" 'is nxr v^'v^ ^^ rnx^ n:r:iDon nsipS S'nrv n;^^!? ,P'dS nmx nrso n'n ah n^tr'S^'S 1x122 nvs ^32 pStt* ,rv2n pn22 ix D'snDn c'^S n'ri-ni a-trii'S inv n2npn Sx-ib*' px crS n^ic^xnn nx nini ,TnvS snpn'Sstr '22?3 nipimn manro Sd ^2^2 nWB'ni ,SxnB" pxa nipimn nrsin nisppn D'lnj,' vn T"Di ,Dn2 pSn Sxnco x"3S n^i jmivo niyan vn T"3y ix ; mip 2np H'n nz:r nas''?? D:23n Ss n:i ix Dimni ,n'X2;jn h'; i-yn cic n\-!> xS jv'^S Sn:j ciciea nixpr2Ti£ "IX S^3D1 S;?:02 xS d:>i do ni^x Dn2 ly'iy Dn;!in Sa nno i^jn'? i'2'ino vn ,:i23n naB'B' m:*L3p ni2'm D'-jop Dn2 ty'tt* yn2p2i pS>£n2 □:» xSi ^D3n I'nrn^ D'Sir^c cipo ^3E0 ,ann 01122 nivy onsa .'i^^i n^pa orv^m amsn S'2tr2 Sam ,:ir2n i^nDnS n'So' Sax ,i^'X2 i"u2 n'^B'n naipn nx mn£S D'niaia vn pS 121 norn 'O' nv2C2 ni32ipnc* n'itrn ncipn r\v;!2 vn pS ,11-^*1 =]-3f3 m:2*ipn 12*1 xSi inx nv pi sin^* ni;'i2L"n jn -ysiSa ,nDn3 ikJ^yoij nmj |ni .nWB'n nsipn nx innE tx ixtr ViSx '::n n- nip'£r?3 iriEin niu ]na Sias'ri janc'S iidxi pi:»2 nnaiv ir22 an niranz Sc nn^im I'^Sn c':r3Tn iV2pir ovum .iB'yran nc'iEH mip c;i nSoxS vn c'xcn I'j^n a^ifiin p2 S2X pcyran dSob*2 i:ixni n'StrvvS niSyS d'S:ji '^ly iSnn txc 'Jzq xin ,nnB7oS cjorn iSx nx ^:dd pi nT2 D'p'jin tr'^m xm ^xtv p ,-idin \^Ty p .-':pS cnS civn nr:n2n vn'B* •TX pn jn:' itr^on cny-Vr ptrvfan ni:-ij '^'h's^ D*^pC^ r^'^iC ; jnri 'r'lprS irpni ,pr::t^ SiprS ntn ,D^r':'D Sip:rS nin i<^2f2 ni ,nj^ton bri< ,nv^ p^^ t p ^s ':'p ^^ ,\y;t2Z' ^^n n!::x .nnn: innmi^s ,ni)^rKi ms-i^m nnSr ^rpi mnt ''rp ^j-^ni ^rp .v'^-irb n!::n "imi^ ,D^n!::S dtidh nm.t2 ^''in*^ imxb ^12*^ nm;:: ♦nnp Sr rai ib j^^n ni^sn nni):: n^ii^ 2»B'n t"v '?2N ,n-'n mtrnn Spu' ':?n nnn ]i3*n SipB'^ nnjrna ita^Snn dnt ninon nos p-i SipB'S D'sty-i p>x nSn o nn:fp nn'? ^ i t« n:;tj' ,n"ii-3 n2vu jiyoK' '*i sin ^♦nM B'":i n"3 n;n ns nz^i^rzn nx moon x'nnu' nns ,'d tj^p nniD Cn jnn ti'iDfoi ; ]'Sin Nin D^'rptrn irn^o*^* n"2D nrsno-^' n«Tn n2e»nn rx s'2» ,n"3D nD^rnntj' nj?2 iK'npnB^ nri^V'i ,n?3n *inio Sj? pni d^^'« ^" D 1 5:M -1 "• D ♦"•ju? pna vnc 'iEr2 /itt'n n:io ^mi inx t^d *i^p nnsitt* i^^o vn m^'n-i /'Dsp^nx-,, ;r 'S2 vm irn"i2 sSi vz^s pD-nn Sius :p3 p-i n\n iv^V'i "i^-i rim.iD mrTin ns cnS pami vn i-nn Mra ':20 o ; m:i:Sp: d'^'m ci'^< niri^m:: cn^Sps' nx is'Snn *i'v<"i '-- dxl** S"i i.o:»Mn *in3 nx S"-i ,nDnn ilDinj Dt< .^—nh pT: n;i3 px ]3Si p mr-^ c^nno anznn nSx {'3 n>n iSx3 a^'^ptrn rx n:j urn: rxir ,n^ir: pn:: ix ni:2np Sy c^Spc*,-: r^rsa pSn i;*oS D'Spty tm:n inxi nnx ';3?3 pSn a*' Spts' S^z-lT cn'3'2 'X2nn n\-i ]3 '2) ix^sinc* c'pSnn:^ vr\^ nhp'^n SSdh ix^sin 123 ax ]3Si ,(n>3-i pn^ ix pipn^ phn nnx SsS nT.'' ,]r2phi2 nsipn anntt' nj? yT^r^ in SsS nnx nsipz crrar.ca rm msip ^'^-j'S xS ex 'rix ,m^S iv^^i^ ^'' °^ °^ °"'' no^'tt* nan nza o'Sp^'n >2 ^nnnr.iS n^y^C': tx d:i xm hth cytam ,DniT;in i^h ly^^^c* ^" "^'"^ '^^ ^7- D'^^ptrn i2B*n' tx ^nr^nnn noin: V^npra vntr 'isn ,B'"ipn3 Syo lovy n' Sy Sptri SiptrS r.nn i'? jna axr nnnxSc* n:c*?32 .(D"zQn) ,Sx*T2*'2t5* D":j;!^ rix n^ o'^jptyn Sy j':2c*oa vn o rmjS Tr.yn '?;• c:j nryanra nn vntr myo macn nx ^'^B' r^i-n p\Z2d np» S'h ,p::3 ^DN' (2 .main nx nnn ntry^i ,Sprrn n»:fnr3S cno 'nnpSr D'Sp:rn nVx rnn i^'x ^-^n nax'i 1D1K1 ,T Sy mrans ppS S>nrQ*^' '02 : xin nxtn n:^'r2n pin ,'"idi DJDCn (: ,y2pin msona s'inon nx 'rpir inD*^* nnx SSn n^z nj,n^tr "^hpvb npx nrn qDrno,, S:x ,n2i: ]imD ,ciDDn ixtro n^-^^S nmx n n ' p-i nx tx n.'; ^"2 nynri ;rSin -im^n nj'jB'nO ,^^ri n'sS iS^ex nsi: pm?3 ,^SptrS i S x nn irsixi :-i npr n'2 Tmxc* ^22 pmo n"* Sj? |'2ip d: cx nxuna nnynS n:-^* n": n^nS nyu |nu ,pyDL*' 'i "ion ("i n2vp cnS tr' n^Sptr 2''XB*r3 /CySo -x::! n; niapS Si3'i nxan- nivp j^xr i:eo ,n2n: D^^P^ (♦np)2) "^i-n ani^ii^ a^^rDm ,-i'kj:: •'sn nm ,r|DD npi:: ? jinSp ntr^oa :"n ij'^ i:i2Tj;o nn'jin n« 'jnpi vns 'Doaa p'jn dn d;i i« ,*in« anso nn"?! TN p-i D'Emti'n p) fVnar^ Dm^< nap n^nxno nnx h^ iSnd nnSin nx pntrin lai^c '220 nnx Ss iSk^ nnSin iiirn' ipSnns na'ss Sns D'cnia' non^' n^'s nonn "ic^rsn n^z^^n d:'n p 'j^b^ ,inN* mxr intrn' nn^n nan c^nsntr nyntj^ vSxa piQi CismB'O amx nip .pnSpD iiUE Nin TKrr ,Dny2 SpiB' dh^^k iSnd ne itrn^i ipSn nS^* t"3 ••tt ns .prD^ iS'^nnn npi23 i^t^^tr^ -np^D inr*' nr^m i:\^ nrd' ,n"^ h]: SiprS vzx ':'^^n^r ;::p h^ .c^:t:pi ci^ri anSi nnhn ^nr^ -11:21^1 b''^5^^ /'':'rsn i{ /tr-ipr^n n'^n pT'n nnS nn' '2 i:i-i x? n'2n .B*\vS ^"".i ]'3 Snan ]'x nTzir ,nr,D D'S^pra ,DnS nnsrS cS^ncz cmx rr'-'por D^Sptr 'JK' mc nvti ,n:c'r33 -i3Tan ySsn xin n*iin3 i3T:.-i Spu-n ,p2^r? ("i hw hpvn Spiro px xrac* itt'rni ,nivSyn Sy i^an iripn t n^nntr 0£ai ,n;cr23 c\sipan »rpj 192 ;d nns xS n^^o^n nyi'') n*nn2 iioxn Sp*^* 'xvn Sc iSptrr^S mr r:trr2n n'2i"i p ]i2Sp xnpa mn yns-im ,Sptr 'vn S^S uvo pan ]n'tr nn^fn pS (--lyc imx ima i3'K ,VT '"e" ::"n xuir '3ed xSi nn'cn nn'rsa p-i Spicn So^ ,"Di2x'?xpff vn x'? ,D'3ni3 i»n*^' cnitt» nn^Dnn ,D>Spr3 o's^'n ni'xtr cnraix '.Tir c':r:3ni ^iiSp .DiS'j* '3m ^:iV2 ,ni3i3S-:n rx cno I'npn ,3vn xSi nn'cn mo p-i ir.Tcr ,i7'3r2 n:r.D im: S"i /jy n"* '^y ^pirn (T n:p ex -X ,iS:»'x nSi;.-r3 ^x ]nv no-^ ir^o /n"! pcmcni pn«n .p^-po -^,1135 ;:^ ^D^^ntr nDD» mrin-in nxi ^D'^s-nn ns -ppnt^) pDn^n nyj;::n nx jmp ,n n*^r ^'^ Dn tj»i "1 "I D n-»v >im ,('f3 moB') p-ran npin B'ln'? insz jv^'xin mra \->i pr^-^Nic* ,u^hp^n nb^JDH n^? ]^')^p n l^ton .s^aS 2'i')p nynrn ]?3t psth ny-u' cvi'iz ,mnn:;nr2 p>^' anyn r:n2* 'i£Q nia'?32 nxr -lorn'? im^ n'n x'n n?2in niL^pvj T'^2 nm« isnp d; ns o ,nSuDn nxnp ]nT nx c^D^an ij;i>tr natt^raa nxT I'srn i^'e'? "msM '2:2 '1 ir2s„ 'JiSttT.':: npiD2 na^nn n\i p "ik'xd i"un nycn "iiy nnnp'j 2''>n V2Sti*n^2 m?2'?r,n n":xo nx ^nzb Q'-^nnn u^tyn-:r2n nr2T; ^pr^.i::^ n^pimn Sa n.-x dSini ,'i3 V"v >:^x , ]ittvv-i mx:: nunn p»x ,';ir nnxn m:5m:in m!i»f2n Sa'^* pnr^SS nxn n:::*::r,tr' ,iSpSpn2i D'o-^'jn mf3' nrv'w:' nnx ,D^D"nn nx pjpnci .n3B»r:n,o nsi noia nss'x iSpSpna mmnnntr ,nixipf3i msimS Dj,"L2n xim o^^< ^V p'^ xin D'?2tt',i ;dt xi^nst'^Ss^i "•D"!^* i^D p^'iyi 3:»^n 'J2S Dr3:»*j; 'inuS I'^^v i^'rsS ,impj? prnvi /tt^ann Sr: mxipnm ,m20 »:n ,nrrs: 'in ,m3ir3?3 ':n in'? c^Dxna n"nn x\ir! nj;3tr» 'oSa^n^n nnix ,D"'2"in ^msn nx ps'iiB'i ,n2nj; nS;-:; psmv^ ,noiDn nx vpc'?2i ,nwipm nionn ,foiy pnei nt5 pj''^VD1 -x^in nv2 ^.■!n:tJ' nSx i?2D myi /yiivan nx inntam n^y nn^ vv^"i"i^ IVfiS nn^pn nx ]':^'i*r2t5' nrsix n:Stt'nim p^cn ,Dnity;jn mou iSpSpnitr fnnnpn nxr^iun xnnti* ,x"ip^ xn'j x?2:2i (2"' xip^i) xnpo nsT noioi ,nn2ij?n ana ixcta' xS Vpsn^rs vn xS mo'xn loin nr^'r: ,D^N^Dn bv ^i< pN^VI ."'^oo trn2„ niaixi nxiip .nnB*n nx ^p^h D^nh^ti* vn ex o ^ij'rn nn^ns ;a>x-'32 nnr: xS 'd ix^d qx c^nnK'n ]'*w:*ij; vntr n?3 'ixa'? xn Nmn^ '"i (_2 n'2'hii'h X2^ X7 ntt'x hD^„ (8 '1} xniv r^ '^psn x^n»» T'n npsn'? pjo n^Dia n.-^'jB'n'm ,nv;2t2r2n nx Dn^Sy n^:n'7 mjnSic' nnx D\stt'n vn c^JcSnnir ^^so /niJn'^IC' 0 nx is^'rn'r cyn '^y SpnS ,n;nr23 mxn n^ntr^i ntrr^n ny minSirn n^fa^tt'O vn '3 ,*iox' vn n nnc'yi trnn p^ ixi ; nnS nnx Sd 2nnr2ti» ,n-iin2 mn^n SptJ^n <:jn Sj? Qn'mjro "litr'ts'OT ; cn^Sptr nx iSptr xS ir;i ]>in2D 'xnS Sptr '^fnn nx D'Lt' x'-ion'? tfipr:^ pzu'v nx 1x^21 p;qS ,Dn>Spc* ix^nn x'? ik'x nSx nx px'? pnn d;i ptt'^S iS^nnn /ti'ipna D^2i'n D^:n3n d;ii .nxTH htj^'? nnsi2' vn n;"'ir2n d;i 'd ,jd^:2 nnx xi-' n^ta cnann vn*^* ';£r3i ,ppSn3 mo luenS n'j'Sy ix-io en h^y, ,112'-^ m:2npS m;j; la'x o^Spcn vn n^D ^33 nnnx pipim n::^*on nx C'lcn sn^jn::' d"k'3 Dip^ ^33 x^JT -iis^3 I'lV ncn^QL" Dipon }<"iQ:ni Dnsnro nr:^cn n:n ,niN ^d3 Dii vi3n DipD ^33 nyD3C' ,D^:)33 iDiprj ^v '"en e'n^Dn iJdEi< ,Tiy^3 jnii ]V^b Mib nvn^ nxD pnj iis^nn p^i ,-iDnn nx n'b^nb pn n^i -nx^ai .n^c'on nji3 pin ••mnN fubpn p:y iiN^nn id3) ^baan o'^t^'a D:i"i hd d^kvo^h o^c^n'-En N^ ^D rDnp^DH nx^ n D n t^*pnb im?::^ 3'i::'ns p3i CirDipo nrsa iiy ip'-roy^ moai '^jn D^t^'nsn ^^a nn^n ij^inn^ ano dc^'o x^vini? nno^ D'-D^nm DDuSn on^-'n ^3 ; mv^p ^jd^ niJ^nnn ^nvc' ^trn^s^ d"j D'':5''iin ,p"isn ^oyi onnn /D^Divnnbi ^oc'pDX 'ivbiJD hntd ikt ^D^rncn bv "iby N^ "ic'x onm ,^3n,3 ^d?o is ^o'^^'n nonbi ,:i^np ,nm ?y n:n wxips Tinna -ik^« hd ^3 ij:3 i n p -i c^ Dti^Di ; 'nic'pn li^^yr n^ j^bn /D^^iyt? ^nyi p ,n?3^: tii^cj ib'DS ^n^sbro nu^m niDDi lyiis k^i lyjj xbi .nj ly ^nDiyi K^j nny dj ^d mpNi ,nNTn ne^nnn ^n^sbn nj:3 v^yri nai^^ idhj^ /mpi^ '•n"':ry p -ii:^ND .nnnuji Dn^mnibn ^nnnmb 2b d^jj'n sbi ,ny-ib "-n lyjB'' D^nps ^ry3 |n xvob p] y ^ t< n^i yr6< ,1^^ '^1^^ '^^ ^^-^*^ '3 ,n3 ny Dn"''yjn ddd^^d ^3 ■^:^•^? ,pixn '•cyi /D^Divn Dnu ^rya 5jjni .s bxsno n n^i .b s^^^o n"'nn*k:^pDn ^rs p nnnx n^wX^on -n:nD •'rNt:' d:?'^ ^d /'^3i„ iwS^n vi^vyt* u iD^' sb '2 mpNi ^D-j'3 L^'nN si? 'nb nmn 13 ,dc' ^?3 ni ^jidnSo "•b^yon ^jnr ,b^n ^jitn^ nvi ^3 ,in2N* Ni?i nto3N n3 ^v'b ini^n Mm TiD^nn n-iin bnjnb nsTn m33ni n^njn n3NbDn ns -\v2:b 'jiTy^i pnv ♦ps OJ^u^i iwS-i^ \s^jc'Di ^NJC'Di rbv naiDH 'n 1^3 nrD:inni>"i mnsnij .T"3in ,-T'« tt-nn^ ,p n s m : ♦ji^crpnxn ♦S '^xr^;^ iroinm ^bnn ni^D^nn ^s*^ ntj^nnn nsvim n^-i^nn ,mn3n ^nas^o nvn^ ,«^•^"l hd ny ^n^DJ i6 i:^'s n t^-j n nax^oi:' ^jnx^an ,^^b::i^ nss^'i iDnb ^3 ; jnb mon n^t^nnn xiD^n^i' ninao:::!"! h^ nvjtj^?on nx k^idd d:i imiD^ i^ijH nncron ^dct ^jdd ,pn^ t?b nyio -no |d nxrn naocn n^< invn im ,D^p n^HLT jroD ,n D^jnsn mnyi ^2^nn nnip ,irTip mnn nvj^an nx onn^ ^3n* -iroinna p nnyn pipon idd ,nxnpi nyn'' ,Tit2^^ D''Ji5:^ ""D ,-iK^3X 'i^^ 131 DyD3 xin iD2nj -i33sj^ D^^Ti^Dn "inx •'D by i^^rr D^ivii non D^3ito d:dx dxi /D^bst'iDO'i D^3n« d^isi htd nr D^c^n-'sin norr ^biD^D nbiT ,mv biD^D ^30 ^p^n ,^D"inn3 D3 ^on^nh 'rh)y i^b nvh 'DD^ D^K^n^sn b^ D^jpinni D^3^n rn^ xptj^ nD3 ny nD«3"i .nDvy3 x-iDjn pjjD3 p ,Ti')vp3 irD3 y'T ^"K^i ^n"'D Dy DmDit5 |Dix DiiJ^3 ^3")^ N^ ,nxTrr rjyb n^D: Ditj' ^i?3Di riDi bizhzi n^^ 'bi iroipo bv "i3n i?3 t^^isDn ojisj'b nDK^3 Dnnb ipiriDi -itJ'3io nr3 mi'z^ ^xi ; n pioy xins^ p:yn nbiT inx xbi Dsun iip^n nx Dinnn ^^3"'s^ nxrn nxv'in3 ixd inn ^jni .nm .nT3 px^ no nT3 hm^ x's^ pcj'Dxti^ DipD3 "ly^Dp ,vbv ^'ov xbi ijdd y-ir n:ErD ^3 1X3^ irM nvp tJ'ii''S3 nxm n3DDn nx ^isi' "•!? "•nboy p W Dn3ib D^K^ns ^3 ^^3^ ; nxTH n3DDi' p-i T'^'ii pi^'^i EJ^n^a n3nvn •IX n3bn3 IT ^idSsi nmv n^L3: ^3 ''i'3Di ,nnnx mn3DD3 i2i>-isn:i ^yc^:^^ .pr:xn ^nxv?Di ^nyj^i ,nxTn nxvinn ^33 ^3"n p -ic'X3 ,x-i3D3 mbD3 ,n3DtDn ^3 nx iJ^iBi5 nu nnW ^x-iipn ^nx ,^b nDno3 xb ,nji^x"in DyD3 li^xn nvjt^^Dn nx xip^e^ xiipn djd' ny ,nij3iDi nn^p p^Ji ; n^is njiDtr {533 3D\n pnn p:yn n:3n pi nib»n "tixu ib nom 'n'^V n3i ,t^n^2i -iixu invn nipD3 i)s bJ? pnnnn inD3 Dipo ip tidk^ nt^^iy '•jxs:' i»3 xb ,D^jr^3 .idd^d c^iT'sn nx TiDDin ^i?jjxn Dinn3 d: '•xvn ^JtJ'n d^:d3 i-fjoo '•j:nK^ ^''^i E^^n^s Dy nnnx mn3D?3 bi^ |Dinn3 : xim ,1X0 mcj^a oyoo ,nj3b (III) DDDD 'hp^ '''?23 TlD'?n nvnn matj^n ^^ nnipjn ^jDon pD^i "noj /ij'nnD pin riKo .]i